Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 594 Complete Destruction, One Write-off

"What do you think of the seventh sister?" King Qing motioned Ziruo to sit in the left armchair, with a very valued tone.

"It's indeed the critical time, but the little woman thinks that the emperor is bound to suspect that the princes are secretly harming the crown prince. In contrast, the suspicion of King Fu is the lightest." Although Qin Ziruo did not speak out, he has hinted that King Qing's suspicion may be the heaviest: "Therefore, the little woman does not agree with the staff's words. At this time, if she takes the lead in provocation, she will fall behind and attract the holy guard."

"Why does the seventh sister think that the emperor will trust the Fuwang innocent?" King Qing is quite curious.

"King Fu has always had no dispute with the world. This is not a fake. If he was really ambitious, he would have done nothing. The emperor has long had the heart of easy to save and focuses on the third prince. Although most of the people are hidden in the drum, Su and Chu must know about it. The assassination of the prince in Zhuoyuan was handed over by the son of the king of Chu, with the intention of covering up the three. The prince... It can be seen that the emperor has no doubt about Su and Chu's two mansions, and naturally he will also believe that the King of Fu has no ambition.

The Duke's Mansion is the in-law of King Fu and the in-law of the King of Chu's Mansion. If the emperor is wary of King Fu, he is bound to avoid the two mansions of Su and Chu in the matter of choosing a crown prince. How can he hand over the innocence of the third prince to Yu Yu? Don't you worry that Su and Chu Fu have selfish desires and secretly reveal the truth of the case of the assassination of the prince and let San The prince was suspected and lost his qualification as crown prince.

King Qing nodded slightly and obviously agreed with Qin Ziruo's opinion.

"But at this time, the prince should also take action. Even if King Fu has no ambition, it is difficult to guarantee that the emperor will not make him a reserve because he valued Su and Chu." Qin Ziruo said again.

Qing Wang smiled: "The opinions of the seventh sister and Qin Xiang are the same." So he didn't sell the barrier: "My opponent is by no means the King of Fu, and my fifth brother can't help it."

Only then did he say a few things that he had heard from the eyes and ears of the fifth prince's mansion. King Qing said coldly: "Lao Wu got a secret letter that I colluded with Beiyuan and wanted to use the ears and eyes he arranged to report that I was the real murderer of the prince. The reason why he hasn't taken any action is that his people in Fuwang Mansion have not been able to wait yet. When the time was ripe, he secretly harmed Princess Fu, but he didn't expect the prince to die suddenly. I'm afraid that he will take advantage of the topic.

Only then did Qin Huaiyu know that the fifth prince had taken action and snorted coldly: "Although the Yang family of the Defei family is also a famous family, its power is not prominent. The German concubine asked the fifth prince to marry her niece is nothing more than to show that the fifth prince's ambition to consolidate power and show loyalty to the prince. I don't expect that she has also had a plan for a long time. Ruo Fu Wang and the Duke of Wei turned against each other, and His Highness was really framed by him. He is indeed expected to be saved.

Qin Ziruo smiled and said, "Apart from the carelessness of the fifth prince, such a matter was detected by His Highness and was doomed to be defeated. It is really childish and ridiculous to say that he wanted to assassinate Princess Fu so that King Fu and the Su family's counter-purpose conspiracy."

King Qing raised his eyebrows slightly: "If Princess Fu died inexplicably, even if the Duke of Wei is not sure that it was under the hands of King Fu for a while, he may not be suspicious. In addition, without the bond of Princess Fu, the Duke of Wei will indeed not give up on King Fu. Why does the seventh sister think Lao Wu's scheme is ridiculous?"

If Qin Zi didn't hear that King Qing was saying the opposite, he had the right to be unique and solemnly mentioned his brother-in-law: "Princes Fu has left children for King Fu. Even if Princess Fu dies, the little emperor's grandson is also the direct grandson of the Duke of Wei. Doesn't the Wei Association plan for his grandson? Question mark The Su family still has three daughters to be married, and there may not be another Princess Fu. Duke Wei can't be sure that Princess Fu was poisoned by King Fu. At the same time, if this happens, the dead eldest daughter certainly can't compare with the future power and is useless.

Of course, King Fu will not marry his wife for life. In order to plan his eldest son, he is most likely to marry Su's daughter as his successor. It is also an incentive for the Su family to show that he did not kill his wife, and he can easily solve the conspiracy of the fifth prince. The Duke of Wei knew that the prince would be abolished sooner or later, and without the third prince, the emperor may not favor the King of Fu. If Fu * inherits the throne, the direct grandson of the Duke of Wei will inevitably be appointed as the crown prince. How could the Su family give up the future power for the sake of a complicated incident with the King of Fu, and plan for an unknown daughter? Compared.

Qin Ziruo sneered at the plan of the fifth prince.

King Qing claps and smiled: "It's ridiculous that the old five disciples are ambitious, and their knowledge is not as good as the girl of the seventh sister's boudoir. How can these methods of using the back house affect the ownership of the throne? Defei taught Lao Wu to wait for the plane. After all, she is a woman with short knowledge, and she still thinks that she will have power to interfere in government affairs in the future.

In the words, he looked down on the woman's opinion, but Qin Ziruo didn't notice it.

"Listen to Your Highness's words, the little woman thinks that the fifth prince is very likely to be the real murderer of the prince. Perhaps because the case of Zhuoying Garden has been concluded, and the fifth prince is not sure that he can give His Highness a fatal blow. He can simply poison the prince to ensure the success of the crime." Qin Ziruo said again.

King Qing didn't care about it. In the end, he was a boudoir, and his knowledge was still limited. His fifth brother acted carelessly and did not even have insight into the arrangement of his trusted staff. He leaked the key plan and was doomed to be defeated. How could he make the prince die confusingly? After buying the maid of the East Palace, he was willing to be tortured and gritted his teeth and did not confess.

But King Qing did not break it, but nodded: "Whether it was done by Lao Wu, this charge could only be borne by him. I originally planned to take action to find out the real murderer of the poisoned King Fu and expose Lao Wu's conspiracy. Unexpectedly, the prince would die in time. If Lao Wuyi could be allowed to carry out the charge of poisoning the prince. This established crime will make it difficult for him to turn over.

King Qing originally wanted to give the credit of saving Princess Fu to the Empress Qin. The Qin family and the Duke of Wei were originally in-laws. The Qin family knew the conspiracy of the fifth princes, and mentioned that the Duke of Wei and the King Fu also made it reasonable, so that King Fu would not doubt him. He knew that King Qing wanted to use him and the Su family to eradicate the fifth princes, so he left Qin Huaiyu today. Discuss with Qin Ziruo how to make things watertight and let King Fu and the Su family undefense.

Qin Ziruo has different opinions: "It is not a fear that the fifth prince's treacherous plan will be revealed, but King Fu is indeed his opponent, and the Su family can't abandon King Fu and support His Highness because of this favor. How does Your Highness plan to beat King Fu?"

This indeed embarrass King Qing. The two mansions of Su and Chu are powerful, which not only have an impact on nobles and families, but also hold practical military power. If the two governments are determined to support King Fu, it is indeed a huge obstacle for him. King Qing has not come up with a wonderful plan to win.

Qin Ziruo pondered slightly and suddenly said, "If the fifth prince's eyes and ears are successful and unfortunately affects the king of blessing..."

What's the use of poisoning Princess Fu? It's better to just fight against King Fu!

However, the difficulty lies in how to lock in the real murderer afterwards. King Qing and the Qin family must not bear the charge of early detection of the truth but indulging the murder. They must be innocent, but they must be able to detect the case and put the fifth prince to death.

Qin Ziruo's words completely woke up King Qing. He stroked his palm and laughed again, and a poisonous plan had been made.

"The seventh sister really deserves to be called Zhuge among women. She is very good!"


On the south side of the three north of Zhong Cui Palace, there is a narrow courtyard with only five or six wing rooms. An ancient banyan branch in the yard is lush and can cover the shade of the courtyard in midsummer. However, in winter, the leaves fall, and only the branches are still vigorous.

This is the place where Kong's confinement is after the abolition.

At this time, she was sitting on the big kang near the window, embroidered with a brocade handkerchief, and the peony flower had first seen its outline.

Even if the Kong family was abolished, the emperor did not treat it too harshly. Several loyal maids in the Kunren Palace still stayed with the Kong family, and the eunuch who was bribed by her to deliver the information was unfortunately imprisoned in this small courtyard and continued to show loyalty to the deposed queen.

In addition, there are several rude maids who are responsible for communicating with the outside of the forbidden garden, such as going to the imperial dining room to get meals.

The female official's surname is Luo, and everyone respectfully calls her Aunt Luo.

Aunt Luo was originally the female official in charge of Zhong Cui Palace. Later, she was implicated by Empress Kong's concubine and cut her position. She was once reduced to a maid of honor and was soon promoted. She was only responsible for this forbidden garden. It was not as decent as that in those years. Aunt Luo hated the Kong family and saw the end of the deposed by the Kong family. Happy misfortune, at first, also tried to treat humiliation with blood and old grievances.

Unexpectedly, Kong didn't eat her falling stone at all. As soon as Aunt Luo's provocative words came out, she signaled that her cronies would slap her in the face.

"Listen to me, although I have been abolished, my own son is still the crown prince of the Dalong Dynasty, and I don't allow lowly maidservant to show off their power. You have to think carefully. Today, you are disrespectful to me, how can you bear the punishment of the emperor in the future!" Kong's life creed has never endured the four words of humiliation. How could she be willing to be humiliated by a female official? A cold-faced sentence made Aunt Luo calm down.

She had to admit what Kong said. If the prince ascended to the throne and inherit the throne in the future, even if he would not return to the throne of Kong, he would certainly treat him well. If she knew that she was disrespectful to Kong... Aunt Luo had to restrain her unwillingness and try to avoid Kong as much as possible to avoid conflict.

Kong is waiting to die.

She knew that the ruthless emperor on the dragon throne would never forget her. Before she died, she was given three feet of white silk or a glass of wine, so what? As long as the empress dowager keeps her best, she will still be her son Kecheng Datong in the future. Her biological mother may not be mourning after death. The prince is cowardly at this time, but once she ascends to the throne of God, there will always be a day to kill and make a decision. At most, she will wait until the Empress Dowager dies, and sooner or later she will pursue her birth mother.

As long as her son becomes the emperor, no one dares to really despise her.

She has not been defeated, as long as the prince can win the 95th.

Although several brothers and nephews can't protect them, there are still people surnamed Kong. One day, the prince's wings will become more and more abundant, and the Kong family still has a chance to recover.

All of this is because of her plan and her preservation of the prince's throne. The prince's filial piety will definitely remember his biological mother's injustice. One day he will avenge her, destroy the Wan family's country, and smash Yu Haoxi's evil seed.

At this time, Kong completely forgot that she intended to indulge the prince and cultivate his cowardly, incompetence and be submissive. Even if he gets the throne, he will be controlled by the powerful ministers, not to mention arbitrary, and even become a puppet.

At that time, her bones were cold, not a manipulator, and the prince could not avenge her.

In Kong's view, even if the weak person gets the throne, he will become strong. The only person the prince trusts is her biological mother and the Kong family. Without them, how can he be truly submissive?

Only with the support of this particularly naive and naive belief can Kong survive as an abandoned queen in the forbidden garden.

But on this day, she saw Aunt Luo, who used to avoid, step into the wing room with her eyebrows raised, without saluting, but looking at her sneering.

Aunt Luo is dressed in plain clothes and holds one in her hand.

Kong was about to be angry and scolded, but she saw Aunt Luo suddenly cry: "Mother, something big has happened... His Royal Highness has been poisoned, already..."

has passed away, and Kong has become the last insider in the palace.

The gloomy sky outside became more and more obscure at this moment.

Kong's eyes were dark.

How can her son, the distinguished eldest son of the Dalong Dynasty, and the crown prince above 10,000 people under one person...

"Poison woman! How dare you maliciously curse the prince! I'm going to break you to pieces!"

Aunt Luo sneered and blocked Kong's slap and stuffed the plain clothes into her arms: "Please mourn and change into the plain clothes quickly. Although the Empress is imprisoned here, she can't go out to cry, and it should also mourn for the prince in this forbidden garden..." Not finishing her words, she saw Kong turn her eyes and fainted. Luo My aunt sneered again and walked away.

In November of the ninth year of Yuanqing, the deposed Kong family cursed the emperor in the forbidden garden and denounced the prince for being killed by the third prince, and the emperor shielded the real murderer. He was unkind for his father and could not die.

Aunt Luo immediately reported this matter.

On November 11, the prince had just passed the first seven, and Kong was given wine.

When His Highness heard the news of his death in the inconspicuous house, the corners of his lips curled gently.

"Kong, today, it is only a real cancellation between us." He muttered and frowned slightly: "After all, the prince gave Kong to death before a hundred days... My father's body is afraid..."

A brief pain passed through the glazed eyes, so that Dajun himself did not notice it. He quickly smiled again: "Maybe the time I'm waiting for is coming."