Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 625 Force the king to play, please go to the vassal

Before the main hall of the Qianming Palace, a line of guards saw the emperor stride, and it was about to come from afar, so they all bent down a little under the leadership of Grandpa Zhan.

The emperor turned a blind eye to everyone. Only when the pair of Xuanjin silver boots stepped into the high threshold of the main hall, his right arm stood up slightly, and the concubine who bowed clearly seemed to have a pair of eyes on the top of his head. He accurately received this sign and stopped his steps outside the threshold in time, only the eunuch who served when he was still in the hidden mansion. Li still followed in.

The emperor took a few steps to the left, suddenly stopped his steps, turned his head and looked at the high dragon chair on the cloud platform in the hall. He tilted the corners of his eyes, and his eyes were a little gloomy in an instant. At this time, he was the only one who could sit on it. There, he pointed out the country. There is no way to give orders, but why doesn't he feel down-to-earth at all when he is standing here? Even if you sit on top and be condescending, there is always a crumbling crisis.

"Gu Yu's question." After leaving this sentence, the emperor still turned into the imperial study.

He did not go around the throne behind the imperial case, but stood in Jinyang, which was illuminated by the north window, and the palm behind him was clenched into a fist.

When the emperor was still the king of Qing, in fact, he didn't see Yu Yu very much. He was afraid that the guard was nothing more than the king of Chu, which was the trend of this line, not an individual. Taizong's good treatment of Yu Yu was based on his pity for the sick and weak son of the king of Chu. The former emperor trusted Yu Yu also because of the same reason. In the view of the emperor, if the king of Chu had another son, the position of the son of this world would not fall on the sick Yu Yu.

Yu Wei is nothing more than a scholar who can only play pen poles. There are many Confucian students in the imperial court. Even if he writes "Ode to the People's Life", it is nothing more than the identity of his clan.

The king's mansion of Chu is afraid of the old soldiers and generals distributed all over the country, not those sour and rotten scholars.

Yu Yu couldn't learn martial arts because he was weak, so he had to develop into Wencai. The emperor even laughed at the prince Baba to go to Yizhou to study, and he still needed a gold-plated reputation under the famous Confucianism.

If Yu Yu is really wise, he should have taken over and followed the old generals of the King of Chu's Mansion early to win their respect and subdue those leaders with a pen?

In the eyes of the emperor, the only credit of Yu Yu over the years is nothing more than the previous treatment of the epidemic. If it is replaced by an ordinary courtier, it may also become a capital for promotion, but as far as the clan is concerned, it is really superlative.

It's not to blame the emperor's shortsightedness. In those years, Jin Rongzhong wanted to rebel against Yuan's uprising against Jinyang, which was deliberately concealed by the previous emperor. In addition to the people involved, Yu Haoxi, the first heir in the eyes of the previous emperor, also knew it at the beginning. However, the man's cunning wisdom and he could guess that Yu Yu was the key by relying on his clues, so he scratched the son of Chu. Looking at each other, I didn't think that the reason why he was trusted by the emperor was only because of his father's old achievements and the pity of the superiors.

In today's view, the king of Chu was affectionate and vowed not to marry again, so that the king of Chu's veins would decline sooner or later. When the former emperor was in office, he believed heavily in the father and son of the king of Chu. Of course, he should be taboo, but now he has been in the dragon chair. As long as the Duke of Wei is removed, how can the successor of the king's mansion of Chu be mentioned?

He gave up his power and family business for his children's private affairs. The King of Chu is a lovely person. Perhaps it is because of his affectionate nature that Emperor Taizong and the former emperor will be fully convinced and undefed.

Therefore, if Qin Zi opens his mouth to marry him and wants to marry into the throne of Chu to replace the concubine of the world, the emperor did not hesitate much and made a promise, and even quite playful. He also said how ambitious it is for the seventh sister to win so much? It's nothing more than a longing heart. No matter how wise he is, she is a female streamer, the king of Chu The government had no successor, and then dissolved his in-laws with the Su family, and his eldest daughter-in-law became enough to control. Sooner or later, the power of that vein will be eaten by him.

Thinking this way, Qin Ziruo, who is slightly wiser than an ordinary woman, has really become the best choice for the concubine of the king of Chu. The seventh sister is not confused. Can she not know who she relies on?

Su and Chu, one suppressed the other, implemented the reform of the military system vigorously, concentrated the imperial power, and on the contrary, weakened the Qin family and abolished the Qin Queen to set up another sage. Even if the Qin family had a concubine, the king of Chu still had the ability to threaten the imperial power at that time?

This is the emperor's plan. He did not disdain the layout of the late emperor's death, but his plan was destined to be full of twists and turns from the beginning.

Because of the existence of the empress dowager, it is not easy to clean up the Su family at present.

The Empress Dowager and the Yan family are in big trouble at this time.

Today again...

The emperor couldn't bear to be anxious. He punched at the imperial court and hit a muffled sound on a sound.

At first, he thought that he had heard from the Su family, but he didn't think so. Unexpectedly, Yu said that there was still no news, but because the remnants of the Xiao family were active in Yungui, he invited him to go to the vassals in order to eradicate the remnants, and forced him to ask the truth of the original ablu of the Su family and investigate the whereabouts of the Su family.

In front of the eldest princess and the empress dowager two people who regarded the Su as the pearl, it is hard for the emperor to say that the Su family only has a dead end, so he just responded. He is the important minister of the Kingdom of Chu and serves as the governor of the five armies. It is really not appropriate to leave Beijing. The remnants of the Xiao family can be handed over to the local officials to control.

Seeing that the Empress Dowager also nodded slightly and seemed to agree, the emperor took a long breath.

Yu Yu immediately put on a "passionate" appearance and knelt down to plead, saying that he and Su were a married couple. Su's life and death were uncertain. He really couldn't wait. He was bound to arrest the remnants of the Qin criminal with his own hands and interrogate the whereabouts of his wife. The eldest princess also pleaded, so the empress dowager immediately changed her attitude and actually said that the king of Chu was originally a vassal king. The reason why he did not go to the vassal was that the three generations of emperors regarded him as a minister and did not give up leaving Beijing. However, the heavenly family owed something to him. Therefore, when he was alive, the former emperor left a secret order and allowed the king of Chu to go to the vassal.

This is another compromise with the previous emperor!

The emperor knows very well that he cares about his wife. Su has been missing for so long and there has been no news. Even if his life is big, he is afraid that he will be defiled by others. Yu Yu is willing to be cuckolded on his head? All of them are excuses. The king of Chu wanted to get out of the control of the imperial court. Far away from Chuzhou, the king of Chu could hand over his network power to Yu without hesitation to subdue the old generals. In the final analysis, it was the empress dowager who did not want to give up her power and supported the Su and Chu governments to * imperial power and completely turn him into a puppet.

He underestimated the father and son of the King of Chu, and also underestimated the Duke of Wei!

followed by, the empress dowager asked Yu Yu to report that he had "intentionally" collected information from all over the country because of tracking the remnants of the Xiao family. Those rumors were disturbing and made the emperor inexhaustible angry! The rumors in Jinyangjing were easy to calm down, but I didn't expect that the place would be more uproar. This is by no accident. Someone must have spread it so that his throne could not be right, and the person behind him... The emperor's cold eyes looked straight at Yu, but the man looked back calmly and did not look a little empty.

The emperor didn't think that Su and Chu would be so bold. They must be the Empress Dowager!

She just wants him to understand that his throne has not yet been firmly seated, and he must "bow down to his ears", far away from Chen, Qin and close to Su and Chu, especially the Yan family!

But if he is really at the mercy of the empress dowager, the emperor's power will never be in his hands.

So the emperor stared at Yu Yu and smiled softly: "What's wrong with the ignorant people slandering the emperor and being rebellious? Does anyone dare to do great rebellious things in Kyoto? Since the place does not suppress the pavilion, I will order the suppression of torture, and I am not afraid of detering rumors. What do you think of Yuanyang?

Yu Yuluo got up and said, "Forgive me, the people are innocent, and there should be those who are scheming to provoke. If it is bloody and suppressed, it will make people's resentment boil. It is by no means the way to govern the world. It is reasonable to thoroughly investigate those who spread rumors behind them."

Ha, how dare he let it be thoroughly inspected? The emperor laughed angrily, and the blue veins on his forehead were straight.

However, the Empress Dowager also said: "Yuanyang said that those unfounded words, the people will not believe them even if they are ignorant. On the contrary, it is a fact that the emperor deterred them with cool and fierce means, so that people in Beijing are panicked. In addition, in the former emperors's illness, he personally sealed the King of Halang and Liao, and chose to go to go to the vassals to inform the people. At present, the holy The king of Liao was not allowed to become a vassal for a long time. Liulang and Qilang not only did not have a title, but were not even free. How could they not let the people suspect? Only then will he be bewitched by those rumors. The mourners think that thorough inspection is certain, but the emperor also has to let the world see the friendship and relatives of siblings, so that he can fundamentally criticize the rumors and suppress them ambiguously, which will only make the world believe in rumors and be tricked by traitors.

In fact, the empress dowager also suspected that this matter was manipulated behind someone. The six and seven princes were placed under house arrest, and their mother clans were also defeated. Without such strength, the king of Liao had a good character and would not do this sinister thing. As for the two mansions of Su and Chu, if they had ulicious intentions, they would not obey the holy order as early as the emperor collapsed. However, the emperor did not have an imperial edict. With the momentum of Su and Chu, if he does not accept it, there will be another turmoil.

The former emperor knew that the lamp was dry that day, but the two mansions of Su and Chu were hidden in the drum. Although the Duke of Wei was in charge of the forbidden army, he entered the palace alone. The former emperor had long been prepared and had already been defending in the forbidden palace. If things are chaotic, those who do not follow the holy order will be killed without mercy.

However, as the late emperor expected, Su and Chu all obeyed her decision as the empress dowager, indicating that they were not two-minded.

In the view of the Empress Dowager, the father and son of the King of Chu can still trust so far.

The rumor spreaders are very likely to be the remnants of the Xiao family. They want to cause civil strife on the grounds of the sudden collapse of the former emperors and no edict. They are willing to start trouble. If the emperor is bloody and shakes down again and kills Zhongliang, isn't it just falling into the remnants trap and giving them have the name of the uprising?

How can the Empress Dowager sit and watch the chaos of national politics and revive the war?

However, the emperor's distant minister raped and suppressed his brothers and sisters. These misfortunes were expected by the former emperor. The empress dowager really hoped that the emperor could be sober, alienate the Qin family, and follow the steps planned by the previous emperor.

The emperor really wants to refute the empress dowager. Her grandmother is not a female descendant. What military politics do you know? However, thinking of his own situation, he had to swallow his anger, but he was really unwilling to let the two kings of Liao and Chu go to the vassals and raise tigers. In the end, he only agreed that he would consider carefully and leave with frosty.

In fact, the emperor also saw Qin Huaiyu's face. Since he ascended the throne, Qin Huaiyu has aimed the spearhead at the Chen family, strived for strength, formed a party and solidified the power, and attempted to fall into power. How could he let it go? The Qin family is so unbearable that it is really humiliating to have such a queen - there is no rumor that some people say that the former emperor chose the Qin family as the princess of Qing, but they are sure that she has no manners. It can be seen that there is no intention of King Qing from beginning to end!

It's ridiculous that the Qin family also wants to rely on the name of foreign relatives to control the emperor!

But now we have to indulge the Qin family, because the people used by the emperor are limited. At this time, if you break your arm again, how can you compete with the empress dowager?

Desp> Despite this, the emperor still dared not believe Qin Huaiyu. For example, when he met the two kings going to the vassal, the first thing he thought of was to ask Gu Yu for discussion.

Gu Yuwen came from a poor family. Although his wife came from a family, Wei Ji was timid and cautious. As soon as he was persuaded by Gu Yuwen, he obediently handed over his resignation and gave up the position. Thanks to Qin Huaiyu, he also said that the Wei family was loyal to the Duke of Wei and was in great trouble! Wei Ji was not afraid. Gu Yuwen still had to marry such a handle in the hands of the emperor, which could ruin his reputation at any time. Naturally, the emperor was not afraid that he had two hearts.

It is more reassuring to reuse it.

At this time, the emperor was full of anxiety and shouted harshly, "Why hasn't Gu Qing come yet? Hurry up and destroy it!"

Xiao Li was so scared that he quickly withdrew from the study. As soon as he arrived at the main hall, he saw Gu Yuwen coming in with sweat on his forehead, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief.