Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 653 I only want to be a stranger, no delay or owe

The feeling of dying was not good. His Royal Highness clearly felt the numbness and stiffness from the wound this time, and he devoured his chest inch by inch. His ears fell into dead silence. The only thing that shook his hearing was his heartbeat slower than a sound. He thought that maybe Kong Xilin's comment of the madman was very appropriate, and he stared at him. When he saw Kong's ferocious killing of his mother with his big eyes, when he understood the meaning of death and despair without a teacher, his obsession and madness were deeply rooted in blood.

People's hearts are sinister, and he understood it when he was in his infancy.

And weakness and grief, he doesn't want to revisit it.

He wants to live strong and arrogantly and will never give his fate to others. Therefore, he must strive for everything he wants, and compromise and admit defeat should not occupy his fate.

But now he seems to understand that the most difficult thing to conquer in the world is not power and status, but people's hearts.

If today is the end of his life, then there will not be too many regrets when looking back, because most of what he wants to achieve has been achieved. He made the enemy who killed his mother pay the due price. He let his biological father who abandoned his mother regret it. He returned to his mother's unforgettable hometown. He seized the dangerous pass for Xiliang. This is a key step in forcing the Beiyuan. He personally laid a trap against the two surnames. The king of Xiliang is about to be unified, and the history of the three surnames has become a thing of the past.

If he is alive, there will be no other possibility of belonging to the throne.

So, he has no regrets.

But he understood that he still didn't get the man's sincerity.

She is still escaping. Even if she sometimes smiles at him, it is probably because of helplessness under the shelter.

What an irony she is flattering him.

Even if she doesn't remember the past at this time, Yu Yu is no longer between them, but he still can't change the gap close to the world.

Maybe he should be more patient and give her more time, but he knows that the situation is urgent.

Once the rule of the three alliances is abolished and the Qing and Hu Er clans will be uprooted, and then he will be crowned as the crown prince. At the same time, the marriage will also officially become the point of discussion.

He must let her make a choice and be willing to stay in Xiliang as his wife and join hands with him from then on.

But he knew very well that her innate defense and rejection of him had not been resolved, and she could not let go of his behavior.

What can I do?

Even if the amnesia of the scene was not in his calculation, so that things developed in a direction that was not under control from the beginning, it was not only this one that annoyed the emperor.

At first, he thought that once Yijing "died", the new emperor would force Yu Yu to marry other families and divide Su and Chu. Yu would have no other choice. Even if he was unwilling to compromise with the new emperor, he needed to temporarily suppress it in order to counterattack in the future. When the news of Yu Yu's remarriage came, Yijing would be discouraged and turned away. He began to feel soft and began to slowly accept his gift.

But at present, instead of being fooled, Yu Yu immediately understood the wherefalls of the scenery, and even never compromised with the new emperor - he had only one wife in his life, life and never took a concubine. This is his vow to declare in the face of the world without hesitation. Even if the woman of the Qin family gave up her name and pestered, if it hadn't been for Yu Yu If you are in a hurry to go to the vassal, you will not promise her to enter the royal palace.

Of course, you know the reason why Yu Yu went to the vassal.

His opponent is indeed not a bastard.

So he began to be glad that he lost his memory. If not, he would have no chance of winning.

At least now, although she is still resistant, she is no longer resentful, so he wants to bet on this one. She can't bear to see him die in front of her. He will either accept him and share honor hand in hand with him, or he will let her go and die under her watch.

He is so crazy that he pours everything as a bet. For him, this is the winning or losing line.

If it fails, he is willing to say goodbye to her with the only regret, at least he has done his best without compromising easily.

Yu Haoxi is such a person, a crazy gambler, whose love and hatred are so clear, decisive and fierce, even if he treats himself.

When his heartbeat became more and slower, his perception was so clear. When he was hovering between life and death, he heard the slight footsteps of the beautiful scenery. Although he closed his eyes, he felt her eyes looking over.

Dajun tried to open his eyes, but his vision was blurred. What he could see was a faint outline. She stood not far away, sad and happy, unpredictable.

"Five sister, I can't see you." He felt that his eyes were covered with a white barrier and tried his best to store Dantian, but his voice was still hoarse.

If she doesn't want to approach, then he will be defeated.

Obviously, it was only a few breaths. For Yu Haoxi, it seemed to be the length of his life. The stiffness in his heart spread an inch again, and the cold seemed to reach his throat. He smiled a little decadently, but his eyes still looked at the place where she stopped.

Maybe that's it.

But he saw her figure approaching in front of him.

Instead, his smile froze on the corners of his lips, and his fingers raised tremblingly. Obviously, he could already feel her temperature, but he could never touch it.

He knew that she was still avoiding.

"Fifth sister, when I took you away, let you witness me kill your maid. You said that you would hate me and never forgive me, and I knew... You did what you said, even if you didn't remember the past, you still wouldn't let go... I said at that time that I would give you a chance."

"I'm very annoyed because I let you witness... but I don't regret it. If I do it again, I will still do it, but I will be more careful to hide it."

"So fifth sister, if you still hate me, today is the day of revenge."

"But if you can't bear it, if you have let go of your resentment, even if there is still resistance, but you are willing to give me a chance to stay in Xiliang and become my wife... Fifth sister, I'm not forcing you. I just hope you can choose from your heart. If you want to leave, then I will let you go today. I die and I won't disturb you again."

Yijing knelt down in front of the couch, and she could clearly see her cold look in his eyes.

She thought that maybe this was really a complete opportunity to break up.

Yes, she never forgives. She clearly remembered the cause of her death and his cold wave of Qiu Yue under the cold sword. He took her away and separated her from her lover, so that Xiaoxiao could not enjoy her father's love.

She could hardly control her anger and was about to blurt out some words.

Yes, Yu Haoxi, for more than a year, I always look forward to this day, end our intersection with your death, let me get rid of you, let me return to my life, and let this nightmare end completely.

I will never let go, never forgive, and never accept you.

To be your wife is your delusion.

Yijing clenched her fist tightly, and her palm was the bottle of the antidote he handed over.

Some long-lost emotions flashed through my mind so unexpectedly.

It was very strange, which made her seem to return to that life. In the cold winter of ten years, she seemed to be the same. She held a porcelain bottle tightly, decided a person's life and death, and then did something regretful.

There were some fragmented pictures in front of her. She remembered the person in front of her who once hugged Xiaoxiao and teased her. Even if she was pissed all over, she did not laugh angrily.

She remembered Mrs. Xue's words: "The emperor told..."

Then Xue Guoxiang coldly reminded that "you won't feel at ease."

Isn't it really safe?

But her urgent hope has been broken, and she can no longer stand being falsely with him.

She misses her family, misses her past, and misses her husband. She easily passed the ten-year celebration and is about to start a new life. From then on, she is happy, but she was destroyed by the people in front of her by Yu Hao and Xisheng, making her feel like falling into the abyss.

Then let him die. That's her choice.

We will leave as you wish.

Bingjing slightly loosened the palm of his hand.

"I know." Just then, Dajun said.

It seemed that she suddenly accumulated strength, raised her wrist, and accurately clasped her other palm.

"Fifth sister, go back, but from now on, can you stop hating me?"

With just a heavy grip, he loosened his palm and at the same time, he covered his eyelids.

She didn't know why she cried, and her throat was blocked.

will not be relieved... This seems to have become a spell, which has taken effect immediately.

Yu Haoxi, I don't want you to bother my life anymore.

I just want to really break up.

So, I don't want to forgive you.

If I want to leave, it should not be because you let go, because I believe that my husband will take me away. In that way, I will really get rid of you. Life and death are no longer relevant and will no longer be entangled by you in any form.

You and I should not have a life-and-death entanglement, so if you want to die, please die at the hands of others.

Binjing took a deep breath.

"I know you're forcing me." She said.

His eyebrows moved.

"But if you win, I really can't bear to watch you die... I promised to stay, but Your Highness, this is not my willingness, so I don't accept any persecution and grievances, or the ridicule and defamation of others. If you want me to stay, please make me the most noblest status of Xiliang and be truly respected."

Yijing slowly stood up and said, "I will give the antidote to the prime minister. From now on, you don't have to remind me of the past that I don't remember. I only care about the future."

Then she turned around and her tears gradually faded away.

Yu Haoxi, one day you will understand that you can't force me to compromise, and you are not qualified to settle in my memory. I deceived you today to completely get rid of it. This time, I will let you go.

Even if I return your kindness to save your life, the two of us will never delay.