Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 702 Two father and son, one surprise

Outside the majestic green paint gate, seven or eight iron armored soldiers on duty stood on both sides like bronze carvings. Although their eyebrows were different, their looks were generally solemn. Although Huang Tao and several leading soldiers who returned after drinking and eating stepped on the stone steps, the guards still turned a blind eye and did not tilt their eyes slightly.

As soon as Huang Tao raised his eyes, he saw Su Yi, the Duke of Wei, strode out in a stone green coat, followed by a young man dressed in a jacket, who also looked eagerly. Huang Tao's eyebrows trembled, his eyes were slightly deep, and his hands were already hugged: "Do you want to patrol?"

Patrol means to go to the government office, but it was a lunch break, and the Duke of Wei did not wear a public uniform and took a private servant who was clear at a glance. Huang Tao's question had a deep meaning.

"Go out for dinner." Duke Wei threw down a sentence and walked out of the alley where the Beijing Weisi was located. Then he looked back and waved the private servant who reported the news to approach: "It happened to be touched, you go back and tell me and let people stare at Huang Tao, and don't let him have a chance to follow."

So the servant turned back to the Jingwei Yamen and did not go in. He only whispered a few words to one of the "copper statues" and leisurely returned to the main square.

When Duke Wei arrived at the entrance of the alley, he stepped on the saddle and went out of the city to the western suburbs.

Since he got married in the palace, he found that Sanlang Su Qian's behavior was a little strange - the emperor changed his name and set Yuanhe three years of formal science field. Su Qian closed the door and did not go to prepare for the exam, but recently, he suddenly became passive. At first, he frequently went in and out of restaurants with the scholars, but later he went in and out of the music workshop alone.

At first, Duke Wei didn't care about it. Although he was a martial artist, he was also taught culture since he was a child. When he was a teenager, he also loved to get accompanies with scholars. Although the Duke of Wei was not elegant in his bones, he couldn't stand the invitation of his classmates. Lefang brothels also went there a lot. He knew that although those places were gentle villages selling golden caves, they were not He drank and had fun purely for elegant parties. Even his second brother and third brother was young and frivolous, but no one caused any trouble. He was really addicted to wine and color. Su Qian was a typical scribe, and he was also in the stage of being young and free. At the same time, he was not really drunk and stayed overnight, and the Duke of Wei did not feel surprised.

But because he has an unpredictable wife, he must be cautious about the education and management here, and it is inevitable that the Duke of Wei has arranged to keep an eye on him.

Not long ago, Su Qian found a liquor store called "Douzhuan Pavilion" and loved to go there alone. He happened to meet Huang Tao's eldest son Huang Ke, who was also drunk alone. At first, the two did not talk to each other and drank by themselves, but they touched it many times. It was inevitable that there were "eyebrows". Today, they actually talked to each other. He was invited to a music garden in the western suburbs and rented a small courtyard around the stove to heat wine.

When it involved Huang Tao, Duke Wei became cautious, not to mention Huang Tao's eldest son Huang Ke.

This person was declared "accidentally falling into the river" by Huang Tao in the ninth year of Yuanqing. It is said that Jiang was completely stunned by the early death of his eldest son. He went from half crazy to completely crazy and could no longer see anyone. However, this year, Huang Ke suddenly "surrected from death". Although there is also a set of legends of "immortality", Duke Wei felt strange, and Su Qian actually and Huang Ke Contact, he can't take it lightly.

When I arrived at Leyuan in the western suburbs, there had already been a servant of the Duke of Wei. The owner learned that it was the Duke of Wei who was there in person, and he did not even dare to accept the silver of "bricks". He respectfully led people to the secluded yard rented by Su Qian, and explained repeatedly: "The two Langjun did not let Youling cheer up. , only ordered a table of wine and vegetables, which is to let the servants wait in the yard and don't let the idleness approach..." Before he finished his words, he saw the Duke of Wei climb up the wall three or two times. He seemed to have watched and see a banyan tree in the wall, which was as light as an swallow on the roof.

The owner completely paused and turned around pretending not to see anything.

The Duke of Wei was on the tile and observed the terrain. He could see the place of the servants clearly. With a chance, he quietly "crossed" to the house where the servants were watching.

Su Qian naturally didn't know that his father was "listening to the tile". At this time, he was drinking a cup of sake with Huang Ke and sighed for a long time.

Huang Ke was obviously unbeatable and already cried: "I don't believe what the emperor said that day. I really don't believe it. Unexpectedly, when I came back to inquire, Kong Jun really died in the Zhuoying Garden. His father and Kong Jun have always been good friends, which is simply better than brothers. He knew that the emperor had arranged the assassination of the former prince. How could he look at Kong? Jun was killed! In addition, if it hadn't been for my father and the Holy Lord... I couldn't enter the Beijing Department at present. I asked bluntly. My father only asked me not to ask. I was thinking about preparing for the exam. Obviously, I was obviously guilty. When I thought that my father was really like the emperor said, I didn't want to be an official. I really wish I couldn't... If he were such a person, why did he need to teach us benevolence, righteousness and letter in the past? How does this make me deal with myself?

Su Qian just sighed, but did not say anything.

Huang Ke said again, "I didn't dare to talk to my brother a few days ago. Because I secretly noticed that Sister Feng's marriage was forced by my aunt, and this incident was actually tacitized by my father. If it hadn't been for my brother Xi's initiative to salute, I would have been really shameless."

"Cousin Mo said it, and I was also very ashamed of this matter. On that day, I heard that my sister volunteered to marry the Chen family. I was angry and asked her about it. However, when I heard that my sister told me the reason, I actually knew my mother... Not only did my sister's matter, but even let my father assassinate the fifth sister's life, but my mother kissed me again and saw that the two sisters were treated by their mother. Persecution is all for me... I feel really angry, but I don't even have the courage to question my mother. How can I be cowardly in the future?

Huang Kenian has reached the crown, but Su Qian has just passed fifteen. He felt ashamed to come out because of the evil of his parents. For a moment, he was filled with grief and indignation, pushed the cup to change the cup, and almost cried.

After listening to the pause, the Duke of Wei on the tile was sure that Huang Ke was not ully ully. In contrast, his son was obviously brainy and slippery. He only said that the Huang family secretly harmed the beautiful scenery and forced the beautiful wind, and did not reveal more secret things. It was not like Huang Ke - he talked about his experience as abted by the emperor, and even Huang Tao The recent action has also been said - it is to obey the order of the emperor, encircle the guards and overtake the Duke of Wei, and try to let the Huang family flatter the Empress Dowager and the Qin family, assassinate the father and son of the Duke of Wei, and teach Su Xiong to attack the title.

Although Duke Wei had known about this for a long time, he listened to the two angry young people crying together, but he couldn't laugh or cry.

After crawling for a while, I saw that it was no longer meaningful and was about to evacuate. Unexpectedly, I heard Huang Ke's tongue and said again: "I saw a maidservant in the king's mansion that day. At that time, I felt very good, but I couldn't remember where I had seen her. Today, after a long talk with my brother, I realized that it was not Sister Jing at that time. The maidservant, it's really strange. How did she appear in Dajun Mansion?

Duke Wei felt his scalp tight.

I heard Su Qian ask again, "Are you serious?"

"It's true. The maid also thought that I was a little kind and looked at it several times."

"Cousin, today's words, you must not tell others, including your father." Su Qian hurriedly said, "Even if the person my cousin sees is a little similar to the maidservant of the fifth sister, as soon as this word spreads, it is bound to cause discussion and confusion. If it is heard by someone with intentions, I'm afraid it will cause disaster."

Su Qian did not drink or grieve. He quickly called someone for tea until Huang Ke woke up. He asked carefully and reminded him carefully before leaving.

Duke Wei's heart was so heavy that he almost couldn't help jumping down and grabbed his son. Finally, he put up with it. Let's see how Su Qian would deal with it. The next day seemed to be worried. As soon as he returned home, Su Qian " came to the door".

Unexpectedly, he admitted today's conversation with Huang Ke and did not hide all kinds of actions of Huang Tao, but did not admit Huang's malice. Finally, he stammered to say what Huang Ke saw in the king's mansion.

While not maliciously celebrating his son, Duke Wei also sighed in his heart and asked, "In your opinion, is Huang Ke's words taken seriously?"

"The son thought that the person his cousin saw should be Xia Ke. The maidservant who went to the house with his fifth sister was Qiu Yue, and the other was Xia Ke. Qiu Yue was dead, so..." Su Qian said, and he had already knelt down: "Father, today's cousin is outspoken. It can be seen that he does not want to get along with Huang Tongzhi. Although this matter is related to the safety of the fifth sister, in the final analysis, it is only the suspicion of his cousin, not the evidence. In addition, if he publicizes this, Huang Tongzhi will not escape from the company. If the world knows that Huang Tongzhi is also involved in the assassination of the former prince, even the Holy King will not escape the blame..."

The purpose of these words is still to plead for Huang Ke. Su Qian was also worried that his family would simply silence Huang Ke for Gu Quanwu's sister.

But he can do this situation and remind his family to be on guard, which is really good.

Duke Wei pondered for a long time before allowing Su Qian to get up: "I actually knew what you and Huang Ke said today."

Su Qian was stunned.

The Duke of Wei looked solemn: "Because your mother is not good, you will abandon yourself? I think you have been taught in Mingshan Academy in vain over the years. Do you only have a mother, no father, no brothers and sisters? A man, if you ask yourself a clear conscience, you can gain a foothold in heaven and earth. If you don't have those obscene thoughts, why do you need to delay yourself? Your sixth sister is far away!"

Su Qian was ashamed and had to kneel again, but was supported by the Duke of Wei: "Well, it's because you are young, and I have been hiding some things. You not only know that your mother is malicious, but also need to distinguish right from wrong. We are a waiting family. It is a law to inherit the title by the direct leader. You know that your mother is greedy and does nothing. The move is already good, and I feel more gratified that you did not hide Huang Ke's words, but also know how to remind the family of facing danger, and have a more benevolent heart. You have never vaguely sensed the truth of your fifth sister's abtiring because of Huang Ke, and did not ask about good and evil. This point shows that you are not stupid and filial, let alone greedy.

Although Su Xiong's words turned red, the heavy burden in his heart for many days was relieved a little.