Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 707 If Zi Ruo is anxious, Huang is reprimanded

When Ijing heard about Huang Ke's secret help, Er Niang had come to the door for the second time for those gossips.

Yijing heard that her sister came again and made a special trip to the gate of Guan Suiyuan to meet her. Er Niang didn't even have anyone to help her. She jumped from the car and the ground. She couldn't help talking all the way: "Come back, although it doesn't matter what you say, I'm just not down-to-earth. In just a few days, my sister-in-law's mother's house has heard the news, the Tao family The third wife also made a special trip to ask my sister-in-law about this matter. They all said that because of the unruly women in Baiyang Hutong, it is all about this matter at present. Although those noble ladies are afraid on the surface, they also whispered with their good in-laws in private. My sister-in-law also said that this was not good, the fifth sister If it is an ordinary lady, as long as the husband doesn't care about it, it will be a period of time, but it is related to the reputation of the royal family. Obviously, it is also an interested person who is making waves, so I'm afraid that it can't be good. My sister-in-law said that the emperor is afraid of our Su family, and I'm afraid I'm not happy to see your fifth sister in the position as a princess.

Although February is already mid-spring, the climate is still irritable and cold in Jingyang, but Er Niang is so anxious that her palms are also wet and hot. In fact, the Duke of Wei has been taboo for a period of time. It is not a secret, but Er Niang has always been thick lines and nothing obvious has happened. Sister-in-law Zhou probably also knows Even if the second mother knew about it, it would be of no help, so she simply didn't tell her.

In fact, Yijing predicted that Er Niang might be used in his letter to Li as early as Qin Ziruo wrote to Li, and originally planned to inform her, but there were still many things involved. Er Niang was not good at scheming. She was afraid that she would be tricked by others, and these rumors would be publicized, even if Er Niang did not argue with He. Persistence can't be avoided, so Yijing did not take action. Unexpectedly, Er Niang would be so sorry that Yijing could hide it from her anymore.

"Second sister, as the third sister said last time, this matter can't be avoided. It's not your fault. Normally, if you hear some people slander, you must argue for me. Don't pay attention to it anymore."

"Do you know who is planning us in the back? If the emperor is held accountable, how can he be born? What did the prince say? He won't really be forced out of the woman. It's unfair to you. The second mother was still uneasy. She sat on the kang, but her hands were on the edge of the case.

The plan is too extensive, and the scenery is not easy to explain. I only told Er Niang: "Who else can there be? Since I was abatch, who has looked at the position of the princess? Isn't she still in the palace of Chu now? Do you think Qin Xiang really doesn't care about his granddaughter?

"Qin Ziruo! The sixth sister said that she was uneasy and kind-hearted!" The second mother was furious: "Will the fifth sister allow their shameless family to make waves? If you follow me, you will kill Qin Ziruo first. Isn't she a slave of the royal palace now? There is nothing you can do to kill the Qin family.

Yijing couldn't laugh or cry: "Second sister is angry. It's okay to say it to me, but don't publicize it in front of people. If Qin Zi is not a real slave, and with her alone, she can't do anything without the help of the emperor."

Er Niang sighed: "What should I do?"

"Second sister, don't worry, Qin Jia is scheister. The prince has been prepared for a long time and won't let them force him." Yijing said a word and then told Er Niang: "But all the women of the Wang clan will not mention this matter in front of you at this time. Those poor families who flatter the prime minister's mansion, if they talk nonsense, the second sister should refute it. There is no need to endure choking, but it is best to avoid talking with them."

"The eldest sister-in-law also said that it was better to attend less banquets during this period, especially those Qin Xiang's party members."

"The second sister will follow Mrs. Zhou's words and don't care about these people." Yijing comforted Er Niang well, left her for lunch in Guan Suiyuan, and would send people away. Yu Yu came back from the palace and mentioned Huang Ke's story to Yijing, but Huang Ke was beaten and went to Shuntian Mansion.

"Sanlang Huang Meng has always been stained with some dboy habits. At the time of the late emperor, he had a lot of contacts with idlers in the market and went to gambling houses. Huang Tao turned over. Huang Meng became more and more 'restered' and called him a brother with a group of rich dans. When he heard that Huang Ke had been beaten, he felt ashamed and gathered a group of idle men to vent his brother. , I blocked the few fools who bullied less and taught them a lesson, and then made trouble with the government office. Many people knew that Huang Ke was saved by Qi Jiatang.

Yi Jing really didn't expect Huang Ke to suddenly come out to say good words for Qi Jiatang. Of course, the purpose was for her "innocence", but she didn't know what to say.

Yu Yu shook his head and said, "This matter doesn't have much effect, but it's finally Huang Ke's kindness, and now there is no need to worry that he will publicize the affairs of the Dajun Mansion."

The relationship between Huang Tao and the Duke of Wei and the nobles naturally knew that the saying that Huang Ke was rescued by Qi Jiatang is really coincidental. I'm afraid that few people will really believe it. Besides, this matter can't be solved by deterring rumors. As soon as the matter of Baiyang Hutong was noisy, even the princess of the clan became the chatter of the people in the city. In short, It is harmful to reputation. If the emperor is determined to investigate, even if Huang Ke shows evidence to prove that he was really saved by the Qi family hall, it will not help - "People's Words" will say that even if Qi Jiatang has righteous people, there will be no guarantee that there are scum, and the princess's innocence still cannot be confirmed. If this is a well-class woman who does not follow the woman, they will take the princess as the princess. What is the reputation of the clan?

Seeing that Yu was very worried, Yijing didn't think so. He pressed his tight eyebrows with his fingertips and half leaned on his body: "These were originally expected. There is nothing to worry about. As long as you follow the plan and can impress the empress dowager, you will refute rumors for me. It's only for a while. If I haven't done anything wrong, I won't be ashamed to see it. Besides, no matter how bold those people are, they dare not talk to me, and even the quarrel will be saved.

After saying this, Yu Yu changed his public uniform and went to the front court to discuss with the staff to prepare for the next questioning of the emperor. Yijing was about to read the mansion newspaper, but he heard Xia Ke's report that Qin Ziruo went out to Zheng's mother and daughter to inquire about the rumors.

"She can't wait." Yijing sneered. Since this incident, Mrs. Qin has been more difficult to come to the door frequently, which makes people suspect that she and her daughter have bad intentions. If Qin Zi wants to know the progress of the matter, he can only go through Zheng's mother and daughter.

"Tell Zheng what I said and let her pass it on." Yijing waved his hand and said something close to Xia Ke's ear.

On this day, if Qin Zi knew that the matter of Bai Yang Hutong had been opened up as he wished, at most, within ten days, there would be officials who impeached Princess Chu's reputation and did not deserve to be the princess again, but the Huang Ke brothers intervened and actually fought for Qi Jiatang. Qin Ziru certainly understood that Huang Ke was finally targeted It was still the innocence of Princess Chu, and she was very angry for a moment--

Huang Ke is Huang Tao's parent-child and Huang's own nephew. How can he help Su? If Su's family is abolished, it will also be of great benefit to Su Qian! Huang was really useless. She was suppressed by the eldest princess in the Duke of Wei. Now she couldn't even subdue her nephew, or did she never do her best at all? Thinking that Huang Tao had a heavy letter from Tianjia, she raised her eyebrows and exhaled? It's really stupid. Without the support of the Qin family and the eunuchs, Huang Tao will always be the son of the clan, which is worse than the poor family. Don't really break into the high family.

If Qin Zi was angry, he wrote a letter and asked someone to give it to the Li family. The next day, the queen ordered to see the wife of the Duke of Wei to enter the palace to "narrate about the past".

Since Huang's tearing the mask of virtuousness, her and Ruiyuan became more and more lonely. Although the servants and women did not dare to be disrespectful on the surface, they regarded Huang as transparent in their hearts. Her confidants were also be avoided, and it was not easy to go in and out. Huang's news to the outside world was very lagging behind. During this period, the spring banquet of the major nobles Before it was held, Huang didn't have many opportunities to go out. She didn't even know about Baiyang Hutong, let alone what Huang Ke had done.

As soon as she entered the Kunren Palace, the queen's anger came to her face, which almost suffocate the Huang family. After a long time, she knew that it was because of Huang Ke. Huang complained that Qin Xiang did not dare to shake her face at her brother at this time, so she embarrassed her. The eldest nephew did not even listen to her brother's words, let alone her aunt.

"Madam, don't say that this palace didn't remind you whether the title of the Duke of Wei can be kept in the Holy One. If you want your parents and children to attack the Lord, you have to show your attitude. I heard that your wife has been with the left prime minister's mansion recently. Isn't she going to see the wind? Madam, no matter what, but in the future, don't flatter me, Kunren Palace. What I hate most is the person who doesn't say such things!"

After receiving a scolding, the words were still so heavy. Huang said that she was very angry, but in the end, she was also a little worried. In terms of forbearance and pretending, she was also perfect. But because of the emergence of the concubine, it was impossible for the Empress Houfu to pay attention to Huang's upbringing. She had no vision of Huang's political affairs. To what extent did the Qingchen family and the Qin family have a better chance of winning? She simply fell down and was not afraid that the driver's bodyguard would go back to complain and directly let him go to the same magistrate. Although Huang Tao was expelled, after all, she went to see her openly and righteously. Will the Su family be punished?

Huang Tao was also angry. After listening to Huang's complaints, he slapped him on the case: "Dalang also doesn't know what's going on. Since he returned, he seems to hate me. I am also sorry. At the beginning, the emperor wanted to take him hostage, and for the sake of the overall situation, he had to endure pain. This is also a helpless thing. At the beginning, he also explained to Dalang first. He was willing to take risks, but fortunately he was safe and sound, but he fell into account again.

also said that the Qin family: "The thoughts of the emperor are beyond speculation. Before, I thought that the Qin family would be unpreserving sooner or later, but now it seems that... Although Qin Xiang opposed the establishment of a crown prince, the emperor accepted a Qin's daughter into the palace. I heard that it has been very favored recently. It can be seen that it is Qin Xiang who has defected to the Sacred Heart this time and seems that he has retreated forward... There have been these recent streams. The words are aimed at Princess Chu, which is obviously the handwriting of Qin Xiang. I'm afraid that it is also needs the acquiescence of the emperor. The emperor is to promote the marriage between the Qin family and the king of Chu. This matter is more and more unattractable. It is better not to be estranged from the queen. If another Su's daughter comes out at this time, implying that Princess Chu is indeed innocent..."

Huang Shi shook his head repeatedly: "Liu Niang is still strong with me at this time, and she will not agree."

"How about the other two common daughters?"

"Sanniang is possible." Huang thought for a while and still shook his head: "At present, the relationship between her husband'an Houfu and the Weigongfu is extraordinary. Let her do something that harms the five girls. Even if she is happy, she should not dare on the surface. Sanniang is not a fool. She knows that if she is rejected by her mother's family, she can't stand in her husband's house."

"I remember that another concubine seems to be weak." Huang Tao still did not give up.

It's okay not to mention Ba Niang, but when Ba Niang is mentioned, it leads to Huang's long complaints.