Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 709 Mid-spring storm, hidden weapon threatens people

On this day, the wind and sand floated in the sky, and the sky was very gloomy.

Huidu and Wei Ran were waiting for the order in the outer porch room of Zhengyang Gate. They looked out of the window that was closed for the wind and sand. They were already gray, and they were a little anxious. The personal soldiers of the Weigongfu could not enter the imperial city. They did not know whether Su Yu would resign from the palace, but the prince still had no news at this time. It was clear that it was an important matter. Stuck, both of them are confidants. They have heard of the recent remarks, and they also understand that the emperor is about to be in trouble. The prince has been on duty at noon recently. Today, it has been delayed until Shen Zheng has not come out, which is obviously the incident.

Another gust of wind, flying sand and stones, and the room is even more gloomy.

Huidu couldn't help standing up from the bench and was about to find a familiar guard to inquire inside. He saw a palace guard pushing the door in. He was not someone else, but Yu Liu, who had been promoted to be a general now. He was the grandson of the First Concubine of Shou. Thanks to Yu Yu's recommendation, he was included in the palace guard by the previous emperor, and the empress dowager fell. He also believed that the personal guard who came from the Chongzong family was not ignored because Yu Liu was recommended by Yu Yu, but promoted him.

Yubiao is now a subordinate of the Duke of Wei and the head of Jingwei. The two brothers are very sympathetic to Su and Chu and have many contacts.

"Yuanyang has left Ci'an Palace and is going to Zhengyang Gate. Today's windy and sand weather, hurry up and drive out of the door."

After listening to Yu Liu's words, Huidu's hanging heart was relieved, but Wei Ran seemed to be more calm. As he picked up the cloak and shook it off the armor, he asked Yu Duian for details.

"I don't know what happened when Aunt Wei of Ci'an Palace sent the eunuchs words, but I went to Qianming Palace a long time ago and saw that it was certain. I heard that the emperor went to Ci'an Palace. Eunuch Li held a pile of books, and the emperor looked bad." Yuliu is a generation of the king. Yu Yu has to be called an uncle of the clan. Although Yuliu has no title, he can be called Yu Yu's table according to the clan, and does not need to say the honorable title of His Royal Highness.

When Yu came out, the car was already waiting outside the Zhengyang Gate. Huidu and Wei Ran couldn't wait for a moment, and their shoulders were stained with a layer of gray sand.

"All get in the car." Yu Yu's deep instructions, took the lead in lifting the curtain and stepping into the spacious carriage. There was a burning cage inside, and the burning light of the charcoal fire oozed out of the hollow, making the dark space slightly bright red.

Although there is a word "du", only Huidu and Wei Ran follow them. Although the prince's guards can enter the imperial city, they can only walk in the city. The mounts must be left in the barracks outside the imperial gate. On this way, they have to eat a lot of sand.

Even if it is the prince and the driver, if it is not an emergency, you can't drive fast. This journey is not far, and walking so slowly will take more than two moments.

The eight guards who accompanied him could not hear the conversation with the three people in a low voice, but the prince's extraordinary caution also made them feel faintly nervous, covered their faces with wind and dust, and their eyebrows were covered with a layer of solemnity.

Just out of the imperial city, more waiting guards brought the mount, but they saw the two commanders jump down from the car and wait for a "escort back to the prince back to the house", but he pulled the reins and walked in two directions with Wei Ran. In a blink of an eye, they disappeared into a haze and dust barrier. There were no people and horses, and only the sound of their hooves shocked the long street.

Even if the weather was really bad, and seeing the leader's eagerness as before, the guards were cautious and didn't care about the sand blowing straight into the nose of the population and speeded up the return journey. The usual half an hour's journey took only took more than two hours.

The car went straight through the corner door where the threshold was removed and stopped in front of Dongyuan.

Several servants are ready to wait in soft sedan chairs.

Yu Yu was too lazy to sit down. He waved his hand to retreat. He covered his cloak on his cheeks slightly and quickly entered the front court of Guan Suiyuan to inform the princess that she would not return to the atrium for dinner, and then asked Qingkong to call the staff to discuss it quickly.

The maid lit dozens of lights and candles and moved a few charcoal basins into it. Generally, the council office generally did not ignite elegant incense, but because of the sinking wood, there was always a thick fragrance in the hall.

Before the staff arrived, Yu Yu did not change his clothes. He only untied the dusty coat, took the warm towel handed over and slightly cleaned the temples, and went to the upper seat to meditate.

The attitude of the Empress Dowager is preceded, and there is bound to be a momentary ambiguity. After all, because of the preparation, the Empress Dowager has made the Empress Dowager extremely dissatisfied with the Qin clan, and when the emperor is in trouble, he will not be obviously biased by the taboo about the heavy power of the palace of Chu.

Since the rumors about Qi Jiatang's "doing evil to the people" and the Baiyang Hutong to boost public opinion, Yu Wei has expected Qin Xiang's intention.

Of course, he also expected that the tough woman Gong must have benefited. If he detained and tortured him, he would not be afraid of not getting a confession, but it would not be of any benefit.

Gong did not have the ability to spread Qi Jiatang's "doing evil", so that there were four questions. Even if she could be investigated for the charge of criminating the sick clan, she could not suppress the public's doubts. On the contrary, it may make the situation worse, so that those imperial historians and officials plus a charge of bullying the people and being guilty of being a thief are on their own head, which makes the emperor There is an excuse to "just and love the people" and severely punish the powerful.

To put it bluntly, the culprit is Qin Xiang behind him. Even if the Gong family got benefits and involved the princess, the princess was abatch, and the rumors of Qi family's evil deeds are everywhere but fact. If the royal palace is not willing to forgive the Gong family, won't the bright-sighted person know that this is "distracting" and "strong revenge"?

Therefore, Yu Yu can only watch Gong's eloping out of Beijing with the local ruffians after making a lot of noise. Not only that, but also let the secret guard protect the lives of these two adulterous husbands and women, so that they will not be killed by Qin Xiang and fall into the royal palace again.

Although Yu Yu thought that Qin Huaiyu was not targeting the royal palace and should not do such behavior. At most, he would keep Gong and the ruffians away from Kyoto and not fall into human hands, he still did not dare to take it lightly.

He expected that the empress dowager would hesitate for a moment, and the emperor would use public opinion to push him step by step.

But this matter is an indoor business, not an important matter of politics, and will not be openly discussed. Today, the emperor only piled a book of memorials for him to see, but he is by no means the only one.

It is necessary to have a certain amount to cause a dispute. Qin Huaiyu, a fox, must "suffice" or even show the hypocrisy of "secret help" because its ultimate goal is to marry the king of Chu. That is to say, directly attacking Qin Xiang's party feathers does not curb the pressure.

During the "ambiguity" period of the Empress Dowager, it could only target Qin Huaiyu's "secret weapon".

At least, we have to ensure that we will not be hit by these "secret weapons". At the same time, we must also ensure that the empress dowager is not threatened by these "dden weapons" and make a hasty decision in a hurry. On the one hand, of course, it is necessary to aggravate the empress dowager's dislike of the Qin family, so that she will not be quick. At the same time, the most straightforward way is to remove the "dark weapon".

Let them protect themselves and no longer have the strength to stare at the affairs of the room.

Although Yu Yu is sure that as long as the empress dowager goes on "ambiguous", the emperor can only keep the memorial, and the "dden weapons" will not help jumping out and strive for more court officials to support the sword pointing to the scenery, but at that time, his side is bound to be passive.

Therefore, he immediately instructed Huidu to contact Gu Yuwen through the secret people in order to find out the general list of "hid weapons" through him, and at the same time let Wei Ran launch the Five Righteous League to seize the opportunity to detect the handles of these people. Even if there is no handle, it is necessary to make handles.

The reason why the "dark weapon" is loyal to Qin Huaiyu, does not hesitate to be the enemy of Su and Chu, and even not obvious on the surface. It should be that they are all people who drilled for cleverness. They are not expected, but have no way to turn to. In the final analysis, they have not been really trusted by the Qin Party, and they are not seen by Su and Chu, and they can't find other backers. , and glory and wealth into the heart of powerful ministers, holding the idea of "how can you get a tiger son if you don't enter the tiger's den", he was persuaded by Qin Huaiyu that even if he would bear risks, once he succeeds, there will be a heavy profit, so that this speculation can be done.

Most of these people are not decent people. They are not right, and there are always handles to grasp. No matter how bad they are, there are handles to make.

In fact, Yu has ordered his subordinates to secretly detect a list of "suspected hidden weapons" or meet the conditions of "dark weapons". Today, he is eager to summon them to check whether they are confirmed or not.

In addition, it seems that behind a series of conspiracy and tricks against the Yan family to let the Empress Dowager know. The key of the Qin family is that Qin Ziruo cannot ignore it.

Naturally, this can be said by herself. The Empress Dowager had already ordered Tianchawei to keep an eye on the Qin family, but the effect is naturally not the best, and there will be suspicion of slander. Yu Yu has to worry about too many aspects of planning during this period. For a moment, he did not expect a good plan. Today, he also wants to hear their opinions.

Most people think that it is the best way for the princess to directly - because the Empress Dowager has always been biased on the princess, especially the Duke of Wei, and she still feels more or less guilty.

Even a straightforward staff member suggested: "This matter was originally speculated by the princess in Qin's letter. The Empress Dowager Qin's intention had been aware of it for a long time, so it is more reasonable for the princess to take precautions. To be blunt, there is no need to cover it up. Ordinary housewives are bound to have many suspicions and suppressions for those who consters for evils, more What's more, the world knows that the world is extremely talented and intelligent, and the Empress Dowager is even more familiar with it. The princess came forward and said frankly that it was reasonable.

Yu Yu was hesitating and always thought that this was not a perfect strategy. Gu Qiuyue, who was silent at several times, said, "It's not right. The princess said frankly that the empress dowager may also have some doubts. Why did the princess have been aware of it and not say it early, but she had to wait until this moment. Moreover, the princess only guessed by the words in Qin's letter The test is not conclusive and can't achieve the effect of making the empress dowager believe.

Gu Qiuyue continued: "It seems that since Qin has entered the palace, the Empress Dowager may be anxious. She should be straightforward to the emperor in the near future to ask for the title of noble concubine for the Chen family."

"You mean to let Chen Xiang say this?" Yu Yu's eyes lit up.

"Exactly, I think that the queen will not be willing to the throne of Chen and the noble concubine, and she will definitely obstruct it, which will certainly make the Chen family resentful."

"Although Chen Sanwei is about to marry the Duke of Wei, he has always been the empress dowager. If the prince uses him, there will also be hidden dangers. In case Chen Sanwei speaks directly to the empress dowager, it will cause more suspicion." "Straight-hearted" retorted.

Gu Qiuyue was confident: "Although the plan to plot a gap between the Empress Dowager and the Duke of Wei was made by the Qin family later, the actual implementer was the Chen family. It is impossible for the Qin family to persuade the Chen family to act according to the plan. It is bound to be met by the emperor. The Qin and Chen families should meet and negotiate, so that the Chen family can be fully convinced. And the concubine of the harem also has a daughter of the Yan family. The Empress Dowager may not be willing to let Chen be awarded the title of noble concubine. Maybe she will let the Chen and Qin families quarrel.

Yu Yan smiled softly, not maybe, but definitely.

"In this way, the Chen family will regard the Qin family as a deadly enemy. As long as someone secretly says that the Empress Dowager is dissatisfied with the calculations behind the Chen family, they are unwilling to let Chen's daughter get the throne, what will Chen Xiang think?" The ancient autumn moon will stop.

Yu Yu looked at him and approved him very much.

Chen Xiang is bound to be enlightened - he was shot by the Qin family. He failed to do anything in front of the emperor, but he attracted the hatred of the emperor, but the Qin family retreated completely, and even had the merit of giving advice. As for the failure, it was Chen Xiang's lack of ability. How willing is Chen Xiang? Why don't you confess to Qin Xiang?

Qin Huaiyu's fox is thinking of making Qin Ziruo become the princess of Chu. If Qin Zi comes up with such a "good strategy", he must not wait to show off in front of the emperor. Chen Xiang is very likely to know. Even if Qin Ziruo is not involved, as long as the Qin family is involved, the purpose will be achieved.

Even if the Qin family removes Qin Ziruo, in the eyes of the Empress Dowager, the two are still inseparable. Qin Ziruo is still the direct granddaughter of Qin Xiang. If she wants to become the princess of Chu, the benefit is still the Qin family.

Yu Yu discussed with a group of bureaucrats. Before he could rush back to the atrium, he was blocked by the king himself to the discussion office - it turned out that although the empress dowager was "ambiguous", she did not completely let the situation develop. I have to say that Yu Yu's firm and uncompromising attitude moved this person more or less, and even edicted the king to discuss. Si is still in a lot of difficulties, and the intention is to let the king of Xian give persuasion. In fact, it is also a warning - obviously, if Yu Yu is unwilling to be married, then it may be held accountable. I feel sorry that your father and son have always been loyal to the king and the emperor. I really can't bear to see Yu Wei being blamed. What should you do? Your father and son are easy to discuss and should be sympathetic. In the difficulties of the family, don't have any grudges, make discord, and let others see the jokes of the royal family fighting in the same room.