Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 732 Finally pouring wine, go and change clothes

"It's rare for the princess to know these four words!"

Hearing the queen's unreasonable words, Jingjing smiled angrily: "Where did the Empress say this?"

"After all, Qi Niang is the direct sister of this palace. How can you drive her at will?" The queen filled her chest with anger and was unscrupulous.

"Haha" two voices, such a spontaneous laugh, naturally only peace of happiness.

Yingjing said when she laughed this time: "Mother, I think that if my son has been removed from the prime minister's mansion, now I am the maidservant in my private residence, and naturally it should be disciplined by my concubine."

The queen is furious and can't stop: "The princess's words are inseparable from the etiquette. I dare to ask, do you have the seventh mother's deed in your hand?"

Yijing smiled and said, "I didn't sign a contract. Since the Empress reminded me today, my concubine had to obey." Then he said to Qin Ziruo, "Although you have been expelled, you are not a slave. You should also sign a living deed according to the law. Originally, Mrs. Youcheng pleaded first on that day and thought that she would not take you in a safe place. I did not intend to treat you as a slave, but if you struggle to support yourself and repeatedly insist on being a maidservant can you feel at ease. Today, in front of your mother Do you admit the face of mother and you?

If Qin Zi is pale, he can't answer, and it's not true if he doesn't answer.

Mrs. Qin finally recovered and said with a sneer, "If the princess doesn't regard her son as a maidservant, why did she take her to the palace today?" This original intention was to accuse Yijing of different words and deeds, but it enlightened Qin Ziruo.

Hearing her, she immediately said, "Madam misunderstood the princess. Today, it was the Empress Dowager's edict."

It turned out to be the edict of the Empress Dowager! The queen and Mrs. Qin suddenly looked happy.

The queen sneered: "Since it is the imperial grandmother's edict, then the son can't help shouting!"

Yi Jing returned to Guan Er: "But on the luncheon, when the son is humble, the empress dowager always sees it." After saying this, he said to Qin Ziruo again, and his face was full of solemnity: "Zi Ruo, what you said is not true. The Empress Dowager's intention is to let me take you into the palace, not an edict. This morning, I clearly reminded you. What's more, I now ask you directly whether you listen to the order or not, if you insist on not to kowtow to Mrs. Gu..."

Yi Jing looked up at the two mother and daughters with angry eyes: "As the queen said, I don't have your body in hand, and I can't punish you arbitrarily. Then, the royal palace is not willing to keep my mouth. After today, you can go back to the prime minister's house and don't mention Gan as a maidservant."

Up to now, it has been torn. If Qin Zi doesn't want to swallow his anger any more, Concubine Su will die after today, and there is no need to pretend anymore. However, considering that today's incident may be transmitted to Yu Yu's ears, it can't be too obvious. She pretends to be full of grievances and looks like she is going to move down to Wei. Eleven Niang pleaded guilty, but secretly raised her eyes and looked at the queen.

The queen was surprised and immediately stopped: "Princess Su, don't take an inch!"

The scene was glued, and Yichen swept away the warm temper of the past. She actually sneered in public and said, "It seems that the Empress is unwilling to preside over justice, so I will go to the Liyin Hall and ask the Empress Dowager to make a decision."

Wei Eleven Niang immediately supported: "My concubine is willing to go with the imperial concubine and ask the empress dowager to uphold justice!" Without kneeling, he got up and left with Ychen.

"The princess, stay!" Zi Ruo, who was so anxious, grabbed Yuchen's sleeve first.

Before the next words were spoken, he felt a flower in front of him, and his cheeks were suddenly painful. Qin Ziruo was stunned for half a sound, and then he felt a crackling echo in his ears.

Princess Fu actually started to draw people!

A group of noblewomen were stunned.

Yi Chen's face did not change: "Qin's Qi Niang, the reason why I personally gave you this slap in the face is that the prime minister will accept you back to the clan again, not as a slave. Otherwise, I will disdain to do it."

After saying that, he rushed to the ladies who were still kneeling on the ground: "Get up. You have heard and witnessed today's situation. It's good to follow me to the Empress Dowager."

The queen watched several people follow the day, and the scenery also wanted to withdraw.

I couldn't hold it any longer, and stared at Huang Shi fiercely.

Huang woke up and quickly got up to dissuade him: "Chen Erjing, today is Queen Fangchen, it's just a slight misunderstanding, don't..." But Yichen ignored it and didn't look back.

At this time, even Mrs. Chen woke up and realized that something was wrong. After all, Huang was a mother. Why didn't she speak for her daughter, but instead "helping Zhou and abuse"? Even my daughter-in-law, or Huang's biological son, why did she follow the pace of Fu Taifei without hesitation?

Yijing took two steps and stopped after all. She looked back at Huang with a serious look: "Madam, the eldest sister is the imperial concubine of the clan. Today's decision is to safeguard the law of the clan, and my wife has no right to obstruct it."

At this time, Qin Ziruo completely came to his senses - it doesn't matter how Princess Fu is, and she can't let Su retreat completely. The next play can't be sung. As long as Concubine Su goes to the Empress Dowager, won't the Holy's plan fail? You can't!

I didn't care about my face, and I knelt down resolutely. I walked forward on my knees and pulled the skirt of the beautiful scenery: "The princess forgive me. It's the maidservant who acted recklessly, and the empress still cares about the former brotherhood with the maidservant..."

Seeing that Zi Ruo bent her knees again, the queen's head was almost not bursting with smoke from anger, but Mrs. Qin also woke up and rose from the soles of her feet - she was led by Wei and almost ignored the overall situation. Ziruo was still sober and felt more and more distressed about her daughter. Her eyes were red, but the bottom of her heart rose straight. The magma still prevented the queen's outbreak and forced her to choke: "Empress, in terms of this matter, it is also that Sun Yiren is too straightforward to offend and excessive..."

Li's hearing this, he can also bend and stretch, and immediately kneel down, and there is no more domineering.

The queen took a breath and finally calmed down. Fortunately, at this time, the "thorns" had left the scene, and most of the rest were her own people. Although Mrs. Chen was excluded, she obviously did not mean to provoke, let alone make waves. It was not until then that someone had the opportunity to speak and turn from the middle.

Yijing was no longer stubborn. In fact, even if she went to the front of the Empress Dowager at this time, she would at most condemn Li and strip her of her life. The story of being abduction was bound to be endless, and she did not want to stop it. She was looking forward to cutting her scalpel for too long. Today, she was not willing to achieve her goal, and she must break this summary.

was reluctantly persuaded to sit down.

The queen asked Caiwei to drink wine, and Li punished herself for three cups, and she personally saluted the scenery again.

In order to show her sincerity, Cai Wei personally poured wine for the scenery. When she came over, she somehow tripped over. She almost didn't jump directly into the arms of the scenery. The glass of grape juice was right in the scenery, and not a drop was wasted.

It's time to come, but it's always here.

Yijing was in a panic, and Qin Ziruo immediately took out a Jinpa and wiped the wine stains on Yijing's clothes. Where did he wipe it clean?

Cai Wei crawled on the ground and said the crime.

The queen also rubbed her eyebrows and sighed: "It's really rude. Jing, let Cai Wei accompany you to change your clothes." Then he told Caiwei to change her queen's new dress for the princess to serve her.

But the queen immediately realized another problem - what should she do? She can't go to change clothes with Concubine Su and get involved in that matter.

Yijing decided to enter the trap to fight back, and she did not want to take such a "murder weapon" as Qin Ziruo. She simply relieved the queen, got up and held A Ming's hand, and smiled at Qin Ziruo, who was still kneeling in panic: "I have never signed an employment contract with Ziruo. It's not good to call you again. Today, since the Empress Dowager specially ordered me to take you to the palace, I think I have something to tell you, so you can wait here.

He bent his knees to the queen again, thanked him for the clothes, and said, "Thank you, girl." Of course, it's Chong Caiwei.

And the three mothers and daughters of the Qin family saw that Yijing left the Liuguang Pavilion with Caiwei. They breathed and glanced a trace of gloom in their eyes - although there were twists and turns, she was glad that she was still in control. After all, Concubine Su followed her to the bedroom where the queen temporarily lived, and the next step was the key!

The queen simply helped Ziruo get up and sat down specially. As if nothing had happened, she just raised a cup to everyone, covered it with wide sleeves, and slightly stained her lips with the grape wine. Unexpectedly, she talked and laughed again and enjoyed the beautiful scenery, singing and dancing.

Under the seat, Mrs. Chen whispered to the noble concubine, "Today's facts are strange. It is clear that the queen intends to make trouble. I'm afraid it's not just to embarras Princess Chu. Is it possible to really replace Qin Qi Niang, what kind of conspiracy can be done?"

The noble concubine smiled and looked at the song and dance on the painting bune: "A aunt, wait and see. At this time, things have just begun... But in my opinion, the queen and the Qin family have kicked the iron plate this time. Princess Chu is not so easy to deal with. As for Qin Ziruo, if I are her, I might as well find a place where no one sink. It's really embarrassing to see the lake. Don't mention it. I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to be accommodated by the royal palace today, and Qin Xiangfu will not be willing to admit such a useless daughter.

Binjing walked down the covered bridge and got on the shoulder. Although the queen's bedroom is close to Kunming Lake, the area of Kunming Lake is indeed wide, and there is still a long way to go to the destination. As a princess, she can't walk.

A row went east along the embankment and arrived at a quiet place in nearly two hours, but it was a semi-sealed courtyard.

There are corridors in the east and west, but there is a pool of still water drawn from Kunming Lake, planted with lotus flowers. At this time, the green leaf pavilion is beautiful, but the pink lotus is still budding.

There are weeping willows and stone mountains by the pool. At the back are high and low sycamore trees, supporting a piece of shade. Under the tree is green grass, a piece of green, and there are paths interspersed with paths.

"Princess!" A Ming only felt that things were not good and quickly turned his head to look at the beautiful scenery.

The princess slowly rolled up the corners of her lips, and the time to come always came.

"No matter what happens, don't take a step closer to the water." The beautiful scenery looked at Amin, and his eyes were full of tranquility.