Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 738 Defeated, Qin's mother begged for death

Chen Guifei had expected that the farce in the Liuguang Pavilion was not the key point. At most, it was the opening song, but she did not expect that when the scene was opened again, it was the eldest prince who died. Later, she had to come in and watch. When she heard that the eldest prince was not the eldest son, she suddenly realized that she was pregnant at this time, her heart was soft-hearted, and secretly caressing her yet. The protruding lower abdomen was afraid that the emperor was so cruel.

In the past, she has never seen the emperor, and her impression is also elegant. Because of the prince's dignity, of course, there are some unattainable postures, but they are by no means violent people. What's more, the two were deeply in love at this time, and the noble concubine received only warmth from the emperor.

This happened suddenly. Even if the eldest prince is not the direct son and his biological mother is humble, Zhang Xuanshi is quite favored. Fortunately, the noble concubine also knows that she would not expect the eldest prince to die so miserably.

Without the indulgence of the emperor, the queen would not dare to attack the only emperor in any case.

What Chen Guifei didn't expect was that after Princess Chu was exonet from her guilt, she suddenly pointed at herself!

His face became paler and paler, and his eyes were full of disbelief. He stiffened his waist and stared at the throne in the hall, which was bright yellow.

She knew that in the present situation, the emperor would certainly not abandon his wife, but the Chen family was the mother of the emperor. As long as the empress dowager was still there, the grandfather would not be separated from the emperor.

So, in order to give the queen a way out, you have to sacrifice yourself?

Those vows of love are still in my ears!

With a low sigh, it was like brushing away the dust.

Chen Guifei was stunned, but met Deng Fei's sad and compassionate eyes.

At this moment, Concubine Chen understood that she was conceited and scheming, but she was just following people's mistakes. Deng Fei or Bai Concubine should have seen through the end of thin feelings early.

Chen Guifei ran a little and missed the emperor's short and angry look - towards the queen.

Obviously, this is not pre-arranged by the emperor.

The queen did not have such a scheming. Everything was planned by Qin Ziruo for herself. In order to make this situation more perfect, wait for Concubine Su to be sentenced to death, and then find an appropriate time - it was originally scheduled that after Chen Guifei gave birth, if she had a son, she would die and remember the child in the name of the queen. On the other hand, it can also clear the suspicion of the Qin family in this matter and let the Chen family take the blame. Yu Yu will not hate her and have a great opportunity for her to completely replace Concubine Su with touching feelings.

What a best thing.

Unfortunately, Concubine Su broke out of the trap, and the queen herself fell into the pit. Qin Ziruo was unable to support her. Cai Wei was eager to protect the master and opened the retreat mode.

The noble concubine is still pregnant at this time. Although she doesn't know whether it is a man or a woman, her status is undoubtedly important, not to mention that she is kneeling with the emperor.

Isn't this baking the emperor on the fire?

However, the queen was indeed forced into a desperate situation by the scenery. If she didn't find someone to take the blame, today in front of many wives of historians and courtiers, the Empress Dowager refused to be perfunctory, and the emperor could not protect her.

The situation has changed rapidly, the offensive and defensive positions have been adjusted, and the scenery has become an innocent victim, and you can completely stand by and watch.

So she simply returned to her seat and leisurely listened to Cai Wei sing the script arranged by Qin Ziruo - that's right, in this situation, the emperor would never let the noble concubine block the arrow, and the queen would be difficult to become a big weapon. The next conspiracy must be dominated by Qin Ziruo.

But the result is already doomed.

The only variable is how the emperor will choose, and this is the key.

What is unknown is the difference between Caiwei and Cailian - although Cailian is also an old servant of the prime minister's mansion and is not a child, this maidservant has nothing to do with her relatives and friends since she was sold by her parents. Rely flattering her, she became the queen's dowry. This time, she was entrusted with an important task. She was indeed guaranteed by the queen. As long as it was done, she would let her She changed her name to an official eunuch and assigned her to the children of the big clan as the main room. If she was not a slave, she didn't expect that in fact, the queen had already had the intention to silence. She could never take advantage of her wish. As for the queen's deeper consideration, not only to let her die, but also to let her family be buried with her to achieve the purpose of framing Chen Guifei.

Caiwei is different from Caiwei. Caiwei is indeed the queen's "heart". Because her parents, brothers and sisters are all under the control of the prime minister's family. Although she knows that she will be targeted at the noble concubine or will be angered by the emperor, and there is no way to live, if she does not obey the queen's order, the whole family will die. The two powers are balanced, and only "loyalty" is desperate. I hope I can escape my life and strive for a rich future for my family.

So, it was her who came forward to "break the boat".

He did not hesitate to admit that he was private with his own soldiers in his private residence. At present, he was transferred as a palace bodyguard. During the meeting, he was bumped into by Cailian and used this as a cooperation. Cai Wei forced her to play a good play to blame the princess of Chu. Cai Wei knew that the eldest prince was a prostitute, and the emperor would not appoint him as the crown prince in any case, and she thought that Princess Chu was not contradicted with the princess. It can be adjusted. If Princess Chu commits a crime, the queen will take advantage of her wish and agree.

But in order not to involve the queen, the loyal maid of honor deliberately plotted out all of the conspiracy from Cailian's mouth - it was Chen Guifei who took Cailian's family as an association and asked Cailian to take advantage of the Empress Fangchen banquet. The bedroom was sparse and coaxed the eldest prince to quietly turn over the window and go out to the lotus pool in the backyard. Cailian strangled him to the sinking pond. This side, picking Wei looked at the opportunity to splash Princess Chu with alcohol, which led her to the crime. The two maidservant culled the blame, so that Princess Chu could take the blame.

As for Shen's praise of Princess Jinpa, Cai Wei also pretended to be the queen's instructions.

Originally, there was also a saying about Su's third daughter's confession. Because the original plan to frame the noble concubine was not in a hurry. When Su's death, Su's third daughter would be killed again in the future, and the confession could not be fabricated. However, since Su's third daughter did not make a confession, Cai Wei did not mention it again.

Of course, Chen Guifei has motives. Even if she knows that the eldest prince is not the direct son, this matter has always been related to the emperor and cannot be disclosed. The existence of the eldest prince is still a threat to Chen Guifei, so it is not far-fetching for her to bribe the queen's confidant to drown her and blame Su Fei to get herself from guilt.

But in this situation, there are many loopholes in this statement, so if Qin Zi is anxious, she is also weak at this time. She can only pin her hope on the emperor and see how her brother-in-law chooses.

It's not without a chance of winning. After all, the emperor can't live without the arm of the Qin family, and the Chen family, whether Chen Guifei is dead or alive, as long as there is an empress dowager, she must stand in the position of the emperor. The daughter of the district can't affect the overall situation.

Of course, the first person to panic is Cailian - Princess Chu is guilty. She can enjoy glory, but she has to be replaced by Chen Guifei... Can the emperor spare her afterwards? But at this time, she could not confess the queen, and it was also a dead end. She only kowtowed repeatedly and gritted her teeth to admit that she was instructed by the noble concubine, but did not involve the queen.

But Cailian's confession is irrelevant. Even if she doesn't admit it, it is still "intention to her family" and cannot prove that Chen Guifei is innocent.

For a while, there were only two maidservants who had just "worked together" in the main hall. At this time, they scrambled to cry, one accusation and the other to complain, which was a confused account.

And the emperor always has a dark face.

The queen risked: "Your Holiness, my concubine is really innocent. Since Cai Wei has this confession, don't detain Chen's family. If Cailian's family is really controlled by her, it will be able to detect whether it is either in the Chen family or in the Jiang family!"

A look of righteous words without fear.

If the emperor dares to stand up for the Chen family and put the Qin family in a desperate situation, the queen will also dare to tear her face in public. At worst, let's see how the emperor ends.

is already a broken jar.

The emperor is full of confidence to plan his strategy today. How could he have thought that he had become a dilemma? The noble concubine is still pregnant and has the right heart. After all, how can she be sentenced to death? However, if the Qin family is ignored, the situation will become more and more difficult in the future, and it is even more impossible to compete with the Empress Dowager.

Among the Qin party members, there are also many middle-aged nobles who enjoy a few military power in the local area and cannot be abandoned at this time.

What's more, some literary ministers are still led by the Qin family, and they can't govern the country without their support, otherwise they will be dominated by the empress dowager, and no one at hand.

Now the emperor has a perfunctory meaning: "This matter still needs to be carefully examined, and it can't be judged today. In my opinion, the princess of Chu is innocent." The emperor inevitably gritted his teeth: "Grandmother, don't ban the noble concubine first..."

Without finishing her words, the Empress Dowager did not accept it first: "Your Holy King! How can the words of the maidservant be believed to be true? The noble concubine will never harm Dalang, obviously!" The Empress Dowager's cold eyes went straight to the queen: "This maidservant is the queen's confidant, and the queen defended Qin Qi Niang in public today, and Qin Xiang encouraged the officials to trap the princess of Chu's chastity first. It is clear that she intends to let Qin Qi Niang replace her. This is going to take this opportunity to blame the princess of Chu and then to blame the noble concubine. The queen is jealous!"

At this point, it has become the death of Chen and Qin families.

But the noble concubine has lowered her eyes and her heart is cold.

"Mother, I have not determined the crime of the noble concubine, but this matter must be carefully observed..."

"There is no need to look carefully." The Empress Dowager simply interrupted the dispute and looked coldly at the "angry" queen: "This lotus picking family does temporarily live in the farm under the name of the Jiang family."

"Queen Mother!" The Empress Dowager stood on the side and tightened the handle of the chair.

The Empress Dowager was calm: "However, this matter has nothing to do with the Jiang family, but the general manager of the prime minister's house bought the Jiang family's head and secretly operated it. The head of the village wanted to escape, but he had been detained by the mourning family and confessed the truth early. Queen, if you are still unconvinced, the mourning family immediately ordered the arrest of the general manager of the prime minister's mansion and sent him to prison, and these two maids immediately appeared in public. If you torture and force a confession, you won't be afraid that they will die!"

As soon as this came out, Qin Ziruo's physical strength, which had just recovered, collapsed again and completely crawled.

The queen was almost unsteady, and her face was pale.

Even the emperor's face is gray.

Princess Chu easily escaped from the trap, and the Empress Dowager actually knew the private action of the prime minister's mansion. What does this mean? It means that Su and Chu have been on guard and have been presented to the Ci'an Palace! The emperor thought that his trap was impenetrable enough to lead Concubine Su into the urn, but he became himself who was buried in the pit and could not turn over!

The emperor didn't even know which link shocked the snake, which led to a defeat.

How could he think that when he delayed Yu Yu's trip to the vassal and re-use Huang Tao to buy Jingwei with the intention of overheading the Duke of Wei and forcing Yu Yu to marry another Qin family, this interlocking trap had been hand-held by His Royal Highness the king of Chu, and today, it is far from the time to fill the soil.

The emperor was still stunned, but he heard the Empress Dowager's voice in vain——

"Today's event is obvious. The queen and Qin Qi Niang originally wanted to frame the princess of Chu to murder the emperor's heir, but they arranged a way out early. If it was exposed, they would push the noble concubine to blame, all out of the queen's jealousy and the Qin family! Holy Spirit, what do you want to do with it?

This is forcing him to break his arm, but he can't argue.

After a question, the main hall died.

Yi Jing slightly raised his eyelids and looked at the emperor on the dragon chair, and then glanced at Qin Ziruo, who was as weak as mud and struggling on the ground. When he took it back, he met the admiring eyes of others, as quiet as water, reflecting the shallow haze in the distant sky outside the hall, with a slight ripple.

If today's victory is inseparable from Yu's step-by-step plan in the past two years, but it can fight back so beautifully, of course, there are also key credit for beautiful scenes to defend themselves today. Otherwise, it is impossible to force the queen sisters to go into the trap without ignorance and unconsciously. Of course, the prince will praise it.

In such a solemn atmosphere, the couple still have a leisurely relationship.

And the Qin sisters have been completely frightened. Not to mention the brave and resourceful queen, Qin Ziruo, who is self-claimed to be unparalleled, is also ashes-hearted - when it comes to the loom, even if the emperor insists on guarding each other, the Empress Dowager will not let go, and even the Chen family is staring at it!

If you can't be good, you will fail!

The queen has even heard the trembling sound of her teeth, stabbing in her blood, with sharp pain and coldness.

But someone came forward to save them.

is their mother.

Mrs Qin staggered out and knelt down in front of the hall. When she kowtowed, the corners of her eyes were already dark red.

"The Empress's appearance and the emperor's grace. Today's matter has nothing to do with the queen. My concubine is the culprit. Everything is dominated by my concubine. It is my concubine who resented Su's harsh treatment and humiliated Qi Niang, resented the embarrasssment given by the Duke of Wei. Only then did she have a poisonous plan and wanted to trap Concubine Su's death. Cai Lian and Cai Wei were all been instructed by my concubines. Everything It's the crime of my concubine. The queen doesn't know about it. Please check it clearly.

"Mother!" The queen rushed forward and lost her manners. She couldn't tell whether she knelt down or fell down. In short, she crawled beside Mrs. Qin.

"Don't plead for my concubine. I also know that once something fails, it will be a death crime. Madam, take care of yourself in the future."

Yijing looked at Mrs. Qin's back and also felt her determination and sadness. She saw the queen's true feelings revealed. She really couldn't bear to let Mrs. Qin suffer on her behalf. The mother and daughter clenched their palms tightly, and their bruised knuckles kept trembling, and tears were facing tears.

Abandoning personal resentment and hatred, I can't help but feel unbearable.

However, she saw Qin Ziruo's shoulder ridge relaxed in a moment, but it seemed that she had regained her strength and was no longer paralyzed.

This girl is hopeless.

It's really a couple with the emperor - profit-oriented and fierce.

Why didn't you enter the harem? If Qin Zi is in the back position, it is indeed more difficult to deal with.

"Mrs. Qin, you are so bold." The emperor gritted his teeth, but suddenly got up and bowed to the empress dowager: "Grandma, this case has come to light. I think the queen is indeed innocent. It's all Mrs. Qin's selfishness and deserves to be sentenced to death."

"Holy! No way, your Holy one!" The queen's language is incoherent.

But she was tightly grabbed by Mrs. Qin: "Mother, I know that I can't escape the crime of death. I don't plead for my concubine..."

However, the empress dowager obviously refused to give up. She stared at the emperor for a long time before saying indifferently, "Even if the queen has nothing to do with this matter, the mourning family believes that the Qin family, as a middle palace, cannot be impartial and protects selfishness and loses his virtuous conscience. Qin Huaiyu, as the prime minister of the country and has no way to run a family, he leads to this heinous evil deed and should be punished. Stay out of the matter."

"Grandmother, the queen is the first match for her grandson. She gave her marriage to the previous emperor in those years, and asked her grandmother to forgive her." As soon as the emperor lifted his yellow robe, he knelt down and pleaded.

What an affectionate look.

Binjing thought sarcastically, but when she looked away, she saw the corners of Chen Guifei's lips curled on the opposite side. It was not a smile, but an unspeakable irony and desolation.