Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 743 Worrying, the disease is sinking

When the eldest princess chose the son-in-law of King Fu, she never thought that the Duke of Wei would be involved in the whirlpool center of the competition for the throne, because no matter from which aspect, King Fu had no possibility of succeeding to the throne. Although the position of the crown prince was not as stable as Mount Tai, it was obvious that the previous emperor did not intend to make King Fu as the crown prince.

At the beginning, Gaozu died and the kings competed for the throne. Taizong was the eldest princess's eldest brother. Of course, she stood firm.

At that time, Emperor Taizong wanted to stand up because he favored the concubine's son King Kang. Because the Empress Dowager was also the daughter of the Yan family and had always been close to the eldest princess, it was impossible for the Duke of Wei to stand by at that time. Therefore, many advices made Emperor Taizong turn his mind and set up his eldest son as the crown prince.

I didn't expect that although there was someone sitting on the dragon chair, there was a curtain to supervise the government, so that the power of the king and the country shook hands.

The eldest princess may not know how suspicious she is today. Even if the Duke of Wei is loyal, she can't win trust. At most, it is just the end of the bird's bow.

Not to mention the relationship with the Empress Dowager's aunt and sister-in-law for most of her life, because the former emperor did have the purpose of supervising the government and temporarily handed over the power of the king to the Ci'an Palace, it is impossible for the eldest princess to "reverse" to help the emperor seize power and turn against the empress dowager.

And Yu Yu analyzed clearly that once the Empress Dowager moves her determination to abolish the throne, ten * will help Shun Ge'er, who is still a child, ascend the throne. At least before Brother Shun's adult marriage, Ci'an Palace is famous for the right to supervise the government, and powerful ministers such as the Duke of Wei will certainly be able to assist the government at that time.

If this is the result, the Duke of Wei can't fade out of the officialdom and be free.

At present, even if the Empress Dowager has not made up her mind, the emperor will not give up. The conflict between grandparents and grandchildren is bound to become a gap that cannot be filled.

Sooner or later, we will see each other.

Ke Yijing thinks that this is not the best time to have a "showdown". According to her understanding of Yu, even if she wants to explain many of today, she can aim at the Qin family for the main purpose, so as not to be open that she has been "uncondescendant" for a long time, and let her grandmother feel more or less feel that she has the feeling of "blaming" the emperor, and hesitates.

You can wait until the contradiction between the "two saints" further intensify and evolve, and the Empress Dowager has to make up her mind, because at that time, it is impossible for the grandmother to ignore the will of the late emperor, and she must also stand on the side of Ci'an Palace, unlike at this time, it was created to make Shun's throne and the 95 And take the initiative to seek power.

The prince's "can't wait" made the scenery feel strange and faintly worried.

So this night, when she fulfilled the appointment - finally a short period of disturbance has passed. She promised to stay in Beiyuan in the eastern suburbs for two days. It happened that the seventh sister had also left the cabinet at the beginning of the month, but Ba Niang's wedding date was in September. Xu was completely free to do nothing and did not need to be in the affairs. It was time for her to return to return to her husband's house.

Everything went well, but the scenery was inevitably worried. He hesitated for a while, but he still didn't ask any more questions. After all, these days, Yu Yu has to arrange the overall situation alone, which is really useless. At present, since he has known the plan of the government, his concerted efforts will eventually greatly reduce his burden. From this perspective, it is really good. Things.

At this point, in fact, the Duke of Wei has no second choice. The eldest princess may be slightly ashamed because of her "private desire", but in the final analysis, if the emperor is not so suspicious and dedicated and follows the will of the emperor, let alone in the future, it will not be able to reach such a situation now.

The eldest princess is not a pedantic person. As for the Duke of Wei, she has never been educated as "foolous".

The trouble will be short-lived, but the decision should be decisive.

Yijing just mentioned Xiaoxiao - at present, the Empress Dowager has completely corrected her name. In the future, no one will attack her on the pretext of her being abated. It's time to welcome Xiaoxiao back.

Originally, I thought that Yu Yu would explain the plan in detail - Yijing knew that he had been communicating with Xiliang. Did Yu Haoxi promise to take the initiative to return Xiaoxiao? If he was still paranoid, he should take other strategies. At this time, Qi had told the Empress Dowager about sending Xiaoxiao as a temporary hostage to Xiliang, which was very compelling. Didn't you think of a way to force Yu Haoxi to comply?

But Yu said, "It's time."

It's so simple to end this topic.

"It's easy to ask for leave. Let me be quiet these two days. Xiaoxiao's matter is one thing. At present, since the empress dowager is in the court, I'm afraid that the cabinet will have to be busy and will not be idle in the future. In these two days, why don't you talk about other things first?" The prince even pleaded.

On the evening of June, the star river was clear, the moonlight was bright, and the warm wind swept up the fragrance. He suddenly held her in his arms from behind, put his chin on his shoulders, and breathed lingered in his ears. The blue pool in front of him shone out the jade rabbit in the sky. A piece of silver was slightly covered with silver, and the lotus leaves were like the embroidered skirt, setting off the hibiscus fiber pavilion.

How many doubts and vague worries are quietly hidden in the bottom of my heart.

Two days of free time, but between fingers.

The sun is blazing, which is not a good season to enjoy the mountains and rivers. The two sit idle in the tea room surrounded by green bamboo, or sit and talk, or snuggle up to each other to read books, listening to the sound of the flute bamboo under the wind, opening the window sash, and the shadow of the sun is deep and shallow.

In the evening, there was no longer steaming heat on the ground, and then rode to the suburbs to see the sunset slowly sink to the foothills, a pool of bright red, washed away by the night.

Along the corridor of the lake, the carved paint is more mottled and old than in those years. On several lake stones outside the corridor, many new words have been added. The two stopped to take a closer look and argued about the advantages and disadvantages of two sentences, whether it is a new work or an old topic.

It's the night before leaving - after all, Yu Yu's throne and the prince are also a cabinet bachelor. At that time, the emperor intended to treat him coldly and steal a leisure time. At present, the empress dowager is coming to the court, and she has made great efforts on the matter of the scenery. It is clear that he wants to reuse Yu Yu's signal. After two days of vacation, of course, the prince will participate in the court meeting. Unexpectedly, it was in the suburbs, and there were many inconveniences, and the scenery did not want him to get up early and come back late every day.

But after the meal, the prince suddenly had an interest in playing the game. He set up a game on the high pavilion. First, he had the upper hand. The scenery pinched a chess piece and didn't know where he fell for a long time. The prince was "arrogant" and stretched out a happy lazy waist: "I'll go down to bath first and come back. If the princess is still at a loss, she will lose."

When I returned, the glow was still in the sky, although it was already light.

In the dark sky, the princess smiled proudly and obviously found a solution.

The prince looked quite disbelieving. When he looked over, he became cautious. The two of them came and went with each other again, black and white glued vertically and horizontally.

Unconsciously, the night has permeated, the water and the sky are dusk, and the mountains are beautiful.

The princess lit the lamp with her own hands and moved to the front of the chessboard. Looking up, she saw that the prince had long hair on half her shoulders and locked a button on her eyebrows. A black man between her palms no longer held it and pinched between her fingers motionlessly.

Binjing also said in color: "I will also go down to bathe and return. If the prince is still at a loss, he will lose." He left happily.

When he returned, the only line of nebulus in the distant sky was also swallowed up by the dark, and the galaxy was gradually bright, and Chanjuan Shanshan was higher than the bamboo shoots.

The candle on the high pavilion swayed, but the people on the couch became half-rested, with long eyes lightly, but fell asleep.

That game of chess is obviously still unsolved.

The beautiful scenery frowned slightly and touched his palm, but it was cold.

"Far away." There was some anxiety and doubt in his voice.

Yu Yu opened his eyes. He didn't know whether the moonlight reflected and his face was pale.

There was a momentary trance.

I just suddenly felt dizzy again. I wanted to suppress it, but didn't I fall asleep?

"But don't feel well?" Beautiful scenery leaned over her body, stroked her forehead, and felt cold.

"I was embarrassed by the princess and simply admitted defeat, but I closed my eyes to refresh myself, but it was difficult to name Xiaoxiao. It has been nearly ayear, but I still haven't figured it out." He spoke with a confused tone, and then covered it up again: "I feel a little sleepy and confused for a while."

"The window is cool. Go to bed and have a rest." Yijing helped people sit up and was still worried: "In the past, you were not so sleepy. You just entered the night. If you feel uncomfortable, don't hide it from me. Your body is already weak and can't withstand delay. I think it's better to let people go to the city and ask for a medical officer, and there is no curfew yet."

If the gate is closed, you will have to toss again.

"It's okay. It's just that this period is a little laborious. Don't toss around and go back home. At this time, I sent someone back to worry my grandmother for nothing."

Yu Yu especially paid attention to his pace and tried his best to walk steadily, but when he sat **, he held his chest and rushed to the sky with his throat, so that his eyes blurred that he could not even see the beautiful scenery clearly. He simply held people in his arms and let her turn around and find his strangeness without teaching him.

"Yijing, tell me about Xiaoxiao. At that time, I couldn't save her. I was really ashamed to ask. Now I have finally survived the danger. Finally, when I can pick her back, I dare to listen to her... If you tell me more, maybe it will inspire me and think about our daughter's name."

He took a deep breath and wanted to use the fragrance in her chest to dispel his boredom and try to clear his mind.

Her arms are also tighter and tighter, locking the thin waist of the scenery. Under the middle clothes, her warm body can always make him secure.

Yu Yu listened to her and recalled when Xiaoxiao opened his eyes and described his daughter's eyebrows in detail.

Children who love to laugh don't recognize people's lives. Their eyes are particularly bright, and their small mouths are like delicate petals.

As soon as he was born, he had two beautiful eyebrows. When he was half a year old, he became more and more beautiful.

He thought that Xiaoxiao must have followed her.

Her statement was indeed a good medicine to relieve the dizziness.

Fortunately, I didn't fall into a drowsiness this time, and my vision gradually became clear, but Yu Yu only felt astringent pain in the corners of his eyes.

The more and more frequent dizziness leads to a short period of drowsiness...

What the medical officer and Jiang Han said was that the disease was so serious that it could not be avoided. It was the oil and withered, and the medicine stone was incurable, which was so cruel.

I am reluctant to leave. How can I be willing to leave? Both lives are so short. Even if I have a good life and can know my lover, he still has no regrets.

He hasn't even met Xiaoxiao, their daughter.

He still wanted to live hard, with the woman in his arms, dyed white hair by the years, and looked at his children around his knees.

But in case, the fate is so, the scenery is...

The man in his arms suddenly turned over and looked into his eyes firmly.

The grief is too hasty to hide.

"Yuanyang, what's wrong?" Her palm stroked his cheek and trembled slightly.

I was really scared by the pain in his eyes.

"Binjing, I said if, if, in case..." Some words are obviously difficult to be pressed, but their lips and teeth have become like words. He doesn't have the strength to say it.

So with a sigh, he only kissed her deeply, entangled with her and sank, urgent and irresistible, and threw away all reason.

She gasped and struggled out of the gap, and still stubbornly looked into his eyes: "What if, in case... far away, finish your words." She was obviously emotional, and her tone trembled slightly, but she still asked relentlessly.

He kissed him in his ear: "Don't ask. Don't ask tonight. I'll tell you tomorrow."

She was sealed with a kiss again, and this time, she was never given a chance to ask.

This night, Yu Yu fell asleep, and the beautiful scenery still looked at the light moon without corners outside the half a carved window for a long time. The hot heat on his cheeks dissipated, but the throbbing of his chest did not calm down for a long time.

She clearly felt his pain, which made her seem to be infected through her lips and tongue. She just wanted to use all her enthusiasm to calm down and ease.

But why?

It's clear that everything is going so smoothly. Why is he like this?

It doesn't make sense to worry about the victory or defeat in the future. He is never afraid of things.

Yijing turned around and looked at the sleeping face of the person beside the pillow. Her eyebrows were calm and her breathing was slow. Everything seemed to be no different from the past.

She kissed his eyebrows, and the slight touch had been noticed by him. Although she was still not awake, she subconsciously put her arms around her waist and put her lips tightly to her ear.

mured, shouting her name.

Through the heartbeat of the gauze, calm and bright, under her palm.

Maybe it was about his daughter, which made him sad... She thought so.

Finally, he echoed his breath and gradually fell asleep before the day came to light.