Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 1 Hesteria

At the door of Room 777 of the Hilton Hotel, Jiang Ming stood outside the room and his arms trembled slightly. It was a trembling of excitement.

After a slight pause outside the door, Jiang Ming's eyes flashed a sharp color and pushed the door in.


As if he had exhausted all his strength, Jiang Ming threw the door fiercely, and then leaned against the door as if he were out of strength, looking at the ceiling with empty eyes, and didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, Jiang Ming shook his head, as if to throw out all the messy thoughts in his mind, and then returned to his evil and unrestrained appearance and stepped into the bedroom.


As soon as he arrived at the bedroom door, Jiang Ming saw a woman tied to the boat in a large shape with a piece of yellow tape on her mouth. In a difficult situation, the woman twisted her body desperately, making a sound in her mouth, and was trying desperately to break free. Although she knew that it was futile to do so, the woman's eyes revealed an indomitable and a strong sense of shame.

Her lower body is a tight black skirt, and her snow-white legs** are constantly struggling outside; her upper body is a black tight low-cut coat, and the deep grooves show her amazing capital. Her dark and shiny wavy curly hair is scattered at the head of the bed, and his thighs are open at this moment, struggling hard. It looks extremely sexy and seductive.

Looking at the picture that made 99 percent of men see blood spurting, Jiang Ming was not moved at all. With the evil posture on his face, he slowly walked in.

When she saw someone coming in, the woman turned her head when she was aware of it. When she saw that she was a strange man, her pupils suddenly shrank, and her eyes showed panic. She subconsciously clamped her thighs, but because the ropes on her body were too familiar, her posture not only did not succeed, but seemed more seductive.

Jiang Ming went to the bed and sat down gently, tearing off the tape on the woman's mouth. The corners of his mouth were smiling, but his eyes were full of infinite coldness.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you arrest me? Do you know who I am? Can you bear the consequences of catching me?" Before Jiang Ming could say anything, the woman asked a lot of questions like a cannonball, and the burning anger and threat in her bright and beautiful eyes were not concealed at all.

The curved willow eyebrows and bright eyes are like a pool of autumn water. The flawless high nose bridge and the lovely people can't wait to rush up and bite a cherry mouth to decorate the woman's whole face perfectly. Pureness is revealed in charm, and coldness is revealed in purity. Leng Aozhong revealed three points of lovely weakness. Such a woman is rare in the world. The combination of several complex elements perfectly combines the beauty of several kinds of women. It is simply a masterpiece of God and a perfect work of art. There is quite a smell that this thing should only be in the sky and smelled several times in the world.

"It's so beautiful~~~"

Jiang Ming's fingertips gently slid down the woman's face and whispered.

The woman's body trembled gently like an electric shock under Jiang Ming's stroke, and her eyes spit fire and said, "Who the hell are you? Do you dare to kidnap me? Are you impatient to live?

Under the woman's drink, Jiang Ming was slightly stunned, and immediately recovered his look and his face became indifferent. At the same time, I was very surprised. I have been rolling and crawling in the underworld for many years, and I have seen a lot of various women, but this is the first time I have such a gaffe. At the same time, I laughed at myself: I came to revenge, but I didn't expect that I almost fell into it at a glance.

"My name is Jiang Ming!"

"Jiang Ming? I don't know. What's the purpose of arresting me? Do you want money? I can give you as much as you want, as long as you let me go." Hearing this unfamiliar name, the woman felt a little relieved and calmed down, and her face was no longer embarrassed.


Jiang Ming sneered and said playfully, "To be honest, I don't know how much money I have now. I have never been short of money since I was born.

The woman was slightly stunned when she heard the words and said, "Then why did you tie me up? We seem to have no grievances! Maybe the person you want to arrest is not me, and there must be some misunderstanding among them.

"Your name is Tan Linger, and your father is Tan Zhenyu, the mayor of BJ, right?"

"Is it? Are you my father's enemies? But what does this have to do with me? Look at your appearance, you should be fooling around on the road! Aren't your rules bad for your family? Why does the hatred between you come to me?" Inadvertently, Tan Linger saw the tattoo inside through a button open on Jiang Ming's chest. After thinking about it, she said calmly.

"You are really ruthless! Your father usually loves you so much, but you don't hesitate to push him out when he is in danger. Are you so worthy of your father? Jiang Ming's face showed mockery, and then lowered his head, looked at Tan Linger, and said with an evil smile, "I have a grudge against your father, but the root of hatred is you!" Don't worry, I'll make you understand."

"Are you going to kill me?" Tan Linger panicked.

Jiang Ming smiled coldly and said nothing. He reached out and grabbed Tan Linger's coat, and then pulled it down fiercely. In an instant, the originally precious and luxurious clothes that many civilians could not afford to buy in their lifetime turned into rags.

"Ah~~~ You bastard, what are you going to do? I will make you die after I go out!" After the coat was removed, Tan Linger screamed loudly like a frightened rabbit. The gritted appearance couldn't wait to cut Jiang Ming with thousands of knives.

"What the hell is your name?" Jiang Ming's face was cold, and a slap on Tan Linger's face. Tan Linger is red and seductive at this moment, and her peach-like face suddenly has five clearly visible and puffy fingerprints. You are just fish on the cutting board now, and you can only be at my mercy. Besides, the sound insulation effect here is very good. No one can hear you even if you break your throat. You'd better be honest! I'm not a pity for jade."

With that, Jiang Ming pulled off Tan Linger's short skirt again.

Tan Linger was stunned. She has been the apple of the family since she was a child. Her parents were reluctant to scold her, let alone slap herself in the face. When he grew up, his face was unparalleled. Everyone in the circle was polite and obedient because of his father's position or because of his beautiful appearance. No one dared to treat him like the man in front of him.

Looking at the mocking and indifference in the eyes of the handsome man in front of her, Tan Linger knew that no matter what she said today, he would not let go of herself. Thinking of this, Tan Linger simply stopped wasting her tongue. She relaxed her originally tense body and said with a vicious face, "I'll admit it to you today. You can do whatever you want! Anyway, I'm not a virgin, but remember that Jiang, don't let me go out alive, otherwise I will definitely break you into ten thousand pieces and five horses. No, I want you to die, keep you as a pet, abuse you every day, and let you die in shame.

"Hey, thank you for reminding me. But don't worry, I will never let you go out alive today. But as I said, I want you to be a clear ghost. Before killing you, I will recover all the pain I have suffered from you one by one and tell you everything. Jiang Ming sneered and looked fearless.

Then, Jiang Ming took out the steel needle from Mr. Li, took off his coat and said, "Do you see the tattoo on my body? All this is thanks to you and caused by you.

"Joke, I don't know you at all. I want to find a reason and a credible one. Which one of you has no tattoos on the road? Is it all thanks to me? Tan Linger sneered and mocked.

Jiang Minghun didn't care about Tan Linger's attitude and said to himself, "I was born in a rich family. I have a sister. Our family has a good relationship and lives a very happy life!"

"I'm not interested in listening to your past. Come and do whatever you want to do!" Tan Linger's face was cold and impatient.

I ignored Tan Linger, Jiang Ming said to himself, "My sister is smart, beautiful and cute. I have loved her very much since I was a child. When I was 15 years old, I was sent by my family to study abroad and receive a higher education, so that I could inherit the family property in the future. Abroad, I have no relatives, and every minute and every second is torment. Finally, after six years, my studies were finally over, and I was finally able to come back! The moment I got on the plane, I was very excited, really. I am really happy to think of seeing my kind mother, strict but loving father and lovely sister right away. But when I came back, I found that everything had changed, everything had changed..." The fact that my mother said to himself on his deathbed echoed in his mind. Jiang Ming held his head in his hands, curled up slightly, and his red eyes were bleeding, looking ferocious like a beast licking alone in the corner, lonely and sad.

"My little sister fell in love with a man. And that man also loves my sister. However, the man had a childhood sweetheart. He was jealous because of this. He used his family's power to break up my family, rubbed my sister to death, and sent my father, who was over half a hundred years old, to prison. My mother also died of depression because of the drastic changes in his family life. Do you think I should hate or revenge???

"You... your sister, your sister's name is Jiang, Jiang Yueer? Jiang Ming, Jiang Yueer, Jiang Mingyue..."

Tan Linger was shocked, and she finally remembered the tragedy that happened three years ago because of herself. The weak and beautiful woman died tragically in front of her eyes, and the scene haunted her heart like a nightmare.

"Hahahaha! Do you remember? You finally remembered, now you have nothing to say, right? Hahaha! I will inflict on you all the pain I have suffered over the years!" Jiang Ming smiled miserably, with two lines of blood and tears in his eyes.

"Wait a minute, this is a misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding! I didn't do that. Ah~~~”

Tan Linger suffered in her heart, and this was a nightmare of her life. Before that, although she knew the cruelty of the world, she didn't understand what real cruelty was until she saw that scene. Her heart was trembling and she opened her mouth to explain.

But before he finished speaking, Jiang Ming, who was crazy at this moment, raised the steel needle in his hand and stabbed it fiercely. The ten-centimeter-long steel needle instantly disappeared into one-third. The piercing pain made Tan Liner couldn't help shouting and crying. But it is useless for her to struggle and cry.

Looking at Tan Linger's miserable situation, Jiang Ming hung a cruel and happy smile on the corners of his mouth and said coldly, "As soon as you came back from the Maldives, you let us stop it. You probably don't know that your father has been dealt with by our Hualong help. Maybe he has been dismembered by five horses now. Hahaha!"

Tan Linger's whole body shook, and the blood on her face faded. She wanted to open her mouth to speak, but the steel needle in Jiang Ming's hand fell again.

"Jiang, you beast·"

Do you know? In order to revenge, since I joined the Hualong Gang in the past three years, I have stopped working hard all the time. In the past three years, I have shed more blood than the water you have drunk. In order to get the recognition of Hualong, the first gang in the country, for their support, and for the dragon thorn that represents honor and status in Hualong, how many inconscionable things have I done in the past three years, and how much have I done to wake me up from my nightmare at night? All this is thanks to you, and it's all thanks to you!"


Another needle fell, and Tan Linger's body twitched and made a moaning voice: "I didn't do this, the truth of the matter..."


Another needle stabbed fiercely, and Jiang Ming hissed, "This dragon thorn on my body has stabbed a total of 7,94 needles, and the needle pierced the bone, all thanks to you..."

Jiang Ming stabbed a needle without hesitation, and every time he stabbed a needle, he said a seemingly calm, but it contained boundless hatred and crazy words.

"I have loved art since I was a child, and I have also learned tattoos. I received 7,594 needles for this dragon. How can I not share this pain with you?"

"I want to stab a beautiful phoenix on you, don't worry, it's absolutely beautiful..."

"I don't have such superb skills as Mr. Li, and I can't do it without bleeding..."



I don't know how long it took, Tan Linger didn't even have the strength to scream. At this moment, Tan Linger's body and sheets have all turned blood red. It was as if he had just crawled out of the sea of blood, white and cold, almost like a cold corpse.

Looking at Tan Linger, who was almost dying, Jiang Ming said to himself, "This is unhygienic. I should disinfect you." After muttering, despite Tan Linger's frightened eyes, she came to the wine cabinet and took out a very strong Erguotou, opened the bottle cap and began to clean Tan Linger's body.

"Ah~~~ You kill me! Jiang Ming, killing is nod. Don't torture me like this anymore!" Tan Linger's voice was hoarse, and now she is helpless to ask for death.

"Well, the front is almost stabbed, and the back is still a little worse." Jiang Ming said to himself, then untied the rope on Tan Linger's body and turned her upside down. Although the rope was untied, Tan Linger did not have a trace of joy in her heart at this moment, but only endless fear. God knows that this demon will come up with some vicious tricks to treat her. At this moment, in Tan Linger's heart, she is really willing to be killed by Jiang Mingqiang and raped **, which is much better than the current situation.

Half an hour later, Jiang Ming stopped his movements with sweat and poured a bucket of cold water on Tan Linger. The blood stains on Tan Linger's body were washed away, and half of her back was lifelike, full of Shen Yun's phoenix outline. The outline of the phoenix was meticulous, and every feather and line was full of three-dimensional sense. It is perfect.

"Hey, it seems that God is helping me today. I just feel that this phoenix's skill level is not lower than that of this black dragon on me! With such a beautiful phoenix in the coffin, it's not in vain to come to this world. Jiang Ming grinned, but seemed to forget how to laugh, and only felt bitter in his heart.

Hearing Jiang Ming talking about entering the coffin, a strong sense of happiness suddenly appeared in Tan Linger's heart. Finally, you don't have to be killed by this devil again. It's good to be killed with a knife.

"Hey, it's almost the last point, I'll color you!" Jiang Ming's expression was cruel and sad.