Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 1 The World of Tyrannosaurus Rex?


Unexpectedly, there was a turbulent and rolling river under the cliff. At this moment, the consciousness in Jiang Ming's mind was still awake, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of happiness, but in an instant, his body plunged into the depths of the river because of the drooping force. The weak body surged with the undercurrent. While flowing, his nostrils were suddenly choked by the rapids, and he couldn't help opening his mouth and drinking a few sips of water.

Just as Jiang Ming opened his mouth, the change suddenly occurred. The real gas on his body burst, and a whale-like suction burst out from him. This suction is extremely huge, but any object that is swallowed will be stirred into ashes by the true qi rising all over his body, and the strong vitality will pass through the true air. Into Jiang Ming's body.

Amazing changes have taken place. Jiang Ming's air machine is gradually surging and the injury is constantly getting better, but this change has caused great damage to the river.

At a glance, the color of the river, which is winding and winding, as vibrant as a silver dragon, emitting a bright and beautiful brilliance, is gradually becoming turbid and silent. Countless surging vitality is converging towards a point, and the area around that point is as dark as ink, with a whirlpool rotating constantly, like a black hole that can devour everything. Jiang Ming closed his eyes at this moment, and his own consciousness seemed to be in a brief stagnation, as if a memory had been cut off by an unknown force. At this moment, if someone looks carefully, they will find that the whirlpool above his head is made of countless vitality. Just now, only a small half of the vitality engulfed by the power of Jiang Ming's automatic explosion, and a larger part of it turned into the whirlpool above his head.

In the whirlpool, the spots of light crisscrossed across the lines, as if they were writing something. Finally, a dark golden circular mark appeared in the middle of the whirlpool, with a sophisticated and complex seal engraving, like an ancient divine pattern.

If Jiang Ming was awake at this moment, he would be shocked to find that the seal engraving was exactly the same as the seal engraving on the reverse scales around his waist, but it has expanded a lot. The seal engraving in the whirlpool released a bright light and echoed the seal engraving on Jiang Ming's waist. His body trembled slightly, and finally the seal engraving on the reverse scales between his waist also emitted a faint light.


When the light on the two seal carvings flashed at the same time, the seal engraving in the whirlpool in the sky made a muffled sound like thunder, and then a thick pillar of light blew down. The earthquake shook and the space shattered. Jiang Ming was the brunt and was shrouded in the beam of light. Then, the whirlpool in the sky disappeared, and Jiang Ming disappeared. Only the dark river that has been devastated and vitality on the ground has been exhausted, and it will not be fully recovered after many years.



In the far east of a continent, a thin figure was like a black electricity across the sky and fell to the ground. Suddenly, dust flew on the ground, and a huge humanoid pit appeared.

"Oh, it hurts!" Jiang Ming climbed out of the deep pit with difficulty and gently twisted his body. The bones all over his body made a sound of stir-fried beans, almost shattered, and he couldn't help exhaling in pain.

Jiang Ming showed pain on his face and cursed, "According to the script, there should be a big river or lake under the cliff, and then the protagonist of my time traveler will encounter any adventure, or be rescued by some peerless master to teach skills. I never expected that under this cliff But it's damn land! Fortunately, the young master is blessed with great fortune and is safe and sound. Ouch~~~"

He seems to have completely forgotten that he fell into Dachuan.

Huh? No, is there really an adventure to meet the feng shui treasure?

After feeling it carefully, Jiang Ming suddenly found something wrong. The ancient continent is divided into the east (called Shenzhou, which is the richest place in the whole continent), the northern plain, most of which is full of plateaus, mountains and rivers, and poor resources. Seven out of the mortals on the mainland gather in the northern plain and the southern wilderness. The so-called southern wilderness is not barren and desolate, but a strange region. There seems to be an invisible southern wilderness here. The aura of heaven and earth is isolated from the aura of the continent. The aura here is composed of ancient, broad and pure innate aura, while the rest of the mainland is the acquired aura. Life here is full of creatures and races that first appeared in the world, which is ancient and long-lasting. The West Sea, as the name implies, is a huge sea. Strange seas and ferocious demons.

The Jiang family is a well-deserved giant in the ancient continent, and his ally and in-law Ji family occupy the two parts of the richest China resource aura, but now Jiang Ming clearly feels that even the aura of heaven and earth where the holy land of the Jiang family is located is not as strong and pure as here.

Jiang Ming was a little stunned and muttered in a low voice: "God can see pity. Is it because my experience is so miserable that even God can't bear it, so that he gave me such a quick blessing and let me practice easily?"


Suddenly, Jiang Ming saw a vigorous figure holding a giant bear on his shoulder and walking vigorously, like a running cheetah passing 100 meters in front of his eyes.

"Is there anyone here? Is it the legendary peerless master? Won't it be so bloody?" Jiang Ming swallowed his breath and whispered to himself. Because the physical strength of the giant bear on his shoulder is about the same as Qiling, which is only lower than his current state. After repeated refinement, the monster body in this realm will become extremely heavy, and it is conservatively estimated to weigh thousands of pounds, but the strong man in front of him seems to walk like carrying a lamb. Fei, this is incredible to Jiang Ming.

"Uncle!" Jiang Ming couldn't help shouting at the beginning.

The man stopped and looked at Jiang Ming. This is a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a righteous face. He grinned at Jiang Ming and said, "Little brother, what can I do for you?"

Jiang Ming quickly ran to the man, looked at him carefully, and suddenly opened his mouth. He was stunned: Oh, my God! I'm not dreaming, am I? There is no true fluctuation in this person, but his body is shiny and moist, and its strength may have been the strength of the monk's body in the middle of the gods. How is this possible?

"Uncle, where is this? Who are you?" Jiang Ming grinned, and the expression on his face was a little unnatural.

Hearing what Jiang Ming said, a middle-aged man suddenly showed a faint look on his face and said with a faint smile, "It turns out that the little brother is lost!" I am a hunter in this mountain, and I often encounter this situation. My house is not far ahead. If you don't mind it, you can go back with me for one night. Tomorrow, I will go to Jianghuai City, a hundred miles away to sell a batch of animal skins and take you out of this deep mountain. How about that?

"Hunting...hunting...hunting? Are you a hunter? Jiang Ming's face changed greatly, and his heart was wailed, and he actually lost his temper for a moment.

The middle-aged man nodded and looked at Jiang Ming doubtfully and said, "This is Dashan. Isn't it normal to meet hunters here? What's shocking?"

"No, no!" Jiang Ming also knew that he had lost his composure and laughed dryly: "I've been wandering here for many days. I finally met a person who is still a hunter who knows the terrain well here. I can't help but be a little excited and excited, hey hey!"

At this moment, Jiang Ming's doubts are getting bigger and bigger, towns? If there were really a town here, it would not be under the abyss at all. Where is this place?

"Oh, so that's it! My name is A Niu. If you don't mind, you can go back with me. Tomorrow I will take you to the city. After entering the city, you can hire a carriage to go home. You young men are sloppy and don't prepare in advance when you go out, causing yourself to..." Jiang Ming followed A Niu all the way, but A Niu is like an old man. Counting, this made Jiang Ming helpless and at the same time felt that A Niu was simple, kind and generous.

Both of them are extremely fast, like beasts running. Along the way, A Niu couldn't help praising Jiang Ming's strength. After a while, the two came to a house made of a meter wide and half a foot, with thousands of jin of boulders. There were three such stone houses in front of them. The houses were surrounded by fences, and there were several fences in the fence, which were captive livestock similar to cattle and sheep, and a large open space was opened. There are many unknown vegetables planted on it, which are lush, exuding strong vitality and full of rich pastoral scenery.

"Axia, come out quickly. Today, I met a lost young man and brought him back. Hurry up and clean up the Westing house so that he can stay at night. After cleaning up, come and slaughter an iron-horned sheep to greet the guests. As soon as he approached, a warm smile appeared on A Niu's face and shouted loudly in the room.

"Good!" A bright voice came from the room. A slightly beautiful face was not beautiful, but very durable. She was dressed in tight animal leather clothes and came out of the concave and convex middle-aged woman with exquisite curves. She walked out of the house, put the needle and thread in her hand aside, smiled at the two, and immediately stepped into another house.

Jiang Ming was shocked again and whispered incredulously, "No, no cultivation of true qi, the body at the peak of Ningyuan!"

"Little brother, what are you talking about?" A Niu heard Jiang Ming's whisper and turned his head to ask.

"No, nothing, it's just that your bodies are very strong..." Jiang Ming only felt that his mouth was dry.

"Hi! Mountain and wild people like us have no other ability, but only rely on strength to eat. Naturally, their bodies are stronger than others, but they are not much better than two middle-aged men.


Jiang Ming is shouting and wailing in his heart: Oh, my God, he is a hunter with a body as strong as a monk. Even if the two monks at the peak of Ningyuan work together, they are definitely not as strong as a monk. There is no real fluctuation on him. Obviously, he is not a monk. Naturally, he is also an ordinary person... What kind of freak are the people here? Did I come to the world of the humanoid Tyrannosaurus Rex???

PS: Usually, there are only 30 clicks a day. Today, the first one was updated. After half an hour, more than 60 clicks were added. I was really surprised for a while. At the same time, I am also a little excited, which shows that some friends still read my book. But I'm a little disappointed that I didn't add a single collection and ticket. Don't ask for more. How about ten more collection tickets today and one update at 8 p.m.?