Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 26 Enze Continent

"Well, I've been talking to you for too long, which has distracted me. The mixed energy is approaching another point, and I can't talk to you anymore."

Jiang Ming was thinking hard, but the voice of Tao suddenly sounded. Then the strange energy surrounding him drifted away like blue smoke, and most of it disappeared in an instant.

"Hey, wait a minute! If you put away this energy, I will die, that is, the destruction in your mouth!"

Awakening from meditation, Jiang Ming turned pale in horror. If "Tao" withdraws the power to protect himself, he will be eroded by these colorful fogs in an instant and die no longer.

"Tao" sounded a slightly apologetic voice: "If I use this power to protect you again, then these mixed forces will overwhelm my power, and then I will destroy it!" My consciousness tells me that if I destroy, countless creatures will be destroyed because of my destruction, so I can't continue to protect you!"

The voice of "Tao" seemed selfless and sincere, but this made Jiang Ming's angry teeth itchy, and he cursed in his heart: Oh, I didn't expect you to have a lot of thoughts, but I'm also one of those creatures. Can't you save me?

"Then you send me out, and I don't need your protection." Jiang Ming roared. At this time, "Tao" has recovered more than half of his strength. Those colorful fog surrounded Jiang Ming, like a beast with teeth and claws. As long as Jiang Ming's protective energy disappears, they will rush up without hesitation.

"I can't send you out, because I can't leave here by myself!"

"Tao"'s slightly apologetic voice fell, and Jiang Ming's strange power had been taken back. The colorful fog rushed to Jiang Ming in an instant.

"Damn it!"

Jiang Ming's face changed, and a kind of opinion of Shang covered his whole body. As expected, those colorful fogs no longer attacked him, but gathered together and rushed to the "way" imprisoned like Tissot.

"Huh? How can you use this mixed energy?

The sound of "Tao" sounded again, with a hint of surprise.

Jiang Ming's face was cold and did not pay attention to this so-called "Tao", and his heart was quite irritable. He can't stay in this state for a long time. After all, he just drinks poison to quench his thirst. Once my strength is exhausted, I still can't escape the fate of death.

"You can help me out of trouble! After I get out of trouble, I can send you out of here.

Jiang Ming was stunned for a moment and said coldly, "Don't joke. You are "Tao". You can't get out of trouble. How can I help you? What's more, if I had the ability to help you get out of trouble, I would have left here early and wouldn't have talked to death with you.

In Jiang Ming's tone, the resentment is very deep.

Dao replied, "You can really help me get out of trouble! The power of this cage that imprisoned me is very close to me, as if it is the same as me. Since these mixed energy can hurt me, it must also hurt this prison! Now that you have one of these mixed energies, you can try to use this power to destroy this cage.


Jiang Ming suddenly hesitated. What it said might be a feasible way, but there was still a trace of doubt in Jiang Ming's heart whether he was the so-called "Tao". Up to now, Jiang Ming still doesn't believe that "Tao" can be imprisoned here. If this person is a demon, he may kill himself without hesitation. Not only will he be spared, but it is also a great disaster for Gu Wu after going out, which Jiang Ming can't tolerate.

"Are you hesitating?" Dao saw Jiang Ming's hesitation and said, "Your barge power will soon be exhausted. If you don't make a decision quickly, you will not only be killed by these barge energy, but I also lose this opportunity to go out. This is what I don't want to see. You'd better make a decision as soon as possible!"

Jiang Ming's face changed and he was hesitant.

This may really be my last chance. If I promise it, there will be a glimmer of life, and if I refuse, I will die. A figure like Wuhuang is well-sighted, and he must know what's in it. The Tao of the ancient Wu mainland is dormant, and this may be the same Tao; perhaps Emperor Wu saw through the trick of "remain death" that I could save the "Tao" in the buried abyss, so he lowered his posture and tried his best to ask me to enter this burial abys. He also said that if I entered the burial abyss, I would not only get countless benefits, but also Every continent will get endless benefits. If his purpose really makes me save "Tao", then all this is very reasonable. Yes, it must be like this, fight!

Jiang Ming made a decision in his heart, straightened his face and shouted, "Okay, I promised you. Can you tell me what to do?"

"Okay", "Tao" has no nonsense, and there is a little excitement in his voice: "I know how to control this kind of miscellaneous energy, but only you who can use miscellaneous energy can learn this method. I will tell you this method and borrow my power from you. You try your best to break through this cage. ! Because you can't do it alone. Your strength is too weak.


In an instant, the surrounding space trembled slightly, and a powerful but extremely gentle energy was injected into Jiang Ming's body. Then a buzz of avenue appeared in Jiang Ming's head, and a new understanding surged into his heart.

Such a picture appeared in his mind. The vast land and hundreds of millions of creatures were either dormant, wandering, angry, sad, fighting, or redemption. Countless pictures surrounded Jiang Ming's heart, and every creature was filled with wisps of colorful fog and gathered towards a ball.

"All creatures are affectionate, happy, angry, sad and happy!"

A clear understanding suddenly rose in Jiang Ming's heart and whispered in his mouth. His body was so chaotic that at this moment, he seemed to hear the assembly call of the soldiers, and they became orderly. They gathered towards the heavy sword in Jiang Ming's hand, and the heavy sword instantly became brilliant and brilliant, like a long rainbow.

Jiang Ming's eyes suddenly opened, and the colorful colors bloomed, which looked luxurious and enchanting.

"Everything is world!"

Jiang Ming's body was full of red dust and hit a magnificent blow.

Countless people, beasts, demons, demons, thousands of creatures stepped out of the heavy sword. They were happy or sad, worried or sad, revealing thousands of thoughts, hundreds of thousands of thoughts, and infinite power burst out and condensed into a mysterious force of the world, stirring the wind and clouds in the void, like a The wheel destroys the world's grinding wheel, crushing everything.

Under this powerful power, the cage that blocked the "Tao" evaporated like a water belt and disappeared invisible.


The cage dissipated, and hundreds of millions of smooth rays fell from the sky. "Tao" made a sound of excitement and sighing.

"How many years have I finally regained my freedom? How many years have I finally been able to see the sun again."

Immediately, a great force dragged Jiang Ming up. In the blink of an eye, he seemed to have traveled through hundreds of millions of light years and appeared on the ancient Wu continent in an instant.

This is the highest point of the ancient Wu Continent, which can clearly sense everything in the ancient Wu Continent.

"Tao" and Jiang Ming appeared here, and clusters of colorful fog gathered from all over the continent, every life, and instantly rushed to the place where Jiang Ming and "Tao" were.

Jiang Ming has returned to normal at this moment, losing the powerful energy just now, and the enlightenment in his mind seems to have been emptied, leaving only a vague outline. In the face of these colorful fogs, Jiang Ming's expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, wisps of soft and holy milky white light and the colorful fog overflowed from the bodies of the creatures in the mainland and rushed to the "Tao" next to Jiang Ming.

These holy lights and those colorful fogs seem to be natural enemies. Once they meet, they will be intertwined and seem to be fighting. However, these holy lights are much more powerful than the colored fog. A wisp of holy light can suppress a fist-sized colored fog, completely refine them, and then fly to the commanding heights of the mainland and merge with Tao.

The breath of "Tao" is getting bigger and bigger, and the magnificent breath is getting stronger and stronger. It makes a sound of almost moaning and comfort and saying, "What a wonderful feeling, what a beautiful continent!"

Subsequently, Jiang Ming felt that with the rise of the "Tao" atmosphere, the space of the ancient Wu mainland became more and more stable, and the law of the road became more and more perfect.

At this moment, the dragons and phoenixes on the mainland are coiled, with thousands of auspiciousness, shining, full of fairy spirit, auspicious clouds gathered in the sky, and then wisps of blue rain fell from the sky, and every drop of rain is full of strong aura. This is the real nectar, which fell into the ground, and the dry and cracked earth began to rejuvenate, the tender buds came out of the land, and the withered trees began to rejuvenate.

At this moment, countless animals and plants have been opened, and countless monsters with certain cultivation in the deep mountains and forests are breaking through. At this moment, countless practitioners on the continent have felt the power of heaven, and the realm has begun to move, and the barriers are about to be broken. At this moment, many ancient breaths that have been dormant for a long began to be stupid. At this moment, the sky and the sky man is about to wake up... At this moment, there is a prosperity between heaven and earth, and everything is developing towards a good side; at this moment, the ancient martial arts, which has been silent for a long time, like a lion that has been sleeping for a long time, began to gradually wake up...

In the depths of the cold and lonely starry sky, a huge ancient continent slowly emerged. It made a loud "rumbling" sound like the opening sound of the sky... shocked the whole world.

At this moment, the silent but profound ancient continent is like a waking dragon, revealing the majesty of the past and starting to bloom again, and Jiang Ming is the only witness...

PS: Ask for everything~~~