Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 4 strip them all (, seek to pass)


Suddenly, a loud beast roar came from a distance, and the wind and clouds changed and the world faded in an instant.

A group of people were pale.

"Damn it, is it the hegemonic beast chasing after it? If it comes, I'm afraid this broken prohibition can't be stopped at all!" Jiang Yi suddenly changed his color and cursed bad luck in his heart.

Jiang Ming stared at Huangfu Yuanyao fiercely, as if to condemn her "evil deeds" with his eyes to make her ashamed.

Huangfu Yuanyao looked as light as water, gorgeously ignoring Jiang Ming's murderous eyes.

Jiang Ming was helpless. He suddenly pulled his head like a defeated soldier and said helplessly, "So what should we do now? The fierce beast overlord is obviously coming for us. Now we will be caught by those aliens when we go out. If we don't, I'm afraid that the fierce beast overlord will become food in his womb when he comes.


"Damn it, how could that old monster come this way? With his character, he should not be really angry about the death of a few subordinates. What's going on?"

Outside the temple, the smile on the face of the elf-like cute alien woman also disappeared, and her expression became solemn and she cursed in a low voice.

A attendant waiter turned pale, looked full of horror, and said tremblingly, "Princess Monsa, let's retreat!" The old monster is famous for being rude and unreasonable in this southern wilderness. At this moment, he is in anger. Maybe he will see us swallow us. Let's go and leave these human beings alone.

"No!" The princess known as Mengsha's pretty face and refused without hesitation: "It has not been a long time since the arrival of outsiders in the southern wilderness. The spiritual stones in the tribe are about to run out. If the spiritual stones are exhausted and the ancient array lose their power, we will be greeted by the large-scale attack of the Mu tribe. At that time, our Mongolian tribe Don't you understand that people will become their slaves?

"I know, but..."

"Nothing. Although these people are not very strong, they are disciples of large clans at first glance. Spiritual stones and all kinds of natural treasures must be indispensable. We must not let them go like this. Mengsha's pretty face was cold and said firmly.

Mosa's look became serious and shouted at the temple, "The human beings inside, I need your help. I hope you can come out and come with us! I think you also heard the roar of the fierce beast overlord. If you follow me now, I will protect you from death; but if you insist on staying in the temple, I'm afraid that you will become food in its belly when the old monster comes. Don't think that this broken ancient array outside the temple can save you. I believe you should understand that this remnant array, which has been silent for countless years and almost exhausted, can't resist the fierce attack of the old monster.


"What should I do?" Jiang Ming spread out his hand with a helpless face.

Jiang Yi looked confused and said mechanically, "Look at you."

Jiang Ming turned the wooden pipe to Huangfu Yuanyao again.

Huangfu Yuanyao must have asked a lot of questions, so he casually glanced back at Jiang Ming and said lightly, "I don't want to make food for fierce beasts."

"Okay, I know. I'll go out and negotiate with them."

Jiang Ming's face was worse than crying, and his mouth was full of bitterness. He once said proudly that as long as he worked hard and had enough strength, he would be fearless. But now he realized that there is no way to heaven and no way to the earth. He wants to work hard, but others have to give him enough time and opportunity to work hard.

"TMD, as soon as I entered the southern wilderness, I didn't do anything. Now your ghosts still follow us and ensure our lives. You promise nothing. You just want to kill us at the beginning!"

As the saying goes, evil is born with courage. Up to now, Jiang Ming ignores it and vents the violence, grievances and anger in his heart without reservation, and scolds the people outside the temple.

The black line on Jiang Yi's face: Is this guy going to negotiate? He is simply a shrew scolding, trying to let the other party kill himself crazily,

Even Huangfu Yuanyao, who was extremely indifferent, couldn't help twitching when she heard Jiang Ming's words. She seemed to want to laugh and resist.

"You bastard, what did you say? Up to now, you are still so arrogant.

"You vulgar human beings..."

Mosa looked stunned and subconsciously asked, "When did we chase you?"

"Do you still dare to argue? We just ran to the vicinity of this fierce beast overlord, isn't it caused by your pursuit? Your form, strength and temperament are almost exactly the same. What can you say? Jiang Ming shouted angrily. These people are really shameless. They want to fool them out and deny the facts. It's so shameless.

"Is the breath, posture and temperament exactly the same as us? Is it..."

"Come on, I know, it turns out..." Mengsha showed an innocent smile on her face and said, "I know, the pursuit of you does belong to the same race as us, but it is not a tribe with us. I think it's the people of the Mu tribe who chased you! Only the bastards of the Mu tribe will be like this. Our Hemu tribe is all hostile, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Don't worry, since you are the people you are looking for by the Mu tribe, the people of our Meng tribe will never hurt you.

"Why do I believe you? If you can't come up with evidence, you can fool the universe and reverse the rivers, and I won't believe you..."

Monta shrugged her shoulders and said with a harmless smile, "What I'm telling you is the truth. Believe it or not. I'll give you three breaths. If you don't agree, stay here as the food of the old monster! ka ka~~”


Jiang Ming looked gloomy and full of grievance.


Jiang Ming's eyebrows trembled gently, showing signs of anger.


"Okay, I promised you that we'll go out now."

When he said this, Jiang Mington was like a discouraged ball, pulling his head and turning his head to Jiang Yi.

Unable to bury the ancestral statues here, Jiang Ming put the two statues into the treasure bag, and then the three walked out of the Shuangdi Temple helplessly and left with Monsa and others.


Along the way, Monsa jumped left and right beside the three people like a little girl who didn't care about the world, constantly looking at them, with a pure smile on her face and indescribable joy.

Mengsha blinked her lovely big eyes and smiled at Jiang Ming, "Why do you all have a bitter face? Why don't you smile? Smiling is the most beautiful expression in the world!"

The corners of Jiang Ming's mouth kept twitching, and the expression on his face was extremely stiff. He reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, he roared in his heart: "Beautiful? I can't wait to slap you to death and make you beautiful! I'm a prisoner now, and of course you are beautiful."

"This uncle and this beautiful sister, this cute little man has no poison. Why are you so heavy? You are both much stronger than him!" Mengsha then jumped again and saw Huangfu Yuanyao and Jiang Yi wandering around, asking innocently like a curious baby.

The corners of Jiang Yi's mouth twitched, and his head was full of black lines, and he didn't say anything.

Huangfu Yuanyao pulled the corners of her mouth and said very stiffly, "Because he is not a human."

Monta nodded and showed a sudden expression: "Oh, it turns out that he is not a human!" No wonder it's so cute and not as treacherous as you. I can see everything between you clearly."





After a long time, everyone came to a plain, which was shrouded in fog and looked extremely strange.

Mosa walked to the fog, twisted her hands quickly to form a strange seal, and then waved a complex and strange silver-white mark. The fog suddenly cracked a gap, and then the group walked in, and the fog gathered again, as if nothing had happened.

"Father, I'm back, I'm back! He also brought back three, ah, no, two prey! That little man is so cute that he is not a prey.

In the fog, there is a vast plain. This is a huge village built entirely by trees, which can't be seen at a glance. The stockade is divided into many wooden houses simply built with bamboo, full of the breath of nature, just like a kingdom of trees.

In the center of the village is a palace made of towering giant wood, which is twice as tall as other houses and has the smell of a crane. However, from the appearance, it is only taller than other houses, and it is also particularly simple.

As soon as she entered this place, Mengsha motioned Jiang Ming to take Huangfu Yuanyao and Jiang Yi, and then everyone flew to the middle palace, and Mengsha shouted excitedly.

Hearing the shout, a figure flew out of the palace.

This is a beautiful middle-aged man. The flesh and blood are exquisite, and the silver hair like a waterfall floats freely, and the silvery eyes reveal wisdom and calmness.

He flew forward, touched Mengsha's head dotingly, then glanced at Jiang Ming and the others, and shouted softly, "Come on, strip them all..."

PS: If you are reading this book, but you don't have a collection, you can collect it. If you want to pass~~~ 100 collections, you will pass