Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 12 Gathering

The sky was covered by thick dark clouds, and some thunder flashed in the clouds from time to time, and the bad and gloomy weather was just like the mood of Jiang Ming and others at this moment.

"What should we do about this?"

On the central hall of the changeable demon clan, Meng Kuo sat on the chair in the center of the hall, tapping his fingers rhythmically, making a muffled sound, and his face was a little gloomy.

On this day, the powerful bull demon clan sent a secret letter, which said that the changeable demon clan reopened the small world and absorbed too much aura in the southern wilderness, which has affected the interests of other races in the southern wilderness. After unanimous discussion, the leaders of all races decided to invite the emperor of the ever-changing demon clan to hold a big meeting. Yes, discuss how to solve this problem. If the problem cannot be dealt with properly, they will unite to fight against the ever-changing succubus family. This decision suddenly forced the changeable succubus family to the edge of the cliff. If it is handled improperly, it may be doomed.

Jiang Ming, Mengsha and Huangfu Yuanyao sat at home freely, gently sifting the special agar made by the succubus clan, looking like they had nothing to do with themselves and hanging high. Jiang Yi stood upright and stood quietly beside Jiang Ming like a javelin. His task is to protect Jiang Ming, and other things have nothing to do with him.

The senior management of the variable succubus family stood there awkwardly one by one, looking at each other in con's respect and didn't know what to say. Jiang Ming is either a guest or a member of the royal family, so they have the right to sit in front of the emperor. They are not treated so well.

At this juncture, the senior management of the changeable demon clan chose to be silent. If you make a wrong opinion or suggestion about this kind of thing, it may lead to the destruction of the race. Isn't it going to fall into a world-old reputation?

"Bed up!" The rhythm of Meng Kuo's beating was faster and more powerful. A trace of anger appeared on his face and he said coldly, "What's wrong? Usually, you are all very 'positive'! Why did they all become mute today?

A mass of anger was brewing in Meng Kuo's heart, and he couldn't wait to slap these people one by one. Usually when it comes to their own interests, they are like beating chicken blood in the palace. They are eloquenced and chatterless. All kinds of methods are one after another, but nowadays, when the tribes are in trouble, they are all like mute.

Have my succubus people also fallen and become as selfish as human beings? Meng Kuo couldn't help but have such an idea in his heart.

At this time, a middle-aged man dressed in silver armor and looked quite heroic shouted angrily, "Your Majesty, these bastards bullied people too much. I was at least a big clan in ancient times, and few people dared to provoke them. Although we are declining, our blood is still there. At worst, we will burn all the jade and fight with them!"

This is the royal family of the changeable succubus clan and the cousin of Mengkuo. He is covered with divine patterns, and his majestic armor looks extraordinary. If he says this on another occasion, it will certainly arouse the approval and support of many people, praise him for his courage, resourcefulness and blood, and treat him as a hero, but he is simply an idiot to say this on such an occasion.

It is an indisputable fact that the caprable demon clan has fallen. Once, it was only in the face of the traitor of the Mu tribe, which was quite difficult, not to mention facing the whole southern wilderness this time.

Meng Kuo's heart was moaning, and he cursed in his heart: Do you think this is still ancient? Can our words hurt people's muscles and bones and be afraid? Now even if we fight with the strength of the whole family, I'm afraid that there will be no scum left in the shortest time!

Meng Kuo really wants to shout at this moment: "Son, your mother called you home for dinner!"

But in order to maintain the image of the head of the family, Meng Kuo still resisted the impulse to say this and said in a low voice, "Is there no other way?"

"Emperor, the other party is powerful, we might as well seek peace..."

Meng Kuo rubbed his temples feebly and waved his hand. He resisted the impulse of kicking the person who said the suggestion out of the hall and said, "What can I do?"

"Your Majesty, we might as well..."

"Your Majesty, we should..."

The speeches of the previous few people ignited the unwilling heart of the senior management of the succubus family. They couldn't wait to say one by one that they thought were very practical. Listening to these useless and useless "wonderms", it only feels like a group of flies buzzing in his ears.

"Don't you have any practical and normal tricks? What they are talking about are all bullshit methods. If we acted according to your methods, I'm afraid our succubus family would have been exterminated long ago!!!"

Meng Kuo finally couldn't stand a kind of high-level chatter and "nonsense" and completely broke out.

He suddenly stood up from the throne, staring angrily, and his hair was upside down, like an angry lion.

"Imperial Lord!"

Just as everyone was angry and silent and dared not speak, an old man with silver hair and a dull face walked into the hall with a crutch and whispered.

"Uncle, what good plan do you have?" Meng Kuo looked at the speaker, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

This old man's name is Montaigne. He is a strong man of his father's generation. In his early years, he was damaged by fierce fighting with people. He was determined that it would be difficult to make progress in his life. He was depressed and chose to become an elder of the ancient Montesian temple. Except for the sacrifice every ten years, he basically spent time in the ancient temple and never appeared. In front of people.

Nevertheless, there was still a surprise after the old man appeared. His uncle has loved him since he was a child. He can also be said to be his enlightenment teacher. Everything he knows is taught by this uncle, and only he knows how smart, wise and amazing his uncle is. When the uncle entered the ancient temple and became an elder, others thought that a hero fell like this. Only he firmly believed that his uncle would not fall, and one day he would stand up again and stand up in a posture that others could only look up to.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the old man with some surprise; those older people knew Montaigne, and their eyes looking at Montaigne were regretful, lamented, and disdainful...

"Cough, Lord, since they are invited, I will accompany you! In case people think that we are timid and aggressive to us, then things will be more difficult to do.

The old man staggered, dry and thin, as if a gust of wind could blow him down. However, with the fall of his voice, he was overjoyed and shouted, "Okay, okay! With the emperor's uncle in charge, we don't have to worry so much!"

Montmontian nodded to Jiang Ming and said, "You are very good!"

Jiang Ming replied with a smile on his face. After all, it feels good to be praised, isn't it?


The next day, Meng Kuo rushed to the tribe of the Bull Demon clan with Jiang Ming and Mengtian.

Meng Kuo originally did not agree with Jiang Ming and his party to go with him. He felt that it was too dangerous. Mengsha and his others were too weak. If a battle broke out, they would be easily hurt. However, Meng Kuo finally couldn't stand Mengsha's repeatedly ping, and Montaigne also agreed, so he had no choice but to take a few people with him.

When he arrived at the tribe of the bull demon clan, a bull-headed man, three meters tall, mottled and messy mane, and exuded a fishy tare bull-headed soldier came to receive the crowd. The soldier looked very arrogant and treated everyone with a look.

His face was blue, and his nose was almost crooked, but he just snorted coldly and didn't have the same experience as him.

Jiang Ming was surprised: It seems that the changeable demon clan is indeed declining, otherwise it will not be reduced to a soldier in a virtual environment to treat it like this.

In the largest tent of the Bull Demon Tribe, the leaders of the southern wilderness gathered.

There are blood clans that feed on blood and practice with blood, which are mysterious and evil; there are golden clans who are strong and like gold and iron; there are shadows who are cold and mysterious, like a shadow, known as the king of the night by everyone... The head of the bull and demon clan is thick and strong, with a five-meter giant body leaning against the largest in the tent. On the bone chair, a big hand like a fan is dragging a huge bull's head, holding a dark ball in one hand, like coal, constantly throwing, staking it, throwing it up, staking it...

"Meng Kuo, you are here!"

When Meng Kuo and his party entered the tent, the bull-headed patriarch raised his eyelids, said something, and then began to play with the round ball in his hand without entertaining everyone at all. This is no longer contempt, but ** naked disregard. Don't mention Meng Kuo, even Jiang Ming felt a flame slowly rising in his chest.

This time, people came here to solve problems, not to make trouble. Meng Kuo suppressed his anger and said coldly, "Manyuan, you can tell me if you have anything. I'm in a hurry."

After listening to this, the bull-headed patriarch Manyuan straightened his body slightly and said quite casually, "This time, you changeable succu demons opened the small world without authorization. How much impact it has had on the whole southern famine? Do you know that the concentration of aura in the whole southern wilderness has almost dropped by one layer? This kind of harm to others and yourself is simply a bastard!"

Meng Kuo knew that Man Yuan's words were to make excuses for his ultimate purpose. They were all strong and unreasonable bullshit. He was pale and even owed the answer, but stared at him indifferently.

Man Yuan didn't care. He grinned his biggest cow's mouth and seemed to be laughing, which looked quite funny. He then said slowly, "But the opening of a small world is not necessarily a bad thing for the Southern Wilderness!"

Meng Kuo said secretly: Here comes the topic!

"What do you want?"