Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 13 Black Vortex

A mass of blood is brewing in the air, and blood-colored thunder is raging in the clouds like a wandering dragon. A wisp of strong blood color is like a needle, and the eyes of the piercing person are painful.

"Is it a natural disaster? Let me see how powerful you are!"

At this moment, Jiang Ming has regained control of his own body. All kinds of enlightenment and rationality appeared in his mind, and he clearly felt that there were two shocking forces in his body, which were his potential forces. It was not until this moment that he was fully stimulated. Jiang Ming looked at the sky and prepared for the next stormy disaster.


Several fierce bloody lightnings rushed down like blood-colored dragons, and the earth trembled and was horrible.


Under the blood-colored thunder and lightning, the blood-colored world on the periphery trembled gently. Even if it returned to calm, the violent blood-colored thunder did not cause any damage to him.

"What an amazing power, what a strong pressure. Is this still the soul refining disaster of the realm?" Jiang Yi showed an incredible look and said in shock.

This disaster is the soul-refining disaster that fell from heaven and earth when the monks understood his "Tao". If they survive, they will pass the test of heaven and earth. If they fail, they will be destroyed by the ashes. The soul refining disaster is one of the most horrible and shocking disasters for monks, and it is also the first ordeal to face when they embark on the road of monasticism. This disaster is specially designed to deal with the soul and is unpreventable.

General monks shake and hone their souls when crossing the soul disaster. Unless they reach the critical moment of life and death, they will fight against the heavenly disaster with true qi spells. Because the soul is the most vulnerable part of the monk, it is usually protected and rarely goes through "tribulations". If it is not refined by this rare opportunity, the soul will be extremely fragile and easy to suffer losses in the fight with others.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

There was a shocking shout of murder in the bloody clouds, which looked strange and fing.

seemed to be angered by Jiang Ming's tenacity. The blood cloud rolled and boiled like boiling water. A cluster of blood-colored clouds condensed and turned into a row of divine soldiers in blood-red armor and roared down from the sky. The tip of their spears was bright red, like a wisp of blood, full of evil spirit. Just like the essence, it seems that one by one really fought on the battlefield and killed countless divine soldiers, rather than the transformation of energy.



A row of military horses washed down like a bloody torrent and swept rampant in the bloody world. Where their iron hooves stepped on, the infinite monks in the bloody world were trampled into blood mud, the boundless earth was cracked into an abys, and a large area of the sky was torn apart by the violent offensive and turned into chaos.

Naturally, the bloody world should not be so bullied. In the bloody world, the sky became gloomy in an instant, transforming into a vast sea of thunder and lightning. Countless soldiers and gods killed these "invaders" crazily! The sky and the earth of the two sides collapsed, the earth was ups and down, blood flew, and the earth was dyed red, as if it were real, like a divine war, miserable and desolate.

Jiang Ming's face was purple, his forehead was sweating coldly, and the bloody world was torn, as if he were cutting a knife on his soul. He was not uncomfortable.


The two sides fought fiercely and walked and fought, not unconsciously breaking the purple barrier and rushing into the black world.


The man in the black world suddenly opened his eyes, and an amazing light burst out of his eyes. He immediately opened his mouth and swallowed it, and countless soldiers swallowed the wreckage like his stomach. Subsequently, the man in black robe changed amazingly, and his originally unpredictable face slowly changed, exactly the same as Jiang Ming.

Bum! Bang! Bang!


The man in black robe seemed to be angered. With one move, the magnificent black gas spewed out of him, turning into a strange and ferocious monster, and rushed away to fight with those heavenly soldiers and gods. The black world also began to turbulent, producing ripples, and then part of it was broken.

"Oh, my God, what kind of freak has he understood? This kind of power is difficult for even to compete with earth immortals and even heavenly immortals! I really don't know how much his strength will soar after the disaster. Youluo moaned helplessly and looked decadent. He never thought that Jiang Ming did not understand his way when he fought with him.

You should know that after enlightenment, your strength will soar to an incredible level, which is completely different from those monks who have not walked out of their own path, like a sky, a land, an immortal, and a mortal. If Jiang Ming survives this disaster, Youluo will definitely be thrown away by Jiang Ming.


With the sound of blood bursting, the last blood soldier was torn apart and let out a unwilling roar and dissipated.

Suddenly, the bloody clouds above the sky quickly converized, and the scarlet slowly retreated, and finally almost dissipated.

Seeing this, Jiang Yi exhaled a turbid breath, his face softened a little, and whispered, "Is the disaster over? Fortunately, there was no danger, but the scene just now was really terrible.

"That's great." Monta said happily and wanted to rush over.

However, after taking two steps forward, Mengsha found that Jiang Ming's face was still solemn, looking at the sky from afar, and her eyes were moving.

Monta stopped, with a wisp of sadness on her face and whispering, "Isn't it over yet? What kind of disaster is this? Why is it so horrible?



The blood cloud gathered into a ball and thought it was going to dissipate, but I didn't expect that it suddenly exploded when everyone guessed, making a shocking sound, and then a bloody hand full of domineering breath pressed down from the sky.


"Ah~~~ What the hell is this?" Mengsha and others were shocked, suddenly spewing out a mouthful of blood, and their bodies were severely damaged, even the powerful Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi suddenly changed his color and shouted, "Come on, go back!" With such great power, is this the disaster of killing? Don't hesitate, retreat, retreat!"

Feeling the power of this bloody giant hand, Jiang Yi suddenly came out of a teenager's mind when he learned that it was almost impossible to appear: extermination.

The so-called killing is issued by heaven and earth against some peerless figures who may affect the general trend of heaven and earth after cultivation. These characters are amazing, and their cultivation can even affect the general trend of heaven and earth. However, heaven and earth are controlled by the "heaven", and all sentient beings should be under its control. The intention or possibly get out of its control is to violate the rules of heaven and earth. The reason of heaven and earth will be the most direct and vigorous by him. Means to kill.

It is recorded in ancient books that if the heaven is the most public, if he narrowly avoids a "killing robbery", then heaven and earth will acquiesce to his existence and will no longer descend "killing" in the future. However, the so-called "killing robbery" is the destruction of heaven and earth, and one blow will kill. Since ancient times, there has been no record, and no one has heard of anyone who can avoid this "killing robbery".

Although Jiang Ming is amazing, Jiang Yi has no confidence in Jiang Ming. It is not cowardly for him to withdraw at this moment. He just wants to protect his relatives and friends for Jiang Ming, which is also an explanation for him. Just thinking that Jiang Ming died and that he would never get the title of "guardian" of the Jiang family again, Jiang Yi's face turned white.


The bloody giant is amazingly powerful and full of boundless murderous intent, which is a must-kill blow. With one blow, the ancient arrays that have existed for many years began to collapse and disintegrate. The earth under Jiang Ming's feet began to collapse and turn into powder. His body burst into a mass of blood fog under the terrible pressure and sank deeply on the ground.

Stone debris flew on the ground and the blood floated, but it was dissipated and turned into nothingness in an instant.

This big hand is a heavenly disaster, the endorsement of "heaven" and the embodiment of the majesty of "heaven". Any creature can only tremble and crawl in front of the majesty of "heaven" and cannot rise. Otherwise, the terrible heavenly power will turn it into nothingness.


The power is endless and vast. This is an unparalleled great power. Even the vision world unfolding above Jiang Ming's head is unbearable. It began to shake violently and the collapsed sound. Jiang Ming's soul was severely damaged by the way, and he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of thick blood, looking miserable.


Jiang Ming let out a low roar and quickly covered him with dark dragon armor. He can't think much at this moment, but instinctively wants to protect himself.

Bum! Bang! Bang!

In the face of Tianwei, the dragon armor was also powerless. The pieces collapsed, sticking to the flesh and blood of Jiang Ming, which was unbearable.

Jiang Ming's face was difficult to see the extreme and twisted to the extreme. He watched the bloody giant hand magnify little by little in his pupils, but there was nothing he could do.

"Is it here today? What kind of bullshit is this? Jiang Ming roared in his heart, but immediately the grievance and anger in his heart turned into deep helplessness. The terrible pressure made it difficult for him to move a little, and he could only listen to fate.

"Miracle, come on!" Jiang Ming prayed silently in his heart.


Sudently, the land under Jiang Ming roared, and immediately cracked inch by inch. Jiang Ming only felt that his feet were soft, as if he were stepping in the mud, and his body slowly sank, and it was difficult to extricate himself.

Jiang Yi and others stood in the air, but were suddenly pulled over by the fierce suction from their feet and reached the ground. Then their bodies slowly sank, as if there was a horrible black hand to pull them to the abyss of hell.

"What's going on? A miracle?" Jiang Ming's face suddenly changed.

Although he prayed in his heart, Jiang Ming knew that the probability of making a miracle was so small that it was negligible that he didn't expect such a strange scene to happen, which puzzled him and made him feel fury.

Unknown, it is always shocking.

But in an instant, Jiang Ming, Jiang Yi and others were pulled away by this huge attraction and disappeared.

At this moment, if someone looks down from the sky, they will find that dozens of miles of land have disappeared. A black whirlpool as dark as ink and thick as ink inside is slowly rolling, and the bloody big hand penetrates into the whirlpool and is unpredictable. The power pulled away, turned into a wisp of pure energy, and integrated into the black whirlpool with Jiang Ming and others.

This scene seems extremely gloomy and weird, but no one is destined to see it...