Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 69 Ap excuse

In the southern wilderness.

Jiang Ming went to the southern wilderness again this time, but without any hesitation, he stepped into the tower.

So far, the southern wilderness is very different from before. As soon as you enter, you can hear the roar of the beasts and the birds dancing, full of vitality.

Jiang Ming's divine knowledge found that the changeable succuable clan has developed greatly. Its strength is huge, occupying almost half of the southern wilderness, while the blood clan, the shadow clan, the golden clan and the bull demon clan were suppressed very miserable. The mainland has changed dramatically, but their strength is still the same as that of thousands of years ago, with no development.

With a complicated mood, Jiang Ming quickly came to the tribe of the succubus clan.


In the hall, Meng Kuo sat in the throne and sighed in his heart. After thousands of years, his daughter had been with the boy for thousands of years, and there was no news at all. Now that the world has changed greatly and the door of the fairyland has reopened, they must come back together soon, right?

Meng Kuo is now provocative and unfathomable. Just as he was meditating, he found someone spying secretly, and one of his hands was thrown out.


Jiang Ming went to pick up the glass, but found that he had been hit by a huge hammer. He fell into his blood fiercely and finally stood firm, but he found that his arms were numb and had no sense.


Jiang Ming came out of the dark with a wry smile.

Meng Kuo's body trembled, and an extremely excited look appeared on his face, and he came to Jiang Ming with a sw.

Originally, Meng Kuo wanted to laugh and scold and make fun of Jiang Ming, but he didn't find Mengsha's figure, and his face became gloomy in an instant: "Where's Shasha? What about him?"

"She, she's dead!"

"Dead? Is she dead? Meng Kuo's pupils shrank and muttered in a low voice. Immediately, his eyes burst into an angry look. A slap fell on Jiang Ming's face, and his eyes turned red, roaring like an angry beast: "Dead, my daughter with you actually died? How did you guarantee it at the beginning? What did you say? Why did she die and you didn't die, you bastard!"

Jiang Ming's bitter face wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth silently.

Looking at his anger, he kicked Jiang Ming's body without hesitation, kicked him dozens of meters upside down, and knocked over most of the things in the hall.

"You told me that you would do your best to protect her."


Meng Kuo dodged behind Jiang Ming and hit Jiang Ming's shoulder fiercely.

"You said that you two will definitely be alive, so I can rest assured that she will leave with you."


Jiang Ming suffered another blow and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, but he did not resist. But this still couldn't diminish the anger in Meng Kuo's heart. He was like playing with Jiang Ming, a cruel abuser like a ball. Jiang Ming's body kept flying in the hall.

The guards outside heard the noise and filed out.

The eyes burst into cold electricity, waved like a fly, and shouted violently, "Get out, don't come in without my order. Get out!"

The strong momentum hit, and the guards were swept out of the door without even seeing the scene in front of them.

Meng Kuo stopped his movements and gasped, not tired, but angry: "Is this your promise to me, the promise to Sasha?"

"Cough~~" Jiang Ming got up from the ground with difficulty and his face turned pale.

First, he forcibly divided one-third of his soul to create another self, and then he was severely beaten. His body has been severely damaged. Although Meng Kuo retains his strength, God knows what kind of unpredictable state he has cultivated in this thousand years. Even the three points of power have made Jiang Ming quite miserable.

"I'm sorry, Sasha, and I have betrayed your trust."


Meng Kuo kicked over again and said, "A word of apology is over?"

"If you want to kill, you have to scrape, and you are at your convenience."

"Okay, you boy, come with me. Do you think I dare not kill you, or I can't bear to kill you? My daughter is dead. What's the use of leaving you? Die!"


Under the palm of Meng Kuo's unhesitation, the violent murder almost condensed into substance, and even the temperature in the air plummeted. Jiang Ming felt that his blood was about to freeze under the cover of this murder.

Jiang Ming's heart was beating wildly, and his heart was about to jump out of his throat. He felt guilty about Mengsha's death, so he specially thought of making amends for Nanhuang. He thought that Meng Kuo beat him at most and beat him at most, but he didn't expect that Meng Kuo really killed him.

However, although he was shocked, Jiang Ming was still motionless. He knew in his heart that if he showed a fear of death at this moment, his end might be even worse.

He is not afraid of death, but he still has a lot of things to do, so he doesn't want to die at this moment.

He is betting that he will finally keep his hand on the past.

However, this time Jiang Ming guessed wrong. When he learned that his daughter had died and had lost his mind, it was difficult for him to accept that such a daughter had died. This time he really had a murder.

Seeing that the pressure on his body is getting heavier and heavier and his murderous intention is getting stronger and stronger, Jiang Ming knows that Meng Kuo is really moved to kill, but there is a sense of relief in his heart. He thought viciously: TMD, kill it! Just die! If I die, I don't have to carry so much. It's no big deal.


At this critical moment, an old and thin palm grabbed Meng Kuo's arm, and Mengtian's old and hoarse voice sounded: "Sasha is dead, and it's useless for you to kill him."

"Uncle, Sasha is better than him, but now he is alive, but Sasha is dead. It must be that he was greedy and afraid of death. He left Shasha in a critical moment and ran away with his guards. Such a person is more than enough to die. Meng Kuo's voice was extremely cold, as if he was going to freeze the world.

Hearing this, Jiang Ming made it clear in his heart that Meng Kuo thought so much that he was determined to kill himself.

But Jiang Ming was angry. It turned out that in this guy's heart, he was such a despicable, shameless and shameless person who didn't admit his debts and killed his wife?

The scholar can be killed and not humiliated. Jiang Ming decided to defend it and said weakly, "Father, it's not what you think."

"Shut up, who is your father? I must kill you today."

Montaigne nodded slowly with a gloomy face.

Meng Kuo suddenly collapsed, as if his strength had been drained, and his eyes were dim, and he muttered in a low voice, "It's her. It's her. Why is it? Why?"

His voice became hoarse, and his face was ashes, as if the world in his heart had collapsed.

"Actually, you don't have to be so desperate. Monta may still have hope of salvation.

PS: By the way, how do I feel like I'm writing a book on a pirated website? After hard work, it will soon be 500,000 words. Not many people read it, but there are still some, so I work hard every day. I don't ask for rewards or anything, but 500,000 words have passed. Two months later, except for the red votes and comments of friendship, neither of them moved much, which makes me feel very failed, and at the same time, I hope? Do those friends who read my book really feel that my book only deserves to be read like a stolen post. Isn't it worth even commenting and voting for a red vote?