Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 102 Your ancestors want me to let you go

"Who are you?" Jiang Ming was shocked and said to himself inexplicably.

The crowd is a little strange. Who is Jiang Ming talking to? Although they were surprised, no one dared to go forward. The power of Jiang Ming's crazy scene just now made them inexplicable and dared not move.

"Who am I? Hahaha." The voice laughed wildly, with a sense of self-respect and staring at the world, but there was indeed a faint sadness in it: "I am the dragon thorn on your body, who always accompanies you and watches you grow. And you can become a dragon and have a dragon-like body, which has nothing to do with the energy I feed you back day and night. Speaking of which, I'm still half your teacher."

"Bullshit!" Jiang Ming scolded rudely, "If you hadn't lived in my body, nourished yourself with my essence, and swallowed the true qi I spit out to restore energy, I'm afraid you would still be silent now, or even disappear! I'm curious that the dragon thorn on my body is just a simple tattoo. How can it breed you?

The voice was silent, and it took a long time to speak slowly, with a trace of helplessness in the voice: "You're right, but I'm not that I haven't benefited you at all. Let's be mutually beneficial!" Now I have a request..."

"Why should I agree to your request?" Jiang Ming didn't want to listen more and scolded rudely.

"Kid, who do you think you're talking to? You..." There was a trace of anger in the voice, as if the dragon was ridiculed by the ants, which made him unbearable.

Jiang Ming smiled strangely and said lightly, "I know you are powerful. You are strong. You can kill me! But you let me die. I'm going to die. I don't know how much you can live?

Hearing this, the voice said with a trace of indignantness: "Kid, you have guts, you are cruel, but you are qualified to talk to me like this. If others are so bad for me, I will lose both sides. Anyway, I have lived for countless years and have already seen through life and death."

Jiang Ming said nothing, and the voice continued, "Kid, that black boy is my descendant. His blood is extremely pure. I hope you don't kill him."

Huh? Is your body a real dragon? But with your words, I can't kill him. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? Jiang Ming said murderously. After saying that bastard of the Dragon King, he was included in the list of must-kill by Jiang Ming, and no one can say anything.

"No, I told you not to kill him, not to let him go. I've seen the scene just now, and I deserve to die ten thousand times just because that boy spoke rudely to you.

"That's over. I'm going to kill him." Jiang Ming looked murderous and wanted to take action.

He frowned slightly, looked full of doubt, and asked, "Brother Jiang Ming, who are you talking to?"

"Wait a minute, I know you are very dissatisfied with that boy, but you don't have to kill him. He is now in the realm of Xuanxian. As long as the soul is immortal, the body can be reorganized at will. You can imprison him, extract his blood every once in a while, and then integrate into yourself, so that both you and I will benefit. The recovery ability of the dragon clan is very strong. Every time you extract 70% of his blood, his blood will be re-rezi zied a year later. I pass on you a prohibition specially designed to deal with the dragon clan, which makes him unable to self-destruct himself. After everything is done, I can pass on the great power of the dragon clan, and even spend my own essence to change your physique, so that you can become a truly upright and noble dragon clan, and the bloodline is 10,000 times pure than all dragon clans now. What do you think? The voice was narlouchy and full of the smell of **, and he didn't feel the fierceness revealed by his words at all.

Jiang Ming's body is cold and cold, as if soaked in ice water.

This person may really be a dragon clan or an extremely powerful dragon clan. But he is also extremely vicious and cold. Jiang Ming clearly knows what this guy wants dragon blood for, which is to nourish himself and make him recover slowly. Although it can also bring benefits to himself, he may not get as good as one ten thousandth of this person.

More importantly, the owner of this voice can be called inhumane, and he does not hesitate to help an outsider treat his descendants so cruelly for his recovery. Thinking of such an existence in his body, Jiang Ming's heart was hairy. At the same time, he made up his mind that no matter how beautiful and pleasant he said, he would not do anything beneficial to it in the future.

He can't help but look good at himself now. A person who is so cruel to his descendants, how good do you expect him to be after he has the initiative?

"I can't do it. I'm a very kind person and can't do such a horrible thing." Jiang Ming sneered.

The owner of that voice said madly and angrily, "Bastard, are you kind? You are so kind! Although you are not a murderer, I can see the cruelty of the enemy. If you are kind, there will be no evil people in the world. Besides, this boy has a grudge against you, and it's not too much for you to deal with him. The boy of the gluttonous family in the book I read respects you very much. He won't object to this matter. All he needs is a word from you. Think about it, if you do this, you can not only get the bath and nourishment of dragon blood, but also understand all the magic power of the dragon clan, and even teach you some taboo magic power that the dragon clan is not qualified to learn now.

Jiang Ming said indifferently, "In my heart, if people don't offend me, I don't offend them. This is kindness, so I'm kind. As for your dragon magic power, I don't care about it. You can keep it and play slowly!"

"Kid, don't force me to be strong against you." The voice became cold and full of threats.

Jiang Ming's eyes sparkled with a fierce light and said, "If I guess correctly, you don't have the ability to fully control my body now. If you dare to act recklessly, you can see if you act quickly or I blow up my soul quickly."

"Kid, why are you doing this? Doing what I said is good for both of us. The voice was a little helpless.

Jiang Ming scolded rudely: "I don't believe that a person who is so cruel to his descendants will treat me so well. What's more, I have no interest in becoming someone else's puppet.

"Are you really unwilling?"


The voice was silent for a long time, and said strangely, "Kid, one day you will be willing to help me. Even if you are not willing, you have to do this, hahaha."

The voice completely disappeared, stopped talking, and there was no reply for a long time, as if it was completely silent.

Jiang Ming sighed and let go of the Dragon King. The owner of that voice is mysterious. God knows what kind of magic power he will use to collect the blood of the dragon king and strengthen himself after killing the dragon king. Jiang Ming made up his mind not to take action against creatures with dragon blood in the future.

However, Jiang Ming's heart was difficult to calm down, and the strange tone of the voice gave him an ominous feeling.

The Dragon King was stagnant for a moment, and the broken body burst into explosions and reorganized. He rushed to Jiang Ming and said ferociously, "Why didn't you kill me? Why? Do you feel sorry for me or do you think I am not qualified to be killed by you?

"It's just a test. There's no need to take your life." Jiang Ming's face was very ugly and he answered perfunctorily.

Unknownst, the Dragon King did not give up. He flashed in front of Jiang Ming and said coldly, "Just now, you clearly have a murderous intention, and you really want to kill. Why didn't you kill me? Why?

"TMD your ancestors didn't let me kill you through the air, so I won't kill you. Is this enough reason? I'm in a very annoying mood now. Get out of here." Jiang Ming immediately became angry. This bastard, Guapi, won't kill him if he doesn't kill him. He also wants to ask why. What is this?

However, the Dragon King's face showed a clear color, and a trace of pain and melancholy appeared in his eyes. He muttered, "Ancestor, it turned out to be you, it was you. I'm sorry for you..."