Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 154 The Marriage of the Young City Lord

When Jiang Ming walked into the room, his expression just now was swept away, and his expression returned indifferently.

The dragon thorn exclaimed, "Kid, it's really a child to teach. I didn't expect you to be so good at telling stories. If I hadn't been following you, I would have almost believed it. In the end, it's really insidious to provoke the dispute between father and son with Linger, but I like it, hehehe.

Jiang Ming curled his lips and sneered, "If you have nothing to do, you are not a traitor or a thief, and don't you find that Sun Wu's words and behavior are a little strange? Sun Cheng is quite sincere, but Sun Wu seems to care about my strength and doesn't know what the hell he is thinking. But I can't leave now, otherwise I will definitely make him suspicious and make some radical moves. I would like to stay to see what he has in mind, and then take the opportunity to recover from his injury. At that time, even if he is a nine-day immortal, I can't help it.

In the city owner's mansion, Sun Wu looked at Sun Cheng coldly with an unhappy face.

"If you really want to take that lowly woman, you must break away from my father-son relationship in the future. Can you think about it clearly?"

"Father, you also heard what the senior just said. In those years, you and your mother combined with me, but finally found that my mother was noble, cowardly, and gave up on her, which not only made her sad and depressed, but also hated herself for thousands of years. Until now, can't you forget it. Do you want your son to bear the same pain as you? I really love Linger, and I hope my father can do it. Sun Cheng looked stubborn and fought to the end.

" shut up, how does that bitch match your mother?" When Sun Wu heard the words, a flush suddenly appeared on his face, roaring like an angry lion.

Obviously, Sun Cheng's words touched his inner pain and did not want to mention the past.

Sun Cheng was also anxious and shouted, "Yes, Linger is inferior and doesn't deserve the identity of my young city owner. But ask yourself, are you worthy of my mother in those years?"

Sun Wu was shocked and looked at Sun Cheng in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that his son, who had been respectful to him, would talk to himself like this.

Sun Cheng opened his heart and did not want to give up, but said coldly, "In those years, your father was a scattered cultivation, no extraordinary talent, no extraordinary *, and my mother's daughter who grew up as a major force is Jinzhi Yuye, and her status is comparable to that of a princess in the royal family. May I ask if the gap between you two is not between you and me Is Linger bigger? Although you didn't know my mother's identity, my mother was like an ordinary woman. She loved you deeply, never put on airs, and loved you very much. Why did she ever dislike you? Why did my grandfather ever dislike you? It's just that because you are humble and cowardly, you feel that you are not worthy of my mother. You secretly took me out of the sect and fled like a coward. You not only hurt my mother, but also hate yourself for the rest of your life. I swear that I will never repeat your mistakes. I must take the spirit. At this point, I don't want to say anything more. If you are willing to recognize my son, it doesn't matter if you don't.

Say it, Sun Cheng turned his head decisively and left, and his eyes were full of determination.

Looking at his son's strong and firm back, Sun Wu's eyes were full of complexity and muttered, "My son has learned to be disobedient and refute me, but this also shows that he has really grown up."

Just as Sun Cheng was about to step out of the gate of the hall, Sun Wu fiercely shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Sun Cheng turned his head and looked at his father calmly.

"You're right. Maybe I'm too pedantic and too cowardly! When you grow up, you can decide for yourself. Since you want to marry Linger girl, then marry her! You go down and tell someone to prepare for your wedding in three months. Wait for your father and send invitations to the city owners.

Sun Cheng was shocked and said, "Father, are you serious?"

"Of course, seriously, as long as you want and feel happy, you have no other opinions as a father." Sun Wu smiled and said, it seems that he really looked away. However, the next moment, a trace of coldness flashed in Sun Wu's eyes and said coldly, "But if that Linger does something insulting, I will kill her with my own hands and will never care about your feelings."

Sun Cheng smiled and said repeatedly, "Father, don't worry, Linger is not that kind of girl. She fell into the world just to survive, and she had no choice. I believe she will be a good wife.

After saying that, Sun Cheng's face was red and he walked out proudly, looking very happy.

Sun Wu shook his head with a smile: "He is thousands of years old, but he is still the same as a child."

The biggest weakness of parents is their children. When parents and children fight, it seems that the parents have the upper hand and the upper hand, but how many people actually know the fatigue and fatigue in their hearts? Moreover, it is the children who win this kind of struggle.

On the second day, the news that Sun Cheng, the young lord of the Death City, was going to marry spread all over the city. Survous to people, the bride was a woman in the world. Although surprised, the whole city is full of lights and full of joy and anger.

Any creature turned into a ghost is equivalent to an alternative newborn, which can be said to be from the same grassroots and equal status. If ordinary civilians marry a woman, they will only scold people behind their backs, but marrying someone is a young master of a city, which is another matter.

In hell, if ghosts want to survive safely, they must live in the city, and this city is extremely huge. The vastness of the area is comparable to a country or even a star of life. The city owner is the emperor and a god in their hearts, and the young city owner is the prince and the son of God.

What kind of woman such a person wants to marry in his territory, but he doesn't care about other people's eyes and marries a worldly woman. It can be seen that he really loves that girl. It can be seen that he has no airs, true temperament, and the voice of most people in these cities.

And those women are even more envious. They hate why they can't know this young city owner, which makes him fall in love. Marrying such a man will definitely be very happy.

March passed in a flash in the eyes of the monk.

In this March, Sun Wu was not only busy with Zhang Luo's son's wedding, but also looking for natural resources and treasures to recover Jiang Ming's injury. Unfortunately, Jiang Ming's body is too strong, the origin is too strong, and the general natural resources and treasures can't play much role at all, and the Death City is only a second-rate city in the hell. It is not the top. Jiang Ming's injury has only recovered 40%.

Jiang Ming was slightly disappointed, but he also knew that this kind of thing could not be forced, so he could only slowly look for opportunities in the future.

On this day, the death city was bustling, brightly lit, and the bright lanterns shone on the dark and gloomy hell sky like day, and the city was full of joy and anger.

Sun Wu held a large banquet throughout the city. Without invitations, any civilian can go to the nearest banquet place to participate in this wedding banquet, which can be said to be a joy in the whole city.

In the city master's mansion, Linger smiled like a flower and her face was red.

As a world woman, she never dreamed of such a day in her life, and she would marry such a noble man.

Sun Cheng also looked very happy and toasted the guests.

Sun Wu was talking with several strong middle-aged men and Jiang Ming.

"Engong, this is the owner of Iron Bone City, Iron Bone, is my best friend." Sun Wu pointed to a cold, tall and pale-skinned man who introduced him.

The man looked at Jiang Ming and then nodded, neither contempt nor much enthusiasm.

Jiang Ming also nodded.

Then, Sun Wu pointed to a man with fiery red hair, extremely evil temperament, and always had an evil smile on his face and said, "This is a fire ghost, the owner of the Flame City."

The fire ghost laughed strangely and said, "Sun Wu, how did this boy save your name in the realm of Xuanxian? If what you say is true, you are too pus.

The fire ghost looked very unfriendly, and his voice was full of hostility and ridicule.

Sun Wu sneered and said, "He has been seriously injured. Now his strength is only 1% of the whole victory period. Can you talk about it?"