Gods Command

Chapter 154 Fire Holy Rune

After thinking for a long time, Tianci still did not change the idea of going to the center of the earth to seize the core of the earth, but slowly walked into a mechanical space. The gobator patriarch also gave the order to start the engine at this moment. After the engine was started, Tianci quickly went to the center of the earth, which was ten thousand miles deep, in the continuous decline of the mechanical space.

"I'm so surprised by the engineering technology of the wenta. Relatively speaking, our human engineering technology is too bad." Tianci muttered to himself. To be honest, he has been traveling south and north on the mainland for a long time. There is really no special project. This may be related to human cultivation of martial arts!! In martial arts, he constantly breaks through the limit so that he ignores others.

"Hm?" With the continuous decline of the mechanical space, the surrounding temperature has gradually changed from cold at the beginning to hot. And the temperature is still rising... Tianci knows that the distance from the center of the earth has been constantly shrinking.

Boom~~ Boom~~ Boom~~ The mechanical space that has been sliding smoothly suddenly became a riot.. It's gurgling.. The divine gift inside the mechanical space can't maintain the balance of the body. There was a sound of explosion. The whole mechanical space has been turned into fragments at this moment. At this moment, God's gift is safe and sound by relying on his own divine body. But by this time, the gift of heaven has reached the center of the earth. This is also an underground space, but it is obvious that this underground space has been explored by gobs, but... The only thing that makes God feel wrong is that. Why can gobsters get here and open up such a space? But it can't take away the so-called core of the earth!! All kinds of questions appeared in Tianci's mind. Tianci knew that things were definitely not so simple. There must be an existence that the whole gobion clan could not compete with. If so, you must also be vigilant about the things around you. At this time, the God-given spiritual power covers the whole geocentric space.

"The environment here is simply too bad. If it weren't for the divine body protection. I'm afraid it's really difficult to survive. The high temperature in the center of the earth is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and the machinery that brought themselves to the center of the earth slowly melts. No wonder the gobsters can't get the core of the earth in this heart, but this should not be the main reason. At this time, Tianci inquired around. Although the temperature here is very high, the fire elements here are relatively sufficient. God is a magician of the whole department. It has a strong ability to perceive and use power for various magic elements... It can be said that this is a good place to improve your strength. However, this kind of promotion is very slow. Unless there is any chance. Otherwise, it won't have much effect.

Hum... Suddenly, Tianci found that the space at the end of the geocentric space was distorted. And around this twisted space, there are all kinds of stones emitting red light on the ground. If there is no mistake in guessing, this should be the core of the earth mentioned by the gobutter. But is it really so easy to take away the core of these places? Impossible? Tianci continued to focus his eyes on the twisted space. Tianci believes that the reason why the egos can't take away the core of the earth has a lot to do with the distorted space in front of them...

Gradually, Tianci stood before the distorted space, but there was nothing strange in the distorted space from beginning to end, which made Tianci a little puzzled, but his task was to distort the core of the earth around the space. Do you mean... When you touch these stones, will this distorted space react?? Tianci carefully used the breath of death, condensed the breath of death into a black palm, and slowly explored the core of the earth on the ground. While constantly exploring the core of the earth on the ground, he stared at the strange twisted space in front of him. Boom~~ As expected, just as the breath of death just touched the core of the earth, it emitted a very strong fire energy from the twisted space, which condensed into a pillar of fire and shot at Tianci. I don't know how many times the temperature of the fire column is higher than that in the surrounding environment. Before touching Tianci's body, Tianci had already felt the fierce temperature. If it really hits your body, you are afraid that there will be a divine body to protect you. It's going to be smashed on the spot~~ God doesn't dare to peep. The death sickle came out of its sheath in an instant, and a powerful knife force cut against the pillar of fire. On the light of the knife, the energy of death kept surging. The two attacks collided in the blink of an eye. The huge pillar of fire was directly cut in half by the knife emitted by the death sickle. Two halves of the pillar of fire flashed from both sides of the God-given and fell on the surface behind the God-given.

Well... A harsh voice sounded, and when he turned his head and looked at it, Tianci had to be surprised. It turned out that this space was not all developed by the goblins, because when the fire pillar fell on the surface, the rocks also evaporated in an instant. Looking at the scene in front of him in a daze, the cold sweat given by God couldn't help but stay. If the temperature really hit him, I'm afraid he would have been killed now. There is no chance of survival... In the heart of the earth... God gave me a swd. And the twisted space that attacks God-given also stops attacking, as if every time you touch the core of the surrounding earth, the distorted space will only attack once. If this is true, it means that the interior of this distorted space should be an organ. Wait... Organ? Space? An idea suddenly came into being in God's brain. Can I use the art of big seal to seal it... As long as you don't touch the core of the ground, the distorted space should not attack you. Suddenly, Tianci suddenly stood up, and Tianci believed that his inference was correct.

"Huh, you can't stop me.. The art of great seal!" God-given time is full of confidence. His hands patted the twisted space in front of him, and the breath of death came out one after another, constantly rotating in an extremely regular route. However, the sky is not as good as people wish. Just as the great seal is about to complete the seal, the twisted space in front of him seems to have a certain spirituality. Suddenly, another pillar of fire emanates, which is shot out at the gift of heaven. Fortunately, with the previous lesson, the God-given is not in a hurry at this time. Immediately use the Taiji skill.. Now the strength has reached the pseudo-divine realm. The use of Tai Chi is simply too smooth. In a breath, the God-given figure dodged the pillar of fire in an extremely unrestrained posture. However, this time the twisted space also seemed to realize that it was not good, and the pillar of fire kept hitting out. The God-given figure keeps dodging in the air. The great seal in his hand is almost completed. Tianci was very excited, and his task was almost completed, but at this time, Tianci found something. Inside the distorted space, it doesn't seem to be a mechanism, but a gorical object. God seems to know it... The great seal in his hand couldn't help but stop. The brain rotates rapidly..

"Run? That's right, it's actually a sacred rune of fire. Hahaha..." I didn't expect that when God came to the center of the earth, I would encounter the sacred rune of the fire system. No wonder the whole squire can't do anything about it. This is a divine thing. Not predestined. It's not available.. The figure of Tianci has been dodging in the sky, and the fire sacred runes inside the distorted space have also been constantly attacking Tianci, and the surrounding surface has also been evaporated. The original large geocentric space has become much wider at this time.

"Dat, it's not a way to go on like this. I can't get close to it at all." Tianci couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

"Well, in that case, let's fight." God knows that it can't go on like this, and the attack density of the fire pillar is getting wider and wider. Slowly, the activity space given by God is very narrow. At such a critical moment, Tianci cut a big cut on his arm with the death sickle, and the blood was constantly sprayed on the twisted space where the fire sacred rune was at this moment. However, at the moment when blood was sprinkled on the sacred rune of the fire system. The attack stopped... God-given can also get a short rest. And continue to observe the changes in the fire runes.

The red blood on the fire sacred rune has been absorbed at this moment. Tianci opened his eyes wide when he saw it, because it proved that he had hope to get the recognition of the sacred rune of the fire in front of him, thus refining it. Tianci did not stagnate, and immediately spread all the spiritual power, and instantly wrapped the fire sacred runes inside the distorted space. On top of the rune, there is no previous rage. Instead, it is a kind of gentleness. Under the nourishment of God-given blood, it becomes gentle, and under the package of God-given spiritual power, it becomes clever. Slowly... It has been developing in this form. Time is passing... The dean of Galo College and the head of the Ggobdi clan in the city are very anxious. Because when Tianci arrived at the center of the earth, the mechanical space exploded, and people in the earthly city also knew this situation. The mechanical explosion in space means that Tianci can no longer return through this mechanical space. And the channel that extends thousands of miles, how can Tianci return with his own strength? Besides, three days have passed. Yes! That's right. Three days have passed unconsciously for the divine runes of the God-given refining fire system. People in the gobland city are all gloomy, because in their understanding, no one can survive in the center of the earth for three days. And the dean of Galo College also thought so. However, although it is understood in this way in theory, the dean still refuses to believe that Tianci will die like this.