Gods Command

Chapter 198 Nirvana Phoenix

The wild land is located in the northern mainland. The environment here is quite bad, with flying sand and stones, and the sun and the wind blowing. There are also countless monsters. If you are not a strong person, it is absolutely impossible to come here. And God's gift happens to belong to the category of strong people. In this wild land, naturally, you are not afraid of any danger~

"Brother Tianci, the big ape was defeated by you just now~" As soon as Tianci and Qiaoer fell to the ground, a big ape appeared! The body of an ape is like steel, and its strength is also very powerful! Originally, in Qiaoer's cognitive range, even if Tianci could cope with the big ape, it would take at least a lot of effort. But I didn't expect that the strength of Tianci was far beyond my imagination. It only takes two fingers to easily solve the huge violent big ape~~ This makes Qiaoer have a great sense of security next to God~

"Yes~ His strength is ordinary~ It can't make waves in my hands~" Tianci's words are also full of calmness. He has an indifferent attitude towards the existence of the big ape.

"God-given big brother is really worthy of being the patron saint of my night elves! Even this wild place is not in your eyes~" Qiaoer deliberately lengthen her voice a little, with some flattery in it~

"Okay, don't praise me too much. I don't know how many crises are waiting for us. It's hard to say if we can deal with it." The two of them continue to wander back and forth in this wild land. God-given naturally hopes to quickly find the Nirvana Phoenix who followed him thousands of years ago~

The geographical location of this northern continent is also relatively special, in the center! Climate change is also extremely fast, sometimes cold and sometimes hot. Such temperature changes inevitably make it a little difficult for Qiaoer beside God!

"Ah cut~" The temperature has dropped a lot at this time, and the wind here is relatively strong! Qiao'er doesn't wear a lot of clothes! The body couldn't help trembling, and the sneeze kept ~~

"Brother Tianci, I was fine just now. Why did it suddenly become so cold~" The little girl also began to complain!

"I didn't know that the situation in this wild land would be like this, otherwise I wouldn't bring you here." Tianci thought that the wild land was just a place of warcraft, and it was enough to protect Qiaoer with his own strength. Who would have expected that the climate here was also unpredictable...

"God-given big brother, I didn't blame you! It's just that this wild land is too strange~ Ah cut!! Ah, cut!! It's terrible~~~" The temperature is getting lower and lower...

"Is it better?" Looking at the beeous people around him, Tianci is also a little unbearable. Slowly put Qiao'er into his arms! At the same time, he exuded the strong energy in his body. It can bring a lot of warmth to Qiaoer! And this act of God-given also stunned Qiao'er's body! Since I was a child, no one has ever hugged me like this except my parents, and now... Tianci actually hugged himself, and the latter's embrace was so warm.

"God-given brother, I feel much better!!"

"Eh-huh... I think it's better not to leave now. Wait here first! It's not too late to leave when the climate becomes normal!" For the sake of Qiaoer's body, Tianci still gave up looking for Nirvana Phoenix for the time being.

In this way, Tianci sat behind a big stone with Qiaoer in his arms, which could reduce some wind, and there was a huge stone behind him. If there is any monster attack, at least it can only attack from the front! Don't be afraid of that! What I'm most afraid of is an unexpected sneak attack!

"God-given big brother, I'm sorry! I seem to have caused you trouble~" I saw Tianci delaying to find the legendary Nirvana Phoenix for himself. Qiao'er's heart is even more touching! At this moment, the status of God-given has been sublimated again in Qiaoer's mind~

"Don't think about it! We don't know where Nirvana Phoenix is now. All this depends entirely on opportunities! I can't force it!"

"Eh-huh... God-given big brother... What does the human world look like!! I'm looking forward to going to the human world!"

"The human world is very interesting. There are all kinds of things. I promise you like it!! I'll take you there in person when I have a chance!"

"En, thank you, God-given big brother~"

Unconsciously, when Tianci and Qiaoer were happily chatting about the human world, the wind stopped and the surrounding temperature slowly rose. Soon it returned to the normal temperature. At this time, Tianci and Qiaoer also began to look for Nirvana Phoenix.

The wild land is not too big. Tianci soon passed through the wild land. On the way, he also met many various monsters, but in front of Tianci, these monsters just appeared in a scene.

Soon Tianci and Qiaoer came to the end of the wilderness. At this moment, there is a big mountain in front of them! After climbing over the mountains, you will come out of the wilderness, but where is the Nirvana Phoenix? So far, no trace has been found~~ In desperation, Tianci sat on a rock and felt around again, longing for the stronger call in the depths of the soul, so that he could determine the exact location of the Nirvana Phoenix! However, no matter how you feel it, you can't grasp the exact location of Nirvana Phoenix. A sense of powerlessness surged into my heart~

"God-given big brother~" At this time, Qiaoer woke up Tianci!

"What's the matter!"

"Don't you think this mountain is strange?" With that, his hand pointed to the mountain in front of him! If you don't pay attention, you really haven't found anything, but after Qiaoer's words, Tianci also looked at the mountain carefully! It turns out that this mountain looks like a phoenix! Could it be... Is this mountain hundreds of feet long a phoenix? It's just that after thousands of years, it has been covered by dust to form a mountain?

"So it is~" After thinking about all this, Tianci jumped to the top of the mountain. He held the death sickle in his right hand and cut at the peak, but the power was indeed used just right. Each knife only cut off the surface of the peak! Tianci doesn't want to hurt the body of Nirvana Phoenix by doing this!! After some efforts, Tianci finally found a silver-colored object. Out of curiosity, Tianci looked closer and finally found that the silver thing was actually a bone. If you guess correctly, this is the bone of the Nirvana Phoenix...

"Hahaha... Nirvana Phoenix. I finally found it." At this time, Tianci couldn't help but look up and roar, and his voice was full of excitement... Qiaoer beside him is also proud and happy about it!!

"God-given big brother.. Then is it time to prepare to resurrect the Nirvana Phoenix next?

"Ye-huh! That's right! Nirvana Phoenix has been silent for a thousand years.. It's time for him to reappear!"

"But do you have to clean up such a big cliff?" Qiao'er pointed to the rock gravel cut off by God on the ground!

"That's not a need! All you need is this exposed piece of bone! All right, I'll take you to a safe place first. There will definitely be a lot of fluctuations here soon! It's so dangerous for you to be here!" With that, the running energy wrapped around Qiaoer and dragged Qiaoer to a thousand feet high! It makes sense to arrange Qiaoer on the void! After all, the wilderness is still full of infinite crises for Qiaoer. On the contrary, the sky is the safest.

After arranging Qiaoer, Tianci came to the remains of the silver fire phoenix again and cut a cut on his finger with a death sickle!! A trace of blood dripped down the fingertips on the silver skeleton. At the moment when the blood came into contact with the bones! A red light flashed! The surface of the silver skeleton emits a fiery red flame!! Gradually, the whole mountain was shaking constantly!! All the gravel scattered at this moment!! The surrounding temperature also began to rise~~

Boom~~~ A huge roar is also blowing at this moment~~ At this moment, the peak has completely turned into dust in the explosion sound! The Nirvana Phoenix inside the peak is exposed! It's still a huge skeleton!! It's just that the red flame is rising above the skeleton! As the temperature keeps rising!! Unexpectedly, there is some meat growing on the skeleton~~ It's so amazing every scene!! The rebirth of the fire phoenix~~ This is not true at all!! In the thick flame, the body of the Nirvana Phoenix also began to grow rapidly... Tianci waited quietly in front of the Nirvana Phoenix. He can clearly feel the closeness from the Nirvana Phoenix!!

"Ya~~" After the rebirth, the Nirvana Phoenix has a long sound!! Keep hovering in the sky!!! The terrible high temperature makes the surrounding peaks constantly melt!!! Obviously, this thousand years has also made the Nirvana Phoenix extremely difficult~~~ It has been hovering in the sky for a long time before stopping and returning to the God-given side~~

"Niefeng, you have suffered for so many years!"


"Okay... Niefeng. Let's fight side by side in the future! Travel between the world! Take me and Qiaoer away!" Under the order of Tianci, the Nirvana Phoenix incites a huge wing with a soft force to roll the Qiaoer in the sky to its back, and the same Tianci also stood on the back of Nirvana Phoenix! Ya!! A long sound! Nirvana Phoenix also flew out!! The speed is also terrible! At least the speed of God-given full speed is not enough!! It's worthy of being a mythical beast. An excited smile appeared on Tianci's face, for nothing else, just because of his own mythical beast Nirvana Phoenix! Tianci also sensed it with divine consciousness. It seems that his Nirvana Phoenix is a little stronger than the dragon!! Let's talk about using fire! Although the dragon breath of the dragon is terrible! But he is definitely not the opponent of Nirvana Phoenix. This guy is born like a fire!!

Soon, unconsciously. It's already the night elf clan...