Gods Command

Chapter 201 Arriving at the Divine Pavilion

After half a month's journey to the Eastern Continent, I didn't expect to meet such terrible creatures such as the undead skeletons. This can't help but scare the night elves. But I'm afraid to return. Resistance is still necessary. However, under the perverted infinite resurrection of the undead skeletons, the night elves are soon unable to stand it. In the end, it was solved by God's gift. The undead skeleton, which could not be killed at all in everyone's hearts, was actually rolled into toner by God's gift. The last knife given by God. All the night elves are in their eyes. That terrible attack is really eye-opening.

"The king of the night is powerful~" At this moment, all the night elves are kneeling on the ground ~ the combat effectiveness shown by God~ All the night elves are admiring the bottomless ground ~ This is also the effect of God's ~ As their king ~ First of all, they must have nothing to say about their combat effectiveness ~ Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't make others obedient~

"Okay. Rest in place for a while ~ Continue to hurry on the road after an hour ~ "I know that the night elves have been injured ~ Tianci is not in a hurry to continue to travel ~ An hour will pass quickly. Although many people still haven't repaired many injuries ~, at least there is no problem to walk ~ Moreover, it's far away from the south. Lu still has a long way to go~~ So you can't waste time~ Of course, the night elves don't want to waste too much time~ They just want to arrive as soon as possible.

A long journey all the way ~ The night elves finally came to the southern continent, and there are not many days away from the base of the Divine Pavilion ~ At this time, everyone's mood is also very high ~ Everyone is very eager to see what the new home is like?

"God-given big brother ~ how far is it from the divine pavilion you mentioned~" In the process of the long journey, the story of God-given is also very clear ~ Naturally, I know what is going to the divine pavilion at this moment ~ but how long it will take to arrive. It's still unknown~

"It's almost ~ three days at most ~ you can arrive ~ why haven't you gotten used to it yet?"

"How can you get used to it? Such a long journey is simply torment people~" Qiaoer stretched out again while talking~~ The perfect body curve is also exposed at this moment~

"Forbear it~ I've been holding on for so long. Isn't it?"

"Yes, it's good to have God-given big brother with me~ Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll go crazy~"

"The king of the dark night ~ I don't know why this undead skeleton appears in the world. As far as I know, the undead skeleton comes from hell, and it will only appear during the war between gods and demons once in a thousand years~" Is it... Obviously, the patriarch also guessed something~ It's just that he really can't bear this reality for a while~

"The patriarch, it's a long story~ I don't know exactly why the undead skeletons appear in the world~ But there is one thing I still know~ The seal of the Gate of Hell and the Gate of the Divine World has not lasted for a long time~"

"What? Is the seal going to be broken? Hearing this news, there was some sweat on the patriarch's forehead. It can be imagined that how many people will be afraid of the war between gods and demons.

"Yes. If it hadn't been for the strengthening of the power of the seal by many strong human beings, I'm afraid the seal would have been broken at this moment~"

"Damn. How could such a thing happen. It's really a natural and man-made disaster~" The mood of the night elf patriarch is also very low at this moment~

"The patriarch seems to know something about these~"

"Ye-huh! I also participated in the war thousands of years ago! That scene is absolutely horrible ~ Devil, the attack power of angels is not what we people living on the human continent can stop ~ Every confrontation they sacrifice is not us?

"Ye-huh! This time we must change this reality! Human beings, oh no! It should be that all the creatures on the continent can't be trampled on at will!" Tianci's eyes jumped out again with a trace of murderous spirit and fighting spirit~


In the conversation! Tianci has led the night elves to the small village outside Dingyun Wonderland ~ and everyone in the small village is also very familiar with Tianci! See the arrival of God! Every villager gives the highest respect~~

"God-given big brother! These people seem to admire you very much!" Qiaoer saw that those people looked at God-given in different eyes~ There was obviously gratitude in those eyes! With envy! With the color of worship!

"Nothing~ After this village, you will arrive at the Divine Pavilion~"

"What? Brother Tianci, is the God Pavilion behind this village? I heard that the Divine Pavilion has arrived, and Qiao'er's spirit has come again! Look around and keep probing around!! Gradually, I happened to see a big mountain! This mountain is very high! Straight into the sky ~ I can't see the top of the mountain at all ~ As I walk, I come to the foot of the mountain, and there is no way ahead. At this time, Tianci also stopped~

"God-given big brother~ Didn't you say that the village will arrive at the God Pavilion? This has stopped. And there seems to be no way here. Where is the Divine Pavilion?" Qiaoer tried harder to find the God Pavilion, but still got nothing~~

"The Divine Pavilion has arrived. Wait for the back team~ Let's go in when everyone is together~"

"..." Tianci's words still make Qiaoer confused. There is obviously no way to go here. But did Tianci say it? Is this deserted place in the wilderness all over the place of God?

"Qiao'er. Since the King of Dark Night has said it, it has come. If you want to see the Divine Pavilion, it's not great~" The patriarch also looked at Qiaoer with a smile... With God-given strength, it is impossible not to have a strong force on the mainland.


"Qiao'er... Don't worry~ I'll give you a surprise!"

"Okay~~I hope you don't let me down~hehe"

About an hour, when the night elves behind rushed to the foot of the mountain. Suddenly! Above the sky~~ Huge mechanical spacecraft slowly fell down to the ground through the clouds!! Seeing this unknown object~ All the night elves were shocked~ It's too spectacular~ It's too rare~ But the patriarch of the night knows that this thing is the goblin~

"It turned out to be a spaceship~" The dark night patriarch's face was full of smiles.

"Does the patriarch know about it?"

"I'm quite clear about the gobock's project~" The huge spacecraft slowly docked on the ground~~~ The door opened. There is no one inside~~ Because this spaceship is automatic~ It is equivalent to an elevator~~ As long as God uses spiritual power to trigger it! It can be opened with all kinds of excitement and curiosity. All the night elves also stepped into the spaceship~~~ When everyone entered the spaceship, the door was also closed. And it began to rise continuously~~ Through the transparent window~ Everyone saw the scene outside passing by in front of their eyes~ They were actually flying~~~

Boom~~ The spaceship has reached the top of Dingyun Wonderland~ The door opens automatically~~ The scene in front of us makes all the night elves unforgettable for life appear~... God Pavilion...