Gods Command

Chapter 289 Sifang Yundong

Bang bang bang.

Thirty-eight explosions in a row, and thirty-eight nine-level demons in the divine realm burst their bodies one after another. Almost all of them were destroyed, and a wisp of natural essence steamed out, and the big hands intertwined with God-given divine consciousness were pulled back into their bodies.

Hung buzz~~

Thirty-eight wisps of essence are integrated into the arms, legs, waist, buttocks, neck and other parts of the body. These body parts are also rapidly growing and condensed more solidly. In a moment, the whole body clothes are torn apart, inch by inch, the muscles on the body and arms are prominent, the blue veins burst out, and the rich and pure explosive power, faintly Explode your body.

With a contraction, under the control of consciousness, it finally calmed down and all became my real essence.


God suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and his momentum was magnificent. It simply broke through the nine days. The loud roar lasted for a long time, and the waves spread out one by one and quickly expanded. When the weaker demon heard this sound, he was immediately in a coma, and the powerful demon was also shocked to spit blood.

Ten thousand miles away from the Nether City, three black smokes have been standing in the three directions of the Nether City. The three black smokes are the Lord of Black Prison, the Lord of Purgatory and the Lord of the Sacrifice. At this time, the three giants of the Three Nether City gathered in one direction.

Swish, three majestic figures came to the top of 'Wanzhang Peak' at the same time, looking at the sky.

"Is it made by the old ghost Paiyun with such a strong momentum?" The purgatory master muttered to himself and looked at the other two people.

"In the eastern region, in addition to the old ghosts of Paiyun, who else can make such a big noise? The last time he created the ancestor destruction array, it was the same. This time it was the same. Does he still want to attract our attention and let us suffer another loss again?"

"Well, this old man has been hidden. Originally, he thought he was just an ordinary ancestor level, but he didn't expect that his strength had already broken through the imperial level. The last ancestor extermination array almost carried the three of us. This time he can't do these tricks again." The prison leader looked resentful. The strength of the three masters was similar. He had never suffered a loss, but only suffered a secret loss on the old fox Paiyun old ghost, which made him deeply ashamed.

However, the strength of Paiyun Mosha is indeed strong, faintly superior to the ten masters.

"I don't know what new tricks he has made this time. With such momentum, I guess we can't compete with him anymore. Only that old man can fight with him, right?"

Speaking of the old venerable, whether it was the Lord of Black Prison, the Lord of Purgatory, or the Lord of the Sacrifice, all three of them were in awe. A kind of fear rose from the bottom of their hearts, and even the voice of the conversation was lowered a lot, as if they were afraid of being eavesdropping.

Old venerable, who can surprise the existence of the three giant masters?

The evil spirit of the Eastern Paiyun, the Western Purgatory Master, the Southern Sacrifice Master, and the Central Black Prison Master. At this time, the three major masters gathered together, but in the north, a sudden rise of skyscraper smoke.

The momentum of black smoke is no less than the black smoke of the 'old ghost' in the east.

"Hm?" The three masters were shocked at the same time. In addition to their four masters, the whole underworld was the old man who did not come out of the world. But how could there be another thick smoke in the north?

Black smoke is the representative of the huge magic spirit and strength. Only extremely powerful demons can brew this kind of fierce smoke, and there have been no powerful demons in the north. It is also a barren place. If there were strong people, they would have been discovered by demons.

It is no less than the black smoke momentum of the devil. In addition to the old venerable, who else will there be... The old venerable is hidden, and it is impossible to exude his own momentum. Even if he occasionally comes out for a walk, he will never be so fancim.

Who is



In the sky of the northern Nether City, there was a shocking roar of the three worlds. The sound wave covered the roar from heaven. The lingering sound was winding, progressing layer by layer, and the whole hell was shaking violently.

Alice took a deep breath and slowly calmed down the roar just now. Her red eyes stared at the red cloud in the east, and the target was finally found.

Her goal is naturally God-given.

From the divine world, through the human world, the hell world, and finally entered the ghost demon world. It can be said that she has experienced layers of difficulties, especially the hell world, which was originally boundless. After being delayed by her sister Eliza for some time, she lost her God-given figure. When she was ready to look for it again, she couldn't find the other party at all. .

I have been in the reckless hell, looking for it aimlessly for a long time, and have traveled hundreds of millions of miles of hell.

Finally, she occasionally found the Nether City and came here. However, as soon as she entered the Nether City, she found and refined a cyan spirit stone by chance. Her strength was once again soar and rapid, and the imperial strength was more deeply rooted.

Just as I was about to collect my breath, I just heard the familiar shouting in the east. The target, the target that I absolutely wanted to kill in my heart, finally appeared.


The muffled hum is like a thunder, and the sound waves are swirled. In the swamp not far away, a demonized python whose strength has reached the edge of level 10 of the divine realm is preparing to devour the winged prey in front of him, but it can shout like thunder, tear it into pieces, and there is nothing left.

Alice's figure disappeared in this vast swamp and teleported to the east of the target. The terrible strength has really improved again. You know, the Nether City has a huge array that imprisons all levels. Even the legendary ten-level strongmen in the divine realm, or even the emperor-level masters, cannot teleport in the Nether City.

But she can...


In the depths of the Nether City, in an ordinary mountain.

The black fog surrounds the whole mountain and looks down from a high altitude. There is no mountain storm here at all, only a piece of desolate swamp, but after entering the fantasy, there is a different world here.

It is as dark as ink, as thick as mucus. Even if the emperor-level master goes deep into it, it will be difficult to walk. A strong demon gas is intertwined with glow, forming a large area of evil forest fog castle, which is quiet, and there is no grass around it. On the other side of the forest fog castle, it seems to be a natural formation of nine. A secluded gap.

Steamed magma rolled out oil red, cold and hot. Except for not being able to see the end at a glance, it seems that people and animals are harmless. But when a series of magic black smoke approached the abyss, the fiery red light suddenly appeared, instantly evaporated the thick magic fog, and the horrible abyss. This is the most horrible and dangerous place in the Nether City.

At this time, in the bottomless abyss, fiery red magma purgatory, a dark rock monster with a long head and two horns perchs on a fixed magma in the center of the lava, quietly absorbing the natural earth demon gas and nourishing the body.

Suddenly, the magma monster suddenly opened its eyes, as bright as the cold light rising to the sky. The whole lava suddenly shook and quickly withered. With a tremor, the magma monster's body shook down hard rock fire magma.


A pair of sixteen-winged black wings suddenly stretched out, and the shiny wings shook slightly. With only one tap, all the withered lava was immediately blown into ashes.

With dark wings and a dark body, he is the 'old venerable' in the mouth of the three masters, Lord Leon.

is also Leon, the invincible fallen angel who was once in the divine world and has been against the god king Hardy.

"Nine hundred years, nine hundred years of recuperation, God King Hardy, can't you finally help taking action? Humph, I've been waiting for you for too long. It's been too long to send a little guy here to attract me out? Hahaha, since you dare to send your subordinates to come to me, I will let her come back.

Leon stepped out, the Jiuyou abyss collapsed in an instant, and the flame lava all turned into nothingness and disappeared.

"Hadi, nine hundred years ago, in order to compete for the seven sacred runes, you are not my opponent, but I got big profits, and this time it is still the same. Even if I am seriously injured and recuperate for another 900 years, I will not shake my heart to kill you at all. After all, one day, I will step out of the plane before you, and then... that's your death.


The lava ash suddenly burst, and a bright black light quickly rushed out and fell into the hands of the old Venerable Leon. He held it tightly, and suddenly a huge energy larger than the three worlds burst out.

Black lightning, the blade of the blazing angel, has been immersed for more than 900 years, and finally held in Leon's hands again. Fighting spirit, humiliation, hatred, promotion... Everything is about to be the last one.


Absorbing the essence of thirty-eight nine-level demons in the divine realm, the strength of God has reached a limit at this time. The peak level of the divine realm is only one step away from the emperor level.

However, even if it is only one step apart, he understands that this step is not so easy to take. From ancient times to the present, it is amazing that many heroes and geniuses can cultivate to the ninth level of the divine realm. The king of the dark night in his previous life is only the ninth level of the divine realm, but now at the tenth level of the divine realm, the legendary realm has also been broken through by itself.

However, the last level, the imperial plane, even the whole three worlds, the top genius, the breakthrough is very few.

There was a crisp roar on the edge of the sky, and his momentum was rolling and powerful. He glanced over and instantly understood who was coming.

"Alice, I was chased by you all the time. This time, I think you can do anything to me? Not only you, you and the God King, and even your whole divine world will pay a heavy price for this. Just wait."

His eyes were slightly gloomy, and Tianci ignored the roar in the distance. He only waved his hand quietly, and a dim crystal appeared in the palm of his hand in an instant.

"Creed cave crystal?"

It absorbed more than 30 level 9 demon head castle owners of the divine realm. After the sacrifice of the Shura Blood Sea, Tianci also obtained part of their memory knowledge. Looking at the palm-sized crystal in his hand, he immediately knew its origin.