Gods Command

Chapter 295 Memory Awakening

The nervous mood also relaxed a little.

Leon glanced at Tianci slightly, as if he had seen through all the thoughts in his heart, and sneered, "Dark night, do you think I'm just a split? Can you kill the split of Paiyun Moshi and escape from my geographical area?

God's gift suddenly tightened.

Leon laughed even more, "Hahaha, dark night, dark night, this time you made a big mistake. In those years, you robbed the seven sacred runes. Although you got the three runes of dark, earth and fire, it's a pity that you still have time to use them in the future, you were plotted by the blazing angel arrow of the Hardy God King, and finally fell into hell and died; and I'm different from Hardy. Hardy got the light divine runes, and I got the gold, wood and water runes. With the power of the divine runes, we all broke through to the imperial level, and also exceeded a long distance from the imperial level. Even if he is really in front of me, he will slap him to death. "

After a pause, Leon's face gradually became arrogant. "The real body, the split, that's just a fart. Only the ontology of the detached surface is the real power... Hahaha, thanks to the sacred runes, after hundreds of years of research and exploration, I finally condensed the on the ontachment surface. Yes, you can see it now. My body is my real body.


Sixteen pairs of black wings unfolded, covering the sky and the sun. Even if there was no momentum, Leon in front of him also made Tianci feel an irresistible and strong pressure.

"Ontology, is this ontology?" God is shocked.

"That's right, the real ontology, dark night, do you want to try the power of my ontology? Well, you are only the weak strength of the tenth level of the divine realm. How can you understand the meaning of the ontology? Let me tell you what the ontology is.

"Ontology, to be precise, is a kind of supreme performance after breaking through the tenth level of the divine realm to the imperial level. It is equivalent to the top ten-level peak of the divine realm at the level of your divine realm. Similarly, there is also a difference between high and low imperial strength. In the early stage of the imperial level, the middle period of the imperial level and the peak of the imperial level, only by breaking through the peak level of the imperial level of strength can the real body be condensed. After the body gathers the seven sacred runes, the body can finally break away from the plane and become a plane strong.

"The strength of Paiyun Mosha is in the middle of the imperial level. As long as it reaches the middle of the imperial level, the real body cannot come to the land of the three worlds. It can only rely on the doppelganger. However, when the strength reaches the peak of the imperial level, even the doppelganger can no longer come, and the god king Hardy and I have condensed the body. The ontology is beyond the peak of the imperial level, and the distance from the plane strong is only the seven runes.

Leon's sixteen pairs of wings slowly stirred up, and the pressure gradually became solemn. "Dark night, you have four sacred runes on your body now. Hand them over. I can look at the past friendship and spare your life, otherwise, hum."

"Do you want to scare me?" Tianci shouted, "Since even the ontology has condensed, why haven't I seen you come to rob me in the Nether City for so long?"

"Ratch? Do I need to rob you to deal with a small role like you now? Dark night, I'll warn you for the last time, don't toast, don't eat punishment. I, Leon, have limited patience.

"Okay, I promise you." Tianci immediately exited, and at the same time, the figure disappeared in place like lightning.

"Well, within thousands of miles, it's all within my field. Do you think this kind of trick can get out of my palm? It's really stupid and ignorant." Leon seemed to have seen through God's mind for a long time. Seeing him telewiftly, he was not in a hurry at all. Sixteen pairs of black wings flapped slightly, and the void within a thousand miles suddenly began to condense.

A teleportation from God immediately appeared in a distance of about a thousand miles, but as soon as he dodged, he felt a huge suction force and suddenly pulled himself back.

Speed, very fast. In the blink of an eye, driven by the whole void, he returned to Leon. The void was condensed. The sky just now was condensed into a distance of less than 100 meters.

"You?" Tianci broke out a trace of cold sweat, strong, too strong.

Leon didn't seem to have moved. With just a slight flap of his wings, all the areas within a radius of thousands of miles were pulled and concentrated. At this time, the original range of thousands of miles became a dark vacuum zone.

"Dark night, you haven't even broken through the emperor level. You can't understand the power of the 'ontology' at all, or hand over the four sacred runes as soon as possible. I said I would spare your life. Even, as long as I gather the seven sacred runes and become a plane strong man, I can avenge you for the last life and help you kill Hardy. How's it going?" Leon floated quietly in the air, staring down at the gift of heaven below.

If it hadn't been for Leon's scruples, he would have slapped the other party to death. The reason why he didn't grab it directly was because he couldn't use too much ontological power.

Once the power of the body is imposed on God, it will catalyze the four sacred runes in his mind and merge into two flowers again. The seven sacred runes, only when they gather together and merge into five petals of flowers, will they have a role in advancing the plane.

Otherwise, without any series of sacred runes, the condensed flowers will not have any effect; every time the sacred runes condense into flowers, it will consume the runes themselves. The seven runes once in a thousand years can condense up to three times in this millennium, and more than 900 years ago, the king of the dark night has condensed one The power of the rune also consumes a lot of two flowers.

The previous two petals of flowers were successfully condensed by God again, and the power of the rune was weakened again.

If you are forced to condense it again, the sacred rune will completely lose its function. No one can be promoted to the plane strong in this millennium, unless it is until the next millennium, the sacred rune can be replenished with energy.

You can't force him or use your strength to force him. Leon looks calm and carefree on the surface, but in fact, he is already anxious.

God has the experience of condensing two petals of flowers. Once a little external pressure is applied, it is likely to urge him to condense two petals of flowers. At that time, even if he is killed, it is not enough to relieve his hatred.

"Hand it over, don't hesitate in the dark night. We have been friends for more than 900 years. After I break through the plane strong, I will kill Hardy. Then in the next millennium, who will be your opponent among the opponents who breaks through the plane strong? I can also promise you to kill the demons of Paiyun, as well as the three emperor-level masters of purgatory, sacrificial prison and dark prison. In the next thousand years, I can guarantee that you can also become a plane strong, but it's just a little later than me.

Leon's voice is full of ** force, just like the sound of nature, echoing and floating in God-given ears all the time.

How's it going? You have to think about it clearly."

The pressure has increased slightly, but under Leon's control, although it is only a little majesty, it is like the pressure of heaven and earth, and even breathing becomes extremely difficult.

"Think about it!" He gritted his teeth and suddenly said a harsh word. Under great pressure, the sacred rune in his mind trembled sharply, and at the same time, the reincarnation scepter that had been stored in his chest suddenly burst out into a nihilistic cosmic space, and scenes of illusions appeared in his mind again.


Two hot and dazzling meteors flew rapidly from the distant dark sky, gradually enlarging, blinking through tens of thousands of miles of time and space, and hitting the gods in the void.

Under the pressure of the outside world, the reincarnation memory of the king of the night finally automatically appeared in his mind, as if he felt a great crisis, and as if he had met a familiar person who had not seen for a long time. The memory that was about to disappear was completely stimulated.


Among the hot meteors, the most shining one instantly hit the body of the void Tianci. Only Tianci can hear the crisp sound, shaking in the mind, ~ click ~ memory meteor blinking into the Tianci's mind.

Scene after scene, flashing in the depths of memory, bathing blood, fighting, blazing angel arrow, fallen angel... The divine rune light... Everything seems to have gone through a long time and space and has been completely restored.

The eyes were no longer confused, and gradually became extremely clear. The huge memory information filled my mind. My mind exploded, and I calmed down for a moment, and the God-given in front of Leon suddenly opened his eyes.

Roared: "Leon! So it's you."