Gods Command

Chapter 325 Find the reason

"Alas! Forget it! Give up, God-given brother. The power of the seven sacred runes is not so easy to simulate! But don't be discouraged. If you don't succeed this time, you will definitely succeed in the next thousand years. Huang Shui comforted the God in his arms and said, "God-given, brother, don't worry, as long as you have a brother here, you can wait for a thousand years at ease. No matter how powerful the three worlds you are when you compete with the seven sacred runes in the future, I will help you and let the new sacred runes fall into your hands in the end. I promise you to my brother!"

Although it failed, the age, potential, etc. of God-given are obvious to all. Huang Shui believes in his own vision and is also the strong human being who is really optimistic about the person in front of him.

He decided that even if he violated the rules of the empty city, he would secretly help God once. No matter what he did, he would bet on this one. The opportunity would never be missed.

For Huangshui's words, Tianci believes that he will definitely do what he promised, but he is so close to the goal. Is it really going to give up like this?

I'm unwilling!

"There is no problem with the simulated energy breath of each rune. They can also minimize the rebound and impact, which at least shows that their simulation of runes has reached the point of reality."

Tianci didn't say anything. He just couldn't figure it out. He stared at the milky white light in front of him. He really couldn't figure it out why all the simulations were successful, but it still couldn't be transformed and integrated?


"God-given brother?" Huang Shui reminded that when he saw Tianci's appearance, he looked a little nervous. Don't be knocked down by such a small blow. The look of losing his soul will be greatly damaged to his mind and body.


"Ye-huh. Brother Huangshui, I'm fine." Tianci answered faintly, and his face still had no expression, as if he was just dealing with it mechanically.

However, deep in his heart, he is rapidly thinking about the failure and looking for the reason.

"Since there is nothing wrong with every sacred rune breath energy simulated, and there is nothing wrong with fire energy and earth energy when it is simulated, only at the moment when the third sacred rune breath energy is generated, the problem is... Appeared, is it the third rune?

Is the question really the third rune?

The third simulated sacred rune is wood, wood energy. There is absolutely no problem if it is used alone, but once it is used with fire and earth at the same time, there will be an explosion...

"Wood... There is no problem with the wooden sacred runes, so what about the order?

Thinking of this, Tianci's eyes suddenly lit up. Since there is no problem with all the simulated divine rune breath, the reason for the problem is not above this. There is only one order before and after the problem can occur.

"The gold, wood, water, fire and earth are dark, and the seven sacred runes are born and defeated by each other. Fire makes earth, earth makes gold, gold makes water, water makes wood, wood makes fire... That's right, that must be the reason!" Tianci figured this out, and he was so excited that he almost shouted.

What I began to simulate is the energy breath of the fire sacred runes. Because the fire is earth, it should be followed by the energy of the unearthed sacred runes. Only in this way will the two simulated energies not conflict.

In fact, it is true. At that time, God first simulated the energy of the fire sacred rune, and then the earth sacred rune. Therefore, after the two energies were generated, there was not only no conflict, but also merged to minimize the surrounding pressure and impact.

According to the relationship between gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the next step that needs to be simulated is the golden sacred rune.

"It's no wonder! Originally, it was necessary to simulate the golden sacred runes, but what I simulated was the wooden sacred runes... The wooden system is the restraint of the earth system. No wonder it will explode.

The body trembled slightly, and his face was originally pale. At this time, his mood also became better, and the performance on his face suddenly became energetic.

"What?" Huang Shui stood beside him and looked at Tianci's expression with concern. Originally, he was extremely depressed, but now he was sometimes excited and sometimes implicitly excited, which made him confused.

Isn't it crazy?

"Brother Huangshui, I, I want to try again." Tianci suddenly looked up and looked at this lovely senior with extremely firm eyes.

"Ah? No way. Absolutely not... You have been hurt like this. If you are blown up by the divine consciousness once, it will definitely completely blow you up as an idiot. No, I won't agree. Huang Shui immediately stopped Tianci who stood up and said nothing about it. He couldn't trust him to take another adventure.

For so many years, it is rare to meet an excellent talent. He doesn't want to watch God die so easily.

"Brother Huangshui, don't you want me to integrate the basic material power of the seven sacred runes? Don't you want me to successfully enter the empty city? God asked quietly.

"I want to, of course I want to! But knowing that I'm going to die, if I'm still whimsical, if something happens, I won't forgive myself. Although I don't die, my spirit explodes spiritually. How can you be so lucky every time? There are not a thousand and ten thousand talented children who have become idiots because of the sacred shock of my mind. The more he said, the more angry he became. The more he talked, the more Huang Shui obviously remembered a lot of frightening past events, and immediately he was about to talk about it.

"All right, all right! Brother Huangshui, do you think I look like an abnormal person?

"Well? This is... It's not like that." After carefully looking at it a few times, Huang Shui also felt a little strange. Just now, he was extremely decadent and God-given. Why did he suddenly become rosy and energetic? Did he really understand the key again?

Although I'm not sure, my heart is a little relaxed.

"Let me tell you, brother, in fact, the main reason why I failed again and again is that when I simulated the seven sacred runes, the order was wrong, especially the energy of the five elements. Everyone knows that they have a principle of mutual birth and restraint. In the several experiments I just now, I forgot this principle and got the wrong order. It will lead to failure... Don't worry! Brother, I won't joke about my life. I'm absolutely sure that I will succeed this time. God-given certainty of the tunnel.

"Oh? Are you really sure?" Huang Shui's head was biased, and he was still a little uncertain. He still didn't let go of Tianci's arm, but grasped it more tightly.

His behavior is also from the bottom of his heart to be concerned about the God-given in front of him. If he is not really optimistic about the extremely excellent person, no one will have such a move. People in general relationships don't care about other people's affairs.

Tianci naturally knows Brother Huangshui's heart, and he is really moved by the bottom of his heart. His relatives are just like this. He doesn't want to hide anything about such a forgetful friendship. He can only prove it to Brother Huangshui with practical actions to completely dispel his doubts.

Standing in place, although his right arm was tightly pulled by Huang Shui, Tianci did not resist, but his mind quickly moved and grabbed his arm and body. Can he still grasp the spirit in his mind?

The power of spiritual consciousness is stimulated, and the energy of three sacred runes is immediately simulated in the mind, the fire system, the earth system, and the third sacred rune energy. Naturally, it is the gold system.

The three series of sacred runes formed in a blink of an eye, quietly floating in the void of the mind. In the moment of forming, Tianci only felt the pressure around him suddenly loosened.

Although it is dozens of meters away from the milky white light boundary, the pressure still exists, but it is not as powerful as the boundary.

Tianci felt light all over, and even the feeling of grasping his water tightly and conveying it through Tianci's body suddenly felt that the pressure was greatly reduced. Whether it was the impact of the body or the mental pressure in the mind, it was reduced at least three times.

"Well? This... You, God-given, you?" Huang Shui opened his eyes wide and stared at God's gift in an incredible way.

Tianci just nodded slowly and said, "Brother Huangshui, you believe it this time! I have now simulated the energy breath of the three series of sacred runes, and the pressure around us has also been reduced by more than three times. As I just said, the previous failure was completely wrong in the simulation order of rune energy.

As the introducer who entered the Void City, although Huangshui has the strength of a strong status, he is a native of the Void City. Although he also knows the importance of the seven sacred runes, he has not personally tried the seven sacred runes.

In the Void City, there will also be some native human beings, but their status is very low. According to the titles of those adults in the Void City, Huangshui are 'indigenous'. This is also a contempt for their status and identity, so what no one wants to do, such as the introducer, falls on their 'indigenous'.

"God-given, brother, although I have not personally experienced the energy of the seven sacred runes, I still know that these milky lights that can integrate the saints and adults can reduce the pressure and impact by about three times. It seems that you have indeed mastered the tricks of the seven sacred runes. Oh... go! I believe in you, and I will succeed this time.

Reduce the pressure and impact of three times. Even if Huangshui has not touched the seven sacred runes, he also understands that the divine gift in front of him is indeed sure of success, at least half of it.

This is a great opportunity for an ordinary human practicer who does not have any sacred runes in his mind. Once he can succeed, it will prove the correctness of Huang Shui's own vision.