Gods Command

Chapter 370 In Crisis

The distance of 30 or 40 meters has no effect on this more powerful storm beast.

The divine consciousness can't catch up with the speed of naked eye observation. It is equivalent to the greatest barrier advantage and completely loses its utility.

"Run!" In the face of this more powerful storm beast, Tianci did not hesitate and rushed to the Kuilin Mountains.

Flash Wings and others did not look back and had already run dozens of meters away.

"Ao-woo!" When the huge storm beast rushed to the battle site, it did not immediately chase and kill them, but called them several times. When he heard the little storm beast make a similar cry, he suddenly looked up and looked at the last Tianci, which was extremely fierce.

"It's not good! This big storm beast is going to attack me.

Although Tianci was escaping quickly, the situation behind him could be clearly seen. Forty meters passed in the blink of an eye, and two storm beasts were lost in his consciousness. But the angry roar was clearly audible.

The little storm beast is the son of the big storm beast, and this area is the territory of this big storm beast.

"Wow." As soon as he ran out of a distance of sixty or seventy meters, the dark shadow in his consciousness shook, and then Tianci felt a great pain coming from his body.

Peng! The whole body was thrown high by the impact and fell heavily into the bushes.

"God-given brothers!"

"God-given Lord!"

Zhou Ba, Shan Yi and others all exclaimed. They ran in the front, but they also always paid attention to the situation behind them. However, as soon as their words came out, they had time to turn back, and a violent storm suddenly appeared behind everyone.

Peng, Peng, Peng, Peng!

All the figures were thrown away. Whether it was Zhou Ba or the flash wings that temporarily reached the beginning of the third level of the void, they were all hit by a strong force and fell into the surrounding jungle without any suspense.

"Ao-woo! Ao-woo!" The big storm beast roared, and the little storm beast also rushed over and looked up to the sky excitedly and roared.

In addition to the flash wing himself, the other fourteen flash wing villagers were all unconscious. Several ordinary practitioners, and even the bones of the whole body broke several bones.

Several villagers at the Void Level are slightly better, just in a coma.

"Puff!" Zhou Ba and Shan Yi spewed out a mouthful of blood at the same time. Although Zhou Ba's strength was void second-level, he could not stand the serious injury in the face of the powerful attack of this big storm beast.

"Void Level 4 is definitely the Warcraft of Void Level 4... It's over, we're all done, Lord God, Lord Zhou Ba, blame me... Whoo-hoo, it's all my decision-making mistakes that hurt everyone!" The flash wing suddenly howled in pain. Under the huge injury, he didn't know where his strength came from, but he struggled to stand up, and his eyes were particularly sad.

His eyes gradually glanced at a famous villager around him, "Donggua, Erhai... I'm sorry for you! Whoo-hoo..."

Erhai is the strongest empty first-class villager in Shanyi Village in addition to Shanyi Village. At this time, he was just in a coma, but Donggua and the other three Shanyi villagers were all killed on the spot.

It can be judged from the complete collapse of their warm lumbar vertebrae and thoracic bones.

Especially the weakest 'winter melon'. When you look at the past, you can clearly see the fist-sized hole on the side of his head. A large amount of brain plasma and blood flowed out, and the grass was stained blood red.

"Storm Beast, I'm fighting with you." The flashing wings roared crazily, and also shouted, "Lord Tianci, please run away quickly!" No one can escape here except you... God-given, I beg you one thing... Protect, protect my village..."

With a pause, the flashing wings rushed to the big storm beast on the opposite side like crazy. He wanted to delay a little time with his own sacrifice and try to let the God-given adult escape.


The huge body of the big storm beast blinked and disappeared in place. When it appeared again, it reached the side of the flash wing. A claw popped out like lightning. Before the flash wing approached, it was bounced out vigorously and thrown away again, hitting a big tree trunk surrounded by two people.

The whole tree trunk shook slightly.

"Ao-woo~Ao-woo~" The big and small storm beasts roared proudly at the same time. Under this blow, the big storm beast did not kill the flash wing, and even the place where he attacked was not his key point.

"Cough, cough." The flashing wings struggled and got up again, "Do you want to play with our 'prey'? Go to hell!" As soon as he turned over and got up, the flash wings roared again and rushed out to the storm beast.

For some powerful monsters, they also have a certain IQ level. Since their opponents are not harmful at all, they also know how to tease them, and then they will slowly torture them to death.

From a hunter to a prey of Warcraft, such an identity change was completely unexpected.

"Void Level 4..... It turned out to be a void four-level warcraft. Tianci also took the opportunity to get up slowly, and the pain behind him was as if it was burning. Although a large blood hole was cut out in the back, his cells recovered extremely fast. In this moment, not only did the blood hole stop the bleeding, but also the skin and flesh were slowly re-growing new muscles, recovering strangely.

The Void Level 4 Warcraft is definitely not something you can resist.

"Zhou Ba, Brother Zhou Ba, how are you?" Tianci endured the pain in his back, went to Zhou Ba and helped him up, and then turned around and fled out of the jungle.

Even if I can escape alone, I don't want to give up the Zhou Ba brothers. If the wrong decision of the flash wing is sorry for everyone, then the God-given decision is only sorry for the Zhou Ba brothers.

Peng! As soon as he walked not far, a huge body flew over from the air and fell on the grass in front of them, which was the head of the flash-winged village who was bounced away again.

"Run! Leave me alone and run." The flashing wings stared at Tianci with wide eyes, and let out a series of rapid calls from his throat weakly.

When his body can't move, it can be seen that he was hit repeatedly and how injured he was, and he was on the verge of death.


The drum's eyes were completely stiffened, and there was only this intermittent sound in his throat.

"No, if you want to die, you will die together!" Seeing the tragic situation of the flashing wings, Tianci suddenly turned around.

Slowly lying on the ground next week, staring at the two storm beasts on the opposite side. A cracking sound came out of the mouth of the little storm beast, and it was biting the skull of the villager of the winter melon.

Nit? It turned out to be the corpse of eating wax gourd--