Gods Command

Chapter 470 Breaking the cocoon

He looked at the two parade gods on the high platform. Their previous conversations and behaviors outside their rooms were the clearest.

At that time, the door suddenly collapsed into powder. It was he who finally created a unique trick, a trace of space attack result. Using the principle of teleportation, the pure cosmic energy of the gobster in the body was integrated into the teleportation space, and then combined with the power of the tiger cannon fist and the ground fist, the space attack was finally successful.

Just a trace of space attack power made the unbreakable stone door collapse into powder and disappear for a moment. The power of space attack is indeed amazing, at least tens of thousands of times the effect of ordinary attacks.

It was also because of the joy and excitement at the beginning, Tianci did not pay much attention to the two parade gods standing outside the door, and directly teleported to the square.

Until this time, he also recalled what the previous two parade gods said.

"Of course, hand it over as soon as possible. We can spare your life, but if you let so many gods ask you personally, you will inevitably be punished.

That is to say, God-given will not only unconditionally hand over the treasure, but also be punished.

"Hahaha. Is it just a few dirty things from you?" Tianci laughed and shocked everyone, and then the gods around him made the adults furious.

Lord God, is it a dirty thing? Is this still a newcomer?

"Go to hell!" A god could no longer stand this kind of low-ly tolerant, and his fist slammed out. "The God of War is invincible."


A dazzling burst of energy was shot around, as if a laser burst, and a large laser blinked to form a terrible rain of light arrows.

Tianci smiled and shook his head slowly. He sneered disdainfully in the bottom of his heart. There was no dodge at all, and the light rain hit his whole body.

Puffy, fluffy~! The dense explosion exploded on the energy of the light curtain, and a small whirlwind was rolled up at the scene. The crowd retreated one after another, and the empty range also expanded to about 1,000 meters.

However, although the explosion stimulated huge destructive power and attack power, after the smoke and dust disappeared, Tianci stood there intact, even without moving his footsteps.

"What? You, you are actually blocked..." In the exclamation, not only were all the earth gods shocked, but even Lord Feng, who had been observing above the high platform, couldn't help but be shocked and suddenly stood up from his seat.

How is this possible? A new practitioner can resist the attack of a strong man in the middle of the middle, and even his body has not moved half a step...

Even if God is the strongest at the peak, it is impossible to do it. At least the hair or clothes will be messy! This is the act of avoiding and being beaten at all.

"Treasures. God-level treasures." Everyone immediately woke up and stared at God's gift greedily. Even the countless newcomers around them showed strange eyes.

"To be able to resist the attack of the eight layers of power in the middle of the god general, the treasures on the body of nine fifty-eight is likely to reach the peak level in the early stage of the divine master... or even a higher level." Lord Feng secretly thought that only one treasure in the early stage of the god is not very attractive to him, unless the treasure level reaches the middle of the god.

Of course, if you can reach the peak level of God, Lord Feng will definitely not be able to stand it.

"Hahaha, I said that you are a group of dirty things. Don't you believe that dogs look down on people and think that if there are more people, they can rob the treasures of my people?"

In the face of the direct momentum and pressure of hundreds of gods, coupled with nearly a million empty practitioners in the surrounding square, under such a strong overall momentum, almost all of them were shrouded in Tianci. The huge pressure suddenly made the mind in Tianci's heart break free.

Stress, stress is the best way for the mind to evolve.

The greater the pressure, the faster the mental evolution. Previously, I had the sacred initial energy. In the face of the three Warcraft saints, even the ball spirit old man and the holy king, the God-given can feel the great pressure. At that time, the earth and mind also behaved normally.

But once the huge pressure disappears, the mind will return to the original void level.

That is to say, his mind has not really evolved, but under a huge pressure beyond the limit, his mind is just extraordinary.

Relatively speaking, there are now hundreds of gods and nearly a million virtual practitioners in the square. Even if all their pressure and pressure are combined, they are not equal to one millionth of the pressure of the three saints of Warcraft, but-

It is precisely because this pressure does not exceed the ability of God-given's own mental endurance that it can be regarded as his normal mental training object at the void level; before, it was a super-normal mental performance, but now it is a reasonable evolution within the normal range.

In the face of pressure, it transforms step by step, and the pressure of hundreds of land gods and all the pressure of millions of void practitioners has also reached the critical point of the void level.

"Boom." There was an explosion in the depths of his heart, and the God only felt light all over his body, as if he had soared to a higher level of air. His heart was released, and he could finally swim in the boundless cosmic void.

Refreshing, free, unrestrained, everything is so beautiful!

The soul and mind have metamorphed, and finally it has metamorphed to a higher level, and the divine level--

The mind reaches the level of the divine general, but the strength is the sacred realm. If you want to be more embedded with your own soul and energy, you must face stronger earth pressure, the pressure at the level of the god, and must be the pressure of the peak of the god.

At the moment when he broke the cocoon and became a butterfly, Tianci also seemed to have explored something. Although he had not specifically grasped the subtle feeling, he had a hunch that if he wanted to succeed and continue to improve himself, he must find a more powerful person than these practitioners in front of him to find the answer.

In a short moment, God-given has felt a lot. The time seems to be long, but it is only a flash. After hearing the words of God-given, the earth around them didn't say much at all and besieged them all.

Hundreds of strong generals, completely regardless of their identity, go to besiege a new person... This is simply unheard of. On the surface, it seems so, but in fact, all the generals have their own selfishness in the bottom of their hearts.

Abusing 'adult', damned to death!

Just let these greedy gods have a direct excuse. Whoever kills God first, they can get the 'God' level treasure on them.