heavy pupil

Chapter 7 The old man is ambitious

Covering the sky with one hand is a nickname, describing this person as rich and powerful. However, the man with such a majestic nickname is an old man with white hair and a body like dry bamboo. It seems that he will be blown away by the wind after two steps.

When Xiao Chongguang first saw him, he almost thought that it was steward Lv who had intention to deceive him, but looking at the eyes of several masters around him, his cautious attitude towards the old man was simply more respectful than his own mother, so he believed that he had not been fooled.

Tang Fuli looked at Xiao Chongguang with suspicious eyes. Obviously, steward Lu didn't say anything good in his ear. Xiao Chongguang was a little embarrassed. In fact, it was all because of his lack of experience in the world, which made the other party misunderstand. Once there is a grudge in his heart, he will naturally not like it no matter how he looks at it.

After Xiao Chongguang left Sanhe Town, he was not in a hurry to return to the teacher gate. Kunlun's assessment of disciples going down the mountain is extremely strict, but once the disciples pass the assessment down the mountain, they will receive very little restraint. It is said that in the past, the Kunlun School, like other sects, had many sects and dogma, but since today's leader Chongzhen took over the door, all the previous rules have been abolished. After the disciple went down the mountain, as long as he remembered a few major precepts of the sect, the others should be free. So he was not in a hurry to return to his teacher's door, but wandered around to inquire about his sister's news.

He didn't believe what Xiao Boyong said before his death, but he turned upside down among the Xiao family and other enemies, and did not find the trace of Tian Zipei. The three jade pendants of the Xiao family are rare treasures. It is said that there is a prohibition of sacrifice by seniors. After Xiao Chongguang broke through the induction, he found that the mana fluctuation above was unusual. So he thought that Xiao Boyong might not have lied to him. The little sister was really not dead and took Tian Zipei away.

He has been separated from his little sister for many years and knows nothing about his sister's current appearance, and even his life and death are uncertain. However, in addition to the different words, the shapes and styles are exactly the same, and they are rare. As long as you find the whereabouts of Tianzipei, there will naturally be traces of your sister.

He came all the way from Qingshui County and found countless gambling pubs and inn brothel. At first, he was regarded as crazy. He can only use martial arts to subdue the other party, and then take out the picture and graphics of the jade pendant, so that once the other party finds the trace of the jade pendant, don't act rashly, but immediately inform him that he is willing to reward him with 10,000 taels of gold. After three times, he simply painted the gourd. Every time he went to the most lively occasions in the local area, he deliberately dressed up dazzlingly. First, he found faults, then with fists and feet. After detering everyone, he took out the picture of the jade pendant, Xu gave him a heavy reward and asked people to help him find clues together.

Tianshui City is an important town in the northwest, and the supreme gambling house is the best casino in the city. Xiao Chongguang knew that the boss behind this gambling house was no small, so he came directly to the trouble of the gambling house as soon as he entered the city. He didn't expect that this idea of a rich family was completely different from that of an ordinary businessman bully. Seeing him as a top master, he not only did not welcome him, but doubted which force sent him to smash the scene. After all, the status is different, and the focus of considering the problem is not at the same level at all.

Of course, Tang Fuli will not live in the supreme gambling house. There are many industries under his name, and the gambling house is just a drop in the sea. Originally, he was talking with the host Bixu in Baiyunguan in the south of the city, but he was reported by his subordinates that there was a disturbance in the gambling house, and even the stewer Lv could not control the scene. Knowing that the person was not good, he sued Bixu, returned to Tangfu in a big sedan chair, and ordered his attendant to send a message to Lv, asking him to talk to Tangfu.

Xiao Chongguang apologized to Tang Fuli and explained his intention. He just wanted to ask the other party to help pay attention to the whereabouts of a piece of jade pendant. If there is any clue, he is willing to thank him with a heavy gift. At this time, he also saw that the other party was not the local rich people in the past. Naturally, it was not easy to mention the words of 10,000 taels of gold, so he had to be vague.

Tang Fuli kept staring at him and saw that he was hair all over. Then he slowly took the jade pendant he handed over and took a look first: "The painter is sloppy, not a famous handwriting." Xiao Chongguang did not answer his words. This figure is that he found several local painters in Qingshui County, each of whom drew 100 paintings. Naturally, he was not a famous artist.

Tang Fuli looked at the figure upside down several times before putting the figure aside and said to Xiao Chongguang, "It's just a piece of cake to help you find it, but how can I help you? Don't mention that you and I don't know each other. You used to make trouble in my casino. Now if I mobilize my men to help you, how can I convince the public in the future?

Xiao Chongguang knew that the other party still had doubts about him and refused to accept it easily. He arched his hand again and said, "Master Tang, you were abrupt before. You are a northwest tycoon with a broad mind. Please don't be surprised. I know that the Tang family is in the northwest. If Master Tang is willing to help me, whether it is successful or not, I will be very grateful. Xiao has nothing but martial arts. If Master Tang has any assignment, as long as he doesn't violate the morality of the world and the rules of my teacher, he is willing to go through fire and water.

Tang Fuli's eyes lit up. Although he did not see Xiao Chongguang's martial arts in person, he was indeed a rare master when he heard the steward Lv's mention. Although he had many talents, none of them could be so talented.

He pondered for a long time and ordered his men: "Go and invite Mr. Situ here." The subordinate took the order and left. He turned around and smiled at Chongguang, "Mr. Xiao, let's drink tea first. We will talk about it in detail when Mr. Situ comes.

The subordinate's movements were very fast, but with a cup of tea, he led an old man in gray to hurry. The old man is tall, with white hair, eagle-nosed falcon eyes, and extremely calm between his steps. Tang Fuli had a lot of respect for the old man. When he saw his arrival, he stood up and greeted him: "Mr. Situ, take a seat quickly and introduce a young talent to you today." He smiled at Chongguang and said, "Mr. Xiao, this is Mr. Situ He, the chief guest of my Tang family, known as the Ghost Hand Eagle King."

The Situ He's eyes were like electricity, staring straight at Xiao Chongguang. Xiao Chongguang arched his hand and motioned. He only nod his head and appeared in front of Xiao Chongguang. Xiao Chongguang frowned slightly and saw Situ He holding his claws in his hands and stabbing them out at the critical point of his chest. At this time, he separated his hands and went to catch the opponent's wrist with his right hand, which was exactly the move of the little capture.

The two started to start as soon as they met, but Tang Fuli seemed to have been surprised and did not stop him. Instead, he leisurely watched. Situ He's martial arts has been transformed, and the common kung fu of the eagle claw hand has come to his hand, which has the smell of turning decay into magic. His shot was like electricity. Every attack was straight to the point, and his internal strength was extremely strong. Every time the two fought with each other, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.

The two have fought several times, and the place of the match has also been transferred from the hall to the courtyard. Where the fist wind of the two people, the flowers and leaves fell, and the stone table was interrupted by the fist wind of Situ He, which was interrupted into two parts, and the momentum was extremely terrible.

Xiao Chongguang was energetic and patient. Situ He saw that his offensive was like a storm, which was resolved by his opponents one by one, and gradually became anxious. Suddenly, he stepped on the ground, and the bluestone ground was trampled down by him. With this force, he rushed out and turned his claws into palms, with a mountain and sea of energy. Xiao Chongguang fell down and stabilized his body. He did not dodge. He pushed out his hands and stopped Situ He in mid-air. The two palms were staggered. Xiao Chongguang hummed and shook his body. Situ He turned back with a somersault. The two seemed to have a good heart and stopped fighting at the same time.

There were three clear sounds, but Tang Fuli applauded and praised them on the side: "What a battle between dragons and tigers, Mr. Situ and Brother Xiao. The two can be said to be good talents when they meet their opponents. This competition is really eye-opening." Situ He snorted coldly: "Mr. Tang doesn't have to cover my shame. This Mr. Xiao's internal skills are above me. If you continue to fight, I will be ugly in less than 30 years. It seems that this break into the Seven Star Building is about to fall on Mr. Xiao.

Tang Fuli did not answer, and waited until both of them sat down, and then said to Xiao Chongguang, "Mr. Xiao, the old man does have something to ask for. If Mr. Xiao can do this big thing for the old man, after the matter is done, the thirteen commercial banks under the old man and a group of large and small gangs will be led by Mr. Xiao, and let him."

Xiao Chongguang said, "Master Tang has something to do. He should do his best." Tang Fuli said happily, "You're welcome. I don't know if Mr. Xiao has heard of the Five Tigers of the Xue family in Anding City."

Xiao Chongguang said, "Please forgive me for being ignorant and unheard of it." Tang Fuli said, "Today, in the northwest, there are many mountains and complex. Among the many forces, it is the largest of the three. Do you know which three are Mr. Xiao?

Xiao Chongguang arched his hand: "I would like to hear about it."

Tang Fuli took a sip of tea and continued to say, "One of them is our Tang family. Our Tang family comes from Shu, but after moving from my high-grandfather to Tianshui, we have been doing business here for generations and have gone through five generations. The salt and iron, horses, yaks and ores of the Qingtang generation in the northwest all came in and out of our Tang family's warehouse, making great profits. In addition, the Tang family also operates inns, pubs, gambling houses and pawnshops, which have the strongest foundation in the northwest generation, and many gangs and bodyguard bureaus are also under the orders of Tang.

Xiao Chongguang nodded and said that the Tang family lived in the northwest. It was indeed rich and rich. When Xiao Chongguang came to practice in Kunlun Mountain, he often heard his brother who came down the mountain.

"The other family is the Zhou family in Hanzhong City. The Zhou family has been crowned for generations and is a famous family in the northwest. Many local officials are from the Zhou family and have great official influence. Although there are not many industries that their families participate in, they are all critical industries and make great profits. As the saying goes, the people do not fight with officials. Although our Tang family has a broad network, we should avoid the Zhou family in everything.

"As for the last one, it is the Xue's five tigers that I just mentioned. Unlike Tang Tui's family, our two families have been in the northwest for a hundred years and are native families. This Xue family is an outsider. It is said that his ancestors were Xue Rengui who fixed Tianshan with three arrows in the Tang Dynasty.

"Twenty years ago, the Dingding northwest was originally my Tang family, the Zhou family and the Feng family who led the northwest underworld and the Ma Gang. However, only overnight, the Xue family, who came from afar from afar, relied on force to seize all the industries under the name of the Feng family, and originally depended on the Feng family's many underworlds. And the horse gang, also look at the scenery. The Feng family was defeated by the Xue family, so they had to sell the rest of the family and leave the northwest in panic.

"Since then, the Feng family in the northwest has been replaced by the Xue family. At that time, the Xue family was in charge of the three brothers of the older generation, Xue Chongye, Xue Chongwen and Xue Chongwu. After they seized the Feng family's property, they reached a tacit understanding with our Tang family and the Zhou family and no longer invaded each other. Therefore, the Xue family was able to rest and slowly digest the Feng family's industry. ."

Xiao Chongguang quietly listened to Tang Fuli's story of the past, but secretly laughed in his heart. Tang Fuli's words were not true. The Feng family was annexed by outsiders overnight. In the past 20 years, many gangs that originally belonged to the Feng family have attached to the Tang Tuesday family. If there is no ghost in it, it is strange. Obviously, Tang Tui's family was involved in the annexation of the Feng family.

Tang Fuli continued: "In the past two years, the elders of the Xue family have passed away one after another, and the younger generation took office. Among them, the most fierce ones are the five tigers of the Xue family. Among them, Xue Mufeng and Xue Mulei are the sons of Xue Chongye, Xue Muyun is the sons of Xue Chongwen, and Xue Muyu and Xue Mushuang are the sons of Xue Chongwu. The five brothers are better than their fathers in martial arts, and they are ambitious and want to dominate Xiliang. In the past two years, their gangs have been looking for trouble, which gives my Tang and Zhou family a headache.

"Especially two years ago, Xue Muyun, the third son of Xue's five tigers, returned from other places. It is said that Xue Muyun suffered an adventure when he was a teenager, and his martial arts skills were much higher than his peers, and he was claimed to be invincible all over Xiliang. Hearing that he was coming back, the Xue family was even more fearless to build a seven-star building in Anding City.

Xiao Chongguang was a little puzzled: "Do you dare to ask what is the mystery of this seven-star building? Is it worthy of Master Tang's attention?"

Tang Fuli said, "Mr. Xiao doesn't know that this seven-star building is extremely luxurious. There are countless masters in the building, and there is a first-class master on each floor. The Xue family once boasted that no one could break the defense of this seven-star building, and they even used it to attract talents from all walks of life to serve their families.

"That's all. Two months ago, the Xue family placed a night pearl on the top floor of the Seven Star Building, which shines brightly every night. And this night pearl, the heirloom of my Tang family, was secretly stolen by Xue Muyun. It's a shame that there are countless masters in my family, and no one even noticed when the night pearl was stolen. It was not until the news of the night pearl on the top of the seven-star building that I found that my home had been visited by thieves.

Xiao Chongguang said, "Although the night pearl is rare, it is not unique. Why did Master Tang definitely put it on the top of the seven-star building, which is the one lost by the Tang family, and the thief is Xue Muyun?"

Situ He answered his doubts: "The night pearl of our Tang family is a rare treasure, which is extraordinary. Its light goes straight to the bullfight. If there is no external cover, it can be seen within ten miles, and the color of the light will change with the time. The one on the top of the seven-star building is exactly like this, the whole There is no second one in the northwest. What's more, there is no second person who can steal the night pearl from the treasure room of my Tang family, except Xue Muyun, the first master in the northwest.

Xiao Chongguang said, "Since Master Tang is so sure, why don't you report it to the official? Although the Xue family is powerful, they dare not disobey the government. Tang Fuli said hatefully, "How can I not report to an official? I only hate those officials who have received many benefits from our Tang family in the past. They even said that the evidence was insufficient and refused to accept it. Fortunately, there was a scriber in Hanzhong Prefecture who was secretly cultivated by me in the early years and secretly reported to me that the Zhou family secretly ordered them not to accept it. I knew that there was still a cause for the Zhou family.

When Xiao Chongguang heard this, he already understood the purpose of Tang Fuli's words: "Since the official refused to accept it, it seems that Master Tang wants me to go to the Seven Star Building for you and get back the night pearl handed down from the family."

Tang Fuli laughed and said, "If it's just like this, how dare you work as a master like Mr. Xiao?" Although the pearl of that night was precious, it was just a dead thing and not worth anything. It is hateful that the Xue family put the night pearl on the roof of the seven-star building, so that everyone in the northwest knows that the treasure of our Tang family was taken away by the Xue family, but it was unable to take it back, which made the reputation of our Tang family plummet. The people in the northwest are strong, and the strong are respected. Many gangs under the Tang family are already ready to move. Tang suffered this great humiliation. If he can't return tit for tat, how can he maintain the century-old prestige of my Tang family?

Xiao Chongguang's expression condensed, but he saw the brilliance in Tang Fuli's eyes: "Mr. Xiao's martial arts are the best. It's only secondary to go to Anding City and get back the night pearl. The most important thing is to hit the roof of the seven-star building for Tang and sweep away the arrogance of the Xue family." When the old man said this, he never saw a trace of aging, red light on his face and ambition.