heavy pupil

Chapter 17 The world is like a dream with the sun and the moon

When Xiao Chongguang heard Luohou's questioning, he shouted, "I know that Brother Luo, you miss your old friend, but I didn't know that there was such a sword god in the world until I knew you. Besides, I was less than 20 years old this year. How can I know the sword god 300 years ago?"

When Luohou heard this, he let go of Xiao Chongguang's collar: "You are right. When you and I first met, you still didn't know my identity and there was no reason to lie to me. What's more, the Sword God has indeed disappeared for 300 years. Soon after I was suppressed, I couldn't feel his existence in heaven and earth. You are less than 20 years old, and it is impossible to know him. Is it your ancestors who know the sword god?

When Xiao Chongguang heard what he said, he was also a little puzzled: "It's really possible to say so. Is my ancestor a friend or even a relative of the Sword God?" Thinking of this section, he subconsciously felt a little proud and didn't expect that his family might be related to such a person.

Luohou was infinitely melancholy and said, "I thought too much. How can you have something to do with him? It seems that I will never see him again in my life. The words are full of loss.

Xiao Chongguang didn't know how to persuade him. He could only look at Luo Hou and mutter to himself, "What happened in those years? It seems that I have really stayed here for too long. I don't know anything, and even my brain is rigid. Otherwise, in the underground palace, how could he not even fool the Xiao brothers? Xiao Chongguang was quite embarrassed when he heard the words, and he could only be silent.

Luo Hou looked at the two jade pendants over and over again, trying to find clues about the sword god from them. Yupei was repeatedly groped by him, and almost got into it. Looking at the expression on his face, he seemed to get nothing, and the disappointment in his eyes was self-evident.

Suddenly, he threw his jade pendant on the ground, held his head, and squatted on the ground. His face was uncertain, and he stretched out his fingers to write and draw on the ground. His fingers were amazing. He engraved and painted on this cold and hard rock, just like writing on the sand table. His fingers were flying, and the ground was full of strange words and pictures for a moment. Xiao Chongguang watched and faintly saw that what he portrayed was a congenital talisman, which seemed to be calculating an extremely difficult problem. Luohou painted for more than half an hour and painted a square stone carving on the ground.

After painting the last stroke, he stood up and looked down at his work. The expression on his face gradually became solemn, and suddenly clapped his hands: "Yes."

After Luohou said this headless words, he began to be silent again. Xiao Chongguang did not dare to disturb him in a daze and quietly waited for him to speak. After a quarter of an hour, the hero suddenly said, "Brother, I'm sorry, I was thinking about a very difficult problem just now. Now I finally have an idea. It seems that we have a hope to get out of trouble."

Xiao Chongguang said with great joy, "I would like to hear more about it."

Luo Hou laughed and said, "I just missed my old friend. Thinking that I had been in a cage over the years, I didn't know anything about the ups and downs of the world. For a moment, I suddenly woke up. I'm a hero of my life, and I didn't expect to find myself trouble.

"Now that you and I are trapped in the Jedi, the top priority is to try to get out of trouble and do everything else. At this time, I remembered your jade pendant, and then I knew that our creation had arrived. Now that we want to get out of the siege, we will fall on your jade pendant.

Xiao Chongguangqi said, "Brother Luo, what's the solution?"

Luohou smiled and said, "Brother Xiao, you don't know that we are suppressed by Xiyang. This thing is a divine object created by heaven and earth. Unless we fly to immortals, we will never escape. And the two dust arrays we are now in are originally the array at the bottom of the box of the Emei School. After the improvement of the Sword God, it is by no means what you can solve now. If we have been staying here and waiting for diving as I said before, I'm afraid we still have to wait until we practice and soar. But now with your jade pendant, it's very different.

He pointed to the jade pendant and said, "There is a mana mark of the sword god in this jade pendant. This formation is also arranged by himself. Shen Shengyi has a habit of doing everything and likes to keep a hand. For example, when he sealed me, he left the magic array of heaven and earth and people, hoping to have someone who is recognized by him. Determine whether I will accept defeat. If I am willing to accept defeat and give up the battle for hegemony from now on, I'm afraid that I will be released directly on the spot. And he left this resting land to prevent the people of the demon clan from coming to save me, or wait until the vicissitudes of the sea and the landscape to change, and I will not repent. At that time, I will use this resting to suppress me forever. But he will never completely block my retreat. There must be a way to survive in these two dust formations. It's just that we don't know anything about his power and can't crack it. Now with this jade pendant as a guide, we happen to refer to each other and may be able to find the flaws in the dust array of these two instruments.

He pointed to the stone inscription and painting under his feet: "The text and graphics on this stone carving are the two-meter dust array drawn by me according to my impression and understanding of the sword god and the innate calculation of Taoism. Although it is far incomplete, it is enough to peep at the leopard. Now you and I will compare this array of pictures to promote a way to survive.

Xiao Chongguang suddenly realized that he admired Luo Hou's mental ability even more. So the two carefully understood the array in the eyes of this cave, devoted themselves to practice, and pulled the vitality of the sword god in the jade pendant with their own magic power every day, and then deduced it. So day and night, things change, and I don't know how time flies.

As time flies, the sun and the moon fly. Xiao Chongguang followed Luo Hou and stayed in this cave for three years. The two dived day and night, and their magic power was brave and refined, and their understanding of the sword spirit in the jade pendant was also deepening. From time to time, the two entered the dust array of the two instruments to experience the flooded world of dust evolution.

These two dust arrays are worthy of the top of the world, and have evolved by the Sword God, and their power is unimaginable. Xiao Chongguang walked separately from Luo Hou, and he didn't know how many worlds he had experienced, but there was no repetition. Every world scene, vitality and laws are different, and some even on the contrary, there are many dangers hidden in them, and countless wild beasts and peerless murders have been derived.

Every time Xiao Chongguang consciously cultivates and achieves success, he will go to this flooded world. He once captured tigers in the mountains and fought dragons in the sea; some snakes were thousands of feet long and as fast as the wind; some giant apes were hundreds of feet tall and their eyes were like electricity; some giant whales entered the sea, and their tail wings stirred up the stormy waves; some rocs spread their wings and rolled up the wind all over the sky. There are also Hongmeng foreign beasts, such as Bi Fang bathed in fire, the head snake body of the piano insect beast, the human face of the bird, and the head dragon body. What I have seen is full of strangeness.

The experiences of Luohou and Xiao Chongguang are different. His cultivation is profound, and the world he has experienced is even more unheard of. According to him, some worlds are simply a chaos at the beginning of Hongmeng, and there is only the initial vitality between heaven and earth; some worlds are the reflection of hundreds of millions of stars, in which people are like flying in thousands of stars, and they don't know where the edge is. Fortunately, thanks to his cultivation, he was able to retreat all over his body.

The two travel alternately in this many worlds. These two dust arrays are very mysterious. They can not only evolve these many worlds, but also evolve the matching scenes and characters according to the memories and life processes of the people in the array, which makes people fall into a dream and can't distinguish between true from false, like an experience. One life after another.

Xiao Chongguang has also turned around in this countless reincarnations. Some reincarnations are just old things, in which he reviews the past one by one. However, the development of things often has unexpected changes, not just a review of the past. And in many life experiences, I am no longer myself. In a big dream, he became a scholar, forgot his identity and memory of this life, and became another person wholeheartedly. He studied hard in Beijing, rushed to take the exam, became a general, and became an extremely minister. Then he was imprisoned, and his family was ruined. From poverty to wealth, and returned from wealth to poverty, life in his dream was like a reincarnation, and in his feelings, he did seem to have experienced a long life. When he woke up and realized that he was in an illusion, everything was suddenly like a mirror, without a trace, but another big dream.

The two have been experiencing this and exploring repeatedly to explore the way out of these two dust arrays. They don't know how many worlds they have traveled and performed a few lives. The difference in the world experienced by the two is also a reflection of their completely different cultivation and mood. In this way, the clues of these two dust arrays were gradually explored by them, and finally there was a rule to follow.

These three years have been as long as countless eras for these two. Fortunately, no matter how long the world evolved in the array is, it is only a moment in reality. Otherwise, they will die early and have no chance to come out at all.

Finally, one day, Xiao Chongguang couldn't remember how many worlds he had explored. At this time, he was in a huge furnace. The two gases in the furnace condensed and evolved into wind, rain, thunder and lightning, rivers, lakes and seas. I am on a flat boat in the vast sea, swaying in the stormy waves. He vaguely realized that once the boat sank, he would be turned into a pool of pus and blood by yin and yang. Although he didn't know where this consciousness came from, he still clenched his teeth and held the boat, rode the wind and waves, standing still.

I don't know how long it lasted. Suddenly, there was a thunder shake outside the sky and listened carefully. It was not thunder, but a burst of shouting, faintly shouting his name. His mind was confused, as if he felt that he had something important to do, but he still couldn't remember what it was. Suddenly, a series of questions poured into my mind: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I? Where am I going? What should I do?

This series of questions was like a morning bell and evening drum, which was thought-provoking. His sea of knowledge suddenly became clear. He jumped his foot, threw the oar in his hand into the sea, and shouted, "Wh! All laws, such as dream bubbles, such as dew and electricity, should be seen as this. The whole melting disappeared, and all the illusions disappeared without a trace. He suddenly found himself surrounded by a large area of thick fog and put one hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Luo Hou pointing in front of the thick fog and shouting ecstatically, "I found it. The flaw is there."

Like the enlightenment of Daigo, Xiao Chongguang suddenly remembered all the causes and consequences, followed Luo Hou's fingers and released his sight. There was a faint faint light in front of him. I don't know how many scenery is hidden behind him, like a loophole in the sky curtain, just waiting for himself. Revealed!