heavy pupil

Chapter 2 It's hard to be an enemy

"Bum!" Bang!" With seven consecutive sounds, Luohou's right palm also patted seven times on the back of King Liang. His movements were not fast or fancy, that is, a regular seven high-fives, but King Liang, a monk of Yuanying, was unavoidable and abruptly ate these seven slaps.

After seven high-fives, Luo Hou didn't look at Liang Wang. Like throwing a piece of garbage, he threw the other party far away and hit the rock heavily. King Liang didn't say a word. After falling to the ground, he stood up leisurely and tidyed up his clothes as if nothing had happened. However, Xiao Chongguang knew that King Daliang was over!

King Daliang's original strong body collapsed in an instant, as if a quilt had been taken away from cotton. His face was pale, and his facial features were bleeding, but these were not the most deadly.

What really wanted his life was Luohou's hand. At this time, he was holding a little man with white and tender skin, just like a reduced version of the king of Dalian!

The little man trembled and begged Luohou to let him go. Xiao Chongguang knew that this was the Yuanying painstakingly cultivated by King Liang. At this moment, the Yuanshen of the King of Liang was attached to this Yuanying. The body was just a walking corpse.

Luo Hou looked up to the sky and smiled, and then his face became cold: "I hate betrayal, but I hate incompetence more. Six-fingered wolf, you disappoint me so much. Yuanying of King Liang knelt on the palm of Luohou and kept kowtoing: "Your Excellency, spare my life, my Excellency. I don't dare to go through fire and water for adults in the future.

Luo Hou stared at him for a long time and sighed: "You don't know where you lost at all, okay, just let you close your eyes." He made a move back with his left hand, and a cold man in the void held a long gun in his hand. He proudly stepped out and bowed to Luo Hou. It was Ji Yeyu.

The little man looked like a ghost and screamed loudly: "No!" Then he pointed to Ji Yeyu and said, "How can it be you? Why did you betray me?" Ji Yeyu's eyes were expressionless, as if his face would not change color: "I'm under Lord Luo Hou, but you don't know it."

King Liang gritted his teeth and said, "You lied. You were not born 300 years ago. How could it be his subordinate? It's in vain that I value you so much that I take you as a disciple, teach you the Taoism with my own hands, promote you step by step, and entrust the whole Liangwang Hall to you. Even, I plan to be taken over by you in the future. That's how you repay my cultivation?

Ji Yeyu was not ashamed, as if King Liang was talking about another person: "Yes, you have treated me well, but the contributions I have made for your birth and death over the years are enough to compensate for your cultivation. As for the successor, hum," he smiled for the first time and seemed to be extremely disdainful: "In a district of Jizhou, only A Dou, who is so ambitious and can't afford to be regarded as a treasure. What I want is to dominate the world, and I will no longer be influenced by the bird spirit of those Taoist Buddhist temples, and pay tribute to other Taoist sects. Only you, King Liang, can do this kind of thing. Bah——”

King Liang was blocked by him and couldn't speak. He pointed to him and shouted repeatedly, "You, you--"

Ji Yeyu put away his contemptuous smile and replied to his original cold face: "Actually, you don't have to be surprised. I betrayed you, not only because Lord Luohou can take us to unify the world and dominate the world, but more importantly--" His tone became colder and colder with an indescribable disgust in his eyes. It is also mixed with inexplicable sadness: "Although I learn from you, my real teacher is Lord Qin Wugui!"

King Liang was stunned and couldn't say a word. Ji Yeyu's voice continued, like a life-threatening charm from hell: "At that time, you and Master Qin Wugui listed the five major scouts of the Shanzi Camp and were like brothers, but later, in order to protect yourself, you betrayed the Shanzi Camp, and Qin Wugui was forced to escape overseas in the right way, and I was the apprentice he accepted overseas."

"After the teacher returned to Middle-earth, he taught me a Taoist skill, and then arranged for me to come under your command and wait for the opportunity to clean up the door. Unfortunately, Master has been tired of running around and trying to rescue Lord Luohou. He not only didn't care about killing you, but also delayed his cultivation and failed to break through to the realm of Yuanying. Otherwise, with his cultivation and means of Dancheng II, he will not die tragically in the demon emperor's underground palace. A cold light flashed in his eyes, with unforgettable hatred, "If it hadn't been for you traitors, the master would not have been isolated and helpless, let alone exhausted, and would not have died. It's you, it's all you! You cowardly, traitors!"

Luo Hou looked at Ji Yeyu's crazy look with a satisfied look in his eyes. Seeing that Ji Yeyu became more and more excited, he waved his hand to prevent the other party from continuing to say, "Okay, the words have been made clear enough. Six-finger wolf, you arranged Ye Yu to find the monk's relith, and wanted to use this to stimulate the Buddha's heart lamp to deal with me. But you didn't expect that Ye Yu had already secretly contacted me and told me all your facts. Brother Xiao and I were chasing Bai Langxuan at that time. When I heard about your layout here, I made a bet with Brother Xiao.

"I bet that his invisible sword escape can't sneak attack and kill Brother Yuanying. He didn't accept it, so he had our good play just now. You are finally a little useful and helped me win this bet. Luohou smiled proudly, and there was a glimmer of hope on King Liang's face, but then Luohou's words made him fall into the ice cave again.

"However, your use is not enough to save your life. You will be reincarnated in your next life. Don't be a demon." Before Luohou's words fell, he exerted his strength and suddenly pinched Luohou Yuanying and splashed blood everywhere. Yuanying, the king of Daliang, made an earth-shaking cry and then stopped abruptly.

"Hang live Your Majesty the Demon Emperor!" I don't know when those many golden elixir demons who submitted to the command of the king of Daliang had come closer and knelt down on the ground. The demons are tall and full of piety and obedience.

"H Long live! Long live! Long live!" The voices of these monsters came from afar and suddenly shocked the whole monsters in Wulang Mountain. For a moment, all the monsters knew what was happening here, and rows of fires approached in the night. It was the monsters in the mountain who shouted long live and rushed to the Liangwang Hall to show their loyalty.

"His Royal Highness has dominated the world for thousands of years." Luohou is the saint of my demon clan!" Immortal happiness will last forever, and longevity will be the same as heaven. For a while, he sang flattery and flattered, and the hymns and gifts flew together. At the top of the mountain where the Liangwang Hall is located, there are countless monsters standing from the peak to the foot of the mountain. The demons work together to praise their great demon emperor. A quarter of an hour ago, this was still the enemy they were deliberately trying to deal with.

Luohou stood at the forefront of the salute and laughed. The laughter came from afar and shocked the whole mountain. Seeing that the demon emperor is so powerful, many monsters work hard to praise him. The organic guy organized everyone to worship. For a while, from the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, there were monsters kneeling everywhere along the road. In the end, even Ji Yeyu couldn't help but soften his knees and knelt down.

Luohou stepped out and appeared on the roof of King Liang's Hall. He glanced around and found that the whole mountain was a monster that knelt down to himself. Everything seemed to be back 300 years ago. At that time, he reigned in the demon clan, and his majesty seemed to be nothing more than that.

He smiled proudly and was about to speak to make everyone flat, but he saw a proud and independent teenager standing abruptly among the demons kneeling on the top of the mountain, putting away a golden flying sword and staring at himself coldly with a double pupil. That look turned out to be so dazzling.

Luohou reluctantly smiled and came to Xiao Chongguang: "Brother, I can subdue the demons today. Thanks to your support, everything I have now can be shared with you. In the future, you will be one of my demon clan, above 10,000 people."

Xiao Chongguang looked at Luo Hou, who was completely strange in front of him, and remembered that a month ago, he still talked with him in the eyes of the underground array and talked about the heroes of the world. Half a month ago, the two had just broken the dust array of two instruments and were enjoying the excitement of getting out of the pen together. Even just a moment ago, he still He laughed and bet lightly to help him resolve the attack of King Liang. From knowing and cherishing each other to strangers, it only takes a moment.

"No need, Elder Luohou." Xiao Chongguang did not hesitate to change his name: "I promised to help you deal with the top ten demon kings, but I just wanted to meet each other and couldn't wipe my face away. Now, it seems that the predecessor's cultivation is thorough, and his wisdom is the best in ancient and modern times. He doesn't need my little monk in the foundation period at all. He is just a helpless person, but thins the glory of your demon emperor. Now that you have taken control of the demons and are assisted by this bold and loyal Mr. Ji, it's time for me to leave.

"Brother Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't be so affectionate. I'm not qualified to be a brother to the Demon Emperor." Xiao Chongguang said coldly, "The predecessor now commands the demons. I believe that it is easy to unify the whole demon clan. If the seniors care about a friendship in the cave, they should kill less in the future and take care of themselves.

"So, you don't want to stay and help me?" Seeing Xiao Chongguang insisting on leaving, Luo Hou's voice also began to become cold: "What's good for you? Are you so determined that you want to help them and me be my enemy?"

Xiao Chongguang shook his head secretly. The demon emperor had gone crazy and fell into the strange circle of either friends or enemies. But he has no intention to correct it, not to mention that it is unrealistic: "No matter how they treat me, I can't forget my origin, let alone forget my ancestors and help you deal with my compatriots."

"Well, isn't it just a Kunlun?" Luohou snorted coldly, and there was indescribable viciousness in his voice: "You can't forget your master. It's great to be my enemy for the sake of your master." His voice suddenly rose, like a Thunderbolt in mid-air: "I once said that a bigger and more magnificent demon palace will be built in the future as the cornerstone for me to dominate the world. Since you are so ignorant of praise, I will tell you that this brand-new demon palace will be built on the bright top of your Kunlun. You are not If you want to be loyal to Kunlun, I will destroy it.

Xiao Chongguang suddenly turned around and stared at Luo Hou: "You can try it," his voice also became extremely cold, which made people can't help but want to wrap up their clothes: "We have been established for thousands of years, inheriting the true teachings of our ancestors, and have experienced countless disciples. Wind and rain, natural disasters and man-made disasters, but they always stand still, and there is a reason for its existence. Want to destroy me, Kunlun, by you? Do you deserve it?"

After saying this, he turned his head, never looked at Luo Hou again, and strode down the mountain. Luo Hou stared at his distant back, with deep thoughts in his eyes. The dragon beside him whispered, "Demon Emperor, do you want to destroy him now?"

Luohou waved his hand: "No, he has experienced difficulties with me. This time, he will let him go and repay him for helping me out of trouble." He lowered his tone with an inexplicable chill: "Wait, we will see each other soon."