heavy pupil

Chapter 8 Southern Smoke Cloud Lock Late Autumn 8

Two months later, Chongguang came to Miaojiang on the border of the southern country, where the four seasons are like spring, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and it is the season of flowers blooming in March. The beautiful landscape and unique exotic customs made him linger. After tasting the fish in sour soup, hand-shredded bamboo shoots, fresh fried fern and other Miao people's specialty snacks, he has made up his mind to settle down here.

The knot is in the human world, and there are no cars and horses. I ask you what can do, and my heart is far away.

At this moment, Chongguang is sitting by the bitter river, washing his hands over and over again. During this period of time, living in this quiet Miaojiang village has made him have more time to reflect on his previous days. He always unconsciously likes to wash his hands by the river, although there is no stain on his hands.

"Uncle, you have washed it very clean. Let me wash the fruit." Chongguang turned around when he heard the sound, and a young boy stared at him with a pair of black eyes, holding a string of unknown wild fruits in his hand, drooling.

The bank of the bitter water bank is very high, and the residents of Miaojiazhai use stones to build a small head by the river, which is convenient for them to wash and draw water. Now Chongguang is sitting on this piece, preventing the little boy from washing the fruit.

"Okay, let it be given to you." Looking at the little boy's greedy expression, Chongguang couldn't help laughing and gave up his seat with a smile. The little guy was not polite. He did it in front of the stone bridge and began to concentrate on cleaning his coveted delicious food.

He looked at him on the side to wash. He felt that the little guy was very similar to when he was a child, so he couldn't help looking at it twice. A crisp female voice came from behind: "Ago, Ago, where have you been? Are you itchy again? Come out and see if I won't kill you, you little bastard." He turned around and saw a snow-like Miao girl wearing a golden ring on her head and bright silver bracelets on her hands and feet. When she walked, she made a ringing bell, which was very pleasant.

As soon as the little boy heard the sound, he immediately jumped up, pushed away the heavy light and threw it away along the river bank. Seeing this, the girl quickly caught up with her and shouted, "Don't run. Look where you are going, you troublemaker." The little boy ran very fast, and the girl chased to the river. He was almost gone. The girl probably came from a long distance and was so tired that she gasped and could no longer run.

She squatted on the ground and breathed, raised her eyes and saw the heavy light, pointing to the direction of the little boy's far away, as if grabbing a life-saving straw: "Hey, who, help me catch that little guy. Come on, don't let him run away."

Chongguang stood up and looked at her: "Why should I help you? Why did that little boy offend you?" After saying the sentence just now, the girl squatted there and was out of breath. She kept shaking her head in front of her fingers, but her face was quite earnest.

At this time, the little boy had bypassed the bitter water river and ran to the other side of the river. Suddenly, more than a dozen savages with spears and animal skins rushed out from the forest on the other side, and suddenly surrounded the little boy. An eight-foot-tall strong man hugged the little boy, gagged the little guy's mouth and ran to the woods.

The girl's face changed as soon as she saw someone rushing out of the woods, pointing to the other side of the river and jumping anxiously. Chongguang's heart moved and jumped up. When he landed, he had already flown across the bitter river and reached opposite the group of savages. These guys were shocked to see one more person in front of him. When they saw that there was only one person in Chongguang, he screamed in the room and rushed up with a long gun in his hand.

Of course, Chongguang didn't pay attention to these guys. He put them on the ground with three punches and two feet and could no longer get up. Seeing that the situation was not good, the strong man shouted, turned his head and ran away, holding the little boy tightly in his hand. Of course, Chongguang would not let them go. His body flashed and had chased behind the strong man. He slapped him with his left hand and hit him behind him with a palm. His right hand soared like a trick. He suddenly grabbed the little guy from the palm of the strong man and held him in his arms.

The girl's eyes straightened on the other side of the river. When she saw Chongguang save the little boy, she was relieved and kept waving like this side. Chongguang jumped up and flew to the other side of the river. The girl stretched out her hand to pick up the little boy, but was pushed away by the heavy light: "Girl, you haven't told me who this little ghost is. How can I give him to you at will?"

The girl pointed to the little boy and said, "Thank you for saving Ago. I'm his aunt." The little boy named Ago was too scared to speak, but suddenly cried out. Chongguang's face was very embarrassed, and he handed Ago to the girl awkwardly. The girl hugged Ago and kept touching his back and coaxing him with unknown songs.

Ago quickly calmed down in his aunt's arms, but his nose was still twitching. I don't know where the string of wild fruits had been lost for a long time. Then the girl smiled at Chongguang and said, "Thank you. My name is Yunduo. This is my nephew Ago. We are the Baimiao people who live nearby. Are you Han Chinese?"

Chongguang smiled at her and nodded, "Yes, my name is Xiao Yi, and my name is Chongguang. You can also call me Chongguang." The girl said in surprise, "You are really Han Chinese. I have always been curious about the Han people in the Central Plains. Why did you come to our Miao Village?"

Chongguang pointed to Ago and casually changed the topic: "Aguo is so cute. Is he your own nephew?"

Yundu obviously had no intention to repeat the light and answered along his question, "Yes, we live in Fenghuang Village. My brother is Wuhan, the patriarch of the Bai Miao nationality. He patted the little boy on the head again: "Ago, thank this uncle quickly." Ago squeezed his lips and refused to speak.

The cloud smiled awkwardly at Chongguang. Chongguang didn't care. He pointed to the group of people who had run away across the river and said, "Who are those people? They are so fierce." Yunduo looked in the direction of his fingers, with a frightened look on his face: "Those are the black Miao people, the sworn enemies of our white Miao people. Just now, they must have recognized Ago as the son of our Bai Miao leader, so they wanted to take him away and blackmail us.

Heaguang shook his head and sighed: "I didn't expect that even such a paradise would have intrigue and bloody wind. In these troubled times, where is the real peaceful place?

Yunduo looked at him curiously: "Look at your appearance, there seems to be a lot of emotions. You must have been a person with a story before. By the way, why did you come to our Miaozhai?

Chongguang suddenly felt a big head: "I'll tell you later. It may not be safe here. I'll take you back." Yunduo's face was quite playful, and he bit his fingers and stared at him: "If you don't want to say it, let's go back." Take Ago's hand and walk in the direction of Fenghuangzhai. Chongguang shook his head helplessly and saw them leave.

The next day, the clouds came to him early in the morning, and Chongguang was sitting by the bitter river fishing. The clouds quietly squatted behind him, and a pair of big watery eyes looked at him distracted. Chongguang ignored her and stared at the river motionless.

The clouds were stunned for a long time, but they didn't say anything. Still Chongguang broke the silence: "Hey, Miss Cloud, have you seen enough?" The cloud burst into laughter and said, "I'm waiting to see when you can catch the first fish. After such a long time, the fishing rod won't move."

Chongguang smiled and said, "What do you know? There is no hook on my fishing rod and fishing line at all."

Yun Duoqi said, "If there is no hook, what kind of fish do you catch? Is it fun to sit here? I've never seen you so stupid."

Chongguang said, "In those years, Jiang Taigong used a straight hook for fishing. His intention was for those who wanted to take the hook, and as a result, he caught Zhou Wenwang. Today, I sat here fishing, and there was no hook on the fishing line, because I didn't think of catching fish.

Yunduo was more curious when he heard the words: "If you don't want to catch fish, why are you still wasting time by the river? Is this fun?"

Chongguang said, "Anyway, there is nothing to do. I just want to pass the time here. Every day, I feel inexplicably better when I watch the fishing line floating in the river. I remember that someone once said that fishing is better than fish. At that time, I didn't understand it at a young age, but now I know the three flavors.

Yunduo seemed to understand his words. She shook her head and thought for a long time, and finally got up and left. She felt that the man in front of her was very strange, but she couldn't resist her inner curiosity. While walking back, he looked back at the heavy light from time to time.

In the future, Yunduo will come to see the light and sit every day, as if he had made an appointment with the other party, and sometimes he sat for a whole day. The two of them gossiped wordless, waiting for the fish that would never be hooked. Chongguang did not show any curiosity about the cloud, but casually replied a few words when the cloud asked him questions. Sometimes Yunduo will bring some Miaozhai specialty snacks for Chongguang to taste, and Chongguang will also treat her to drink her own fruit wine. After he came to Miaojiang, he made it with wild fruits, a specialty here. It was sour and sweet, and the clouds liked it very much.

The little boy Ago also often follows the clouds. This little devil is still so naughty that every time he comes, he will mess up the heavy fishing line. Chongguang likes to play with Ago. Every time he sees the little guy following him, Chongguang will fly to the woods on the opposite bank of the river and pick the most delicious fruit for him to eat. Sometimes he will show him some tricks to make the little guy laugh.

This peaceful life lasted for a month, and the clouds came every day, and they spent more and more time alone with Chongguang. She is curious about everything in the Central Plains. She wants to know what Jiangnan is like and what the situation is like in the north; how big the Bianliang City is and how long the Great Wall is; and how prosperous and rich the peonies in Luoyang City should be.

At the beginning of Chongguang, I just listened to her keep nagging and didn't say anything. Gradually, he felt that the little girl was very interesting, so he gradually stopped being silent and began to patiently answer her silly-looking questions. Later, he even began to look forward to such a conversation. Every morning, he looked forward to seeing the clouds coming, hoping to hear her voice earlier. Maybe he was lonely for too long to find the value of communication between people.

Finally one morning, Yunduo rarely missed the appointment. Chongguang waited all morning and didn't see her figure, and his heart was unexpectedly extremely lost. Although the two have no real agreement, they have been together day and night, and their daily sitting together has become a part of his life. Now the angry girl suddenly disappeared, making his heart empty, as if something of his own had been stolen.

Chongguang sat by the bitter river all morning and was no longer in the mood to look at his fishing rod. He kept telling himself in his heart that maybe she just couldn't have time or oversleeped, but the clouds still did not appear near noon, and the feeling of panic in his heart became stronger and stronger. Finally, he couldn't sit still and left his fishing rod to stand up. Several ups and downs had disappeared by the river.