heavy pupil

Chapter 14 Although three families of Chu can die in Qin

"How can this be!" Chongguang was puzzled: "Thank you for the magical power of the Lord, no matter who is in the world, it is enough to fight against the ceremony. What else is there in the world that can embarrass you?"

Seeing Xie Xiaofeng's face, he showed a painful and entangled expression for the first time. His eyes looked at the distance. The lights in the courtyard of the villa raised an idea in his heart that he felt ridiculous. He pointed to the villa in the distance and subconsciously asked, "Is it?"

Seeing Xie Xiaofeng helplessly closing his eyes and slowly nodding, he sighed: "I understand."

He really understood that with Xie Xiaofeng's magical power, if there is another person in the world who can make him helpless, it will not be a peerless strong man, a hermit master. Such a character will only make the sword god strong when he is strong. There is only one person who can make Xie Xiaofeng have no temper. He can only live in seclusion and retreat gloomyly. That is Xie Xiaoyu, his own daughter and the eldest daughter of Shenjian Villa.

I recall the process of my first acquaintance with Xie Xiaoyu. At that time, the young lady was still young and jumped off. The woman dressed as a man and broke into the Dragon Pool Tiger's den alone. She looked like an uninformed and childish teenager. Now it seems that even if nothing else is considered, the young lady's courage and courage at that time have shamed the man. What's more, she may have been connected with Liu Xiaosheng and the forces behind him at that time. At that time, she had just passed her first year.

Thinking of Xie Xiaoyu's previous behavior and the strange look of the father and daughter, Chongguang couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring. Xie Xiaofeng's voice is full of fatigue: "Our Shenjian Villa has been working for hundreds of years, and it is not easy. After I took over the villa, I continued my ancestral family law, never intervened in world disputes, and maintained a detached position. However, when I explored the extreme of swordsmanship, the pattern of the villa quietly changed. By the time I got out of the customs, everything was wrong, but it was my own daughter who promoted all this.

"At that time, I was addicted to the way of heaven and had no intention to take care of the villa, so I entrusted all the affairs to Xiaoyu's mother, so that she became ill and died young. When she died, Xiaoyu was only ten years old. Now I think about it, her mother's death is not only tired, but also because of my neglect, which makes her depressed.

"After her mother's death, the matter of the villa was originally handled by housekeeper Ding, but Xiaoyu took over the main business as the young owner. When Butler Ding came to report to me, I simply let her make trouble because she was just a little girl, and the villa had always been quiet and incompetent and did not hand over with the secular world.

"At that time, I was immersed in kendo. Even if her mother died, she was only out of the house for a day, and the funeral was handled by the housekeeper Ding. After that, I let Xiaoyu take over the villa and went to retreat for latent practice. When I got out of the customs again, I found that Xiaoyu was no longer the good girl in the world for thousands of years, and the Sword Villa was no longer the Sword Villa in my heart.

"I can't figure out how she became like this. At such a young age, she had such ambition andshou wan, which not only subdued everyone in the villa, but also connected with many outside forces. When I found everything and wanted to correct it, it was too late. The Sword Villa had already been tied to someone else's chariot, and my daughter was the biggest source of my obstruction.

When Chongguang heard this, he interrupted Xie Xiaofeng's memory: "Actually, with Mr.'s realm and prestige, these are not a problem. As the saying goes, if you want to bring the Sword Villa back to the right road and don't participate in world disputes, you just need to take action, and no one can stop it.

Xie Xiaofeng was silent for a long time before saying quietly, "That's my only bone blood. How can I bear to destroy her greatest ambition? Her mother died early, and I have been neglecting her to become what she is today. Since she wants to become famous and compete for the world, this sword villa is supposed to be handed over to her, so let her go.

Chongguang understands his silence, and anyone will feel powerless from the bottom of his heart when facing his close relatives. He looked at the other party sympathetically and lowered his voice: "What is the senior's plan now? What can I do to help you?"

A trace of cold light flashed in Xie Xiaofeng's eyes: "I always thought that it was because of my negligence that Yuer became today's ambitious. So at that time, I was frustrated and closed again to understand the escape. However, later, the visit of the messenger of the demon world was rejected by me, but I accidentally found that there was someone behind it.

Heguang's mind was in a trance: "Someone is making trouble in the dark, you mean--" Xie Xiaofeng looked at him with deep meaning: "The people in the demon world don't understand my practice, because they can avoid my ears and eyes, but it makes me find that they have been dealing with Xiaoyu in the dark for a long time. Later, when I was in the final situation, I learned the practice of the devil's way. Finally, I found that Xiaoyu would become the character of today, and the wheel king could not get rid of it. He still planted the magic seed on Xiaoyu.

There was a bang in Chongguang's mind and vaguely felt that he seemed to have touched the edge of the threshold, but he heard Xie Xiaofeng's tone add a little anger: "They have long stared at the Divine Sword Villa. Even if Ou Yezi didn't come to me, they would not let me go. These demons are really pervasive.

"Now that Yuer has become deeply demon, I can't stop it and can't do it. Even if I have soared in half a step, the three demon kings are already the masters of the world in the throne of Daluo Golden Immortals. Even if I soar, I am far from my opponent. I have now completely handed over the villa to her and tried my best to pursue the escape. If I can deduce my supreme swordsmanship to the extreme, I may still be able to survive.

"As for you, I originally belonged to Ou Yezi. Although he is the embodiment of the wheel king, he is not the wheel king. He has his own ideas and pursuits. In fact, he is the same person as me. Originally, I wanted to use his power to try to deage Yuer's demons and then plot a future strategy. Unexpectedly, he couldn't resist the reincarnation of fate. He fell into the calculation of the wheel king and returned to the place he didn't want to go.

"When I found that you had his mark on your body and guessed his ending, I was not optimistic about you." Xie Xiaofeng said in a sighing tone, "He is dead. You are still alive. You must have seen the wheel king, and he still wants to plant magic seeds on you."

Chongguang was shocked. This was something he tried to forget, but it was revealed by Xie Xiaofeng's words: "You don't have to be surprised. I know the calculations of those demons too well. You can come back alive from their hands. Without their indulgence, it is impossible. This sword is Ou Yezi's lifelong painstaking efforts, but it must have passed one in the hands of the wheel king. The grade ban is better than before. They are willing to entrust such an artifact to you and don't do anything on you. How can it be possible?

The decadence in his eyes was restrained, and his words brought a little excitement: "But I also know that you rejected him at that time. Although you had the same breath as Ou Yezi, the strange breath from the demon world, you were in a trance and indecisive, and you knew that the six souls in the sea had left their place. The person who really reaches an agreement with the devil must be determined, not your hesitation. But even if you are rejected, the wheel king will still let you live. There must be something on you that they like.

"It is your creation and my opportunity to be able to refuse the ** of the devil and survive to die under them. Even if they are high-ranking demons, we are not without strength. Maybe there will be an unexpected turning point in you, and this is our opportunity!"