heavy pupil

Chapter 28 Angry Sword Double Killing Rivers and Mountains

"Maoshan Taoist teacher?" Chongguang vaguely guessed the identity of the man, but snorted disdainfully: "Hide your head and show your tail, don't have the courage!"

At this time, the princess had rushed to the princess's bedside and rubbed her hand on her daughter's forehead. When the king of Wei saw that Glory had run away, and Chongguang didn't seem to have the intention to take action. He breathed a sigh of relief and his nervousness. Seeing that his daughter had signs of waking up, he quickly walked over quickly.

He stretched out his hand to probe his daughter's pulse, which had gradually returned to normal. He turned around to thank Chongguang: "I have to thank Mr. Xiao again for his rescue. It's just that if the son dies today, the chaos in the court is in an instant. I don't know what you want to do? Although Chongguang had previously helped the emperor deal with himself, now that the emperor is dead, he has an imperial edict in his hand, and outside the city, he has his own heart and abdomen to lead the army to besiege the city, plus the personal defense force of his palace. If the other party is willing to judge the situation, he should understand that helping himself is the best choice now, as long as he gets this Taoist master With the help of Xie Xiaoyu's martial arts people, there is no worry at all.

Hearing her husband's words, the princess couldn't help looking up at him with a complicated look in her eyes. Xiao Chongguang ignored his persuasion and took back his flying sword from the void. In the light of the sword, he took the universe bag he took when he killed the glorious body.

Open the universe bag and take out the sky box hidden in it. He carefully rubbed the pattern on it. When he was very young, his father showed him the box and told him that it was ancestor of the Xiao family. When he grows up and marries and has children, this box will be passed down from generation to generation.

The father doesn't seem to know what the box does. Not only the father, but also the whole Xiao family doesn't know the origin of the box. It seems to be just an inheritance of the family and a totem mark. In comparison, those three jade pendants seem to be more precious in terms of value and function.

What is hidden in this machine box? Why did it attract so many people's competition, and even deliberately kill and set fire, and have to destroy and exile their own family. If there are really any treasures in it, why has no one in the Xiao family known it for generations, but took it away by outsiders?

Thousands of thoughts came to his mind, and he couldn't feel himself for a moment. He took out the bead left to him by Aunt Hua from his arms. The green shell and ordinary appearance were just the infinite vitality contained in it, but the heavy light could be felt all the time.

The princess walked behind him and whispered, "This is not a jewel. In fact, its true face is a hazy seed.

"Is it a hazy?"

The hazy is a kind of vegetation that parasitizes on other trees and absorbs their lives for nutrition. In the folk, people call it the tree of Changchun, which means youth, life and fertility.

"Youth, life and fertility?"

"But some people say that it is an evil tree and a symbol of bad luck." The princess's voice gradually lowered, and her tone was full of sadness.

"Is it bad luck? If it's bad luck, why do you still spread it as a treasure?

"Is it really a treasure?"

Xiao Chongguang respectfully flattened the box and stroked the pattern on it with his hand to find the key to opening the box. However, the princess came over, took the hazy seed in his hand and stuffed it into the round gap.

There was no earth-shattering and shining vision as imagined. The small green ball hit a few bones and perfectly fit the gap, followed by a faint flowing color of the surface box. Only a click was heard, and the lid naturally bounced open.

He opened his mouth slightly. When he was young, his father didn't tell him how to open the box. It was so simple. There was no combination of skills, no organ news, no need to fill in the nine grids, and no need to play any guessing games. Just simply insert the key, and everything came true.

The King of Wei had already stood behind him and looked at him with hope. Seeing that the box was so simple and opened, he was even more surprised.

There is no imaginary collection of rare treasures and secrets in the box, only a paper envelope lying horizontally, which looks very old in color.

At the seal of the envelope, the fire paint has already been opened, slightly revealing the letter hidden in it. It is faintly visible that it is written in sheepskin, and the corners have been hairy, which looks very old.

"Do you want to open it?" The princess said quietly, "I don't know how many people died innocently for this letter. If those people find that the secret treasure they are looking for is such a thing, I don't know if they will regret their sins.

The king of Wei was submissive beside him. He wanted to speak but did not dare to speak. Only then did he turn his face away and kill people while talking and laughing, which made him once again deeply realize the strength of the people in these Taoist sects. In those years, his eyeliner reported that except for Aunt Hua and left with Xiao*, everyone else was buried in the sea of fire. In any case, he could not think that Chongguang would be a survivor of the Xiao family, but he vaguely felt bad, and an inexplicable sense of danger floated in his mind.

He opened the envelope, took out the letterhead hidden in it, spread it out flatly, and a familiar font immediately came into sight. The content of the letter was not long. He quickly browsed the content and turned his heart upside down.

"So that's it, it's just like this." He muttered to himself with a wry smile on his face: "Just because of such a letter, my family was ruined. The man is innocent and has his guilt, but he doesn't even have Yubi. He is just suspicious and kills them. He turned his head and looked at Chai Zonggui, and his eyes were full of cruelness: "Just for such a letter, you killed 15 people in my family, causing me to be lonely and wandering."

When Chai Zonggui heard him say the four words "family is broken and dead", he was already shocked. Then he woke up and turned his eyes to his wife. Seeing that there was a sad look on the princess's face, he suddenly knew it was not good and looked at the princess with his fingers: "Aru, is he--"

The princess nodded and was sad: "He is my brother-in-law's son Xiao Yi. He came to see you." He took the letter in Chongguang's hand and smiled miserably: "There is no sky box in the world, but you people have killed my brother-in-law's family for such an ordinary family letter. Why didn't you ask me frankly at that time? Now that it's a big mistake, none of us can turn back.

Heguang raised the scabbard and crossed the sword as his chest: "Chai Zonggui, when you planned to kill my Xiao family, I didn't expect that there would be today. Don't atone for the evil you have committed. He flicked his finger, and the dragon sword came out of its sheath. The sword pointed to the other party: "What do you think I should do to make you die thousands of times!"

When he heard the princess tell the truth about the so-called celestial machine box, Chai Zonggui's eyes already had a sense of madness. At this time, he was even more hysterical: "No, you lied to me. For so many years, you refused to tell me how to open the box, and now you have to cheat me with outsiders! I won't believe you. I don't believe it. It's not true. It's not true!" Seeing the sacrifice of the flying sword, his eyes were slightly restrained, and a trace of fear flashed on his face. He turned to the door and ran like crazy.

Chongguang watched him run to the door and turned around and was about to walk out of the room. The sword light is like a meteor, drawing a perfect arc in the air, accompanied by a sharp trill, which has passed through Chai Zonggui's throat.

Without time to scream, Chai Zonggui's head flew high and was directly embedded in the beam. And his body still maintained a strong inertia. While racing with red blood, he ran ten steps away until he hit the beam of the room. Then he stopped and fell to the ground with heavy rebound.

The princess looked at the bloody scene with a miserable look. She had known that there would be such an ending, but she didn't expect that the day would come so soon. Seeing her husband's head in a different place, she bit her lips tightly and tried not to let herself cry.

"No--" There was a frightened scream. The princess followed the sound in surprise and saw the princess leaning against the couch palely and looking at the door with white eyes. As soon as she woke up, she saw her father killed, which was still such a bloody scene. She couldn't stand the excitement and fainted again.

The revenge was revenged, and Chongguang's heart was full of mixed feelings. Suddenly, he heard his sister's scream of panic. A trace of panic flashed in his eyes. He ignored the enemy who separated the corpse and turned to the bedside.

At no cost to pour in the purest vitality, the princess's face gradually improved and finally woke up leisurely. With the vitality tonic, her qi and blood were extremely strong. Looking at the father-killing enemy in front of her, she shouted crazily and beat the other party desperately with a pair of pink fists: "You demon, you murderer, give me back my father's life, give me back my father's life!"

Although the princess was sad, she calmly stopped her: "Stop!" Seeing her daughter keep her mouthless and looking at herself in surprise, the innocent eyes made her heart hurt again, and she summoned up her courage: "Nang, there is one thing I must tell you!"

"Wait!" Chongguang suddenly stopped her: "Let's talk about your mother and daughter later. Chai Yanqiu, your father killed my whole family, so I came to revenge today. If you are not willing, then take good care of yourself, practice martial arts and Taoism, and avenge me again in the future!"

My sister has been ill for five years and is weak. She has just woken up and saw her father killed with her own eyes. If she tells her the truth at this time, she will not be able to stand it and will be crazy. Instead, it's better to let her rely on hatred and live well, just like herself trembling in the icy water on that cold night 24 years ago!

"Okay, that's what you said," Chai Yanqiu cried and sniffed, and her eyes were full of hatred: "I will definitely live well and learn the ability to smash you into ten thousand pieces in the future!"

"Okay!" Chongguang restrained his emotions and tried to make a fierce look: "I'm waiting, I'm waiting to see what you can do in the future and dare to come to me for revenge. Don't be flattered by me!"