Repe: Destroying Immortals and Gods

Chapter 283 The egg is broken!

In the array space, Xuanxing sat there quietly, with a dark purple flame suspended in front of him, and from time to time some refinery materials flew towards the purple flame.

Xuanxing did not directly refine artifacts, because he was not fully sure, so he had to take a step back and refine some of the best fairy artifacts first.

At this time, there were three best fairy swords and nearly ten best fairy armors lying quietly beside Xuanxing. Without exception, they all emitted a blue light.

It is much more difficult to refine fairy armor than to refine fairy swords. Only by refining the best fairy armor can you be qualified to refine artifacts, so most of the best fairy weapons refined by Xuanxing are war armor.

The materials used by Xuanxing are the blue stones obtained from the core star domain of the desperate situation. This material is indeed the top refinery material, and the fairy artifact refined with it, whether it is attack or defense, is much stronger than the fairy artifact refined from other materials.

Not long after, Xuanxing put his fairy fire into his body. At the same time, there was a blue best fairy armor suspended in front of him.

Xuanxing has refined more than a dozen of the best fairy weapons, so he is not ready to continue refining.

The reason why he refined the best fairy armor was to test the level of his refinery. At this time, Xuanxing has made it clear that he can refine the best fairy armor at will, with a success rate of 100%.

In this case, Xuanxing is ready to try to refine the artifact.

Artifacts do not belong to the category of fairyland. If you refine the artifacts by yourself, you will inevitably attract the robbery of artifacts.

However, this is located within the natural formation. Xuanxing is not sure whether the artifact robbery will appear.

After receiving more than a dozen of the best fairy artifacts next to him from the ring, Xuanxing moved away, because he was worried that the appearance of the artifact disaster would affect the animal egg.

Xuanxing released his own sky fire again, and then threw the blue stone into the flames.

This blue stone is obtained from the core planet. Xuanxing found that the properties of the two blue stones are exactly the same, but the quality of the core planet is higher.

In Xuanxing's view, the latter is already a material for refining artifacts.

After several blue stones were melted into a ball of blue**, Xuanxing found some top materials from his ring and added them to Xuanxing to refine a divine handle.

This is also the simplest. The blue ** gradually deforms into a sword shape, and then Xuanxing began to portray the divine array on the flying sword.

The whole process was very smooth, and Xuanxing did not feel difficult. When Xuanxing finished the last array, ten years had passed.

At this moment.

Xuanxing suddenly felt a pressure on him! Robbery."

Xuanxing was not surprised. He moved directly to the distance, and the blue flying sword was quietly suspended in the air, as if waiting for his natural disaster.

The weapon robbery is only for magic weapons, and the person who refines the magic weapon will not be implicated, and the power of the weapon robbery is very average, so Xuanxing just watches aside and does not mean to help the artifact deal with the weapon robbery.

In Xuanxing's view, the weapon robbery brought by the lower artifact is the least powerful, if it can't even survive this kind of robbery.

Then it really doesn't qualify to be an artifact.

At this time, a dark red disaster cloud had appeared above the flying sword, and the disaster cloud quickly rotated. Suddenly, the fairy spirit in the array space rushed to the disaster cloud crazily.

In just a few breaths, the cloud stopped absorbing energy.

"Boom..." A red thunderbolt suddenly shot out of the cloud, and the flying sword below quickly attacked.

After being struck by lightning, the blue flying sword was not damaged.

is still quietly suspended in mid-air.

"Boom...Boom..." Two consecutive red thunderbolts hit there with a flying sword. At the same time, the cloud in the sky began to dissipate, and its mission had been completed.

As for whether the flying sword below can become an artifact, it has nothing to do with it.

"Clind!" With a sound, the robbery attack seemed to cause the anger of the flying sword, and it rushed to the two thunderbolts that galloped.

"K...K..." A loud noise spread throughout the array space... After the loud noise, a blue flying sword suspended in mid-air, swinging the sword body from time to time.

Xuanxing immediately moved to the same place, took the flying sword in his hand, and began to look at its taste.

"The lower artifact."

It's the same as your prediction.

Successfully refined the artifact, and the confidence of Xuanxing immediately increased a lot.

Xuanxing continued to cross his knees and began to refine the artifact.

Xuanxing's refining skills are first-class. He has refined a total of four artifacts, including two swords, two flying swords, and four artifacts.

However, one of the divine swords did not survive the robbery, so it became a pile of scrap iron.

However, this does not mean that the Xuanxing refining artifact failed.

As long as it can be robbed.

This means that it is already an artifact.

Although he destroyed a divine sword, Xuanxing was not distressed at all.

All four people in the sky already have artifacts.

As for Luo Suo and Qianyuan, he has just refined three artifacts and given one to each of them, and he still has one left, so Xuanxing doesn't care about a lower-grade sword at all.

Although the divine sword was destroyed, and Xuanxing did not feel distressed, but it struck an awakening bell for Xuanxing. If he refined the artifact ring and let himself cross the disaster, it is likely to be destroyed... A dark stone appeared in front of Xuanxing. It was the divine power stone. Xuanxing is ready to refine the artifact now. The ring.

Take out a divine sword, cut the divine power stone into three equal parts, and refine the storage ring. Only one of them is enough.

Xuanxing released his own fairy fire again and began to sinter the divine power stone. After the divine power stone melted into a ball of ** and removed the impurities in it, Xuanxing began to depict the virtual array and some other divine arrays.

But this time, Xuanxing's luck was not good, and the refining failed.

This makes Xuanxing nervous. He only has two divine power stones, and Xuanxing dares not waste it casually.

After a period of deliberation, Xuanxing decided to try again. If he still fails the second time, he should stop. The last divine power stone must not be used easily.

Immediately, Xuanxing began to refine the artifact ring again. At every step, Xuanxing was very cautious.

Ten years later, Xuanxing successfully refined a storage ring and led to a robbery.

In order to get the artifact storage ring, Xuanxing directly took out the god-sword and split the newly formed disaster cloud! Xuanxing, who got the artifact ring, was naturally very happy. When he put those precious things into it separately, he also put the artifact ring on his fingers.

At this time, Xuanxing had nothing to do in the array space, only waiting for the animal egg to hatch, "I don't know what kind of beast it is?" Xuanxing is still looking forward to it.

However, the beast egg is still rapidly absorbing the spirit of the immortals around him at this time. I'm afraid it can't be born in a short time... Xuanxing, who has nothing to do, began to swim everywhere in the array space, but he did not dare to enter the surface. He just kept moving in the mountains, as if he was

There are many high-level medicinal herbs and even top medicinal herbs in the array space. Naturally, Xuanxing will not let them go. He uses the fairy knowledge to search for precious medicinal herbs, then pick them down and store them in a jade box for preservation.

However, there are many unripe and precious medicinal herbs, and it would be a pity to pick them down.

In the end, Xuanxing refined a jade box with great space, put thousands of fairy crystals in it, and arranged some arrays at the same time, making the jade box full of fairy spirit.

Then Xuanxing moved all the unripe precious medicinal herbs and the soil they grew into the jade box.

These precious medicinal materials need to absorb the spirit of immortals to survive, so Xuanxing refined such a jade box on the earth.

But this is not a long-term plan. The jade box can only guarantee that those medicinal materials will not wither and die in ten thousand years.

But this is enough for Xuanxing. As long as the animal eggs hatch, they will immediately leave the array space and transplant these medicinal seedlings to Xuanlin.

After strolling through the whole mountain range, Xuanxing harvested a lot and got a large number of precious medicinal herbs and seedlings.

Xuanxing naturally knows how to stop at the right time, so he did not light all the local medicinal materials, and there are still many seedlings of precious medicinal herbs in the mountains.

After picking the medicinal herbs, Xuanxing returned to the animal egg and waited for its birth.

At the same time, Xuanxing is also thinking about his own situation. Why can't he break through his cultivation... On this day, Xuanxing suddenly felt that there was a violent energy fluctuation around him, and all the fairy spirit within a hundred miles poured here crazily.

Xuanxing immediately removed the gathering array around the animal eggs. Judging from the current situation, the role of the gathering array has been minimal.

The extremely strong fairy spirit is constantly absorbed by the beast egg, and the beast egg gradually emits purple light. With the passage of time, the fairy spirit within a hundred miles is absorbed by it, and the fairy spirit in the distance is still constantly replenished.

However, it seems to be full, and the speed of energy absorption gradually slows down. In the end, it no longer absorbs any energy.

But at this time, the animal egg emits Qi Sheng's dark purple light, which makes Xuanxing feel a little kind, because the Zhenyuan in his body is also purple.

Suddenly, the animal egg began to shake left and right, and Xuanxing stared at it closely, not knowing what level of spirit beast it was.

After the animal egg shook for a while, "Cchi..." With a crisp sound, the purple animal egg cracked a gap...