State Dingji

Chapter 59 Hundred Thousand Furnace Tripod

Lin Shang and others were shocked when they heard the three words of the soul-making flag. The four people in the fight slowed down at the same time and looked at each other. They thought of Fa Xuan, the leader of the introduction of the soul-making valley magic weapon in advance before going down the mountain: The method of soul-making valley is strange, and the method of practicing magic weapons is even more appalling, which is actually collecting people's souls. To increase the power of the magic weapon, the more souls you collect, the more powerful the magic weapon will be. Many of his disciples use the dementor flag as a magic weapon. Although the dementor flag is exquisite, it can only collect and release the soul. Among them, the soul ghost cannot enhance its cultivation, but can only rely on the number to win. However, if the dementor flag is integrated into the fire, the refined soul flag has the function of burning and forging the soul. Thousands of souls continue to fight and devour in it, and the winning ghosts continue to grow. Over time, they will become ghosts, ghosts, ghost generals, and even ghost kings comparable to the innate golden elixir. At that time, the dementor flag was no longer a dementor flag, but a soul refining flag. After refining, the soul-making flag is generally three feet in size, and its shape is the same as that of the soul-dening flag, but it is much larger than the soul-dening flag. Don't be mistaken. The soul-making flag is very powerful. You must be more careful when you see it. Don't suffer losses.

Lin Shang and other four people thought about it and turned their heads to look on the stage one after another. The dementor flag standing in front of Yue Maocheng was about three feet long, which was three times bigger than the dementor flag of Yue Maoda, who was fighting with the Jian Yinghan flying sword of Shushan School under the stage. The body of the dementer was not as gray of the dementor flag, but dyed black as ink. A strong black gas is like black, constantly rotating around the flag body, making people feel indescribable evil at a glance. It was exactly the appearance of the soul refining flag mentioned by the head Fa Xuanzhen. The four people of Xuantianzong looked at each other again and saw the astonishment and vigilance in the other party's eyes. At present, their minds were slightly tight. When they fought with their opponents, they were mostly defensive, and they were always on guarded and stared at Yue Maocheng on the stage.

On the high platform, Yue Maocheng, dressed in a white robe, was surprised when he heard Shao Yifei shouting the name of his magic weapon. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes and said, "You are also well-informed, and you actually recognize this treasure newly refined by me."

Shao Yifei looked surprised. After hearing Yue Maocheng's words, his face suddenly turned pale, and there was a chill in his eyes. He said coldly, "How many people have you killed to refine this soul-making flag!"

Yue Maocheng was stunned. Unexpectedly, the long-faced boy under the stage not only knew his soul-making flag, but also knew that he needed to use people as medicine and soul as the furnace tripod when refining the soul flag. He said unexpectedly, "It seems that you are not an ordinary disciple. Today, I will tell you to let you learn more. When I refined this soul flag, I didn't use many furnace tripods, just 100,000.

When it comes to the number of furnace tripods used, Yue Maocheng's face is flat and his eyes are as calm as water. It seems that he is not 100,000, but ten ordinary.

The two of them spoke in a small voice, but the people present were extraordinary, and naturally the conversation between the two could be heard clearly. When Yue Maocheng said the number, except for his brother Yue Maoda and the two corpses, everyone's faces changed, and there were huge waves in their hearts. Even the four people in black standing beside him turned their heads and looked at Yue Maocheng with a calm face with strange eyes.

Lin Shang's face became as green as Shao Yifei, and his eyebrows frowned. The cold light in his eyes seemed to break out. His teeth clenched his lips tightly. The red blood slowly flowed down the corners of his mouth, and the two dark green flames in the air suddenly burst out dazzling blue light. In an instant, it turned into a ten-foot-long blue sword and hit the two flames more than ten feet away, and then a blue light flashed. Unexpectedly, he abandoned Ling Fei and attacked Yue Maocheng like lightning.

He didn't say a word, but his heart has already roared to the sky, 100,000 furnace tripods, 100,000 people, 100,000 living people! Which one was not born by his own father and mother? In order to refine a magic weapon, 100,000 people have to be buried with him! Damn, no, you must die! Even if it's too late to repent now, it's God's business to forgive or not. I'm just responsible for meeting you!

The sword is as powerful as a rainbow, holding the cold power of heaven and earth, attacking Yue Maocheng. At that moment, everything seemed to have disappeared between heaven and earth. There was no picture, no sound, and even the air disappeared. Only the sword existed, like a sword that was born at the beginning of heaven and earth.

In an instant, everyone stopped and looked at Linshang in surprise. The black dragon was far away from Linshang in fear. Yu Lianzhou and Ruan Mei looked at Linshang with amazed faces and couldn't believe it. Although they were also extremely shocked and angry when they heard that Yue Maocheng used 100,000 people as furnace tripods to refine soul flags, they couldn't wait to frustrate them immediately, but they didn't expect that Linshang would have such a fierce reaction, and the sword they hit was earth-shaking. At the moment when the blue light flashed, both of them thought that Linshang's sword would cut off the world.

Su Yuqing also opened her mouth slightly at this time and looked at Linshang in surprise. She was surprised by Linshang's reaction and Linshang's amazing sword. However, when she saw the blood slowly flowing from the corners of Linshang's mouth, all the surprises in her heart disappeared. She only felt a soft sound and her heart was faintly painful, as if there was Something suddenly broke, and the autumn water-like eyes were covered with a transparent mist.

said that it was late. At that time, when everyone was surprised by the shocking sword, the long blue sword had rushed to Yue Maocheng. There was a trace of panic in Yue Maocheng's eyes, and there was no time to do anything else. He just quickly blocked the soul-making flag in front of him, ready to take Lin Chang's sword.

At this time, a sigh suddenly came from the high platform. The voice was charming, but a little helpless. Yu Lianzhou turned his head and saw that it was the excellent woman among the four men in black. The moon-white piccolo in her hand floated out of the air, and the white light flashed. Two dark green flames hit by Lin Zhang more than ten feet away instantly penetrated into the flute. The flute suddenly emitted a bright light like cold moonlight and disappeared in an instant. When it appeared again, it was already blocked in front of the blue sword transformed into a feathered mango.


The blue giant sword collided with the piccolo, making a crisp sound of gold and jade, such as knocking on gold and jade, which was indescribably beautiful. After the sound, I saw a white and blue shock wave, centering on the point of the two, rushing around like a tide. Yue Mao Chengdeng, who was closest to the center, was pushed out by the shock wave and hit the stone wall behind him, and most of his body was embedded in the stone wall.

Then, the sound of "rumbling" continued to sound, and the stone walls and the ground were as if they had been rolled by a road roller, cracking one after another. The fist-sized stones flew around, and some of them collided into stone powder. The originally bright caves were like a gray fog. You can't see things clearly from a long distance. This scene is like a collapse of the earth!

Everyone in the field opened the light mask one after another, and the magic weapon shone brightly, surrounded the body, and resisted the huge impulse with all their strength.

For a long time, everyone felt that the shock wave had disappeared, but it was still gray outside and could not see anything clearly. At this time, Yu Lianzhou frowned and pinched a few unknown formulas in his hand. He saw Xuanwu's yellow light shooting far away through the gray stone fog. Where the light was shrouded, the stone fog in the air poured into Xuanwu one after another and directly integrated into the body of Xuanwu's sword. For a moment, the whole cave regained its brightness. However, the original flat ground was like being ploughed, with ravines and ravines, and countless potholes on the stone wall. Looking at Xuanwu, the flying sword in front of Lianzhou, he saw that he was as if he was full and made a satisfied sound. Most of the gray marks on the original sword disappeared, which was extremely magical.

After the cave saw the light again, everyone looked around vigilantly, and then looked at Linshang together.

I saw Linshang wearing dragon armor, wearing a ruler-thick white mask on her body, with her back slightly arched towards the high platform, and her face was slightly white, but her expression had returned to normal. It seemed that she had not been damaged, but the feather light hovering in front of him was a little darker in color, as if the blow just now had hurt its vitality.

Looking at the woman on the high platform, she was still covered with a black robe and could not see the woman's appearance, but the white piccolo disappeared and should have been taken back. Looking at the direction of her hood, her eyes seemed to be staring at the forest clothes under the stage.

Yue Maocheng grinned and struggled out of the stone wall, leaving a big human-shaped dent. He looked at Linshang fiercely, and the soul-making flag slowly rose. On the way, the black gas kept gathering to the top of the flag, and a strong cold breath faintly came out from it, as if it was brewing a earth-shaking blow.

At this time, the change is sudden. Hearing a few sharp whists of sharp weapons breaking through the air from the right, everyone was shocked and turned their heads to see five different colors of light flying quickly towards here.