State Dingji

Chapter 63 Yuzhang City

In the darkness, everyone shuttled through the cave with all kinds of light. Unlike when they came, everyone was a little more relaxed and comfortable in the march.

When flying to the three fork in the road where the huge stone tablet stood, Shao Yifei suddenly stopped, looked at the big red words on the stone tablet and smiled. With one finger, the golden light flashed, and the golden feather on his back immediately divided a wing, turned into a long golden pen, and flew towards the stone tablet.

When everyone saw Shao Yifei's movements, they also stopped in the air and looked at the golden pen with great interest.

There was only half a wing behind Shao Yifei, but it was still a golden light and stopped firmly in the air. His right hand was empty. The golden pen was like an arm to go back and forth on the stone tablet under his control. Small stone crumbs kept falling and falling to the ground and making a "bang" sound. A moment later, the golden light flashed. The huge golden pen turned into wings and flew back behind him.

Everyone looked at the stone tablet and saw four big words next to the four big words of the soul refining cave. On the left is the five faction, and on the right is a trip here. The two sentences are connected

"People from the five factions, come here for a visit."

The words are as big as a bucket, and the pen is as a dragon and snake, and the sharpness between the lines is exposed, which makes people feel a free and elegant sharpness coming to their faces.

"Good word!" The two voices sounded from Shao Yifei from one left to one right, but it was Linshang and Fu You.

The two shouted at the same time, and then turned their heads unexpectedly. They saw that the other party was also looking at them. They immediately arched their hands and smiled.

"Haha, let's go." Shao Yifei looked at his masterpiece, laughed a few times, turned into a golden light and flew out.

Everyone looked at the stone tablet again, looked at each other and smiled, and also chased after Jin Ling.

Outside the cave, thirteen people from the five factions fell to the ground and looked around. At this time, it was dark, and a few stars flashed out of the sky, blinking, like playful little eyes. The cool breeze blew, blowing the corners of everyone's clothes, and also blowing the string of small golden bells stringed on Zhong Ling's wrist, making a crisp sound of "jingle", which spread far away with the night wind.

Everyone looked at the dark hole and smiled at each other.

"Guys, all the remnants of the soul refining valley have been put to death, and our experience this time has been successfully completed. I think it's getting late. Why don't we go to Yuzhang City for a rest today and spend a day in the city tomorrow. It's not in vain for us to go down the mountain and go back to our respective mountain gates the day after tomorrow. What do you think? Shao Yi flew forward and looked at Yu Lianzhou, telling everyone.

As soon as Shao Yifei finished speaking, Zhong Ling, who was still shy and dared not look at Lin Shang, jumped up with cheers. Lan Ying and Ruan Mei beside her also had two eyes shining. Obviously, they liked this suggestion very much.

Yu Lianzhou looked at the reaction of the crowd, looked up at the sky, smiled and said, "Just follow what Brother Shao said."

Shao Yifei smiled, turned his head to look at Lin Shang and said, "Then let's go. Let's have a few drinks first!" With that, he first turned into a golden light and flew towards the west.

Linshang was stunned when he heard the words, and then his eyes lit up and turned into a mass of light and followed.


Yuzhang City is located on the west bank of the Yanghan River. It is a giant city with a radius of dozens of miles. With outstanding people and simple folk customs, it is a famous hometown of fish and rice in Yangzhou. Relying on the Yanghan River, there are two most famous things. One is shipbuilding and the other is winemaking. Wanlichun in Yuzhang City is a famous wine in Kyushu.

With good wine, there are naturally many good wine people. There are many literati here, often holding banquets and chanting the moon. Since you drink, you must be accompanied by beautiful women. Over time, some restaurants and inns have appeared in Yuzhang City that specialize in attracting guests with young beautiful women. At first, they all hung green gauze at the door as a marker, so they were also called brothel. The brothel in Yuzhang City is famous in Kyushu, and there are many foreigners coming here.

Shao Yifei is good to drink, and of course he is also a regular guest of those brothel, but he is followed by four fairy-looking women. No matter how thick-skinned he is, he dare not lead everyone to the brothel, but when he passes by the brothel, he looks a few more in the direction of the red lanterns.

Along the way, Lin Shang and others looked around in surprise and saw that the city was still full of voices, the lights were brilliant, and all kinds of hawking in the streets and alleys were endless, which was more lively than when Huiji City was during the day. You should know that when they flew all the way outside Yuzhang City, the sky was already full of stars. The villages outside Yuzhang City were already dark and could not be found, but they didn't expect that the difference between inside and outside Yuzhang City was so big.

As Shao Yifei led the way in front of him, he explained to the people behind him: "Don't be surprised. When I first came to this Yuzhang City, I also looked like you."

stopped, pointed to the dim lights in front of him, and then said, "Many places in Yuzhang City are not closed at night. This is Yuzhang City, which is also known as Sleepless City."

With that, his eyes blinked at Linshang.

Linshang was stunned, and then woke up and couldn't help laughing. She couldn't think that there was also a nightless city here, but she didn't know if it was similar to those cities that claimed to be night in her previous life.

"Brother Lin has also been here?" Shao Yifei looked at Lin Sheng and laughed, thinking that he had also been here, and asked curiously.

Lin Shang was about to answer when he suddenly felt two strange eyes looking at him. He turned his head and saw Su Yuqing and Zhong Ling look at the dim light in front of him strangely, and then turned their heads to look at himself, with an unknown meaning in their eyes.

Linshang was slightly stunned and then looked forward. I saw several three-storey gorgeous wooden buildings not far ahead. There were two big red lanterns hanging at the door. From time to time, a man walked in with a cheap smile on his face. He could faintly hear the delicate voices of various women in the building. It was obviously a brothel...

Linshang was sweating profusely and looked at Shao Yifei with resentment. When did he want to call him brother in private? Brother, when I first arrived in your place, can I not support him? Why do you have to say this in public? Image, I have maintained my image for many years...

"It's getting late. Let's find an inn to rest first." Yu Lianzhou took a look at Lin Shang and suddenly took a step forward to relieve the siege for Lin Shang.

Lin Shang looked at Yu Lianzhou gratefully and said, "What Brother Yu said is that let's find an inn quickly."

said, but couldn't help muttering in his heart. Why do I feel guilty when I talk about the brothel? No one is my girlfriend here. Besides, isn't it normal for a big man to go to the brothel to drink flower wine?

Thinking in his heart, he looked at Su Yuqing. Su Yuqing seemed to hear Linshang's heart. He stared at Linshang coldly and turned his head with a hum.

Lin Shang smiled and quietly stepped back and stopped talking.

Shao Yifei was slightly stunned when he saw Lin's reaction. Then he saw Su Yuqing's frosty face. He woke up, patted his head, laughed and said, "Let's go, let's find an inn to stay and have dinner together."

With that, he turned around and led the crowd forward.

Along the way, Shao Yifei didn't say much and led everyone directly to an inn with a plaque written on the mountain and river inn.

Before everyone stepped forward, the eyes of a young man in a small blue hat at the door lit up and walked up to the crowd with a smile. His left hand led him softly and said loudly, "Guest officials, are you invited to dinner or to be sharp?"

Shao Yifei looked at the people behind him, smiled and said, "Let's eat first, and then hit the top." Is there anyone living in the spring rain building here? If no one lives, we will pack it."

The second store's eyes were stunned and his face was embarrassed, but then his eyes turned and he called out a smile and said, "Guests, please go up. When the guests finish eating, the guest will go to Chunyu Tower."

Shao Yifei smiled, did not answer, and walked straight ahead.

Xiao Er of the shop quickly walked a few steps to Shao Yifei's side and bowed slightly to lead everyone to the inn.