State Dingji

Chapter 68 I like you

Linshang thought nonsense in his mind, but slowly closed his eyes again and enjoyed the unexpected gentleness. When kissing, it is a kind of courtesy and respect not to open your eyes to look at each other's expressions or look around. Lin Shang believes that she is a polite person and naturally does that polite thing.

For a long time, the two's lips were still close together without any other movements. While Linshang was considering whether to take the initiative to open her mouth, she suddenly felt a pain in her lower lip, as if she had been bitten hard. A salty smell reached her taste buds and began to spread in her mouth. Linshang pushed her hands around Ling Fei's waist, and the two separated.

"What are you doing!" Lin Shang stretched out her hand and wiped her lips. Her fingers were full of red blood, and her face was cold. She asked harshly.

Ling Fei, who stood opposite him, said nothing, but stretched out her pink tongue and gently licked the blood stains on her lips, and looked at Lin Shang with bright eyes, as if she had suddenly made a decision.

Lin Sheng saw that Ling Fei didn't say anything, shook her head, sighed gently, and said slowly, "Forget it, let's say goodbye."

With that, she was about to float on the feather light. At this moment, the change suddenly appeared. Ling Fei blushed and shouted delicately. The magic formula in her hand changed rapidly. A strange pink light slowly lit up from her hands, and the light continued to spread until the two people present stopped.

"You" Linshang was shocked and angry. She stopped and moved her mind. The dragon armor instantly emerged from her body and emitted a thick white light. However, the pink light still shone on him through the white light. Linshang was shocked again and hurriedly put the feather light across her chest and looked at Ling Fei with vigilance.

Ling Fei's face became more and more red. At first, it was just like a morning glow, but later, it turned into a red blood color, like a ripe apple.

The more Linshang looked at it, the more shocked she became. Seeing that Ling Fei's face was so abnormal, it must have been a great magic power. At the same time, a feeling of pain and relief hit her heart. She treated herself like this and just helped her with this entangled relationship. He shook his head, and the corner of his right mouth was slightly raised, leading a bitter smile.

At this moment, with only a "wow", Ling Fei, whose face was red, suddenly opened her mouth and spit out a blood arrow. The blood arrow sprayed into the air but did not fall. It converged into a fist-sized red ball on her chest and slowly rotated. Ling Fei's face, which spit out blood, instantly changed from red to white. She stared deeply at Linshang, her red lips opened gently, and a voice that seemed to come from the sky sounded.

"Nine ghosts, gods and demons, led by blood, trample on my true feelings..."

In the light pink light, the blood-red balls of the fist size stopped rotating, and instantly separated into two blood cells of different sizes, rotating around each other. A blood cell is extremely small, only the size of a grain of rice, and rotates around the fist-sized blood cell like a satellite flying around the earth.

Lin Zhang was stunned and only felt that there was a very familiar breath in the rice-sized blood cells, and there was a faint feeling of blood connection. Could it be...that's my blood? Lin Shang couldn't help touching the small wound on her lips.

The voice is charming but solemn, and there is a trace of dedication and enthusiasm hidden in it. The woman in the pink light set off by the ethereal voice is like a nine-day fairy.

"...Your body and my body, your heart and my heart, only for the sake of love, although I will never die..."

The two blood cells suddenly merged in the rotation and rejoined into a blood-red ball, and the pink light surrounding the two seemed to have been absorbed by the ball and disappeared in an instant. The blood-colored ball also turned into a pink ball and rotated into a fist-sized pink heart. The heart is not only in the same shape as a human, but also like a living thing, beating regularly, making a steady and powerful "pump, poof" sound.

The sound came to Linshang's ears and was shocked. His heart seemed to correspond far away with the pink heart. With the beating of the heart, it also made a "poof" sound. What shocked Linshang more was that he seemed to be able to hear the heartbeat of Ling Fei standing opposite him. The three hearts were actually the same frequency, and only made one sound when beating.

"You..." Linshang covered his chest with his right hand, looked at Ling Fei, who also covered his chest, in surprise, and said.

Before the words were finished, the change was born again.

The pink heart between the two suddenly made a "wave" and split into two halves. The pink light flashed, and the heart divided into two pieces flew quickly towards their chests.

Linshang was stunned, and the blue light flashed and stabbed towards the flying heart. The speed was as fast as lightning, and it contained the sword meaning of the cold and piercing wind. With the power of this sword, Linshang is confident that even if the heart is made of Jiutian Xuantie, it will be shot into pieces under this sword.

However, the fact did not meet people's wishes. The half of the heart and the feather light instantly touched in the air, as if the feather light were transparent. Then, he passed through his hands in front of Linshang's frightened eyes, hit Linshang through the white light of the dragon's foot of armor, and disappeared in his chest.

Linshang only felt a pain in his chest, and then his eyes darkened. The afterglow of the evening suddenly disappeared, and his eyes fell into endless darkness.

Is it over... Why is there no resentment against Ling Fei in your heart...

My dream...

Can I wake up again? Will it go back to where I came from...


While Linshang thought he had died here and was thinking nonsense, a slightly weak voice sounded in his ear.

"Nerd, what are you doing with your eyes closed? Why don't you open your eyes?"

Although the voice was slightly weak, it was still charming and beautiful, and Linshang immediately recognized it as Ling Fei's voice.

Is she dead too?

This idea flashed through Lin Shan's mind, but her eyes opened after Ling Fei's words.

Ling Fei was born to stand in front of her, smiling like a flower, and a pair of autumn water-like eyes flashed, looking at herself happily. Turning around, the trees are growing, the grass is lush, and the sunset is coated with a golden coat on the world, and everything looks vibrant. Yes! Vibrant!

It's still the forest! I'm not dead! Ling Fei is not dead either!

Linshang roared in his heart, and his eyes revealed the happiness of the rest of his life after the disaster.

Ling Fei looked at Lin Shan in a daze and burst into laughter. The two stood opposite each other and smiled. The golden afterglow of the sunset sprinkled poetically on them. From a distance, they looked like a pair of happy lovers.

Hearing Ling Fei's laughter, Lin Sheng suddenly woke up and remembered what had just happened. She was so angry that her face was cold. She quickly walked to Ling Fei, grabbed Ling Fei's shoulders, stared at Ling Fei's autumn eyes coldly, and said fiercely, "Say! What did you do to me!" A man said this to a woman, which seems to be a little... er... I'm evil...)

Lin Shang's hands were so powerful that she pinched Ling Fei's shoulders like two pliers. Ling Fei frowned gently, but she did not struggle. Her hands were wrapped around Lin Shang's back. Her pale face suddenly floated a touch of red, and her eyes were a little shy. She was looking into Lin Shang's eyes and said, "I like you!"

A sentence was like a thunderbolt, rumbling in Linshou's ears. Linshang was stunned and suddenly forgot his original intention to grab Ling Fei. Huo Ran loosened her shoulders and suddenly stepped back a few steps. His right finger pointed to Ling Fei and himself again, with a panicked face. He said:

"You, you, me...I..."

When Ling Fei saw Lin's reaction, he laughed again and said, "What are you, you, me, me, me, as long as you know I like you!"

This beauty is too domineering. If you like me, you won't scare me so much! Scar me? By the way, I almost forgot. I want to ask her what she just did to me.

"We'll talk about this later. Tell me what you did to me first!"

When he calmed down, Linshang asked the question just now.

Ling Fei looked at Linshang and saw his resolute face. I'm afraid he wouldn't say no. He slowly lowered his head, stroked his right hand on his chest, and said quietly, "Idiot*."

"Idiot*?!" Linshang involuntarily repeated Ling Fei's words.


Seeing the decline of the collection brush, I am very entangled... Ladies and gentlemen, dare to give some power~ Let Xiaochen add the motivation to code words~