State Dingji

Chapter 78 Giant Tripod

Lin Shang looked around and saw that the circular square was about the size of three football fields. The ground was neatly paved with white slates, nearly ten feet high from the ground to the top of the cave. In the center of the square is an octagonal stone platform about ten meters high made of gray boulders. The gray stone platform stands prominently in the center of the white slate square. Under the light of the blue light, some strange textures can be faintly seen on the side of the stone platform, which seems to depict some pattern, adding a mysterious atmosphere to the whole square.

Linshang turned his head to look at Ling Fei and whispered, "Go and have a look." With that, he recalled Yu Mang in front of his chest and walked forward.

Ling Fei hummed, summoned out the moon white piccolo and followed.

The two walked to the square and immediately felt the strangeness of the square. The white slab at the foot is different from the height in the cave, but polished flat. Each slab is three feet square. There is no gap in the junction of the slab, and the whole square looks like a huge slab.

Lin Shang and the two walked carefully to the gray stone platform. As the distance from the stone platform approached, the pattern on the side of the stone platform became clearer and clearer. It was not until they were only three meters away from the stone platform that the two stopped, and the pattern on the side of the stone platform facing their direction had been fully presented in front of them.

Countless deep and shallow carvings on the ten-meter-high and three-meter-wide stone wall have become the image of mountains, rivers and vegetation. Continuous mountains, dangerous peaks towering into the clouds, and vegetation all over the mountains. Although the mountains, rivers and trees are only the gray of the stone walls, they still give people an immersive and wonderful feeling.

Murals? Linshang looked at the picture in front of her and said secretly.

"Lin Lang, there are also here. Oh, what is this? When Ling Fei saw the pattern on the stone wall, she trotted to the side and saw that the stone wall also had a pattern, but she couldn't see what was engraved. She hurriedly greeted Linshang to have a look.

"Hmm." Linshang answered and walked over quickly.

The scratches on the stone wall next to the mountain, rivers, grass and stone walls are relatively abstract, and there are not too many scratches on them. There are more large and small circles, and even half-moon-shaped patterns, just like a mysterious ancient text.

Linshang looked at it for a long time before recognizing that the pattern was originally a picture of the sun, moon and stars. The largest circle represents the sun, the half-moon pattern represents the moon, and other large and small circles and dots represent the stars all over the sky. This pattern not only depicts the changes of sunrise and sunset, but also depicts the changes of the full moon in detail.

What a work of art! Linshang said secretly in his heart and turned to Ling Fei, "There must be patterns on the other six stone walls. Let's continue to look and maybe find out the origin of this cave and the stone platform."

"Hmm." Ling Fei nodded.

The two turned around the ten-meter-high gray stone platform, carefully identifying the traces on the stone wall. After about a cup of tea, the two recognized all the eight stone walls of the stone platform. At the beginning, the mountains, rivers, vegetation, sun, moon and stars came out. The other five stone walls are engraved with patterns such as farming and livestock, while the last stone wall is like the floor plan of this white square. In the picture, nearly thousands of people gathered in the square, and everyone knelt in the direction of the stone platform, as if there was a square thing on the top of the stone platform.

Although the information on the other stone wall is relatively rich, it has little to do with the origin of the cave and the stone platform. However, the pattern on the last stone wall depicts the picture of the square. They can faintly guess the origin of the stone platform, so the two stopped in front of the stone wall.

"Do you think they are sacrificing something?" Lin Shang pointed to the scratches on the stone wall representing nearly a thousand people.

Ling Fei frowned and shook her head, wondering, "If it is a memorial, there should be sacrifices. But this stone wall is a stone platform, and you can't see anything like a sacrifice.

Lin Shang looked at the stone wall and nodded, pointed to the square pattern on the stone platform in the pattern and said, "What do you think this looks like?"

Ling Fei shook her head, bit her lower lip and looked at the stone wall for a while. Suddenly, she screamed and said happily, "Pray! No, it's a pilgrimage! Yes, it's a pilgrimage! That square thing should be their sacred object!"

Pilgrimage? Holy object?" Lin Sheng was thinking when Ling Fei suddenly made a sound and was shocked. However, if you think about it carefully, it may be true as Ling Fei said that this pattern records the scene of those people's pilgrimage. Since the pilgrimage, there must be a sacred object, and the sacred object is at the top of the stone platform, and you can't see where you are standing.

Thinking of this, Lin Shang looked at the square pattern on the stone platform in the picture and jumped up to the feather light and flew up. Seeing Lin Shang's movements, Ling Fei also quickly jumped the white piccolo of the last month and followed.

As soon as the two flew to the top of the stone platform, they were immediately attracted by a round tripod in the center of the stone platform. This tripod is about two meters high and about 1.5 meters in diameter. It is cyan and simple in style. It is engraved with various patterns on the tripod. At first glance, a majestic and solemn atmosphere came towards it.

"Is this?" Linshang fell next to the ancient tripod and looked at the giant tripod, which was one head taller than himself, and whispered.

"Ding." Ling Fei gently fell next to Linshang and answered.

Well, the answer to this question is wonderful, really talented... Of course I know this is a tripod, but I don't know what the name of this tripod is and what it is used for...

Lin Shang complained in his heart and carefully checked the pattern on the tripod. He just nodded gently to Ling Fei's answer, but said nothing.

Ling Fei looked at the giant tripod attentively and also focused on the giant tripod. Ling Fei is not interested in this giant tripod, but people he is interested in are interested in this giant tripod, so he might as well change his interest.

"Mountains, rivers, vegetation...humans, animals, animals and animals..." Lin Shang looked at the pattern on the giant tripod and whispered the pattern he recognized. This pattern is very similar to the pattern on the side of the stone platform, but it is not the same. The pattern on the giant tripod is far greater than the pattern on the side of the stone platform in terms of quantity and accuracy. The exquisiteness of the two is simply different.

What is this tripod? Why do you always feel a cordial breath from this tripod, as if you have something to do with it. Although I felt that this giant tripod was not ordinary, I only found that the giant tripod was made of bronze. Except for a trace of copper rust on it, there was nothing strange about it. I had never seen such a huge tripod in my previous life. Where did the breath that made me feel intimate come from? Forget it, anyway, since I feel that this tripod is very kind, just accept it. Anyway, it is a ownerless thing. Looking at Ling Fei's appearance, he will not compete with himself. Receive the ring first and wait for Xuan Tianzong to study slowly.

Although I thought so, I still had to be polite. I turned my head and smiled at Ling Fei and said, "Is Miss Ling interested in this tripod? If not, I will accept this tripod."

"Lin Lang can collect it, but they don't want this thing." Ling Fei smiled, gently stepped back half a step, and made a gesture of inviting her left hand.

Lin Shan smiled gratefully at Ling Fei and said, "Thank you very much." After saying that, he rudely stretched his left hand slowly to the giant tripod, and the storage ring on his middle finger began to emit a faint white light.

Three feet!

Two feet!

One foot!

The closer the palm of his hand is to the giant tripod, the more and familiar atmosphere becomes stronger. Linshang can't help but be excited, as if he was about to touch his old friend in his previous life.

At the moment when his fingers were about to touch the giant tripod, Linshang's mind was most excited, and a pink light appeared silently from behind the two, flying like lightning to Linshang, who was receiving the giant tripod.

"Lin Lang, be careful!"

Lin Shang was all focused on collecting the giant tripod. She didn't expect that someone would attack her at this time, and she didn't notice the pink light at all. Instead, Ling Fei behind him reacted instantly, shouted to remind Linshang to be careful, and then held the formula and pointed to the sky. The moon-white piccolo made a clear sound, bursting a mass of moonlight, and quickly greeted the flying pink light.


First update. During this period, I will be busy, so I have to update twice a day, one update at 12:35 p.m. and one update at 20:11 p.m., at least 5,000+ words a day. Please forgive me. Xiaochen is not entangled in being clicked. He can't punish himself by other people's mistakes. He still has to code words honestly, new book list and so on. If he doesn't go up, he won't go up.