State Dingji

Chapter 86 Pain

Che Yunbo walked into a shop next to a pub with a ferocious smile and grabbed his hands. The two people hidden under the table were dragged out and caught in the street. The two people in the air held their necks with their hands, their faces red, opened their mouths to show an extremely painful expression, and their legs struggled randomly.

Che Yunbo smiled grimly, clenched his hands, and only heard two "bangs and bangs". Their heads immediately exploded like watermelons falling from high altitudes. The flesh and blood splashed everywhere, and red and white things flowed slowly along the street, and a faint smell of blood began to spread in the air.

" are the devil..." The middle-aged woman hugged Lin's head tightly, trembled, and looked at Che Yunbo with extreme fear in her eyes.

Lin Datou's face was pale and short of breath. Instead, he was afraid of anger. His eyes were full of anger and resentment, and he shouted, "Shang'er is my child. If you want to find me, it's none of their business!"

"Hmm!" Che Yunbo snorted coldly, shook his hand, and threw the two empty bodies aside. Then take a step and continue to walk forward slowly. Two headless bodies hit the wall fiercely, making two broken sounds, slowly sliding down against the wall, leaving shocking blood marks on the wall.

Lin Datou gritted his teeth and stood up to jump over, but he saw the middle-aged woman holding him tightly, trembled and sat down slowly.

Che Yunbo walked forward slowly, step by step, as leisurely as walking in the garden. However, every step of him has stepped into everyone's heart. There was nowhere to escape and no strength to struggle. I was so desperate that I could only watch the death-like figure slowly and step by step and open its bloody fangs.

Silence, silence, does not break out in silence, it will perish in silence. Finally, someone couldn't stand the huge pressure and stood up from fear. Their eyes were red, and the blood of their teeth biting their lips and flowing down the corners of their mouths. They roared in their throats with strange roars that they couldn't even break their throats, and rushed to Che Yunbo crazily.






Not only can the emotions of fear infect others, but also infect each other. In the face of the threat of death, more and more people joined the crazy team, and more than 100 people followed the first person's footsteps and rushed to the death with bloody fangs. At this time, there is no difference between men and women, young and old, whether they are strong or not. Even if they just tear off the corners of the man's clothes, it is a victory.

In the shocking roar, a tragic momentum rose in this coastal town.

Yang Taizi, a monk with fairy Taoist bones, had a complex expression on his face. He sighed heavily, turned around and couldn't bear to look at it again.

Che Yunbo was angry first, and ant-like mortals dared to resist themselves. It's really a death. Thinking of the dead words, Che Yeyuan's figure appeared in his mind again. He seemed to pour a bucket of oil on his anger. In anger, he smiled and muttered to himself, "Yuaner, if that man kills you, I will kill everyone in his town to avenge you."

With a roll of sleeves, a ball of black light the size of a football flew towards the people who rushed over. The black light tore the body of the person in front of him like a broken bamboo, one, two... until it rushed to the most dense place of the crowd, and the black light suddenly expanded and turned into black ripples to spread around quickly. Wherever the ripples passed, both men and women, old and young, were cut in half; when it spread to the wall, the wall collapsed and the house collapsed, and the sound was continuous. The man who was beheaded but did not die was so red that he dragged the mutilated body with his hands and climbed forward little by little. Under one blow, the remnants of the wall, the sea of blood and corpses, are like purgatory on earth.

The Lin Datou couple hugged each other in a daze, their bodies had already stopped shaking, their mouths wide open, and roared silently. The two looked blankly at the front, and blood and tears flowed down the corners of their eyes and fell to the ground, integrating with the flowing blood on the street.

The population of Yuhang Town is only more than 100, and 90% of them died under the blow of Che Yunbo. Except for Lin Datou and his wife, the rest of them were stunned by the scene in front of them. Their eyes were full of desperate ashes, trembled and shrank into a ball, motionless and accepted their fate. Since the establishment of Yuhang Town, it has been hundreds of years. For the first time, the town has fallen into silence. There is no sound in the whole town, and it seems that even the wind has stopped flowing.

Che Yunbo looked at the blood under his feet, frowned, flew three feet in the air, and shook his right hand frequently. With his movements, the heads of the shrunked corpses burst one by one and turned into headless corpses that could not die.

After doing all this, Che Yunbo smiled, flew back to the Lin Datou couple, and said with a gloomy smile, "How's it going? Are you two satisfied?"

Lin Datou slowly raised his head, looked at Che Yunbo, and roared with blood and tears, "You demon, where did my clothes offend you? In your eyes, mortals are like ants, but even if they are ants, you have to let us understand why all this is!"

Che Yunbo's eyes flashed with a cold light and said ferociously, "Why? There is something wrong with your family. Since you dare to kill my grandson, I will let you all be buried with you!"

With that, his hands came to the stage out of thin air. Lin Datou and his wife immediately rose into the air. They held their necks with both hands and their faces turned red, but there was no painful expression on their faces. They just stared at Che Yunbo with blood and tears, as if they were going to engrave his appearance in their minds.

"What's wrong, desperate? Heart, I won't let you die so happily!"

"See, they are all your neighbors, people who live in the same town as you. They are all dead and dead! Painful? Do you feel guilty? More than 100 people in the town died because of you!"

"You go to hell and face them shamelessly!"

"All this is caused by your son!"

Che Yunbo was so sick that he roared at the Lin Datou couple and vented.

Yang Taizi had a bitter face, sighed secretly, and said to himself, "I don't know this. What I did is right or wrong..." Thinking to himself, he didn't say hello. He only saw a flash of white light and disappeared in Yuhang Town.

Che Yunbo didn't care about Yang Taizi's departure, but stared at Lin Datou and his wife. Seeing that the two were dying, their palms were slightly loosened. After they resumed breathing, their eyes radiated an exciting and vicious light, and their palms were clenched little by little at a very slow speed.

Besides, Linshang is sitting in **, carefully running the real element in the body to absorb the power of medicine and warm the internal elixir.

The aura of heaven and earth is constantly sucked into the body by Linshang with the operation of Zhenyuan's meridians in the body. After circulating in the body for a week, it integrates with Zhenyuan and turns into the inner elixir with several cracks in Dantian.

Linshang was careful in the whole process, especially when transforming Zhenyuan into the inner elixir, and he was even more careful. At this time, the inner elixir can't withstand even a little destruction. Even if the true element is transformed too fast, it will expand the cracks on the inner elixir and even destroy people.

While doing his work, Lin Shang suddenly had a pain in his chest, as if there was an invisible awl, which was piercing fiercely. This pain is not a physical injury, but a kind of pain from the soul.

A kind of inexplicable panic and irritability rose from Lin Shang's heart. Before he could react, the pain in his chest suddenly intensified, as if the qi in his lungs was suddenly pulled away and an invisible cone pierced his heart. With a muffled hum, his body leaned and spit out a mouthful of blood.

It hurts! Unimaginable pain! Indescribable pain!

This pain, like a surging tide, instantly flooded the forest.

People who practice true life, understand the way of heaven and earth and walk against the sky, and feel extremely sensitive in some aspects. At this moment, unprecedented panic emerged in Lin Shang's heart, and the kind face of Yuhang Town's parents involuntarily appeared in his mind. After two delusions, Linshang has already regarded them as his biological parents.

Then, a close relative appeared in the dark, crossing the space, crossing all the immortal prohibitions, and coming to Linshang's mind. At that moment, Linshang saw a scene that he remembered for life.

"No!!!" Lin Shang raised his head and roared, holding his hands up, as if to grab something, and two lines of blood and tears slowly flowed down his cheeks. At the same time, the originally stable Zhenyuan in the body suddenly *, and the turbulent tide generally surged from the meridians of the whole body to the inner elixir. Where the Zhenyuan passed, the meridians were broken, and the cracks on the inner elixir were visible and rapidly expanded with the naked eye. In an instant, the dense cracks were covered with slightly cyan inner elixir, and a trace of black light appeared at the cracks, and a destructive force suddenly appeared from Linshang.

At the moment when Neidan was about to explode, a blue figure appeared ghostly beside Linshang. At the same time, a cyan light curtain instantly enveloped Linshang's whole body.


In an instant, a shocked and angry roar resounded through the mountains.


First update. Er, this chapter is a little painful.