State Dingji

Chapter 100 Isn't it all played like this on TV?

Four seasons alternate, the warbler flies and the grass is long, and time always flows quietly when we are not paying attention. Looking back, some people suddenly realized that they had been standing still. Although they lived fully, they could not help but get numb. And some people, when they look back, see deep footprints behind them, just like the snow mud. Linshang, that's it.

It has been three years since Linshang began to refine his body.

Three years of training day after day made Linshang's body quietly transform.

Not only has the amount of food doubled compared with before, but also the functions of the body have increased dozens of times, and even the mind is several times stronger than before. Now the forest clothes exude a faint pressure. When their eyes are open, they shine like stars, but their eyes are as calm as water. The two temperaments are mixed together to form a unique charm in him. It's like people see a leopard full of power, which obviously feels dangerous, but can't help admiring that they want to get close.

On the shore of the round lake of Hujing Mountain, Lin Shang was dressed in blue and sat quietly on the shore, rarely without training.

Wearing a cyan gown, it can't be seen from the appearance alone. At this moment, Qin Yu's hands have 300 catties of wrist protectors, 500 catties of leg protectors on each of their legs, and a thousand catties of iron vest. The whole person is equivalent to carrying 2,600 catties of weights, but for Qin Yu, who has been training for three years of extreme training, It's nothing.

Linshang looked up at the 100-foot-high waterfall, and his eyes flashed, and his body flashed, and disappeared on the shore in an instant. When he appeared again, he had crossed the 100-meter-long lake and appeared in the air next to the waterfall, and the splash could jump on his face.

Lin Shan took a deep breath, and his body was flying again. His eyes flashed, and his right leg kicked the waterfall like lightning.

This foot has no wind, but it is extremely fast, and the power contained in it seems to be able to move mountains and seas.


In a loud sound like summer thunder, Linshang's legs kicked on the waterfall.

Then, something incredible happened.

A waterfall about 100 feet high and weighing more than 10 million catties was suddenly cut off from the kicking of the forest, as if an invisible big hand divided the whole waterfall into two parts. The lower piece fell into the lake quickly, while the upper section stopped firmly in the air, and not a drop of water fell.

The power of one foot actually made the waterfall stop falling!

The power of one leg is so great!

The waterfall stopped in mid-air for a short time, less than two seconds, and then fell down, hitting the lake and making a loud noise, setting off three feet of waves.

Two seconds is something that many people don't care about at all. However, no one would have thought that a 21-year-old young man cut off a 100-foot waterfall and paused for nearly two seconds with the power of his body!

Linshang took advantage of one foot to turn around in the air and jumped back to the shore.

Linshang tilted his head and looked at the restored waterfall, frowning tightly. The cool breeze came, and a trace of cool air splashed on Linshang's face, but Linshang's eyes did not blink. At this moment, he has fallen into meditation.

The foot that stopped the waterfall just now, he could kick it out a month ago, and then he could stop the waterfall for nearly two seconds.

A month later, I kicked it out with all my strength, and the waterfall still paused for less than two seconds. A month of extreme training seems to be fruitless, which makes Linshang distressed.

For three years, Linshang's powerful mind has been feeling the changes in her body all the time.

The figure is more than ten centimeters taller than before, and the figure is much stronger, but there is no trace of bloating. There is no fat all over the body, and the muscles are streamlined, which makes people look a little thin. However, no one imagined that this seemingly thin body could burst out the power to stop the waterfall.

When practicing, the body can absorb as much as 70% of the total amount of true qi. Most of the true qi is absorbed by the body, and only less than 30% of the true qi is scattered in heaven and earth. This was a good thing, but Linshang was not happy. After a month of hard work, no one can make any progress and be happy.

encountered a bottleneck!

When this problem was discovered, this idea came to Linshang's mind in an instant.

Linshang has extremely rich experience in dealing with bottlenecks since refining the body. He took the bottleneck as the limit and wanted to break through the limit. First, he continued to exercise according to the original amount of training. When the amount of training was enough, the quality would naturally be raised. This is the truth of quantitative change to qualitative change.

The second is to improve the quality of training and double the amount of training. When you get used to it, the bottleneck will naturally break through.

However, neither of these two methods has worked. A month later, the bottleneck showed no sign of breaking through. Instead, he was exhausted to death.

In this situation, Linshang can only find another way.

However, it seems to be the old saying that it has responded to disaster. When Linshang was looking for a way to break through the bottleneck, a new situation appeared, and he actually had hallucinations.

Yes! It's a hallucination!

In the early morning half a month ago, when Linshang finished practicing and was about to start training, a voice came to his ears. The voice is ethereal, like a man's murmur, and like a woman's sigh, as if it is close in front of her eyes, but it seems to be far away in the sky, vaguely inaudible. Because the sound soon disappeared, Lin Shang didn't pay attention to it.

However, when she got up the next morning and heard the same sound as yesterday, Linshang suddenly woke up. He searched everywhere, but couldn't find anything around him that could make that sound. He also blocked his ears, but the sound seemed to ring directly in his mind and lingered no matter what he did.

On the same day, Lin Shan asked Master Li Mubai about this matter and told him about the bottleneck.

After all, the master is a monk who has practiced for hundreds of years and likes to travel around the world. He has a wide range of knowledge. Maybe he can help solve these two problems. Linshang thought so in his heart.

However, Li Mubai just looked at Linshang strangely, shook his head, and told Linshang that the bottleneck needs to be broken through by himself. Others can't help. Even if they can help, they can't help, otherwise they will lose the meaning of breaking through the bottleneck.

And Li Mubai was also at a loss for that voice, and finally it could only be attributed to the hallucination caused by the bottleneck.

Linshang did not believe in hallucinations at first. However, as the bottleneck could not be broken for a long time, the hallucination lasted longer and longer. There seemed to be some connection between the two, and Linshang had no choice but to believe it.

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Linshang's mind and suddenly remembered some plots from the TV series in his previous life, which taught people how to break through the bottleneck of practice.

Some talented people have been working hard for several years and have been unable to break through the bottleneck, so they entered the world to practice. He tasted the warmth and coldness of the world, and then suddenly woke up in the paper drunkenness and broke through the bottleneck.

Otherwise, why don't you try it yourself? Isn't that what they all play on TV?

Linshang pinched his chin and looked at the waterfall in a daze, thinking nonsense in his mind.

Enter the WTO? There is nothing interesting in this world. There are no beautiful women and cars and computers. Do you have to go to the Sifang wine shop to experience life as a bartender? The bartender also did it in his previous life, but at that time he was called a waiter...

Since it comes to wine, let's just drink it. I haven't touched a drop of wine in the past three years. Since the bottleneck cannot be broken through for a while, just relax first. Many books in the previous life did not have this kind of content. This hero was drunk for several days and nights. When he woke up, he found that the bottleneck had already inadvertently broken through, and then the world was invincible and unified the world for thousands of generations. Maybe after drinking too much, you can inadvertently break through the bottleneck.

I really want to know what kind of point can be achieved after breaking through the bottleneck. Linshang looked at the waterfall in front of her and thought excitedly.

Then drink!

After made up his mind, Linshang flashed and strode westward. Looking in that direction, it is the highest dragon head peak among the five peaks.


First update. Nearly an hour late... Time is a little rushed. If there is anything wrong in the article, please help point it out. Also, the update will be very late... I didn't come back from the hospital until after 8 o'clock. I'm typing, and it's still two updates today.