State Dingji

Chapter 113 Earth, My Mother

The earth carries everything, bears everything for human beings, and provides everything. The survival of human life depends on the earth to maintain. What we eat is the growth of the earth, and what we wear is born of the earth. What we need for food, clothing, housing and transportation is all obtained from the earth.

Since ancient times, human beings have deeply worshipped this land that raised their own lives. In the myths of Linshang's previous life, ancient people deified the earth as the third god born after Pangu, Houtu, also known as Houtu Niangniang. She takes charge of yin and yang, nurtures everything, and is known as the mother of the earth.

The virtue of the mother of the earth is quiet and gentle, broad and generous, planting grains, digging sweet springs, loading all things, raising the masses, working without complaining. If you have merit, you will not be embolded, and you will be kind to everything without retribution. The virtue of Mother Earth is great.

Mother Earth is so deeply attached to everything she gives birth to, especially human beings and regards human beings as her favorite. But what does human beings return to the earth? It's just sewage feces and other things. After death, they buried dirty and smelly rotten blood and rotten bones on its body, destroying and polluting her body. People treat the earth like this, and the earth has no complaints. It not only grows all things endlessly, but also bears the sins of all things. Shouldn't people imitate the great spirit of the earth that is selfless and all-encompetent?

In the ancient "I Ching" of Linshang's previous life, the so-called heaven and earth. Kun Gua describes the greatness of the earth as "straight", "square" and "big". Not to mention that the real earth is not as square as it was said in ancient times. The earth will always follow the path and go straight, tolerate everything, and will not change its virtue. People's law should not only imitate the great spirit of the earth's selflessness and all-encompetence, but also learn from the diligent will of the mother.

The earth is running for a moment, and it only takes a minute to stop moving, and human beings and everything will be finished. Even if he is a monk who cultivates the sky, he can only listen to fate in the face of the power of heaven and earth. People's law should be as the "Heaven is healthy, and a gentleman is self-improvement" as the Book of Changes says. The earth will always move forward, so people should follow its brave "morality" and give human beings and all things the conditions to survive and their lives with a broad mind like Mother Earth.


The strong wind did not stop for a moment, blowing away the clouds all over the sky and blowing the wheel of time, so that the moon hung early in the sky at the moment the sun had just set.

The night is gradually deepening, and the light on the wind is gradually dim. The noise of the day has gone away, ushering in a quiet night. However, at this time, the moon sprinkled her bright moonlight on the earth, bringing some light to the silent night. These lights are particularly bright in the wind field, which is empty except for a huge stone in the center.

The moonlight sprinkled on the wind field and immediately spread a thin veil on the gray rocks. Looking around, the flat wind field was like a vast snowfield. At this time, the boulder weighing more than 10,000 pounds erected in the middle of the stormy field was particularly conspicuous, and the thin man in blue lying on it was completely exposed to the world.

The man in blue lay strangely on the boulder, and his body was strangely twisted, as if he wanted to stick his whole body to the stone. The man is not only strange, but also the expression on his face is even more incredible. His expression is changing all the time, sometimes sad and happy, sometimes angry and happy, and more often the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, with a warm expression like being in his mother's arms.

Although the expression on his face is constantly changing, his eyes have always been slightly closed. Looking at his eyelids, you can clearly see that his eyes are constantly rotating, as if they are wandering in a dream.

He lay quietly on the boulder, quietly and motionless, as if he were asleep. The cold wind roared past him, as if he was afraid of disturbing him and lightened his footsteps. The moon in the sky also seemed to be afraid that he would catch a cold and covered him with a thin moonlight veil.

If someone climbs to the wind field and comes to his side at this time, he will definitely recognize who he is at first sight and call out his name at the first time, Lin Shang.

This person is Linshang, the first disciple of Li Mubai, the first disciple of Xuantianzong Youlanfeng, and the only true disciple, Linshang.

In order to understand the virtue of the earth, Lin Shang has been on this strong wind field for six hours. She does not eat, drink or move, except for the slight ups and downs of her chest and the beating of her eyelids from time to time, like a dead man.

Suddenly, he moved!

He didn't pull out his arm under him or move his slightly sore neck, but slowly opened his eyes.

At the moment when the eyes were opened, a crystal tear slipped from the corners of his eyes and drew a shining light under the moonlight.

"Earth, mother, let me love deeply with my life and soul..."

Linshang swallowed silently, allowing tears to slide down from the corners of her eyes, but still refused to get up from the ground, as if she could get closer to the earth.

In the six hours when Linshang lay, he has been thinking and feeling.

From his previous life to this life, for more than 40 years, he has never seriously thought about the meaning of the earth under his feet for him, for human beings and for all sentient beings.

And now, he feels it with all his body and mind.

Six hours is not even a moment for the eternal earth. However, in these short six hours, Linshang has fallen for the earth.

He was angry because he did not feel the kindness of the mother, but destroyed the balance of the earth and crazily plundered the earth's resources.

He is sad for the earth to have no complaints, not only to raise all things endlessly, but also to bear the tolerance of the sins of all things.

He is happy that he is correcting his mistakes and allowing thousands of people who are still unwavering.

He is happy to be happy in the land of Kyushu, which still retains its original appearance at this time.

And his warm smile is because he is in the arms of Mother Earth and feels the deep attachment of Mother Earth.

The tears he left are sad and happy, full of deep attachment to happiness!

In just six hours, he fell deeply in love with this vast and boundless land.

Six hours is not long, and he doesn't think he can understand all the love of Mother Earth in such a short time. However, he knows that what he has read in this short time has already brought tears to his eyes.


As time went by, Lin Shang was still lying motionless on the boulder. The tears in the corners of his eyes had dried up, but his eyes were still looking deep at the starry sky above his head. The moon that rises early will also fall early. At the moment when the moon falls to the West Mountain, a soft yellow light slowly rises from the boulder, bringing some light to the boulder.

The light yellow light seemed to be spiritual, turning around in the air, swaying a few times in the strong wind, and then slowly drifting towards the forest. The pale light flashed in the night. Although it could not shine on a large place, it added a little warmth to the quiet night.

Although the light yellow light is not very bright, it is still very conspicuous in the dark night, but Linshang did not notice it. Although his eyes were open, he could not see anything. His eyes crossed the sky and looked directly into the void, and his mind was already immersed in the perception of the earth.

The pale yellow light flashed to Linshang's side and paused for a moment. Suddenly, the yellow light flashed and seemed to find something of great interest. It quickly rushed to Linshang and disappeared into Linshang's body. This speed is more than ten times faster than when it came.

Lin Chang was immersed in an ethereal at this time, and suddenly felt shocked, as if something had penetrated into his body. Linshang was shocked, woke up from a ethereal spirit, and immediately immersed his mind in his body.

The mind had just been immersed in the body, and Linshang was shocked again, and the mind swayed and almost exited the body. Linshang hurriedly stabilized his mind and continued to look at the sudden extra things in his body.

I only saw a pale yellow light running slowly in the meridians, and the route of operation was the line of the human realm of law and earth in the anti-sky formula. Linshang was shocked, and a few words in his mind were about to blurt out, but he swallowed them back. In surprise, he controlled his heart to touch the yellow light.

The light yellow light seemed to be spiritual. Lin Shang's mind stopped some distance away from it, and the light began to flash quickly, looking alert.

Linshang carefully saw the reaction of the pale yellow light, and now he stopped and carefully explored it.


The second update. To be honest, Xiaochen has been running naked for a long time, and he will still run naked next week. Xiaochen also wants to be on the recommendation list. Xiaochen wants more people to see Xiaochen's books, that's all...