State Dingji

Chapter 144 Closed

Closed, in the eyes of many people, is mostly to break through the bottleneck encountered in practice or devote themselves to practicing certain skills. This is indeed true. After the retreat, many people have broken through the bottleneck or achieved great skills, and even there are many such examples in the books Linshang read in her previous life.

Many books in the previous life say that many ancient people often go to the mountains to practice, and most of them are very powerful when they come out in the mountains a few years later. There are also martial arts novels that also learn from this and often close down and shut themselves up without doing anything. However, the ancients were relatively awesome, and they could still resist the wind after practicing in the mountains.

As for the retreat, Linshang is already very familiar with it. He believes in a sentence, learning like a dog and playing like a madman. To put it plainly, it is to study hard when it's time to study, and relax desperately when it's time to relax. This principle is the same when it is used to cultivate qi. Therefore, when he was still able to practice, he practiced for ten days and a half months, without leaving the door, not eating, not seeing his friends, but just practicing wholeheartedly. This practice method is still a closed practice, but it is not worth mentioning compared with the legendary retreat time of some monks for several years or even decades.

At this time, Linshang is wandering in a secret room of less than 20 square meters. This secret room was the place when Li Mubai practiced in isolation. As soon as he heard that Lin Shan wanted to practice, he gave up the secret room.

The secret room is located on a mountain wall behind Youlan Peak. The entrance of the cave is now closed, leaving only a few gaps for ventilation. Of course, even if the hole is not sealed, ordinary people can't go out. The secret room is located without the ground. The mountain wall is at a 90-degree angle to the ground, more than 100 meters high from the ground. Not to mention ordinary people, even monks in the realm of congenital virtual elixir can only sigh.

Although the hole in the secret room is sealed, Linshang has the art of earth, and there is no problem in going in and out. However, he is satisfied with this secret room and has no intention of going out for the time being.

There is nothing strange about this secret room of less than 20 square meters. If you have to describe it in one sentence, it is the four walls of the family, which is extremely simple. A white futon and a cyan oil lamp are the only two things in this secret room. It is these two things that make people think that this is simply a deserted cave.

It has been three days since Linshang entered the secret room and was officially closed.

In the past three days, he has not devoted himself to cultivation as Li Mubai thought, but did nothing but stayed in the secret room. Lie down, stand, walk, sit, stand upside down... As long as he can do all the movements he can, he doesn't practice.

If someone knows that he is like this, he will definitely say that he has nothing to do, wastes time and is idle. However, Linshang has her own ideas about this. He doesn't want to sit and practice as soon as people know, but wants to nourish his mind and put himself into a state suitable for practice. In Linshang's previous life, there was no cultivation or physical refining. Although with the progress of science and technology and the development of society, human life is getting better and better, human life has not been strengthened much and is still extremely fragile. However, it is precisely because of the fragility of life that people feel the strength of the soul more and more. Those who cultivate their hearts must succeed, and Linshang has gained it now.

At the beginning, that is, the first day, Linshang was a little excited, his mind was messy, and he thought about everything. However, just half a day later, he was bored and didn't know what to do, so Linshang went to bed. After waking up at night, Linshang simply turned off the oil lamp. Anyway, he had a pair of night vision eyes and could not use the oil lamp. At that moment, he wanted to go out for a walk, but finally he resisted. I was in a daze. It was not until the early morning that I felt better, and my mind began to think of some things that I couldn't have remembered.

are all very boring things, such as the memory of accidentally seeing someone and eating something when I was a child, which could not leave a trace in my mind.

The next morning was the most difficult. At that time, my brain was clear and there were not so many distractions. But it is precisely because there are no distractions that makes people feel extremely bored. It was not until nightfall that Linshang felt that something had changed, as if something had emerged from the water. After that, I don't know how long it took, but before dawn, Lin Shan's mind flashed and suddenly found that there was any difference. He realized the existence of the feeling and the real existence of the feeling.

Feeling is a wonderful thing. When a person is overwhelmed by the information brought by other senses, he can't feel the existence of the feeling, at least it is not obvious. It actually feels like a thin layer of fog floating on the surface of the body. Whenever you come into contact with a new person or thing, you will feel like a tentacle to explore, and then give yourself the most direct feedback.

Sometimes, when a person faces a stranger, it is easy to give each other a label at the beginning. If that label is a bad evaluation, it will directly affect the attitude towards that person and last for a long time. This is the impression caused by the feeling. Whenever you pay attention to a person, the tentacles will move first, even if it is just a strange passer-by. And this is the feeling.

After experiencing the feeling, Linshang felt as if she had opened her third eye, and everything she saw was no longer the same as before. The futon is no longer just a white ordinary futon; the oil lamp is no longer an ordinary oil lamp, and even the stone wall around the secret room no longer gives Lins the same feeling as before. Everything reveals a new atmosphere, as if they have rediscovered them.

At that time, Linshang suddenly had an impulse to start practicing immediately, but he put up with it. Because he vaguely felt that after feeling, there seemed to be something else. And now, he is still looking for that kind of thing.

At this moment, it is the evening of the third day of the retreat. With the passage of time, the feeling I felt yesterday gradually faded away, and even the concept of time began to fade.

Linshang walked from left to right in a secret room of less than 20 square meters, and then from right to left, straight and straight for a moment. As he walked, his eyes became brighter and brighter, like the rising sun in the dark. However, he faintly felt that his mind began to float, and then he entered the white futon, turned around the cyan oil lamp a few times, or drilled into the stone wall to have fun. That feeling is difficult to express clearly in words. Everything in memory is gradually engaged. Things that can't be seen through, things that can't be figured out are figured out, and the state of drilling into the horns is harmonious... That state is like a state of trusting the horse and letting the heart gallop. From the mind to the body, it feels incomparable satisfaction. And full.

At that moment, Linshang suddenly became blessed and stopped. No matter where the futon was, she sat down and sat up, and her mind was instantly immersed in her mind. I only felt that my mind was bright, the haze in many places disappeared, and soft white light emitted from unknown places, making the originally empty mind full of holy breath.

In the middle of my mind, a slightly bright water-blue light ball floats and rotates slowly. Between the rotation of the light ball, a fresh, natural, kind and warm breath kept exuding, slowly floating in my mind. That breath made Lin Shang feel so familiar that he subconsciously approached, just like the appetizing smell on a piece of sweet cake.

Linshang's mind was stunned when he saw the water-blue light ball and felt the breath. He rushed forward like a beautiful woman he hadn't seen in his life.

At the moment when his mind jumped on the water-blue light ball, countless pale earth auras surged from the mountain to the secret room, instantly illuminating the secret room. The futons, blue lanterns, stone walls, and even Lin Shang herself were reflected in light yellow. After the earth's aura surged into the secret room, it rushed straight to Linshang, just like Linshang's mind rushed to the water-blue ball of light.

After nearly thousands of earth auras disappeared in Linshang's body, the same aura poured in in an instant. As time goes by, the aura of the earth appears and disappears faster and faster. In the end, the originally dark secret room began to flash brightly and darkly, and the continuous earth aura gathered from Youlan Peak and even the whole Xuantian Mountains to the secret room.

And Linshang was immersed in the water-blue light sphere, with her eyes slightly closed and a faint smile on her face, as if she were asleep and dreaming. That smile made people feel happy at a glance, but they were afraid that laughter would disturb him, so they could only laugh and let him go.

In the secret room, the yellow light flashes quickly, like the rapid alternation of day.

Outside the secret room, the red sun suddenly jumped out of the horizon and reflected the whole land of Kyushu in an instant.


The first update. The name of Chapter 143 is the same as Chapter 87. I just saw it...