State Dingji

Chapter 169 Year

Puyang City is located in the southwest of Xuzhou, where the Xima River and Huaishui intersect. It is the closest city to Yangzhou among the three big cities in Xuzhou, which can be said to be the gateway city of the north. There are more than 30 kinds of Puyang clan, which is rare in dozens of cities in Kyushu. However, rare cities and rare people will also do the same things as other urban crowds at some time. For example, during the Spring Festival, I will walk around early in the morning to visit relatives and friends.

At this time, the streets and alleys of Puyang City are walking with all kinds of people, dressed in brand-new clothes, and most of them are young people. When you meet on the road, no matter whether you know it or not, you will hold your fists or make a blessing, and say Happy New Year with a smile. Everyone came and went in a hurry, but with an intoxicating smile on their faces. When they came out of this house, they immediately went to another house. Like busy ants, dredging the blood of this northern city.

Lin Shang has been in this busy Puyang City for a long time and is still confused at this moment. He arrived in Puyang City early in the morning and thought that not many people could ask for directions in the morning. However, when he came in from outside the city gate, he suddenly found that the streets were full of hurried pedestrians. Not only did everyone have a smile on their faces, but they would say hello when they saw them. Even Linshang, who was dusty all the way, was also said a few sincere New Year's greetings, which suppressed the fierce murderous intention in his heart and restored his thoughts. Qingming.

However, because of this, he lost the opportunity to ask for directions. Here's what happened. When he grabbed a slightly older young man, hugged his fist and was ready to ask for directions, the man was stunned, and then said Happy New Year with a smile. He turned around and left, instantly integrated into the hurried crowd, leaving a messy forest in the wind. This happens again and again. Looking at the smile on people's faces, Linshang was unwilling to force others to answer her questions, so she simply destroyed the idea of asking the way. The car family won't run away with long legs. It doesn't matter if Che Yunbo live for another morning. Let's find a place to take a rest first and restore the consumed area.

In this way, Lin Shang began to walk around the streets of Puyang City with the intention of finding an inn to have a rest. However, during the Spring Festival, it is time for thousands of families to walk around the streets. The owners and guys of those inns, restaurants and so on are busy paying New Year's greetings. How can they open a business so early to make money? Linshang turned around all morning and couldn't find one in the opened inn, but he received a lot of New Year's greetings and a simple voice that made him miss but feel confused.

"In the previous life, the Spring Festival was also like this. The only difference is that at that time, the New Year's greetings were more utilitarian, but the New Year here was full of simplicity and nature. Everyone's smile on their faces was like the spring sun, which would warm other people's hearts. The cultivation world is indeed different from the mortal world. It is just a procedure to pay a New Year call to the master during the New Year. How can a person who practices or retreat for three or five months or even a year and a half is compared with mortals who have actually spent more than 300 days a year? We monks live longer and more powerful than them, but do we really have them to live happily..."

Linshang stood at the door of an inn and stared at the hurried crowd in front of him. From the past life to this life, from monks to mortals, his thoughts kept flowing in his mind. At the same time, I feel more confused, just like being in the boundless darkness. The brighter your eyes are, the more you can find the boundless darkness in front of you.

Time passed little by little, and it was soon noon. The flow of people on the street disappeared unconsciously. In the empty street, only Lin Shang was left. After getting used to the noise just now, Linshang's heart was a little reluctant and sad.

"Everyone goes home to reunite with their families, and where can I go? If I hadn't come to Puyang City for revenge, I would have practiced in my room. As soon as you enter the fairy gate, you will no longer be a mortal, and all kinds of love will be far away from you. Is ruthlessness and desire the real way to become immortals? If I can go back to my previous life and continue my previous life, would I be willing to go back?

In this time of family reunion, on this empty street, Lin Shang's heart has never felt so confused, just like a person in the darkness that can't see his fingers, and he doesn't know the direction he insists on going to go, whether it is front, back, or up. After years of practice, the mind, which had been as strong as a gold stone, began to shake, and the field of the eight veins in the body began to fluctuate rapidly, sometimes conden into a ball, and sometimes turned into thousands of golden lights circulating in the body, and blue veins jumped out of the skin, making Lin Shang's face ferocious.

Suddenly, a white and black light rose in Lin Shang's mind, occupying half of his mind and sandwiching Lin Shang's mind in it. The holy white and ** black shocked Linshang's mind and made it difficult to choose.

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded from behind Linshang, which sounded like the wind chimes blowing on the eaves in the autumn night. A trace of moving ripples spread to Linshang's mind along the sound waves, making him wake up in chaos. At that moment, Linshang thought it was a nine-day fairy music.

"Big brother, what are you doing?"

Lin Sheng was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw that the door of the inn, which had been closed, opened a gap at some point, and a pair of big shiny eyes appeared from it.

Seeing Linshang turn around, his big eyes suddenly disappeared, which seemed to be frightened. Linshang waited patiently, knowing that the big talking eyes would definitely appear again.

Sure enough, after Lin Chang blinked several times, the big eyes reappeared in the crack of the door, with crystal clear pupils and long eyelashes, blinking like a pair of small hands gently touching the heart.

"I, I'm..." Looking at those eyes like the clear sky after the rain, Linshang was so nervous that she couldn't speak.

The eyes behind the door saw Lin Chang's embarrassment and suddenly narrowed into two curved crescents and laughed out.

Linshang was stunned and recognized the voice of a little girl, and then laughed stupidly. Somehow, in front of these talking eyes, Linshang felt that no secret in her heart could be hidden. When she was looked at by her eyes, there was a feeling of basking her heart in the sun.

The laughter lasted for a while, and the crescent moon turned into two shining stars again. The door of the inn was opened from the inside and a delicate little girl in a brand-new Chinatown shirt came out. She is not beautiful. In this beautiful place, the land of Kyushu, which is like weeds sprinkled with joy, looks extremely ordinary, but when you look at her, you will keep her big talking eyes firmly in your heart.

"Big brother, Dad asked you to come in for dinner." The little girl smiled, and the two stars turned into two-month teeth.

"Your father? Eating?" Lin Shang was stunned. He didn't know anyone in Puyang City. How could anyone find him to eat?

When Linshang was in a daze, a middle-aged man came out of the door with a thick face and a warm smile on his face. He patted the little girl's head, arched his hand to Linshang and said with a smile, "This young man, I see that you have been wandering here for a long time. Do you want to live in the store?"

"Well, I really want to find a place to rest." Linshang quickly said with his hand.

"Our store won't open until after noon. I think so, how about having a New Year's dinner with his family if he doesn't mind?" The middle-aged man patted the little girl's head with a smile on his face, while the little girl suddenly stared at Lin Shang curiously with her big shining eyes, especially the long sword on his waist.

Linshang was stunned for a moment and instinctively wanted to refuse. Not to mention that she didn't need to eat with her current cultivation, she said that she would eat with a few strangers, especially in the place where she was about to kill. But seeing the expectation in those big shining eyes, Linshang nodded impulsively.

"It's so good, please, prince." The middle-aged man laughed, pushed the door open, and walked in first.

Lin Shang was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, a small white milk-like hand pulled it to his hand. Linshang's hand is very big, and the little hand is very small, so the little girl can only hold Linshang's little finger tightly. It is a soft one that is different from Linshang's flexible and white hands. It doesn't have much power, just like a crystal crystal, which will break with a slight touch.

The little girl looked up and smiled and said, "Big brother, let's go."

Linshang's heart softened and let the little girl, who was less than ten years old, walk into the door with her weak little hand.


The second update. Xiaochenmu has a manuscript and is typing crazily. The fourth chapter may be updated later in the evening, but it will never be updated.