State Dingji

Chapter 174 Peng's Family

Pengcheng is one of the earliest cities in Kyushu. Legend has it that the founder of Pengcheng is named Peng Zu. It is said that he lived 800, 80 years old, married 49, and had 54 children, which can be said to be a prosperous family. Nowadays, the Peng family has thousands of people who control the major industries in Pengcheng and is the real brother of Pengcheng. Pengcheng is named after the Peng family.

Linshang has been in Pengcheng all day, and the most heard is the legend about Pengcheng. Regarding the legend of Pengcheng, Linshang understands it this way: Peng Zu is not an ordinary people, but a monk with profound cultivation, and the Peng family is a true family. Pengcheng is the base camp of the Peng family. And the current Peng family is the Peng family.

As for whether Peng Zu is still alive now, Linshang is not easy to guess and is not interested in thinking about it. Those who can live more than 800 are all strong people above the innate golden elixir realm. Whether they can live until now depends on whether he can break through to the realm of God.

Ling Fei said that the car family moved to Pengcheng, and Linshang had to ask the local people about this carefully. However, the answer of every local people is the same. They have never heard that nearly a thousand people came to Pengcheng four years ago, and there have never been so many strangers at the same time in Pengcheng.

Linshang can quite understand this. The Che family disappeared from Puyang City overnight, and certainly would not settle in Pengcheng with great fanfare. It is normal for no one to see them. People who cultivate the truth need very little in their daily life. They only need a place full of aura and can devote themselves to cultivation. They don't need to buy everywhere at all.

According to Linshang's guess, the car family must have found a house in Pengcheng, which is closed and occasionally people go out. As long as there are not too many people, it will not attract the attention of others. In addition, the hidden surname of the car family must have been changed again, otherwise if anyone has heard such a rare surname as Che and Che Chi, they will not easily forget it.

As for how to find a car house, Linshang is the idea of the Peng family.

As a local snake, if the Peng family wants to move here, they will certainly not turn a deaf ear. If the car family is really in Pengcheng, it must have reached some kind of agreement with the Peng family. Otherwise, the side of the couch will not allow others to snoo. The Peng family, as a local snake, will certainly not let the car family stay in Pengcheng. Come on. At least, there will be some conflicts between the two sides.

However, what puzzled Lin Shang was that when he sneaked into the Peng family to inquire about the situation, all he saw were ordinary people. There was no monk in the whole family, and even the owner of the family was an ordinary mortal who was seriously ill. Everything shows that the Peng family is just an ordinary merchant, and there is no reason to be secretly controlled by the Xiuzhen family. Otherwise, as the head of the Peng family, it is impossible for him to make himself seriously ill without seeking treatment from the Xiuzhen family behind.

All the signs prove that Linshang's speculation is wrong. Perhaps, Pengcheng is a city without monks at all, and the news Ling Fei heard is just misrepresented by others. She may not know that the news is false.

Although there is little hope of finding a car in Pengcheng, Linshang is still unwilling to give up easily. At least, he will not give up until it is completely clarified.

At this time, Linshang was sitting in the room of a small inn. There was no light in the room, and it was dark. Even people with good eyesight could never see a person sitting alone.

The north wind roared outside the window, and the violent wind was like the howling of a beast, spreading far away in this dark night. At this time, there are no pedestrians on the street. Many people who go to bed early have already turned off the lights to sleep. In the winter in the north, the warm quilts are the comfort of most people. No one likes to go out in the cold night when the north wind roars.

"Dong! -Dong! Dong!"

The sound of the update came from afar, and it has been three times.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Shang's eyes with her eyes closed suddenly opened, and two golden rays flashed in his eyes, instantly restoring the original black pupils. After a flash, the room returned to darkness.

"It's time."

A faint sound sounded in the room.


Outside the gate of the Peng family, two big men in black heavy cotton clothes stood left and right, and one of them looked inside the door from time to time, looking anxious. Linshang, on the other hand, is dressed in black and hiding in a dark corner. If it hadn't been for the light, it would never have been seen that there would be a living adult standing in that corner.

"Third brother, it's been three times. Why don't Peng Yuan and Zhang Ming come to change shifts? This son of a bitch, my feet are about to be frozen. The big man with an anxious face looked in and stamped his feet on the ground fiercely.

"Dog, don't worry, they will definitely come later. Who doesn't want to nest on the hot kang for a while during the Spring Festival? The third brother opposite smiled and said.

The dog in the third brother's mouth chopped a few feet fiercely and said fiercely, "If the Peng family hadn't given a lot of money, how could I come here to watch the door for them during the Spring Festival? However, the Peng family is indeed rich. During the day, I see that a maid wears gold and jade. I don't know if our brother can live that kind of life.

The third brother smiled gently and said, "Do it well. The Peng family will not treat us badly."

"That's right, the rules of the Peng family are powerful, but the rewards are also the most paid. However, on such a cold day, we have to rest. Even if there are thieves, we won't come out in such a cold weather.


Lin Shang heard the two pull for a while, frowned, and her body moved. She jumped on the wall like a spirit cat, bent down and looked around. There was a huge garden inside the wall. Most of the trees in the garden had already withered, and only the perennials on both sides of the path stood resolutely in the cold wind. Seeing that there was no one around, Linshang jumped down gently.

Then, Linshang carefully bypassed the patrol teams and quietly came to the door of the owner of the Peng family during the day. All the rooms were black, and only this one was still on. Lin Shang frowned slightly, jumped up and vertically, jumped to the roof, bent down, and quietly drilled a small hole in the roof with her fingers. A dark yellow light shot out of the hole. Lin Shang quickly covered it and looked down.

The decoration in the room was very simple. There were two oil lamps on the table. Under the dim light, an old man with white beard was holding a book like an account book and looking carefully. From time to time, he raised the pen in his hand to make a few marks on it. This person was Peng Yuanhui, the head of the Peng family.

Linshang frowned gently. Everything that happened in this room is too similar to the owner of an ordinary merchant in his heart. The only thing that is not very similar is that the room is too simple, not like a room of a commercial crocodile controlling a major industry in a city. However, looking at the old man's thin face and careful reading of the account book, it seems that he is not a person who likes luxury. In the previous life, many rich businessmen liked to pretend to be poor, and the old man seemed the same.

"What should I do? Go somewhere else?"

There was a trace of hesitation in Linshang's heart. Maybe he would gain something if he went to other rooms. However, in Linshang's concept, if the Peng family is really related to the Xiuzhen family, the only possible sign is the thin old man in the room. After all, in the family, the head of the family holds all the resources, and only he can get to know the cultivation family without being suspected by others.

"Never mind, you can't give up like this when you come! Look at it a little longer!"

Linshang gritted his teeth and looked down again. At the same time, the mind built a hidden connection with the earth along the roof to ensure that if someone approaches, it will be found as soon as possible.

As time passed, the old man still had no abnormality, but only focused on reading the account book. Except for a few occasional coughs, he did nothing else. He was a living head of the family who forgot to eat and sleep.

Lin Sheng's doubts became heavier and heavier. When he couldn't help but leave for other rooms to have a look, suddenly there was a slight sound of breaking air in his ears. Hearing that sound, it seemed to be the sound of a sharp weapon breaking the air, far away from me. Lin Sheng's eyes lit up, and her eyes followed the sound.

In the dark night, a gray-white sword light flew at a height of 100 meters and flew in its own direction. It's so far away that I can't see the appearance of the people inside, but what is certain is that he is a monk in the realm of innate Shidan.

"I found it!"

Linshang shouted wildly in his heart and was about to start to stop it. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and a pink sword light suddenly appeared. In the sharp sound of breaking the air, he quickly approached the gray-white sword light. And the gray-white sword light was a little faster, as if avoiding the pink sword light.

Lin Shan's eyes flashed a few times, quietly bent down, staring at the pink sword light, and a little cold light flashed in his eyes. In the dark, like a dormant beast, patiently waiting for the prey to approach.


The third update.