State Dingji

Chapter 176 Car Home

As the saying goes, the plan of a day lies in the morning, and the morning is also the coldest time of the day. This coldness is particularly obvious in winter. Just like in Pengcheng, the sky has gradually brightened, and the streets are still empty. Most people are still unable to stand up in their warm quilts. Now they are still studying this issue in depth for a while.

In the woods not far from the west gate of Pengcheng, there is a young man in a white robe. His eyes were closed, his lips were blue and white, and his clothes were often damaged, but his face was clean, and there was a little rich and noble between his eyebrows. Obviously, he was not like a poor beggar. The piercing morning breeze came, and the man unconsciously curled up into a ball to resist the seductive cold.

In this northern country that can freeze people, it is also a miracle that the man fell asleep in the woods without freezing to death.

The sky was getting brighter and brighter. Several birds that had never gone south left their nest early and flew to the branches in accordance with the principle that early birds had insects to eat. While turning his clever eyes for food, he also let go of his throat and sang happily for his successful night.

In the "chirp" cry, the young man curled up on the ground breathed faster, his eyelids moved quickly a few times, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Where is this?"

The young man looked around doubtfully and felt the pain on his head. He reached out and stroked it. He only felt that there was a big bag on his head at some point. As soon as he touched it, it suddenly hurt so much that he gritted his teeth and took a few breaths of cold air.

"Why am I here? What about the boy of the family?"

The young man slowly got up from the ground, gently moved his stiff limbs a few times, rubbed his hands fiercely, and then regained a trace of blood on his body. When he had to walk out of the woods, he felt a pain in his chest and abdomen. The young man staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Internal injury? When did I get hurt? The boy of the family... golden yellow...ah!"

The young man's face changed in an instant, and he quickly pinched out a few formulas in his hand. He saw a flash of red light, and a three-inch pink sword appeared in an instant and crossed in front of the young man. The young man quickly looked around and swept the whole forest with his consciousness. Seeing that he was the only one, he was relieved and called the flying sword back.

"Who is that golden figure? How dare you sneak up on me! Is it the helper of the family? But I have never heard the ancestors say that the family has such a powerful helper? Without a flying sword, I smashed my sword light with one punch and fell from a height of 100 meters without getting hurt. What kind of monster is that? Since he caught me, why did he throw me here again?

The young man frowned and thought about the attack on the golden figure last night. Suddenly, his face changed, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes, and then his body moved quickly through the woods and ran to the city gate.

"No matter what the purpose of that person is, you must tell your ancestors about this first! Dare to attack the young master, and see how many heads you have can withstand the anger of your ancestors!"

The young man ran, his mind turned quickly, and a trace of evil appeared in his eyes.

After the young man left, a yellow light flashed in the position where he had just stood, and a golden figure appeared in an instant. If the young man was still there, he would definitely recognize the figure who attacked him last night.

The golden figure looked in the direction of the young man and laughed. The yellow light flashed and disappeared in an instant.


"Haven't found Qing'er yet?"

In an ordinary house, an old man in a black robe, square cheeks and wide thick eyebrows sat on a red sandalwood chair with a face as heavy water and a poisonous light in his eyes. He shouted at a square-faced man standing below. As his voice sounded, a terrible and powerful breath emanated from him.

"No, no..." The square-faced man standing below trembled, his eyes showed a little fear, and he hesitated back.

"Waste! They are all a bunch of rubbish! One by one, even a congenital Shidan monk can't find a single person! What's the use of you?!" The old man in black looked dark and his eyes flashed murderous.

"It's the child's incompetence. Please calm your anger." The square-faced man suddenly knelt down and trembled all over.

The old man in black robe frowned, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes. He sighed heavily, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, get up first. Is there any news about the person who shines golden all over?"

"Yes, Dad." The square-faced man stood up tremblingly and carefully looked at the old man in black robe. Seeing that the anger in his eyes dissipated a little, he swallowed and said, "The detective reported that no suspicious person has come to Pengcheng these days, and there is no news about the golden figure."

The old man in black robe heard the words, showed a trace of doubt on his face, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Is there any suspicious person near my car house since last night?"

"No, the elders didn't notice anyone approaching." The square-faced man replied.

"Well, okay, you go down and continue to follow the news of the golden figure, and be sure to find Qinger! If Qinger falls into the hands of the family, we will be passive. The old man in black sighed.

"Yes, Dad." There was a trace of struggle on the face of the square-faced man, and he clenched his lower lip, as if he had made a difficult decision.

"You still won't go out!" The old man in black robe saw that the square-faced man was motionless, and his face suddenly sank again.

"Dad..." The square-faced man said hesitantly.

"If you have anything to say, say it quickly! Mother-in-law's, it's not like the children of my car family!" A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the old man in black robe and cursed angrily.

The square-faced man hesitated for a moment and exhaled deeply, as if he had made some difficult decision. He quickly said, "Dad, our car family is doing well in Pengcheng. Why do we have to fight with the family?"

"Shut up! You don't need to teach me this kind of thing!" A trace of complexity appeared in the eyes of the old man in black, frowned and continued, "There is only one in Pengcheng, and there is no need for two families to distinguish!"

"Yes, Dad, the child is leaving." The square-faced man was stunned when he heard the words, and his face looked miserable. He nodded and saluted, turned around and was ready to leave.

At this moment, a rapid voice sounded outside the door.

"Ancestors, good news, good news! The young master is back!"

"Qing'er is back?! Let him in quickly!" The old man in black robe said happily, but the square-faced man was stunned, stopped and looked at the door.

The wooden door was pushed away from the outside, and two young men came in one after the other. Walking in front of him was a young man in white who had just lay in the woods, and behind him was a man in blue.

"Ancestors, you want to avenge me!" As soon as the young man in white saw the old man in black, he knelt on the ground and shouted with an aggrieved face.

When the old man in black saw that the young man in white was ragged and his face was pale, he immediately frowned into a Sichuan character, his face darkened, and a cold murderous intention emanated from his body. The divine consciousness swept the body of the young man in white in an instant. Seeing that he had only suffered some minor internal injuries, it was not a big deal. Then his face eased. He raised his hand slightly, helped the young man in white up in the air and said, "It's okay. Let's talk about the story, especially the golden figure. You have to make it clear every word."

"Yes, ancestor." The young man in white glanced at the square-faced man and the man in blue. Seeing that their eyes were full of fear, he immediately looked at them with contemptuously, saluted the old man in black, and said aggrievedly, "Yester, when Qing'er was practicing, he found that the young man of the family was spying near my car house, so Qing'er chased him out. Although the younger generation's cultivation was not high, the speed of the imperial sword was very fast. When Qing'er chased all the way and was about to catch up, a golden figure emerged from the ground and smashed Qing'er's sword light with one punch."

"One punch?! Did you break your sword light with one punch? A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the old man in black.

"Well, one punch." A trace of frustration appeared on the young man's face and continued to say, "However, the man was shaken back to the ground by the power when the sword light was broken. Qing'er thought that if he fell to the ground, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die, but she didn't expect that he suddenly attacked Qing'er when she fell to the street and stunned Qing'er to the ground with one punch.

"Hmm." The old man in black robe pondered for a moment and suddenly asked, "How did you come back?"

"This, Qinger doesn't understand very well." The young man in white frowned and had a trace of doubt on his face. "When Qinger woke up, he was lying in the woods outside the gate and came back without finding any traces of the man."

"Did the man let you go?" The old man in black asked doubtfully.

"Well, it should be like this." A trace of evil flashed in the eyes of the young man in white and said aggrievedly, "Ancestor, you have to make the decision for me."

Strange... He caught someone and then let him go. What did that man have? A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the old man in black. While thinking about it, he saw that the young man in white was looking at himself aggrievedly. A young figure suddenly appeared in his mind. His face darkened, and his eyes gushed out murderous intent. He said coldly, "Don't worry, anyone who offends my car family will have a good end!"


The first update.