State Dingji

Chapter 179 Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes

After sighing, Linshang looked up at Che Yunbo, thinking that the revenge had not been revenged. Che Yunbo's room had collapsed, and his whole body was floating in the air three feet from the ground, covered with broken bricks and tiles. Looking at his face, his face was sad and his eyes were dull, as if he was scared by the scene in front of him like the other children of his Che family.

"Good opportunity!"

Lin Shang praised secretly, moved his mind, fled up with feather light, and jumped to the ground in an instant. The blue light flashed, and the feather light stabbed Che Yunbo's vest with a cold and piercing sword spirit.

The sword is silent, as soft as the spring breeze blowing on the face. However, it contains the cold and bone-piercing sword, which makes people feel stuffy and want to vomit at a glance.

The tip of the sword was about to stab Che Yunbo, but Che Yunbo was still motionless, as if he didn't notice it. On the contrary, several children of the car family in front of him saw Lin Chang stabbing their ancestors with their swords. They all turned pale and screamed in shock, as if the sword stabbed them. Several people shouted loudly, and even Linshang could hear it clearly, but Che Yunbo was still motionless, as if he had suddenly turned into a plant.

"There is fraud!"

Lin Chang's mind turned, his face suddenly changed, and he instantly withdrew his long sword to block his chest. At this time, Che Yunbo, who had not moved, suddenly turned around, and a dark sword light stabbed Lin Shang, just on the blade of Lin Shang across his chest.

Linshang was shocked. If it hadn't been blocked in time, the black sword light would have pierced his heart and lungs. This car Yunbo was really insidious! Then, a force came from the feather light and immediately pushed Linshang back more than a dozen steps back, leaving more than a dozen deep shoe marks on the ground. Che Yunbo's black sword light just popped back a few feet away, and then turned around in the air and flew back to Che Yunbo's side.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you attack my car? Did the family send you here? Che Yunbo looked at Linshang Jiyan carefully, his eyes flashed a few times, and asked coldly.

Linshang was stunned and was going to wave his sword again, but he saw Che Yunbo take the initiative to ask questions and why he came here. At that time, he reminded Linshang of the scene that came to his mind when he broke the elixir. His golden pupils were stained with a trace of blood and said harshly, "Old thief, you still Do you remember what happened four years ago?

"Four years ago?" Che Yunbo pondered doubtfully for a moment and instinctively thought of Che Yeyuan's death, but the young man in front of him did not look like an ordinary practitioners, while the person who killed Yuaner was a disciple of the sect. Obviously, the two were not the same person. However, I have been practicing for the past four years and rarely go out. How can I provoke such a strange opponent?

The blood red in Linshang's eyes is getting thicker and thicker, but his mind is getting more and more sober. He is so painful that he can't breathe, but a smile appeared on his face and says word by word: "Che, Ye, Yuan."

"You, are you the remnant of the Lin family?" Che Yunbo was shocked and shot a foot-long black light in his eyes.

"Old thief, remember, my name is Linshang, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lin in a pub in Yuhang Town!" Linshang's white eyes have completely turned blood red at this time, and only the two pupils in the middle are shining golden. The strange eyes make many children of the car family dare not look at Linshang.

After getting Linshang's affirmative answer, Che Yunbo burst into laughter and exuded from him. He looked at Linshang sinisterly and said coldly, "There is a way to heaven, and there is no way to hell. I thought that 100 people in Yuhang Town were not enough to pay tribute to my Yuaner, so you sent it to my door. Yuan'er has been waiting for you for too long. Go to hell!"

With that, the black flying sword suddenly disappeared in front of Che Yunbo.

Linshang only felt that the whole world began to change color, and the bright sky gradually became dark. Trees and houses began to blur and gradually disappeared into her vision.

Linshang suddenly remembered that Che Yunbo was a monk in the realm of innate golden elixir, that is to say, he must have understood the meaning of sword.

Damn it! I forgot such a critical thing.

During Linshang's thinking period, it became completely dark everywhere.

In the darkness, only Che Yunbo and several children of the Che family in the congenital Shidan realm stood opposite him.

"What should I do? This old man's swordsmanship is much higher than himself. Is it a battle or escape?

The extremely dangerous feeling suddenly enveloped Linshang's heart and made him hesitate for a moment.

Suddenly, in the darkness, countless black light swords cut through the sky and shot at Linshang like a rainstorm.

"Fight! It's also a sword, and my wind sword is not afraid of you!"

Linshang suddenly gritted his teeth, and immersed his heart into the meaning of the wind. The blue light flashed. In an instant, Linshang seemed to have become thousands of eyes. Nearly a thousand blue swords flashed. Seeing the sword breaking the sword and dismantling moves, she instantly broke Che Yunbo's sword move.

Che Yunbo was stunned, and the children of the car family behind him were also stunned. It's the first time they've seen someone break the sword meaning of the other party like this. They don't need to fly a sword, but hit nearly a thousand sword lights in an instant. Is this something that people can do? Even if his body is made by Jinshi, it should have melted in such a high-intensity sword swing.

Moreover, each of his swords stabbed in the center of the ancestral sword light, which is the weakest part of the sword light. If he just stabbed a sword, it can also be explained by luck, but with nearly a thousand sword lights, he all stabbed the same position. How strong of consciousness does this need?!

At this time, Linshang was also scared by what he had just done.

When Che Yunbo's sword light hit, his mind was completely immersed in the meaning of the wind, and he felt that he had become an all-pervasive wind. In the face of the sword light shot from all directions, I remembered the no way to break the sword when practicing the sword.

In the novels of the previous life, didn't Dugu Jiujian have a broken arrow? No matter how many swords he has come, just break them one by one!

In this way, when I waved my arm and hit nearly a thousand sword lights in an instant, I immediately felt that my body and mind had completely turned into a ubiquitous and pervasive wind in the world. Although those black sword lights were not obvious in the dark, although they were very fast, they could clearly see the trajectory of their flight, even them The weakest point can be seen clearly.

Waving the sword and collecting the sword, it's that simple.

Che Yunbo only felt a breath of cold air in his chest. This son's cultivation is so strange. It seems that only the cultivation of the innate realm can break his sword, and even understand the meaning of sword. What kind of sect can raise such a monster? If you kill him, then his master...

Che Yunbo only felt cold all over, and the murderous intention in his heart gradually calmed down and asked coldly, "Lin's child, what school are you from? If it is a sect that intersects with me, I will take care of your teacher's face and spare your life.


The fourth update.