State Dingji

Chapter 182 jian�shan

No one will put their mind on the sword like her, which is too dangerous.

Although he has experienced many battles, his mind is still extremely fragile. With a little carelessness, he is easy to be dispersed by powerful gods. Just like if the divine consciousness of controlling the magic weapon is cut off, it will hurt the mind of the monk. When the mind is seriously hurt, it is very likely to become an idiot from now on.

However, the domineering and strange breath on the black sword not only did not dispel Lin Shang's mind on the cyan sword, but also aroused the ferocity in Lin Shang's bones. He rushed to the enemy crazily like an enraged lion.

You can't kill yourself, at least you have to kill the true yuan that destroyed you!

Linshang completely fought the black sword as Che Yunbo. The tip of the sword was inseparable from its weakest middle, and the melan sword was uncontrollably and did not dodge, allowing Linshang to control the cyan sword to keep hitting him.

The originally deadlocked battle quickly fell to the side of the cyan sword after Linshang's mind joined.

The cyan sword came out crazily, and a trace of crack gradually appeared on the black sword, and the movement of the black sword became slower and slower with the increase of cracks. In the end, the black sword stopped in mid-air and let Linshang wave his sword to attack.

"The last blow!"

Linshang's heart moved. While the cyan sword hit the black sword, he instantly turned the sword into a cyan light and enveloped the black sword. Then, his mind moved and summoned the cyan light out of the body and dispersed in an instant. At this time, the black sword had already turned into a faint black fog. As soon as it came into contact with the air, it dissipated instantly and disappeared into the room in the blink of an eye.

"Finally solved."

Linshang glanced at his body and found that there was no black truth in his body, and even the damaged meridians were unconsciously recovered, and he was relieved. Looking at the wound on the shoulder, I saw that the original inch-long wound had shrunk into a fine seam. The golden light was faintly penetrated in the slit, and the skin around the slit was intact, as if it had not been injured. Obviously, when Lin Shang controlled the cyan sword to drive away the black Zhenyuan, the local quietly came out to repair the wound on his shoulder.

After a while, I saw that the injured shoulder was intact as before. Except for the whiter skin, I couldn't see that there was an inch-long wound here.

"It turns out that the local area still has such an effect, which is really worthy of the skill created by Dayu!"

Lin Shang put on her clothes with shining eyes and walked a few steps out of bed. After feeling that there was nothing wrong with her body, she sat gently at the table.

"If he didn't kill Che Yunbo this time, he will definitely take precautions against me and use his skills again. I'm afraid he will get into his trap instead. But if I don't make a sneak attack, and hundreds of people from his car will get on it again, I will have to escape in confusion. If I enter their trap, I'm afraid I can't even escape..."

Thinking about it, Linshang gradually frowned, picked up a teacup on the table, moved his five fingers gently, slowly turned the teacup in his hand, sighed gently, and muttered, "If I were single with Che Yunbo, I may not lose. If only someone had restrained the car family except Che Yunbo..."

The cold winter wind roared through the window, blowing the window lattice, as if it was also sighing for Linshang.

"Dong Dong"

Just as Linshang was meditating, someone suddenly knocked on the door of Linshang's room. The voice is slow, firm and strong. Obviously, the person who knocks on the door is a confident but not arrogant person.

"Who is it?" Lin Shang was stunned, stood up from the stool, and was on guard. I just made a scene in the car house. If they find them, they can only retreat temporarily.

"My surname is Zan." A man's calm and magnetic voice came from behind the door, which made people feel good as soon as they heard it.

"Ran? "Jijia?"

Linshang was stunned for a moment and suddenly remembered that Che Yunbo had asked him if he was sent by the Zhuan family. Judging from Che Yunbo's face, the Che family and the Zhuan family should be in a hostile relationship. The only one who can stand opposite the car family as a Xiuzhen family is the Xiuzhen family. Could it be that the family is also a family of cultivation? Yes, it must be a Xiuzhen family!

Thinking in his heart, Lin Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he really came to the pillow as soon as he was sleepy. The enemy's enemy was his friend. If there was a family to contain the children of the Che family, then he could only deal with Che Yunbo alone, and he was not afraid of being disturbed by others, and there was hope that revenge would be revenge!

"Wait a minute."

Lin Shang took a deep breath and calmed down with excitement. Then he quickly stepped forward and opened the door.

A middle-aged man in a blue-black robe stood outside the door and looked at himself with a smile on his face. Linshang looked at the middle-aged man carefully and saw that he had a square face, lying on his eyebrows, broad lips, and not handsome. At first glance, he looked like the kind of person who could not be found in the crowd.

However, when Lin Shang saw the middle-aged man's eyes, she was shocked and saw a pair of star eyes as gentle as jade, and his eyes were calm and wise. His whole body was full of brilliance because of those wise and calm eyes, which made people difficult to forget at a glance. Even on him, Linshang actually felt the same dangerous atmosphere as Che Yunbo.

"Is this man a congenital golden elixir strongman?"

Linshang was secretly shocked, but a warm smile appeared on his face and arched his hand and said, "I'm under Linshang, who is it?"

"The family, the mountain." The man smiled gently and arched his hand gently.

"It turned out to be Brother Yu. I'm neglecting it. Please come inside." Lin Shan laughed and opened the door.

Shan smiled and went straight into the room. With a wave of his hand, a transparent prohibition enveloped the whole room.

"What do you mean?" Lin Zhang was stunned and frowned.

"There is no malice here. This is just a prohibition to prevent the leakage of sound, and it can also block other people's consciousness." Yushan smiled and sat at the table rudely.

Lin Shang's eyes flashed, smiled and said, "It's my little brother who is too nervous. Please don't be surprised."

Yushan smiled and didn't say anything. He just narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Shang, and a gray-white light flashed in his eyes. For a long time, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face. He whispered, "I think Brother Lin is a straightforward person. Let's get straight ahead. I can help you."

"Help me? What can you do for me?" Lin Shang's face was calm, but her eyes were fixed on the mountain. The eyes and expression of the mountain just now seemed to see through his own cultivation. Such a person can't be prevented.

"Kill the car Yunbo, except for the car family!" Yushan smiled faintly, and there was no murderousness all over his body, as if he had said something trivial.

"How do you know I'm going to kill Che Yunbo?" Linshang's face darkened, but her heart began to smile secretly. Although Yushan's expression was very calm and there was no murderous spirit on his body, when he said the three words of Che Yunbo, his pupils obviously shrank, and he was obviously very afraid of Che Yunbo. Obviously, he wanted to kill Che Yunbo, but he pretended to care about it. Such a person had to whet his appetite.

A trace of surprise flashed in Yushan's eyes and disappeared in a blink of an eye. He frowned slightly, meditated for a moment, and said with a smile, "Brother Lin, what you did at Che's house yesterday shocked the whole Pengcheng."

Yesterday? Did it take you a day and a night to heal your wounds?

Linshang was stunned for a moment, but not for what she did yesterday, but because it took her a day and a night to heal her wounds. Yesterday, there were white lights brighter than the sun in the day, roaring like thunder, and the whole car family was razed to the ground. No matter what, it could attract the attention of the whole Pengcheng people. Without his words, he also knew it.

As for why Zhishan knows that he did it himself, it is also easy to understand. If he is a master of the innate golden elixir, he will easily find himself in the inn by remembering his appearance with his divine consciousness when he fought with Che Yunbo yesterday, and then send his clan to look around.

In this way, it can also explain why Che Yunbo didn't chase after him, and didn't even send anyone to look for himself. With such a calm opponent as Yushan, I'm afraid that no one dares to easily expose his flaws.

After meditating for a moment, Linshang pretended to be a city girl and asked knowingly, "Why do I believe you will help me?"

Yushan smiled bitterly, with a helpless expression on his face. He arched his hand to Lin Shang and said, "Brother Lin, I'll say it directly. My family wants to kill Che Yunbo and remove the car family. I hope Brother Lin can help him.

"You still pretend, and then pretend to make you cry! Obviously, he asked for me, but he pretended to help me. It's really hard! Don't think that your congenital Jindan is amazing. It's not that I haven't beaten Jindan!"

Lin Shen smiled secretly in her heart, her face darkened, her eyebrows frowned and closed her mouth shut.

"Brother Lin, you, you..." Seeing that Lin Shang's face sank, the mountain's heart was a little panicked. Lin Shang can afford to wait alone, but more than a thousand people can't wait.

"Okay, I promise you." Lin Shang's tense face suddenly disappeared and changed into such a smiling face.

Zhan was stunned, and a trace of joy appeared in his eyes. He arched his hand and said, "Thank you, Brother Lin!"

"Brother, you're welcome. Helping your family is to help myself. I still understand this." This man is not bad, Linshang thought to himself. Then, he straightened his face and asked, "How did Brother Yu have a grudge with the car family? Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of the car and get rid of the car?

A trace of complexity flashed in Yushan's eyes. He glanced at the room and said, "It's not easy to talk here. Let's talk to Brother Lin in detail when I'm here."

"Good." Linshang's eyes flashed a few times and nodded in response.


The third update. If you like this book, please click to collect it~ Add a little motivation to Xiaochen.