State Dingji

Chapter 186 Move

Lin Shang smiled, coughed twice and said, "First of all, we can't move, otherwise we can only let Che Yunbo take risks. Secondly, the three of us can't appear at the same time, and we can't take action at the same time.

"Then how can we kill Che Yunbo?" Unconsciously, Yushan has taken Lin Shang first.

"One of us is responsible for killing Che Yunbo, and the other one is plundering the array, which makes Che Yunbo afraid. He can't do his best, but he is unwilling to escape." Linshang smiled, her eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of cold murderous intent flashed. "And the third person quietly set a ban on Che's house while Che Yunbo was fighting fiercely with the other two people, so that the old thief could not escape. When the ban is completed, the three of them will take action together and cut off the old thief's head!" Linshang said, clenched his fist, and a golden light flashed, "I can't fly, and I can't set a ban. I can only be the main attack and pester Che Yunbo."

Yushan and Mu Yizi looked at each other and nodded at the same time. Lin Shang was good at close combat and was the best candidate to pester Che Yunbo. However, how to assign two roles?

Qishan's eyes flashed a few times and said, "I'm not good at the formation prohibition..."

"Come on, the poor road has been slightly involved in the ban on the array. Although it has not been entered the room, it is still okay to trap a golden elixir master for half an hour. However, it will also take half an hour to set up a ban. Mu Yizi brushed his beard and said in a secluded way.

"Half an hour...enough!" Lin Shang's eyes lit up, looked at the two of them and said, "The younger brother is the main attack, and the eldest brother assists the attack, and he can at least haunt him for an hour. At that time, as long as the big brother flies in the air, be careful not to let the old thief escape.

"No problem!" Yushan nodded and answered without hesitation.

"Okay, that's the decision. The younger brother is the main attack, and the elder brother assists the attack. Elder Mu Yizi set up a ban. As long as the ban is one, we will take action at the same time and let the old thief taste the consequences caused by him!" Lin Shan waved his fist, and a cold murderous intention flashed across his body.

"Brother Lin is a good means!" Yushan and Mu Yizi exclaimed at the same time and arched their hands.

"You two are flattered for your skill." Lin Shang returned a saluttony and turned his eyes to Yushan. "Brother, it only takes me half a day to resume my cultivation. Let's do it tonight. Before that, there will be a big brother to keep an eye on the car. Don't let them take the opportunity to escape.

Yushan laughed and said, "Brother Lin, don't worry, every move of the car family can't escape my eyes. After Brother Lin razed his car house to the ground yesterday, the old man quickly changed his house, but he was still under the surveillance of my family.

"Brother, there is a hard work." Linsang arched his hand and turned his eyes to Mu Yizi. "Senior Mu Yizi, the younger generation went first."

Mu Yizi smiled and said, "Brother Lin can recover from Zhenyuan at ease. With our two Jindan monks here, he can't escape."

With that, he looked at the mountain with a smile.

"What Mu Yizi's Taoist friend said is very true." Yushan nodded and smiled, turned his head and shouted outside the door, "Come on."

As soon as the words fell, a man in white came out from behind the door. Looking at that, it was the man Linshang saw at the door of the secret room.

"The owner." The man in white stepped forward a few steps and saluted the mountain.

"Bring Brother Lin to the room, no one is allowed to disturb!" Yushan said, his eyes flashed, and he continued to say, "Go on, the whole family is on alert."

"Yes." The man in white nodded and answered, looking at Linshang, "Senior Lin, please come with me."

"I'll leave first." Lin Shang arched his hands to Yushan and Mu Yizi and turned his eyes to the man in white, "Let's go."

The man in white answered and took a few steps quickly to lead Linshang out.

There was a bright laugh from the door: "Come on, Mu Yizi Taoist friend, let's take advantage of this period to exchange our practice experience?"

"I can't ask for it." Mu Yizi's voice sounded.


In the wing room, Linshang sat on the ground with her eyes slightly closed, but she had never used human skills. She just sat quietly and had thousands of thoughts in her mind.

"Brother Yushan has always been quite wary of Elder Mu Yizi, and even the time when I recover from the local area, he refused to relax. What did he say about the exchange of practice experience, but it's just an excuse not to let Mu Yizi be alone. Where on earth did Mu Yizi cause his vigilance?

Thinking about it, Linshang frowned slightly, and an idea that he couldn't believe appeared in his mind. As soon as this idea appeared, it was abandoned by Linshang and felt deeply sorry for having such an idea.

"Senior Mu Yizi is a highly valued man. How can he be in the same way as a guy like Che Yunbo who should kill thousands of knives? The two are not the same kind of people at all, just like the Pleasant Goat and the Grey Wolf can't become friends. They can't have any intersection. I think too much, let's concentrate on restoring the local area. Tonight is the death of the old car thief!"

Linshang took a deep breath, and her mind must have begun to emit a faint golden light all over her body. The light became more and more, and gradually formed a golden shield around the forest. At the same time, countless pale yellow earth aura came out of the ground, and the room lit up slightly.

The aura of the earth rushed to Lin Shang like a shark smelling blood, and instantly melted into the golden shield outside Lin Shang's body, and was absorbed into the eight veins by the local flowing in the body. After a while, it turned into a little golden light and came out of the eight veins and melted into the endless flow of the body.

Feeling the slowly increasing locality in his body, a faint smile appeared on Linshang's face.


In Che Yunbo's room, Che Yunbo's room was originally sitting on a thin man in the chair Che Yunbo should have sat, while Che Yunbo, the owner of the room, stood respectfully aside, lowered his head tremblingly, and dared not look at the man in black, just like the square-faced man standing beside him. General.

Look at the figure of the man in black, with a flat chest and a knot in his throat. He should be a man. His face was covered with a faint black fog, which made people unable to see his face clearly. They only felt that the lines on his face were soft, more like a woman than a famous man, giving people a mysterious feeling.

Although it is dusk at this moment, Che Yunbo's room is very bright, so the room is still very bright. But strangely, the light came to the man in black, as if it had been absorbed by him in an instant. A strange breath emanated from him, which made people shudder.

As time passed, the man in black remained motionless, like a sculpture. Che Yunbo lowered his head and remained motionless. A little sweat oozed from his forehead and slipped down the corners of his eyes into his eyes. His eyes were sore from salty sweat, but he was still motionless and didn't even dare to blink his eyes. The air was filled with a strange silence.

For a long time, when the last light of the sunset disappeared from heaven and earth, the black fog in front of the man in black suddenly fluctuated a few times, and a crisp voice like a woman sounded in the quiet room.

"Che Yunbo, how's what I asked you to do?"

The voice is crisp, but extremely ethereal, as if it came from all directions.

Che Yunbo's body trembled gently when he heard the words, and a few drops of crystal sweat dripped from his forehead. He arched his hand and said, "Your honor, the family is well defended, and the owner of the family, Qishan, is also a monk of the golden elixir realm. The villain broke in several times and got nothing."

"Waste! If you can't even get anything, how can you enter my divine religion? The man in black shouted coldly, and the faint pressure spread from him, and the hidden vicissitudes of life from the flood made Che Yunbo dare not breathe.

"Please forgive me for a period of time. The villain will definitely live up to your trust!" Che Yunbo's eyes flashed with a fierce look and replied quickly.

"Hmm!" The man in black snorted coldly and said lightly, "I'll give you another three days. If it still doesn't work, you know the consequences."

"Yes, the villain understands that the villain will live up to his trust!" Che Yunbo had a cold war and said quickly.

"I've been staying in Pengcheng these days." A faint sound continued to come from all directions.

"Yes." Che Yunbo trembled all over and answered loudly.

The man in black stopped talking, and the room gradually became quiet again.

For a long time, Che Yunbo gritted his teeth and looked up at the chair carefully. He saw that the man in black had already disappeared, so he was relieved and sat on the ground without the image of a strong man.

After a long time, Che Yunbo slowly raised his head, reached out and wiped the sweat on his head. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the family. A sinister light flashed in his eyes and muttered in a low voice, "You forced me. Don't blame me for being cruel!"


The third update.