State Dingji

Chapter 240 Yu Lianzhou's mind

The night gradually deepened, and Shushan, which was originally brightly lit, was slowly shrouded in the night, and most of them fell into darkness. After all, people are animals that rise and rest at sunset. Even if they gain supreme power and do not need to rely on sleep to recover their physical and mental fatigue, at night, they often end their busy days, quietly practice in their rooms, or simply sleep with their heads covered.

After all, most people are foreign sects and can't wander around at night like their own sects.

The same is true of Xuantianzong.

Or, so are some disciples of Xuantianzong who love to travel at night.

When Xuantianzong discussed the whole day and watched Linshang's performance, Yu Lianzhou assigned a room to everyone.

20 people, ten rooms, which were originally easy to allocate, and one room for two people would be fine.

But there are three women out of these 20 people, so the distribution has to be carefully considered.

Although there are not so many red tape and male and female defenses between monks, it is still impossible for Lianzhou to let a big girl and a young man live in the same room.

So, Yu Lianzhou intends to wrong himself.

When he was about to propose that three women share two rooms, and he shared the same room with two other brothers, Ruan Mei, who had been smiling, suddenly spoke. Under Lianzhou's surprised eyes, Ruan Mei grabbed Su Yuqing and another female disciple's wrist and threw down a sentence that we were all Shuiyuefeng's disciples. We usually didn't have time to talk. This time, it happened to be a room to talk at night. After saying that, she pulled the two women upstairs and ignored the man with wide eyes behind her. Sons.

Looking at their figures disappearing on the second floor, a trace of disappointment flashed in Lins eyes. In fact, deep in his heart, he doesn't mind having the same room with the beautiful sister Su.

As for whether a lonely man and a woman will do anything when they are alone in a room, Lin Shang can naturally pat her chest and promise to say something like pure male-female relationship. As for the real thoughts in his heart, it is not known to outsiders.

Looking at the expressions of the remaining dozen disciples, it is obviously the same as Linshang.

Once the three women left, the rest of the things will be easy to do. The happy people found their well-known brothers one after another, said to Lianzhou to leave, and then went straight to the second floor. Even Linshang was pulled up by Ji Ming, who had been in a trance.

Finally, Yu Lianzhou was the only one left in the huge lobby on the first floor.

Yu Lianzhou smiled helplessly, got up and walked up slowly.

This is the privilege of being a disciple of Xuantianzong.


He closed the door, sat on the chair beside the table, and looked at the empty room. Yu Lianzhou sighed deeply, his eyes were ethereal, and he didn't know which void he was looking at.

I have been a disciple of Xuantian Sect for decades. Since I was promoted to the eldest disciple because of my calmness and steadyness by the master, in the whole Xuantian Sect, I am out of reach of other disciples, regardless of my cultivation or connections. Even the great disciples of the other four peaks have a big gap in cultivation with themselves.

However, all this has changed because of a teenager he attracted ten years ago.

The teenager, who has practiced closely for six years, has reached the realm of innate real elixir, and at the same time, he has realized the sword meaning that monks can only understand if they break through the realm of golden elixir.

I heard from the master that he had a series of adventures, so he could make such great progress so quickly that ordinary people can't compare with it. However, adventures are not what ordinary people can encounter. Since the teenager can meet them repeatedly, it shows that he is really talented in cultivation.

Watching the teenager he led grow up so fast, which brought great pressure to himself and also gave himself great satisfaction.

If every disciple of my Xuantian Sect grows up like him, my Xuantian Sect will soon surpass the Shushan Sect and be ranked as one of the five decent beasts.

However, the fate of genius is always tortuous.

Just when he thought that the teenager would easily break through his stagnation for more than ten years, a huge disaster happened to him.

Both parents died, and more than 100 people in the whole town were persecuted to death by and their cruel means, and the teenager who had grown up was seriously injured, so that the inner elixir was broken and his cultivation was lost. From then on, there was no hope of practicing true energy.

When everyone in Xuantianzong was regretting the fall of the genius, he always paid attention to him.

He is a person who often creates miracles, and such a person will not be defeated.

Even if he falls thousands of times, he will wipe the dust on his face carelessly and stand up again with a smile.

Sure enough, the young man, no, after a period of depravity, began to take a very different path from Xuantian Sect and even the monks of the whole world of cultivation.

Master said that it was the road to physical training.

Although I don't know what the road of physical cultivation is, I gradually understand when I see a man exercising his body crazily and wandering between life and death again and again.

The so-called road of physical cultivation is to exercise your body between life and death, so that the body becomes a magic weapon to prove the Tao!

When I figured out what physical training was, I was deeply shocked by him and had no reason to believe that he would succeed.

Like him, no, how can a person whose soul is full of perseverance fail?!

God rewards diligence, and God loves those who are self-improvement.

So far, the man has been on the road of physical training.

The cultivation is high, even faintly surpassing most of the elders in the sect.

The elders in the sect are all cultivated in the realm of innate golden elixir!

And he, a man in his twenties, has only entered the road of physical training, and has reached a level that ordinary monks can't achieve in his life.

Although he can't use magic weapons, he understands the unique practice in the world of cultivation. This kind of talent, such understanding, is really a big ghost in my world of cultivation!

The disciples who were attracted by themselves have far surpassed themselves, and even the woman surnamed Su, who joined Xuantianzong with him, has achieved the same cultivation as herself after ten years of practice. According to the master, the woman showed signs of breaking through to the realm of Jindan in a short period of time, becoming the first disciple of the ninth generation of Xuantianzong to break through to the realm of Jindan!

The first disciple to break through to the realm of Jindan!

Yu Lianzhou was stunned, and various complex emotions such as unwillingness, helplessness and relief in his eyes quickly turned.

After a long time, there was a squeak, and his eyes returned to clarity. He laughed self-deprecatingly, raised his hand and picked up the teapot on the table and poured a cup of light green tea. There was no heat on the tea. Obviously, it was cold. Originally, Yu Lianzhou only needed good luck to turn this herbal tea into steaming hot tea in a moment, which is also what he often does. After all, as a disciple of Xuantianzong, he often needs to drink tea to relieve stress.

But at this moment, he lost that mood, or was too lazy to maintain the dispensable persistence in his heart.

With one mouth and hands raised, a cup of herbal tea has been poured into the mouth.

A few swallows, and a coolness flows from the lips and teeth to the heart and lungs with the tea. That feeling is like the sadness flowing in my heart when I am helpless.

A cup of herbal tea was drunk, but Yu Lianzhou did not put down the teacup, but took it in his hand and pinched it up. His eyes had been floating in the void, and then stared at the teacup.

The brothers and sisters have their own income, but their cultivation as the great disciple of Xuantian Sect has not been refined for more than ten years. The identity of this great disciple of Xuantian Sect is really not true...

The master once said that he had excellent talent and would break through the golden elixir in a hundred years, but not long ago, he looked at himself with guilt and said that he had harmed himself at the beginning...

Is it possible that the master's excellent talent lied to me?

It's impossible. The master is so kind to me that he trusts me even more. It's impossible to lie to me!

Is there something wrong with my practice?

"Dong Dong"

It was because Lianzhou was thinking hard. When the teacup in his hand was pinched and squeaked, someone suddenly knocked on the door of his room. The voice is slow, firm and strong. Obviously, the person who knocks on the door is a confident but not arrogant person.

"Who is it?" Yu Lianzhou was stunned and woke up. He stood up from the stool and walked to the door as he spoke.

Those who come to their room so late will never be from the Shushan faction. Maybe it's any younger brother in the clan.

"It's me, Brother Yu, Linshang." Linshang's slightly magnetic voice came from outside the door.

Hearing Lin Shan's voice, Yu Lianzhou's footsteps slowed down, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes. I was just thinking about Brother Lin and Sister Su. At this time, Brother Lin came to the door. What's important about him at this late hour?

"Well, Brother Lin, come in." Yu Lianzhou opened the door and said to Lin Shang, who was standing outside the door with a smile.

"Well, thank you, Brother Yu. I'm sorry to bother you late at night." Lin Shang smiled and walked in rudely.

As soon as I entered the door, I noticed the teacup alone on the table. My dark eyes turned a few times, smiled and said, "Brother Yu hasn't slept yet?"

Yu Lianzhou smiled, walked back to the table and sat down, stroked his right hand on the teapot. For a moment, the hot air came out of the mouth of the teapot. He took out a teacup and poured a cup of steaming turquoise tea for Lin Shang, and then filled his cup. Then he smiled and said, "It's quiet at night. It's a good time to drink tea. Brother Lin might as well drink a cup."

"Then it's better for me to respect my brother." Linshang arched her hand, picked up the teacup next to her and sniffed it in front of her nose. There was an intoxicated smile on her face. She raised her hand and drank it all in one gulp. I only felt a stream of heat flowing between my lips and teeth for a moment, and then flowed into the heart and lungs with a faint fragrance of tea. A steady and thick true element flowed in it. Wherever it passed, the internal organs were as if they had been ironed by a soldering iron, and there was no one.

"Good tea!" Linshang's eyes lit up, put the teacup back on the table, and sincerely praised.

"Brother Lin is flattered." Looking at the satisfied look on Linshang's face, Yu Lianzhou was slightly stunned and raised his hand to drink all the tea in his cup. He only felt that the hot tea tasted very different from the cup of herbal tea he had just drunk, and the beauty of it was even more difficult to describe in words. He exhaled comfortably, as if to spit out the depression in his heart just now. Then he said with a smile, "It's really a good tea, but I don't know what kind of tea this tea is. Otherwise, when we go back, we can ask Shao Yifei for some, and we can drink it in Xuantianzong."

"Hmm." Linshang nodded with regret on her face.

Yu Lianzhou smiled and said, "Brother Lin, it's so late. I don't know what to do with me?"

Lin Zhang's lips trembled slightly when he heard the words, and there was a trace of hesitation on his face, as if there was something difficult to say in his heart, and he was stunned.

Looking at Linshang's expression, Yu Lianzhou did not urge him, just smiled and added a cup of steaming turquoise tea to Linshang and himself.

Half a day.

Linshang took a deep breath and gritted his teeth as if he had made a decision. He straightened his face and whispered, "Brother Yu, do you know what is the real purpose of this decent alliance exchange conference in my world?"


The first update. There is no recommendation, but Xiaochen will still update ten thousand words every day. Salute to bees and ants!