State Dingji

Chapter 266 Escape

"The people of the "Five League"!"

Everyone suddenly panicked. As soon as the magic formula in their hands moved, they were about to recall the magic weapon to attack the blue light. However, most of them are fighting with the magic weapons of the "Five Alliance". At this time, they are tightly entangled and can't get rid of it at all. They can only watch the blue light disappear in front of their eyes.

At this moment, nearly 50 magic weapons roared towards the blue light. Everyone was shocked and realized that these 50 magic weapons were part of the 60 magic weapons that had just attacked the "Five Alliance". Of the 60 magic weapons, because ten people were knocked down by the blue light, there were only 50 left. Although there are only 50 magic weapons, the "combination sect" people are relieved.

Is there a monk in this square who can resist 50 magic weapon attacks?


So, even if one side has lost ten monks, the chance of winning is still great. As long as these 50 people defeat the cyan figure and have their own magic weapons to pester each other, they can still sneak up on the "Five Alliance" to make their number less and completely defeated.

The victory is still in front of you. And the key to victory is on those 50 magic weapons!

Come on, defeat the blue figure!

Just as the "combination sect" looked at the 50 magic weapons with all kinds of light with an expectant face, another thing happened that stunned them. This incident surprised them so much that many of them were shocked and gave the people of the "Five School Alliance" opposite them the opportunity to take advantage of and stunned more than a dozen monks.

The cyan figure, which had been tightly chased by 50 colors of light, suddenly stopped in the air. With an angry shout, the cyan light shrouded in the figure suddenly soared, instantly forming a nine-foot-square cyan circular shield, which actually gave up fleeing and prepared to face the attack of 50 magic weapons.

The "combination sect" was stunned, and then they were happy, and their eyes flashed disdainful light.

With one person's power, is it like blocking the attack of fifty innate Shidan monks? Isn't that disciple of an unknown sect still awake? Why do you start dreaming in broad daylight?

Is it useful to hold the shield so big? You should know that the true element in a person's body is limited. The larger the scope of the protective light, the more fragile the mask will be. In the face of everyone's attack, you should try to make the shield small when you can't avoid it!

Does this disciple not only like daydreaming, but also a rookie with no combat experience?

If you want a rookie to break into my "combination sect" alone, have the leaders of the "Five League" been kicked in the heads by donkeys?

When the "combination sect" people gloated and prepared to see the nine-foot-square cyan shield being broken in an instant, fifty magic weapons emitting various lights bombarded on the seemingly needle-piercing cyan shield.

In the continuous loud noise, the 50 magic weapons hit the cyan shield three times in a row, causing a violent fluctuation, as if it would break at any time.

Break! Broken! Break it quickly!

The "Combination School" shouted together, and more than 200 eyes flashed with excitement, as if they had seen that the cyan shield had been broken, revealing a panicked disciple inside.

However, under the surprised gaze of more than 200 people of the "combination sect" and more than 160 people of the "five faction alliance", the cyan shield was like a tough ball, which was sunk by the magic weapon several times, but instantly returned to its original. Not only was it unharmed, but it also bounced the magic weapon that attacked it far away. And the magic weapon of those monks with relatively low cultivation was bombarded on the shield, and the shield did not even move. Obviously, that little force was not enough to deform it.

Fifty magic weapons were fiercely attacked, and the cyan shield not only did not have any loss, but also shocked many of them, almost hurting other monks who had been bounced back to their "combination sect".

What kind of skill is this? What kind of magic weapon is the cyan shield that can resist 50 magic weapons shot by the innate Shidan realm?

Also, the disciple flew in the air at this time. Is he a master of the innate golden elixir?!

Is he the master who just fought naked with the golden eagle?

If you can defeat the spirit beast of the innate golden elixir realm, then his monk is at least also in the golden elixir realm, right?

Everyone in the square was stunned. Even the disciples of various schools and the five old men in the sky were shocked and stared at the huge shield still shining blue in the square. Looking at their eyes, it was like a little monster that was about to destroy the world suddenly saw the concave and convex man jumping out.

There is fear and joy in these people's eyes, but more shock.

No matter how much they knew about the cyan figure, even the brothers of the figure did not expect that the defense of the huge cyan shield would be so strong that even 50 magic weapons could not cause much damage to it.

People who know who the figure is began to think about what tone and attitude they should use to meet the figure in the future, while those who don't know begin to guess the identity of the blue figure.

The cyan figure, among the five sects that have just been against the "combination sect", there is a monk's protective light that is cyan. There is no doubt that those five sects must be decent five sects, so is the blue figure a disciple of one of the five sects?

Which school is it? Seeing that his cultivation is so profound, is it Shao Yifei, the eldest disciple of the Shushan School?

In the whole world of cultivation, only his Shushan school can cultivate such an excellent disciple.

While everyone was guessing randomly, the cyan shield that was still after ejecting many magic weapons suddenly flashed and shrank visibly with the naked eye. In a moment, it changed from the original nine-foot square to a close-fitting cyan shield.

Under the light-colored cyan shield, a young man with sword eyebrows and a slightly white face appeared in front of the crowd.

Seeing the man's face, many people in the "Five Sect Alliance" couldn't help taking a breath and recognized the man's identity. Although they are not disciples of the decent five sects, after a period of contact, they clearly understood the disciples of the five sects who stood on the same front with themselves.

The one who has just resisted the attack of 50 magic weapons at the same time is the Xuantian Sect, one of the five sects.

Although they don't know the name of the disciple of Xuantianzong, they are satisfied with his cultivation. After all, the five sects of the decent school are the five sects, and its disciples and masters come out one after another. No wonder it will lead many sects in the world of cultivation for thousands of years.

Although they don't know the name of the disciple of Xuantian Sect, everyone knows and even knows him.

That person is Linshang.

In the pre-war discussion, Linshang's plan was adopted by Shao Yifei and others. And this plan is carried out with him as the center.

Linshang knew the shortcomings of not being able to use the magic weapon, so he came up with all the monks with the magic weapon to fight with the "combination sect", and he secretly sneaked into the territory of the "combination sect" to attack the monks over there. In this way, whether it distracts the "combination sect" or constantly reduces their number, it will weaken the strength of the "combination sect" and make their "five factions alliance" win.

When this proposal was first put forward, it was immediately dissuaded by the five factions, on the grounds that a single horse had more than 200 monks to destroy it. No matter how high Linshang's cultivation was, she was afraid that she could not resist the attack of the crowd.

However, after Lin Shang's words, although everyone doubted Lin Shang's reason for guaranteeing that he was fine, they still agreed to him. After all, the death of monks is not allowed in this square. Even if Linshang is defeated, they are sure that the "combination sect" on the opposite side dare not kill people.

So, the battle plan proposed by Linshang began to be implemented.

The first step of the battle plan is to attract the attention of the monks of the "combination sect", which has been fully implemented. However, just as Linshang sneaked over and prepared to implement the second step of the battle plan - destruction, he found the magic weapon of "combination sects" mixed with many magic weapons to attack his "five factions alliance". So, the scene just appeared.

Although Linshang's battle plan was disrupted, in general, he still achieved his goal. It not only attracted the attention of the monks of the "combination sect", but also shocked their minds with their strong cultivation and made them stunned on the spot. This is a great opportunity. As long as the people of the "Five Sect Alliance" seize this opportunity and shoot magic weapons to attack the monks of the "combination sect", they will naturally win easily. But unfortunately, the monks of the "Combination Sects" were shocked. At the same time, the people of the "Five Sect Alliance" were also stunned by Lin Zhang's domineering cultivation. Don't do it.

Under such circumstances, Linshang had to appear and prepare to set an example and stun several disciples of the "combination sect" again to remind the "Five Sect Alliance" to launch an attack.

When everyone was still distracted inside and outside the square, Linshang shouted softly, and in the cyan light on her body, she turned into a lightning blue light and shot at the most dense place of the "combination sect".

This time, he did not use the shield made by Tianyuan as a defensive tool, but used his body as an attack weapon.

With Tianyuan's strength-enhancing fist, the sharpness is no less than a top-quality flying sword!

Watching Linshang, who has the strength of Jindan, attack him and others, the monks of the "combination sect" immediately became confused and fled one after another. At this time, the people of the "Five League" also woke up because of Linshang's attack. In more than 150 lights, the magic weapons of the people once again bombarded the monks of the "combination sect".

There are strong enemies in the air, and there are pursuers in front of them. No matter where the monks of the "combination sect" run, they can't escape the attack of the "five factions alliance".

In this dilemma, many monks in the "combination sect" finally couldn't help committing the taboo of the monks when fighting with each other, recalled the magic weapon and turned into a light, and flew back in an instant.

Many monks huddled together, and the originally orderly "combination sect" was completely disrupted. In the case of less than 100 monks left, dozens of monks were soon injured by the "five faction alliance" who were chased by victory, and the huge number of "combination sects" was severely reduced from 220 to 170, comparable to the number of monks of the "five factions alliance".

Seeing this situation, those monks who fled from the battle suddenly flew faster. Looking at their eager faces, they seemed to want to fly to the sky immediately.

However, no matter how large the square of the Shushan School is, it is also limited, not to mention that there is a forbidden existence set up by more than 20 Jindan light men in the air. When those monks fly to a height of 20 feet, the body flying at high speed is immediately blocked by the shield. After several fruitless shocks, the monks were desperate to fly around 20 feet high in the square like headless flies and became the living targets of the "Five Alliance".

At this time, under the fierce offensive of the "Five Sect Alliance", less than 100 "combination sect" monks on the ground were quickly swept away and were immediately carried down by the elders of the Shushan faction.

After a while, there were less than 250 people left in the huge square.

Among them, there are 150 people in the "Five Sect Alliance" and less than 100 people in the "Combination Sect".

The originator of all this is Linshang standing in mid-air at this moment!


The first update.