State Dingji

Chapter 289 Vertical and Horizontal

There is such a saying circulating in the world of cultivation:

Under the spirit, they are all ants.

The meaning of this sentence is very simple, just like literally, which means that all monks under the realm of eclips are ants.

Many people may not like to hear this, but when you think about it, it is true.

Innate virtual elixir, innate real elixir, even in the realm of innate golden elixir, the life expectancy of monks is still very limited. Even if it is much longer than ordinary mortals, it is just a matter of hundreds of years. Although the monks in the realm of God are not really long-term vision, the length of life is what ordinary people dare not and can't imagine.

In the face of ruthless years, they can go a long way.

Corresponding to its long life, the cultivation of the monks in the realm of the divine realm is equally amazing.

According to the cultivation world, a monk who enters the divine realm can destroy a sect of hundreds of monks, even if there are several strong people in the realm of innate golden elixir in that sect.

If according to Linshang's words, if the monk in the realm of the innate golden elixir is equivalent to a conventional intercontinental*, then the realm of being fascinated is a nuclear bomb that makes people change their faces after listening to it!

If you don't move, you can smell it all over the world!

There is such power in the realm of entering the gods alone. How shocking is the realm of entering the gods above?

After thousands of years of staggering, there has been no divine realm for thousands of years. At this time, the number of monks in the divine realm is also very small. If the nine-ding real person of the demon religion is really in the divine realm, isn't the whole cultivation world unstoppable?

In the face of a power that is powerful enough to destroy everything, everything is a floating cloud!

However, after all, the divine realm is only Li Jianfeng's guess, which is not accurate. The Jiuding real person may be just a monk in the divine realm.

If it's really a divine realm, I'm naturally not afraid of him!

He has it, and so do I!

"Guys, after knowing that the demon religion has unified with the name of the leader of the demon religion, Brother Yuwen also asked about some actions of the demon religion from the demon population. I don't know if you are interested in listening to it."

When the people in the hall changed from the initial shock to self-comfort now, Li Jianfeng's voice sounded again in the hall.

Listening to Li Jianfeng's words, it seems that they know some strange behaviors of the Demon Sect, and everyone can't help but be curious. The responsible people turned their heads and looked, but they only saw that the solemn color on Li Jianfeng's face was heavier. At that moment, there was a "cluck" in his heart and he quickly put away his mind.

It is certainly not a trivial matter for the monk who is fascinated by the head of the Shushan School, the head of the five major schools.

Everyone waited for Li Jianfeng to say the behavior of the demon religion, but Li Jianfeng frowned and kept ponder, as if he was thinking about something difficult.

"Since ancient times, demons have been irrecontiguous. His demon religion acts viciously and does not care about the world at all. Naturally, many decent sects can't sit idly by!"

"Yes, Brother Lin, please say it. If there is a place where I wait, I will wait for nothing!"

"For the peace of the real world, I can declare war on the demon religion on behalf of the leader!"


Many monks urged in the crowd.

Hearing someone say this, Li Jianfeng's eyebrows were slightly untied, glanced at the crowd, and said with a serious look, "Listen to the disciple of Cang Limen that the magic religion found traces of the ancient alien beast Donghai Kui cattle in the East China Sea not long ago, and prepared a means to catch the East China Sea Kui cow alive." As he spoke, there was a trace of doubt in his eyes. "Although the East China Sea cow is a great foreign beast in ancient times, the monster has been at odds with me and other monks since ancient times. I really can't figure out what they want to do to catch the East China Sea cow."

Lin Zhang was stunned when he heard the words and slowly frowned.

When Li Jianfeng said just now, Lin Shan vaguely remembered something, but after thinking about it seriously, she found nothing. In desperation, he glanced at Li Jianfeng again, but suddenly found a trace of cunning flashing in Li Jianfeng's eyes. Lin Shan was slightly stunned and then understood that Li Jianfeng couldn't figure out what he said. He didn't know if it might be true what the demon religion wanted to do, but as soon as he said this, he led everyone to think about the conspiracy and tricks of the demons.

If you don't want to say it, guide others to say it. It seems that Uncle Li, as the head of the Shushan School, is indeed not a vegetarian.

I guess someone is going to make a statement soon.

"Brother Li, don't care what the purpose of his demons is. We have been decent and his demons since ancient times. What they want to do, we just don't let them do it!"

"Yes, they want to catch the cattle in the East China Sea, but we can't catch them!"

"The difference between the two brothers is that a gentleman has the beauty of adulthood. It is wrong for us to destroy other people's good deeds like this. However, I think the demon monk caught the East China Sea cow not to deal with my decentness, but to harm the world. I sent everyone to cultivate true enlightenment. Naturally, I can't tolerate the demon demons to do so. We must stop them!"


As Lin Xiang thought, as soon as Li Jianfeng's words fell, the impassioned and passionate words in the crowd sounded endlessly, and everyone said with indignation that they would not sit and watch the movement of the demon religion.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Li Jianfeng's warm and jade-like eyes flashed with a trace of cunning, frowning and saying, "Now a decent alliance exchange conference is being held. Wouldn't it be too reckless for us to pass like this?"

"Brother Li's words are different. Our decent alliance exchange meeting is just temporarily suspended. Just find a time to continue. The actions of demons are important. If they really want to harm the world, I will sit idly by. Isn't it a delusion to my decent predecessors who fought for peace in the real world?"

As soon as Li Jianfeng's voice fell, a voice of opposition suddenly sounded in the crowd.

Linshang tilted her head and saw an old man with white hair and white beard, and his face was so familiar. After thinking about it carefully, I immediately remembered that the man was the arbitration elder when he just competed with Shao Yifei. Thinking that Li Jianfeng did not hesitate to sing with the elders under his family in order to eradicate the demon religion, he laughed.

"Brother Lin, you..." Yu Lianzhou, standing in front of Linshang, quietly turned his head and his eyes were full of doubts.

Lin Shang touched his nose and said with a smile, "Ah, nothing, nothing, don't mind, Brother Yu..."

"... Er" Yu Lianzhou shook his head with a wry smile, turned his head and turned his eyes to Li Jianfeng.

Li Jianfeng seemed to hear Lin Shan's laughter, smiled at Lin Shan without a trace, blinked, and then regained his solemn face, glanced at the crowd, and said indignantly, "Since you all think so, I have decided to postpone the decent alliance exchange meeting without authorization."

"In addition, I have discussed with the leaders of other four factions, and we have unanimously decided to send elite disciples led by five leaders to the East China Sea to destroy the conspiracy of the Demon Sect. What do you think?"

Have you decided on the five decent sects? Want to send elite disciples to the East China Sea? Doesn't that mean that you want to send disciples to attend the decent alliance exchange conference?

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and they all became silent.

It is reasonable that if you want to kill demons and demons, it is most suitable to send elite disciples in the sect, but after all, those who come to participate in the decent alliance exchange conference are the elite disciples in the sect, which is the hope for the future of each sect. If there is any loss, it is not worth the loss.

Seeing this, Li Jianfeng looked straight and said earnestly, "I also know your concerns, but please think about it carefully. What was the purpose of the decent alliance exchange meeting held by my predecessors in the world thousands of years ago?"

What is the purpose of holding a decent alliance exchange conference?

Isn't it just to let the disciples of all factions get to know each other and confirm the development of the decent schools in my real world? Although there is the intention to hone many disciples, although there are many trials, they are all decent disciples in the world of cultivation. They will definitely not really do it during the test. What is the effect of such a training?

Thinking about it, everyone turned their doubtful eyes to Li Jianfeng.

If Li Jianfeng can't say any convincing reason, even if everyone agrees to join the demon-killing team, he will not send all the elite disciples in the door.

Looking at the confusion in everyone's eyes, Li Jianfeng shook his head helplessly and said with a hateful face, "Have you forgotten that the purpose of coming to participate in the decent alliance exchange conference this time is to hone the disciples and let them become talents earlier? Think about it carefully, is there any better way to let them grow up as soon as possible besides killing demons?

Looking at Li Jianfeng's compassionate expression, Linshang couldn't help sighing. As the head of the Shushan School and a leader of the cultivation world, Li Shibo has really done everything to kill demons.

First, sing with the elders in the door and let everyone agree to kill demons. Now, it is even more convincing the people to send the most elite disciples in the door on the grounds that they can't refuse. If they all agree, they will naturally follow, so will it increase the scale of the decent demon-killing team?

What did Master Li do here? The head of the Shushan faction is really aggrieved. If he was in his previous life, how could he be a politician who called for wind and rain?

Linshang thinks so, but no one else thinks so.

In their hearts, although the world of cultivation and the world are the most important, their own sect is equally important. If the elite disciples of their own sect are lost, won't their sect be able to become stronger or even decline in a hundred years or even hundreds of years?

However, what Li Jianfeng said is not completely unreasonable. Although the decent alliance exchange conference is grand in scale, compared with the large-scale battle of killing demons, it is simply a small fight. Is there any other way to make people grow faster than war?

Seeing everyone's heartbeat, Li Jianfeng threw down another heavy bomb. "If you are worried about the safety of your disciples, you can naturally go with them. At the same time, I will also go with the leaders of the other four factions. With many of our highly cultivated monks present, even if the Jiuding real person is really in the realm of deity, I'm afraid he will not please him!"

"You can not only hone the disciples in the door, but also kill demons and do something for me to cultivate the real world and the world. Why don't you do it?"


Er, this chapter is to make up for yesterday. Last night, when I was coding myself, the power suddenly went out. Xiaochen waited for a long time and there was no call. It was too late to go out, so he had to cut off the update. It seems that you can't put it off so late every day in the future. Xiaochen will reflect on it.